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    mae all are we doing?ok I hope..from now on going to put the date in caps ..makes it easier to pick up rather than tr and trawl through all the regurgitated shite that seems to be coming up..just sent a pm to RJ ,to see what is going seems to have slowed right down.we await with baited breath!

    well before we start here we go :H:H

    oh dear ..or as we say in Italy ..oh Dio ..mamma mia!!

    ok on with the show..t and coffee on the go at the mo..sheer poetry!!

    hiya tt are you today? tonight even ..hows the wind down day been?did you do anything over the weekend? far as the email addys go probs with that..there are loads of social media sites too..maybe first thing is to find out if there actually is any control over this site..or is it just cyclic run by the users?

    hiya Lav how are you today then?did you get all the weeds pulled?sounds a bit iffy about the mozzies !!!yep was flag day here yesterday too..not so much waving today!!now shall I put my St Andrews cross flag up?any plans for today then?that is after this cuppa?

    hiya Pauly are you ?well chuffed that your bougie is doing so well..Ive seen another one in a real sorry state in the shop..strange thing is they wont reduce the price ..rather let it die and get no revenue ..whats that all about?

    hiya ppqp ...hows you then?how did your visit go ?all well I hope ..picked up on the spammer threads...good move about the bank withdrawals..nowadays you dont need a shooter and a mask to go robbing ..just a keyboard and some electronic gadgetry...brew time? heres the fountain now ..the light around it are solar and change colour looks ok at night..would you believe its all based around a bucket I dug into the ground and the pump sits in it

    hiya Sam ..glad ole Murph is following you and not me!!!was up at my friends smallholding helping with the goats and pigs yesterday..while I was there,2 ducklings far as the little niggles over al go ..yep reckon we all get them ..its just human nature ..being curious ..I wonder if way of dealing is as you did!!

    hiya Det..hows you mate?there aint no point in feeling sorry done..intersting said finally some exercise in..and yet you got to a bar lotta exercise can be free standing ,and to practice your fencing moves..sure there must be practice moves there too that dont need either a sword or a partner to fight against..suppleness and reflex exercises..just one for the bag for the future what are you up to today?

    right peeps time to go....have a great weekend all.

    A Tibetan astrologer has predicted that England will win the World Cup.

    This is by far the best proof that astrology is bollocks.

    I watched that new show on telly about celebrities and their first memory.

    Jonathon Ross said his first memory was of being in his mother's womb.

    When challenged, he said it was definitely his mother's womb, as he also remembers it was next to the bath womb

    England are to have a new captain next week.

    His name is Roger Smith and he's the pilot for the plane ride home.

    Some people are just like clouds:
    When they go away, it's a beautiful day

    I was walking to my desk this morning when my boss rushed over to me, "You've been late six times this week," he snapped, "Do you know what this means?"

    "Yes," I replied, "It's Saturday."

    'Man in coma after elephant attack'

    Serves him right for trying to attack an elephant.

    My family are doing World Cup themed meals.
    Not looking forward to the South Korea matches.

    My Glaswegian mate has just paid to have all of his teeth replaced.

    ?1500 a tooth.

    It cost him ?3000.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


    Good Sunday morning Abbers & Happy Father's day

    It was a lovely 55 degrees this morning, no humidity to speak of - nice!
    The rest of the week promises to be hot & humid once again, oh well.

    Mick, love the garden water feature! I'll take one :H
    We had a small fish pond at our previous place, I miss that (although I didn't do any of the work to maintain the thing). I'm afraid the grandkids would be all over something like that & have it destroyed in minutes. I am gathering all my troops today & putting some burgers & chicken on the grill later.

    Sam, I think we al have those fleeting thoughts of having a beer or a nice glass of wine - yeah right! Then reality kicks in, we push the thought aside & just go on. I don't think there's any need to over-analyze it - just the nature of the beast I think

    Det, stay busy, stay focused, OK?

    PQ, sorry about your credit card situation
    I was part of the huge group of people involved last Christmas when Target was hacked!!! I had just done some shopping there (in person) when the company announced that all of our credit card & debit card info was in the hands of some hacker somewhere. I had to get a new credit card & took advantage of the free year of Protect my
    Hope it all works out for you without a lot of hassle!

    Hi Pauly, what's going on with you?

    TT, I know I can always find Mick & quite a few other MWO folks on Facebook. Can we get you interested in joining us there?
    I would love to see the spammer issues resolved here, hope something can be worked out. I just do my best to ignore them for now.

    Greetings SL, SF & anyone dropping by today.
    have a great AF Sunday everyone!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:



      Morning all!!
      wow I slept hard, feel like i've been drugged or something. My second cuppa will have to do it.
      Wife's gone to church, time for me to play the devil's instrument!! I actually have a true understanding of why the fiddle is so named... it is the most aggravatingly frustrating addictive thing. Sounds terrible and you can't put it down!!!

      I do hope the spam thing is reined in a bit. Certainly on other sites that are freebies that I belong to, I never seen it like this. I think that it is really too bad for beginners who are just starting. They are seeking help, not junk. Mick, I hope you get a positive response from RJ. BTW, you getting some ducks??

      Have a good one everybody. Hauling hay today. Pretty day for it. Sunny, low humidity!!
      Liberated 5/11/2013


        SUNDAY 15TH JUNE

        MAE ALL....and Happy Father's Day to all you Dads.

        :yay: Right Month, Right Day, Right Number...all's right in my world again. :H

        Just popped on quickly to say :hallo: I'm off to the community centre to set up for the clean up. Will check in later.....PPQP


          SUNDAY 15TH JUNE

          Mae everybody,Mick,that is a pretty little fountaini would like something like that in my yard but right now Louie is obsessed with water and i'm sure it wouldn't fair well haha,if anybody wants to friend me on facebook,just p.m me,that's actually a good idea Lav,i do have a couple of people on there from mwo,one who isn't active here anymore but at least i know she's doing good,making chilli in the crock pot for dinner,its cheap and easy,so thats good,have a good Father's Day everybody
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            SUNDAY 15TH JUNE

            Well now - I actually forgot to sign in yesterday! Woke in the night wondering what I had forgotten!
            Girls were riding in a clinic all day -- I did laundry (clean sheets for my bed - one of my fav treats!), cleaned out garage (not a huge deal as no man toys in there:H), fixed a broken book case, grocery shop and running girls around - completely knackered!
            Today youngest off to Washington and NY, she leaves here late afternoon on red eye - so late breakfast (pancakes TT!), finish packing, then if there is time try and get a movie in so she does not get anxious waiting!
            Posting on phone in bed! Had one cup of tea, time for a second!
            Yes, homemade burgers are great - and BBQ pineapple is lovely (also on skewers with chicken PPQ)
            Glad you got the alerts PPQ - scary and inconvenient!
            I am on fb too and happy to keep contact with my lifeline here - let me know!
            Hope today good to you Sam and Det!
            Hi Pauly
            Mick - I have lion rampart on back window of my car - flying my little flag!
            Ok - off to get second cuppa - have a great day all!
            “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


              SUNDAY 15TH JUNE

              Hi guys, Monday here.
              Thanks for the offer of FaceBook Lav - but one of the reasons I like MWO is that it is Al-related and its part of my support system. I know its easily read on the web but I try to keep a degree of privacy - which I don't have on FB. My contacts on FB include family, friends, work colleagues, researchers etc - and its just a different kind of forum for me. My employers can easily read my profile and while I am not embarrassed with my AL addiction I don't think they need to know some of the finer details. I wouldn't discuss my own personal AL related issues on it - just as I don't discuss my family problems on it. I couldn't just post e.g. "Had a minor craving for wine today" on FB because even if you guys sent me lovely PMs - my other friends might take it as a great joke - while those in the know would think I was back drinking.
              But you may use FB in ways I don't know about! :H

              FB is good for keeping in touch socially - but does not provide me with what I have found on MWO. This is in many ways both more impersonal - and also more personal. In that sense its been our virtual AA.
              Closed groups on FB are not very effective either. This I know from experience.

              I would prefer a different kind of social media network if we were to have to resort to other alternatives.

              Since I am not quite a rat:H here I don't intend to desert this ship - and I hope it gets the rats that are on board - destroyed. I would happily pay a subscription if there was a visible management structure of some sort in place.
              Because of the lack of feedback from RJ - there are all sorts of rumors now floating about on the site. Not good at all - and not supportive.


                SUNDAY 15TH JUNE

                I agree TT - this is the ONLY place I mention drinking or lack of it.
                I have used the messenger aspect of fb to have personal discussions - is this area safe? I chat to a MWO'er and an ex-MWOer there.
                I am also not a rat, and not leaving until I have to - however, I am worried that I may drown if it was to sink, so being able to find a life raft would be comforting at present...hopefully we can keep a virtual AA going!
                “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                  SUNDAY 15TH JUNE

                  RJ has posted

                  Just in case you stick close to home, RJ has posted a thread, looks as if we are not sinking
                  “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                    SUNDAY 15TH JUNE

                    Youngest off on her adventures - just said good night to oldest and as I was leaving he room she said "happy Father's Day" - I sighed not quite knowing how to respond - out if the darkness she then adds "well, you've bend somewhat of a father figure to me too" - oh my, and the tears have started!!
                    So glad that I am turning into a parent to be proud of - a sober one!!!
                    Night all:l
                    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                      SUNDAY 15TH JUNE

                      SL - thats really sweet. You deserve this and in time your daughter will have learned a lot of positives about parenting for when her time (many years away!!) may come to be a parent.

