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    Hiya all...just managed to get on here now ..didnt think I.en trying since 6am ..but just came back with database error! here we go before it goes pear shaped again tea and coffee on the go.

    hiya are you today..thanks for taking the message for me on fb..really was struggling this morning!!so big brew time for you!!hey good idea with the fireflies ...sure you must have jock money saving blood in you!!nope dont speak goat language..but get on well with the young goats ..pretty good at kidology :H..did you get anything done yesterday or did the heat beat you?

    hiya Pauly are you today then?ok I hope ..go on go for it ..get yourself off to Sedona for a wee you good mate!!!

    hiya Ppqp...well how did you get on at the lunch with Atila then?were the issues addressed by your boss? hope so..but moreso ..did you have a good lunch ...(at his expense ) keep smiling and have a great dont need the booze...but hey you dont need me to tell you that!!as well as the fact as soon as you put up here about it aint gonna happen!!

    hiya are you today then? ok I hope ..still making hay while the sun shines?
    noticed on the RJ post as well..someone making comments in respect of subscriptions...yes with regards to the goats they do tend to be a bit mad!!!will see if I can get some pics ..tho
    I guess you konw what goats look like!!take it easy and rest that leg

    hi SL ....How are you this fine day all ok I hope?hope you have a quiet on call.

    hi SF..hows you then?ok I hope.. you and me both ..dont like the bugs..either on the puter..or the bl..dy midgies biting like mad!!

    hi Det are you doing mate?all good ..hows the job front going?hope you are successful...didnt realise that you were so hacked off..mind you ..dont think I would be that impressed with all that travelling..good luck in your quest.

    hiya tt ..more work youre just back from a tight schedule...appreciate that you have got to work ..but dont burn yourself into the ground...

    right peeps ..will get this on before it all goes pear have a good day

    heres the fathers day card Amy ot me....her words ..saw it and thought of you!

    My car doesn't have a passenger airbag but don't worry, if we get in an accident all the McDonalds napkins in the glove box will cushion you.

    Knock, knock...

    Who's there?


    Europe Who?

    No you'er a poo!

    Scientists who were against genetic engineering have managed to cross a seagull with a sheep, which is a massive ewe tern.

    The best thing about this Nigeria game is I am not getting spam emails from there whilst they watch it.

    I was at at party at the weekend when a guy came up to me and said "I'm all out of anesthetics, mind if I have some of yours?".

    "Sure" I said ....... "knock yourself out".

    What do you get when the health service slashes the crutch budget for dwarfs?

    Short falls.

    Roy Hodgson has said that England's World Cup campaign will 'take off' after the group stages.

    And land seven hours later, at Heathrow.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


    oops apologies for the wrong date!!!!!!!!!managed to get on...

    here is a cracker for Irn Bru !!![/video]]Home from Irn-Bru - YouTube

    and another belter!!! teach yersel Scottish!!![/video]]Hilarious Fiery Irn Bru TV Advert - YouTube
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12



      Hi I started another thread but let's just use this one for Tuesday.
      Doesn't look like the website has had much technical cleaning up does it. I have just watched Greys anatomy which was fun.
      Off to bed now.



        Good morning Abbers,

        Glad to see you were finally able to get on MWO Mick!
        Not sure how long this poor website is going to hold up but while it's still here we may as well post away
        Thanks for the coffee & I will watch the youtube language videos when I am fully awake :H
        Looks like Amy found the perfect card for you

        Greetings TT!
        Hope you get thru your busy week with ease!

        Greetings PQ, Sam, Pauly, SL, SF, Det & everyone dropping by today.
        I am on a mission to clear out excess stuff from closets, donate what I can & throw out the rest.
        Heat & humidity are building this week, not my favorite weather. I will be on kid watch Wednesday morning - oh boy :H

        Wishing everyone a great AF Tuesday!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          TUESDAY 18TH JUNE

          morning all... wow the spammers were busy last night/morning. I wish I could understand the why behind it, but even when it is explained, I don't get it. Must be my brain spam.

          Mick, like your card, believe me there are times....

          morning Lav, enjoy your cleaning!

          not sure what time of day it is for you TT, but howdy all the same. Hope your project is going well.

          Walking a mountain today with our client. It's going to be a hot one. Some pretty spectacular lightning last night. Glad it was off in the distance and not right over us! Though we got no storm, lost power for awhile.
          Well off to the hills. hello to all good friends!
          Liberated 5/11/2013


            TUESDAY 18TH JUNE

            Mae everybody,haha Mick,that card is awesome! trip to Sedona has been postponed until Sept,thank goodness,i'm sure i won't be in such a bind then,they are going to Portland on the 25th anyways so they still will have fun,i'm so groggy this morn,i let Winslow out at like 3:30 and all he did was bark,bark,bark! so i couldn't fall back asleep,until of course it was time to get up i started dozing,,so coffee please! Det,i think a new job would be great for you,me too,yeah this spam is not only annoying it's weird,it makes no sense,it's either in chinese or some other weird language and its all gobblygook,i dont get it,hope everybody has a good Tuesday
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              TUESDAY 18TH JUNE

              Slow day at work,which sux cuz Kell was with me filling in for my friend,i wanted her to make some money,oh well,just had a cup of coffee to wake me up to get through the afternoon,now i feel jittery,eeks! im sure after i eat something i'll feel better,hope everyone is having a good day
              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                TUESDAY 18TH JUNE

                hey ho - here I am...all good here - Washington trip going well, Summer school - well ....going
                Sam - glad I'm not the only one - do not understand spamming!
                Nothing really to report - got to go water tomatoes and herbs....
                The Washington folks forgot remind re timechange - got happy texts at 5:30 this am - oh well, just glad she is happy....
                Really not much to say - so off I better go...
                Hi to Lav, Mick, TT, Pauly, Det and PPQ - thannks for being here and chatting daily:l
                “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                  TUESDAY 18TH JUNE

                  MAE ALL...

                  TT...thanks for the pm but everything is just fine. Just got feeling a little overwhelmed and wasn't happy with the outcome of the lunch meeting. The boss is one of those who figures everyone should work things out for themselves but sometimes direction from the top is needed. Oh well...I've decided to change the way I react to "Attila" and that seems to work for me. I guess that's one of the lessons I've learned here.

         are so right! The minute I posted my feelings the thought of AL vanished. I really think it's a matter of distracting yourself and I like distracting myself with my MWO friends. The Father's day card was bang on for you.

                  Lav...hope you had success with your mission.

                  Sam...hope the mountain trek went well. There sure is some crazy weather right now. Twin tornado touchdowned in Nebraska, never seen that before. We're back on flood watch just south of Calgary. Hope the forecasts stay true.

                  Pauly...well things do work out don't they. Hope you're able to go in September.

                  SL...thanks for the P really helped me come to the decision that it's me who has to make the change on how I react. What goes around comes around eh? Those are the best posts....nothing really to sound so content.

                  Just home from work now as THE BOSS screwed up again and no bartender showed up for a function this afternoon. I think things are going to have to be addressed with the board but I'm not ready to start that conversation.

                  Have a peaceful evening all and a good day TT...........PPQP


                    TUESDAY 18TH JUNE

                    Glad you are well PPQP and it always helps to share those AL twitchy thoughts with us - even if it's not overwhelming.
                    This spam seems malicious as it's not out to sell anything. It could be an effort to sabotage the website but that might be an exaggeration. Dint want to spread rumours.
                    Maybe it's sort of self generating now but since I don't write Spam programmes I don't know.

                    I hope MWO is still getting new members although it's hard to tell these days. Maybe people are now turning to the other options on the web (that is newcomers to breaking Away from AL).
                    I often wonder what happened to some of our old regulars too.
                    Ok back to my hair pulling tasks at hand.


                      TUESDAY 18TH JUNE

                      That's what i was thinking TT,the spam seems robotic or something,i wonder about the old regulars too,Catbuddy,Cinders etc
                      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                        TUESDAY 18TH JUNE

                        ahoy ABsterooonies!!

                        greetings from a hotel somewhere near Sacramento. AF and much more relaxed and calm today. whew!
                        I was really getting upset about work again yesterday. Really need to work on my 'self care' as DX puts it. and she's right. going to bed early to night and listen to hypno.

                        PPQ, i can totally relate about boss problems! we can't let the buttheads get us down in the dumps, they are not worthy.

                        Sam, a mountain hike sounds glorious

                        this is going to be a most grueling work week but next week i'm actually HOME all week for once in 8 weeks. whew! and.... yay!

                        Pauly, if I let me blood glucose drop to the point I'm jittery it's a big warning sign to me, and makes AL cravings a lot more likely. keep healthy snacks around!

                        and I've officially ruled that carrot cake is a vegetable. so there!

                        be well loves
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)

