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    SUN 22 ND JUNE

    Hiya is very s low today..tied to get on b4 but couldnt..currently on the way to whitby..julie drivinghave a great day,on phone so its a pain betwen presumtive txt and fingers not fitting the keys!!
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    SUN 22 ND JUNE

    Good morning Abbers,

    Hope you have a great day Mick

    Looks like a nice day around these parts & I intend to play outside as much as I can.
    I need to have a chat with the bunny rabbits who have been helping themselves to my raised garden beds

    Det, glad to see you checked in last night. Good luck with the house listing, keep your cool now

    Greetings TT, Sam, PQ, Pauly, SL, SF & everyone. Patrice & LB, hope you both stick around with us for a while

    Have a great AF day everyone!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      SUN 22 ND JUNE

      Morning all!!
      whew, glad the last couple of days are over. Hope to enjoy the at home.

      Lav, I've been told by the boss it is time to clean the chicken houses and boy do they need it. Incredible amount of dust seems to accumulate besides all the poop. Really though, her priorities are all wrong, I want to work on my motorcycle, maybe later I can "sneak" that in.

      Mick, totally there with you on trying to type on the phone. So easy to hit the wrong buttons and then try to backspace to correct it. With my kids, this is their most reachable form of communication, pushing phone buttons.

      Here's hoping everyone has a great day. Check in later....
      Liberated 5/11/2013


        SUN 22 ND JUNE

        MAE ALL... fair...I didn't realize Julie was with you on your Mystery Tours. That totally changes the game. Hope your day is good.

        Lav...nice day here as well. Hope your "chat" went well.

        Sam...hope you're enjoying the "at home" time even if it means listening to the boss.

        Relaxing day today, maybe a trip to the garden later. Hope everyone's Sunday is special....PPQP


          SUN 22 ND JUNE

          Have a wonderful day out Mick.
          Det - will think of you this week, and hoping you have lots of strength to get thru it well - great on the self care.
          Sam - what sort of bike distracts you from the "honey do" list???
          Lav - sort out those bunnies - I have to chat to a cat that has decided to give up the litter box and use the couches:upset::upset:
          PPQ - your Sunday sounds perfect:l
          Daughter #2 home - still sleeping, and her suitcase is here staring at me with all the laundry to be done.
          Dropped #1 at her volunteering - done groceries, now all the regular weekend tidyup jobs. Hopefully a sit and listen to adventures of a middle schooler later.
          Hi to anyone else visiting today - Happy Sunday
          “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


            SUN 22 ND JUNE

            hey hoe all!
            taking a break from forced labor... PQ, she's tough, mean etc (yesterday was our anniversary so I got to play it for all it's worth). We've had a great 25 years and she's put up with a lot of my drinking BS, for sure. Glad and fortunate she stuck with me!!

            SL, got a couple of 70's BMW bikes. They've been pretty good bikes. Don't ride as much as I used to. I've had one of them for 30 years.
            Liberated 5/11/2013


              SUN 22 ND JUNE

              Happy Silver anni Sam - thats wonderful and something to be proud of.
              your bikes sound fun - hopefully you get some tinkering time when you are let off for good behaviour
              “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                SUN 22 ND JUNE

                Happy anniversary Sam although the way you put it it sounds as if it was PPQP who put up with you for 25 years :H:H

