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    HOORAY MANAGED TO GET ON EVENTUALLY mae all and how are we today then?ok I hope well thats it ..start of another week ..manic over here is lovely ..only trouble is it brings the midgies with it because of the damp.lot of angst on here last couple of days with regards to the future of the website the letter that SL wouldnt do any harm to add a comment afterwards ..just to show RJ and others just exactly the depth of feeling about this site..ok dokey then ..orf we go.

    t n coffee..on the go now for all interested..

    morning Lav are you today then?ok was the weekend then?I was kid watching too ...only they were goats! up at my mates farm,..quite a few people have mentioned that fountain I did..about 3 or 4 people that have seen it, ..usual comments arent you clever etc ..nope just tight!!:H..the whole lot probably cost me about ?30 all in..pump,lights..the water reservoir is actually a sheep feed bucket..hardest part is finding a power source...anyway I digress ..brew time want one I hear you say? yeh right

    morning Sam are you today then?ok ..nope not getting the mo..never know what the future holds the fiddle is the divils instrument?I always thought it was the porridge guns!!what are you up to today then?

    morning lost me with right time right place etc were gonna check back ,but fta d how was your day?was trying to work out your quit date ..have I missed something here?you being the boss again today?in the case ..heres your brew madam!!

    hiya Pauly how are you today then ok I hope....guess what little bougie plant has got purple flowers ..and the white centres have now opened up ..looks ace ..there are little buds on it too..trouble is ..patience isnt one of my greatest strengths,and I want a full grown bush now!!hows yours doing

    hiya are you doing then ?ok ..good..glad youve got the wee jockanese flag on the back of your motor.That was really sweet of your to agree with both you and tt..fb is a good social platform...but not a place where you could go into depth in "plainspeak"as you do here..yes I am in touch with a couple of people on fb that are on this site, but not so sure I would want or indeed would they want personal issues like that broadcast all over a media site!!..but hey it aint gonna come to that..we can work thru it..pretty sure if we can mangage to sack the falling down juice..this aint gonna be an issue!!

    hiy tt and how are you today then?..ooops tonight!had a good day?hows the teenage issues since you got back?all ok now..Julie went up to see Amy yesterday...she is now ensconced in her new abode complete with boyfriend Julies words they seem like an old married couple..great..hope he is into diy!! cos she is just like her mother .you want it done when?now...oh and perfectly too :H

    right peeps //time to luv ya n leave ya ..have a great day..and chin up everyone ..we never close

    Officials in the city of Los Angeles have said that if the Kings win the Stanley Cup, there are currently no plans for a public celebration. Not to worry though, Lakers fans have offered to riot on their behalf.

    "Casey Kasem, voice of Shaggy in Scooby Doo, dies on Father's Day at 82"

    I wonder if they'll blame this on the rest of those pesky kids?

    I overheard my wife telling our son that she would take on a grizzly bear to protect him, even tho she knew she'd lose.
    Does anyone know where a grizzly bear can be purchased? ..I'm asking for a friend

    The best thing about working at my local zoo is that I can make lots of money. I trained all the Meerkat's to sell insurance to visitors.

    The FA have announced a three-way joint shirt sponsorship deal with an oil company, a designer clothing brand and a parcel delivery firm.

    The shirt sponsor logos will read


    I'd personally hate to be from ........ (put your own place in here!)

    I don't know who I'd send my Father's Day card to, my brother or uncle.

    The new Star Wars film will feature a new fat robot to star alongside R2D2 and C3P0, he will be called OBCT.

    I'm the kind of person that doesn't like to let people down.

    Hence my sacking as winch operator on a rescue helicopter

    Since my mid-life crisis began, I've bought a convertible.

    Nothing makes you feel young again quite like tearing up the road with the top down and the wind in your... erm... never mind.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


    Hiya all,
    Just to say a big Hi to everyone on this thread!!
    The last 6 months I've been on and off the rails, sometimes drinking, sometimes not. As we all know, completely exhausting....
    I finally realised that although I could always quit for 2 days, 2 weeks or 1 month, I could never get beyond that. After listening to that podcast on the Bubble Hour, it seems I wasn't giving it enough time to see many benefits.
    Anyway, im now going to give it much more time!!
    Hope everyone is doing well



      hiya mate ..long time ...welcome ..jump in...think thats the trouble ...we get a little bit too clever for ourselves and think hey this is a dawdle ..Ive got it beat probs then suddenly bqang back to square 1 ..or worse ..heard tell of people who have quit and gone back to it end up drinking more!!anyway by the by ..glad to see you here :goodjob:
      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


        MONDAY 16TH JUNE

        Good morning Abbers,

        Had a long day with the family yesterday but it was fun. We ended up with a bonfire last night, the kids were thrilled. What is it about fire that intrigues everyone so? :H
        The June bugs, aka fireflies, aka lightning bugs made an appearance last evening too so the kids were excited chasing & catching them too. Free entertainment - why not? :H

        Extra coffee for me this morning Mick, thanks
        So, do you speak goat language? They always have an intense look in their eyes, kind of scares me a bit!!!!
        I saw RJ's update & am glad to see she is aware of the issues with the website. I imagine the cost of keeping this thing going is a problem but hope it can be worked out.
        Anyone wanting to find me on Facebook - just give me the word. I
        did find SL on Facebook last night - Yay!!!

        Greetings to TT, PQ, Pauly, Det, Sam the fiddler, SL, Sf & everyone.
        Have a great AF Monday everyone, please

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          MONDAY 16TH JUNE

          Mae everybody,had a good day with all the kids yesterday,happy to say they devoured the chilli i made so no leftovers woo-hoo! i'm so used to cooking for 4 kids all these years i always cook so much food and it mostly goes to waste,regarding fb,i don't speak of al on there,or my problems with it,i just sort of felt like you guys have become my friends in these past two years,if anything were to happen to this site i would hate not to have contact with you guys,but i respect your privacy and feelings on the matter,youngest daughter wants me to ride to Sedona with them from Thurs-Sun,while i kind of want to go,i can't afford the time off work,and i dont want to leave hubs,son,dog for that many days,i know a getaway would be nice but i don't know if i can swing it,or if i even want to,however she's getting all offended and sad thinking i don't want to spend time with her,poor thing,anyways hope we all have a good Mondayi'll be pm'ing you Lav
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            MONDAY 16TH JUNE

            MAE ALL....

            Sorry for the confusion Mick. It was just that the title of the thread you started was correct in every way. Instead of Saturday's Feb 14th and the reoccurring "old" threads. It was a long day yesterday with the cleanup and the electronic recycling truck was a no show so there's a pile of electronics in the parking lot, currently getting poured on. :H From there went to play cards with friends and by the time I got home I just hit the hay. I agree about a post on RJ's thread I will get on that.

            Hi Pat....good to see you. I have found this thread helps me stay accountable so pull up a seat and join us.

            Lav...sounds like you had a wonderful father's day. For now I'm keeping facebook and MWO separate but it's nice to know the offer's out there.

            Pauly...I hate dealing with leftovers too. Glad you had a good day and just remember to do what's right for you.

            Well time to figure out what to wear as it's pouring with rain this morning. The real boss is taking me and "Attila the accountant" out for lunch. Little anxious as I think he's going to address the issues I've been having with her. Maybe it's best to get things sorted so we can get on with our jobs. Have a great AF Monday all and all to come....PPQP

            ps. Mick my quit date is Aug 15. It used to be before your's till I had my slip so now I'm right behind you.


              MONDAY 16TH JUNE

              Morning all!!
              not a bad day yesterday: got half my hay hauled, (love xing that 4 lane highway with tractor/wagon), took a look see at my bees, got on line and bitched about spammers, and ran the rest of my cows thru the chute. For some reason I feel a little sore today. Got clutch leg from tractor.
              Pauly, I have a FB page but never really use it, probably cause I don't quite understand it. Mostly to see family goings on.

              I saw the post from RJ as well. I also saw several posts from other folks here, one in particular suggested it is so easy to get membership here, that no email verification is required. I found that interesting, how hard can be to require that. Anyway, the truth of the matter for me is this site has been a tremendous help and I hate to see it go by the wayside, yet in RJ's message I got the sense that is very busy and possibly does not have time. I don't know the history of the workings of the site, I do know that it has helped quite a number of people, for that I'm grateful. Mick, good idea of replying to RJ's post.

              Welcome back Patrice. I've seen your posts from time to time, hope things are looking up for you.

              Mick; Goats and ducks, sounds like a misplaced rock band! Lav, I used to have dairy goats 30 years ago. They were fun but the dickens to keep fenced, and they like high places, namely the roof of your car!

              How do SL, SF, Det, TT, PQ, and other dear friends? Have a good one...
              Liberated 5/11/2013


                MONDAY 16TH JUNE

                Goats are cool though cuz they'll eat ANYTHING,i once saw one eat a soda can,eeks! did any of you see the video on youtube of the depressed goat who perked up when he was reunited with his donkey friend?oh it made me tear up
                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                  MONDAY 16TH JUNE

                  Hi all - getting photos and texts from my youngest - they landed after the red eye flight and aleardy well into the sight seeing - no way I could keep up! Oldest sadly off to summer school - hope she realises.....
                  Hi new fb friends Lav and Pauly - yep, keep my sites for totally differnet reasons, but you guys know more about me than most of my friends - probably all of them, so it is nice to become more connected - and I don't want to lose you. Inspite of RJ's message the site does seem wobbly, so we can resurrect a group if push comes to shove.
                  Hmm - bunnies, ducks, chickens, goats - sounds like a group of animal lovers rather than drinking problems - Pat, this is a great group to show there is really a life without drink!
                  On call starting now again...boss is out of town though and that lets me feel so much easier.
                  Really enjoying time with my girls, and I know they are younger Pauly - but will never get that back again - no way you can manage to go with her?? Look at what you would have spent on drink???
                  Love bonfires Lav - sounds like a lot of fun was had!
                  Say hi to the bees Sam - had toast and honey for breakfast - my daughters favourite!
                  Hi PPQ and TT.
                  Det - hope all is good...
                  “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                    MONDAY 16TH JUNE

                    It's 90 degrees, humid & pretty much gross here today
                    I keep heading outside, wanting to do stuff but end up coming right back into the AC.

                    Patrice, I neglected to say hello & welcome back to you this morning!
                    Glad to see you, stick around

                    A lot of people have goats around here, cute but a bit too freaky for me :H
                    I'm much better off with the chickens Sam.

                    SL, I'm sure the kids are feeling the heat & humidity in DC. Hope they enjoy their trip,

                    Pauly, I'm going to find you on FB right now.
                    PQ, if you change your mind, just let me know
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      MONDAY 16TH JUNE

                      Quick hello - I may not be posting much in the next few days as I have a sudden new deadline for something that must be turned in by Saturday and its going to take a lot of concentration and time. But it will be worth it on the end I hope!
                      Otherwise all well - teenage daughter is fine Mick - thanks for asking.

                      Lav and others - as for goats - ask away - my sister has a goat farm. I don't find them cute or scary - just a lot of work when you keep them on a farm. If being used for milk - they require a lot of maintenance, milking etc - not a romantic rural situation at all. They also must be fenced carefully as they will get out and eat anything. I am surprised my sister's marriage survived so long with all the arguments she and her husband had over the goats. And then she got too closely attached to them - so had this big herd of quality goats - but too hard to care for. She still has a few.

                      Tuesday here already but I will let Mick start the thread with his usual aplomb!:H

                      Enjoy the rest of your Monday - I see its getting very hot over your way in the strange part of the world


                        MONDAY 16TH JUNE

                        welcome back Patrice!!
                        Cold here but not icy this week. Relatively mild for winter this far south


                          MONDAY 16TH JUNE

                          Aww TT,hopefully you can still check in from time to time,just to say hi at leastso tired,today was pretty busy,had to tell Bobbi that i won't be able to go to AZ,she's upset,makes me upset but i just have every bill in the world due this week,it sucks,but just life i guess,windy again today luckily allergies aren't kicking up-yet,have a good rest of whatever day it is peeps
                          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                            MONDAY 16TH JUNE

                            TT, you are quite right about dairy goats, 2X a day milking, just like any dairy animal. Mine all got killed by neighborhood dogs. There was an old lady up the road from me at the time and she had a pile of them. Anyway I helped her skin them and I tanned the hides, got impatient (as a 24 year old will) and threw them in a dryer. The result was goat skin napkins. They shrunk to next to nothing. That was the end of my goat escapade. My wife at the time and I divorced a year or 2 later, but not because of the goats, at least I don't think so... now you got me wondering... just kidding...
                            Liberated 5/11/2013


                              MONDAY 16TH JUNE

                              Happy un-hung monday ABeroooos!

                              whew, off to a stressful week and taking off again tomorrow but I'm NOT going to let my bosses stress me to pieces. not not not happening. so there.

                              Mick, thanks for the nice kickstart as always. yah, been missing ALL my fencing classes but forcing myself to do some traditional exercise out of sheer need (so important for the ol brain).

                              Patrice, good to see you again!

                              one thing that's cheering me up is I'm actively poking around for a new job. I think I'd be happier shoveling manure than all this road time.

                              Sam, slinging bales of hay is a huge workout! don't envy you mate

                              Lav, TTops, Pauly, PPQ, and all I'm forgetting (so sorry)

                              zooming off to pack

                              be well
                              nosce te ipsum
                              (Know Thyself)

