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    Mae all ...and how are we today then?ok I hope ..managed to get on here fairly easily this morning...despite all the spamming yesterday.guess that must put a lot of people off thinking about joining the net...some interesting conversations about subscriptions to pick outlaws up from the airport after..I hate going there without getting on a plane!!

    well here we go on with the show at the mo....tea and coffee on the go too...did anyone watch the Irn bru adverts?

    hiya tt are you today then ?hows the work going? you watching Greys anatomy the way..who is Grey :H

    morning are you today then?ok I hope...get this big coffee will feel lots heres an interesting article...

    Researchers Create Biofuel out of Used Coffee Grounds

    so soon you will be able to either go to work or sit at home and drink the fuel !!

    get some for the kid watching today!!!!!

    hiya Sam and how are you today then?all well did you enjoy your climb up the mountain?

    hiya Pauly ...hows you today then?ok the trip has been postponed..give you time to get it together before you DO go checked my bougie...doing really well..its got little whie flowers bang in the centre of the purple..oh and here you to go.

    as far as spamming goes..this is what its all about....

    According to the Internet Society and other sources, the term spam is derived from the 1970 Spam sketch of the BBC television comedy series Monty Python's Flying Circus.The sketch is set in a cafe where nearly every item on the menu includes Spam canned luncheon meat. As the waiter recites the Spam-filled menu, a chorus of Viking patrons drowns out all conversations with a song repeating "Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam... lovely Spam! wonderful Spam!", hence "Spamming" the dialogueThe excessive amount of Spam mentioned in the sketch is a reference to the preponderance of imported canned meat products in the United Kingdom, particularly a brand of tinned pork and ham (SPAM) from the USA, in the years after World War II, as the country struggled to rebuild its agricultural base. Spam captured a large slice of the British market within lower economic classes and became a byword among British children of the 1960s[citation needed] for low-grade fodder due to its commonality, monotonous taste and cheap price ? hence the humour of the Python sketch.

    In the 1980s the term was adopted to describe certain abusive users who frequented BBSs and MUDs, who would repeat "Spam" a huge number of times to scroll other users' text off the screen.In early chat rooms services like PeopleLink and the early days of Online America (later known as America Online or AOL), they actually flooded the screen with quotes from the Monty Python Spam sketch. With internet connections over phone lines, typically running at 1200 or even 300 bit/s, it could take an enormous amount of time for a spammy logo, drawn in ASCII art to scroll to completion on a viewer's terminal. Sending an irritating, large, meaningless block of text in this way was called spamming. This was used as a tactic by insiders of a group that wanted to drive newcomers out of the room so the usual conversation could continue. It was also used to prevent members of rival groups from chatting?for instance, Star Wars fans often invaded Star Trek chat rooms, filling the space with blocks of text until the Star Trek fans left. This act, previously called flooding or trashing, came to be known as spamming. The term was soon applied to a large amount of text broadcast by many users.

    It later came to be used on Usenet to mean excessive multiple posting?the repeated posting of the same message. The unwanted message would appear in many if not all newsgroups, just as Spam appeared in nearly all the menu items in the Monty Python sketch. The first usage of this sense was by Joel Furr in the aftermath of the ARMM incident of March 31, 1993, in which a piece of experimental software released dozens of recursive messages onto the news.admin.policy newsgroup. This use had also become established?to spam Usenet was flooding newsgroups with junk messages. The word was also attributed to the flood of "Make Money Fast" messages that clogged many newsgroups during the 1990s. In 1998, the New Oxford Dictionary of English, which had previously only defined "spam" in relation to the trademarked food product, added a second definition to its entry for "spam": "Irrelevant or inappropriate messages sent on the Internet to a large number of newsgroups or users."

    There was also an effort to differentiate between types of newsgroup spam. Messages which were crossposted to too many newsgroups at once - as opposed to those that were posted too frequently - were called velveeta (after a cheese product). But this term didn't persist.

    Earliest documented spam (although the term had not yet been coined was a message advertising the availability of a new model of Digital Equipment Corporation computers sent by Gary Thuerk to 393 recipients on ARPANET in 1978. Rather than send a separate message to each person, which was the standard practice at the time, he had an assistant, Carl Gartley, write a single mass e-mail. Reaction from the net community was fiercely negative, but the spam did generate some sales.

    Spamming had been practiced as a prank by participants in multi-user dungeon games, to fill their rivals' accounts with unwanted electronic junk.The first known electronic chain letter, titled Make Money Fast, was released in 1988.

    The first major commercial spam incident started on March 5, 1994, when a husband and wife team of lawyers, Laurence Canter and Martha Siegel, began using bulk Usenet posting to advertise immigration law services. The incident was commonly termed the "Green Card spam", after the subject line of the postings. Defiant in the face of widespread condemnation, the attorneys claimed their detractors were hypocrites or "zealouts", claimed they had a free speech right to send unwanted commercial messages, and labeled their opponents "anti-commerce radicals." The couple wrote a controversial book entitled How to Make a Fortune on the Information Superhighway.

    Within a few years, the focus of spamming (and anti-spam efforts) moved chiefly to e-mail, where it remains today. Arguably, the aggressive email spamming by a number of high-profile spammers such as Sanford Wallace of Cyber Promotions in the mid-to-late 1990s contributed to making spam predominantly an email phenomenon in the public mind.[citation needed] By 2009, the majority of spam sent around the world was in the English language; spammers began using automatic translation services to send spam in other languages.
    so there you go...personally I love spam!!!!

    Hey ho sound really chipper...good for you...all sounds well in your wureld today ..and thank you too for chatting!!hope your on call was quiet.

    hiya ppqp...glad all is well..hmm is he a manager..or just a more senior person??management by abdication !!anyway she is a work colleague not your bosom buddy so smile sweetly and crack on have this coffee to see you thru

    hiya ok?you know out of your whole post there is one piece that sticks out....I am home and that for me is the key ..thats why you go dragging yourself all over the enjoy home..not the other way around!!watched that sons of guns proggy again last night series its getting interesting!!

    right good people of spamalot..exit stage left for me so will be orf now...have a good day all

    I've decided never to buy anything off the Internet again, after getting conned last week.

    I ordered what was supposed to be the world's largest cardboard box, but the one it came in was bigger.

    If the Scottish fail to gain independence, maybe the UK should show its unity by creating a new country, to replace England and Scotland.
    As a symbol of collaboration between these nations, this new country should combine the first three letters of England and the last four letters of Scotland.

    I don't know why in horror movies the people go into the dark house and say "hello" as if they're expecting the killer to respond "yeah I'm in the kitchen, want a sandwich?"

    I tried to download some Kenny Loggins. But it kept asking me for Kenny Passwords.

    My Great Aunt Gracie died last week. She always used to go on about the lovely American GIs that were stationed over here during the war.

    We never really understood "how popular " she was until the US Army rang today and said she qualifies for a military funeral with full honours and a Flypast.

    My boss called me this morning.

    "I can't believe that you're at the driving range practising your golf swing," he said, "You should be in the office!"

    "Fair enough," I replied, "But what happens if I smash a window?"

    True Story: Overheard two elderly ladies discussing their sex lives. 'Do you still sleep with your husband? 'No way, I don't even sleep with my teeth'

    A proud and confident genius makes a bet with an idiot. The genius says, "Hey idiot, every question I ask you that you don't know the answer, you have to give me $5. And if you ask me a question and I can't answer yours I will give you $5,000." The idiot says, "Okay." The genius then asks, "How many continents are there in the world?" The idiot doesn't know and hands over the $5. The idiot says, "Now me ask: what animal stands with two legs but sleeps with three?" The genius tries and searches very hard for the answer but gives up and hands over the $5000. The genius says, "Dang it, I lost. By the way, what was the answer to your question?" The idiot hands over $5.

    A bear walks into a bar. He says, "I'll have a gin... ... ... ... and tonic." The bartender says, "Sure, but what about the big pause?" The bear says, "I was born with them."

    A blonde woman decides that she is sick and tired of all the blonde jokes and how all blondes are perceived as stupid, so she decides to show her husband that blondes really are smart. While her husband is off at work, she decides that she is going to paint a couple of rooms in the house. The next day, right after her husband leaves for work, she gets down to the task at hand. Her husband arrives home at 5:30 and smells the distinctive smell of paint. He walks into the living room and finds his wife lying on the floor in a pool of sweat. He notices that she is wearing a ski jacket and a fur coat at the same time. He goes over and asks her if she is OK. She replies yes. He asks what she is doing. She replies that she wanted to prove to him that not all blonde women are dumb and she wanted to do it by painting the house. He then asks her why she has a ski jacket over her fur coat. She replies that she was reading the directions on the paint can and they said, "For best results, put on two coats."

    Q: What time is it when a elephant sits on a fence?
    A: Time to fix the fence.

    What goes all the way around a baseball field but never moves?
    The fence
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


    Hi there fellow spam eaters :H - looks like we get to eat it even if we are vegos.
    Picking up people from the airport ain't fun Mick - especially when the traffic is congested and finding a park is a hassle. Probably though Heathrow is the world's worst from a picking up perspective.
    Everyone else enjoy your chores and your day too. I will be staring at the computer screen tonight (for work). Tempting to browse but I try not to.

    Catch you later


      WED 18TH JUNE

      now this is spam!!!!!

      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


        WED 18TH JUNE

        funny how on this thread we pick up a theme and run with it.:H

        I predict a whole of spam jokes from the others when they wake up!

        I cooked fresh fish tonight - lightly pan fried with garlic - simple but yummy. Had it with salad and the vultures had rice as well.

        are you following the footie Mick?


          WED 18TH JUNE

          tt........eeermmm not really favourite teams so far are Italy,Uruguay and Costa Rica..its just sheer coincidence that they were all drawn against England!!!!:H:H:H
          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


            WED 18TH JUNE

            Good morning Abbers,

            Happy Hump day to each & every one of you

            I've been wondering if I could do something with all the coffee grounds Mick :H
            Thanks for the idea. I'm going to need a lot today to keep up with the kids. It's going to have to be iced coffee later - going up to 96 degrees today - HOT!

            Greetings TT, hope your work goes well!
            Det, same to you & stay on the positive side
            PQ, I hope things settle down for you as well. My last boss was a real micromanager who produced no work whatsoever. She took credit for all of my work
            Greetings Pauly, SL, SF, Sam & everyone.

            I will fill the kiddy pool for the boys today but I'm not thrilled about sitting out in this heat with them.
            Hoping for a nice thunder storm to clear things up a bit :H

            Have a great AF Wednesday everyone!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              WED 18TH JUNE

              hello all
              dang, somebody turned up the thermostat. It done got hot!

              So Mick, it is Monty Python's fault we're getting all this spam!

              Just think TT, you could have substituted your fish with spam!

              Morning Lav, hope you survive the heat, maybe jump in the pool as well.

              Hike yesterday was a nice warm one, lots of ticks, my most unfavorite part of summer, that and chiggers.

              Hope everybody is well.
              Liberated 5/11/2013


                WED 18TH JUNE

                Mae everybody,TT,that fish sounds so good! we hardly ever eat fish,i'm very picky about fish,only mild tasting ones like halibut,i hate salmon,which my family thinks i'm weird,i hate lobster too(weird)and i defo hate spam! i hadn't had it since i was a kid so i bought a can a couple years ago,fried it up and yuck! not for me,Mick,my bougie is rockin! getting all lush again,also i forgot to tell you we had planted a little strawberry plant a few months back,finally got one single little berry the other day it was tiny but red so me and Kell split it,it was good i wish more would grow,hello to everybody,lets have a good Wednesday
                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                  WED 18TH JUNE

                  I was scrolling and came upon yesterday's thread and Det,you are absolutely right about the blood sugar thing,if i go too long without eating i feel like i'm going crazy! many times i've felt like climbing the walls at a restaraunt if the food is taking too long,good advice therei forgot to tell you guys yesterday after work i colored my hair,supposed to be dark auburn,it's practically black! i feel like a member of KISS hahaha,have a good 'un
                  I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                  I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                  Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                    WED 18TH JUNE

                    :hallo: ALL....

                    I'm tongue tied....about 2pm a huge bouquet of Irises and Roses appeared at work. The card read "Thanks for being you". The boss came out and said I just wanted to say thanks for everything you do for me. WOW. Should have taken a pic but will get one tomorrow.

                    Even before the flowers arrived I couldn't believe how much calmer and happier I was at work today. It really is possible to change your thinking in all aspects of our lives.

                    Just home from work and am soaked to the bone. It's POURING out there but no flood warnings. Off to get dried off, PJ's on and then read the rest of the thread. Have a peaceful evening all......PPQP


                      WED 18TH JUNE

                      Hi - good day but came home to seeing a teenage boy trying to sneak out of front door - he had all his clothes on nice and tidy, and girl #1 said they were working on homework - tend to think she is right, but why did she have to sneak!!! So one of those long chats
                      PPQ - glad the P's helped, they have helped me a ton in days past - content huh? You are probably right - I do feel fairly even keeled
                      Just read this post - PPQ!! Do you think he read yesterdays one - about going to the board! Flowers are great, but help at work would be the best!!
                      TT - fish sounds great - we are trying to eat fish once a week - love it and the girls do too - I just forget to get it! I only like it fresh, that means I have to be organised to buy, prepare and cook on same day!!
                      Spam .....isn't there a song too???
                      Lav and Sam - hope you aren't melting!
                      Det - stay strong and so agree - self care is tantamount to success - tend to think that most of us here are better at helping others than oursleves and that maybe what is wrong - got to get better at that for sure.
                      Hi Mick - is it a visit from the outlaws or just a favour? Hope you survived it!
                      OK - was het up about the boy thing, posting here has lowered my BP, so off to get "stuff" done....
                      “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                        WED 18TH JUNE

                        PPQ - there isn't a thingy for content for my mood...was going to change it - was thinking I have been optomistic for a long while and it is time to change it up a bit - gone with mellow - that work??? (shame I can't share Det's mood!! - not with him, for me :H:H)
                        “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                          WED 18TH JUNE

                          SL. Teenagers and teenage boys esp are awfully evasive and look more guilty than what they are. I have met some who are good communicators but on the whole they are not. Maybe it's shyness? I also have tried to back off from my daughter and her boyfriend.
                          She says very little about him and despite my efforts to have him come over - they prefer to meet in other places. Well she is 'of age' now and it's their business - just as long as no one is hurting anyone. It's not a very intense relationship from what I gather.
                          It's her private space and she doesn't have much that is private from us so I have to respect that.
                          As long as it's not too creepy:H

                          They also do things on the spur of the moment which can mean that we as parents are not always informed. That's got better here lately as I explained to my girl that I have a schedule too and I can't always do things on demand.

                          PPQP - so nice about the flowers and I guess it says something. What did I say about communicators?

                          You lot are funny. A few weeks ago you were complaining about the cold and now it's the heat. We. Are never happy with the weather are we?


                            WED 18TH JUNE

                            I do agree TT - I do believe this was a homework project, she is very open about her boyfriends (many and not serious!) - just the sneaking bothers me, and the rule is no boys in the house when I am not home - more for protection than anything. They will find a place to do anything they want, so keeping them out of the house really doesn't work - but it is harder to escape if she makes an unwise choice if inside alone...and yes too as to spur of the moment - but I text well and quickly, so letting me know would have caused less hassle than me finding out this way - oh well, just another life experience.
                            Well, better get off computer and get some supper ready. Tried a caprese salad last night, one of my favourites but she didn't like.....think BBQ chicken breasts and ceasar salad tonight - should be safe
                            “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                              WED 18TH JUNE

                              Yes the safety thing is an important issue. I agree that it's worrying.

