ok brew time ...anyone else ??on we go then
hiya tt .how are you today? is it a rename to the grumpy bum gang or have we sussed it?hope you arent so tired today ....are we on target for the assignment on time then?and how about the bug ...has g managed to get it to bug ger off?have a good weekend
hiya Sam..how are you doing today ...how did the market go today then?ok..hey you lost 5lb putting fencing up...how do you think the bull felt :H talking about a spam musical ..there actually is one..Spamalot.
hiya Lav..here yo go ..a big bucket of coffee for you

oh and just in case you have forgotten it .spam spam spam spam .spam spam spam spam .spam spam spam spam..spaaaam... wunnerful spam there you go the power of autosuggest..thats you set up for the day

Hiya Pauly..how are you doing today...if our getting crittur bites in your plant leave ..have a look see if you can see anything...then spray them with the washing up water ..worth a try
hiya SL....and hows your Friday then?ok I hope its 4 months today for you!!!!absolutely brill!!
From and including: Friday, February 21, 2014
To and including: Friday, June 20, 2014
Result: 120 days
It is 120 days from the start date to the end date, end date included
Or 4 months including the end date
so off you go into the weekend knowing that you have done good ..be proud ..well done!!
hiya Det ..hows hotel number 3 then?maybe you should get a job trying hotels out in surveys!!you home for the weekend?
hiya ppqp ..FREE SPAM !! so hows your day then ?ok I hope ..anything said by atila the nun about the flowers? here you go boss big brew!!

right peeps off we go ..have a great day ..and weekend..
"I don't really know my best position. left, right or centre"
"Wayne, just get on the fcking plane and pick a seat will you."
After losing last night I wouldn't fancy England's chances against Costa Coffee nevermind Costa Rica.
Now the England game is over the team can get back to doing what they do best...
Cheating on their girlfriends and making hair shampoo adverts.
Have you seen those French Army Knives?
No scissors or tweezers, just 6 corkscrews and a white flag.
Over 70 scientists have been exposed to Anthrax in a lab in the US.
A spokesman has said that if successful, they will try exposing them to Metallica and Iron Maiden next.
Having lost their first 2 World Cup matches, the England players are going to be asked a lot of searching questions.
The first one being, "Did you pack these bags yourself?"
I went to buy an 8 man tent earlier, the guy at the checkout said "are you going to put that up yourself?"
"No," I replied "I was thinking of putting it up on a camp-site."
Looks like it's time to start pretending Andy Murray isn't Scottish again..