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    mae all ...and how are we today then ? all ok ...ready for the weekend?weather over here has been brill all week ..but its the Glastonbury festival this weekend and they reckon its gonna hammer down!!! got the kitchen man coming in an hour ..supposed to be coming tonight but instead he is coming this morning..madam is on her way home ...strangely enough she doeesnt trust me to discuss kitchen designs and layouts

    ok so on we go ..tea and coffee on the go.

    morning Sam...well mate any resolution as to your land dispute?yeh lawyers..why say yes or no when you can turn it into lotsa words with costs!!Interesting with the mushrooms ..are the oysters packed or is that how they are grown? do they own north cove? there is a vid on you tube of them.

    hiya are you today then? well did you get your quiet day?that hole should be pretty easy to fix....can you get a pic of it ?could either us expanding foam (waterproof)..or a combi of that and adhesive flashing over it...just make sure it is sealed good round the pipes....ooops sorry ..heres your brew!!!

    wow pauly ...sounds like your pretty busy too are you doing?dont forget yourself in all of this as for the boogie ..def spray it with soapy water ..under the leaves as well as on top..check the soil round it too ..for any larvae or eggs

    hiya Det are you then? alls well now its time to chillax..and no you dont need to reward yourself with a beer!!

    Patrice ..well done you :goodjob:..and yep you still felt crap when you woke up ? 2 things here firstly when you first got in a car ..could you drive it straight away?nope takes time..secondly our bodies need to adjust in the morning

    hiya ok?need some rest young lady!!too much zooming around!!

    hiya SL...well thats you now ..even your daughter has told everyone about you not drinking.just shows you tho.. even though you were playing the kidding everyone including yourself about drink..your children had picked up on it!!!as for af beers..Ive seen on here in the past people poo pooing af beer all the arguments about substitution etc for me there is no case to answer...objective: to stop poisoning myself with al. af the objective achieved? yes..end of debate for me!!
    the only ones I like are Becks blue and San Miguel 0%
    yep...hope all is quote "peachy" this weekend for you...well done

    right offski time...take it easy all..including you ppqp wherever you are!

    Just downloaded a video of Luis Su?rez's greatest moments.

    It was only 3 mega bites.

    I'm sick of these ridiculously high quotes from builders these days.

    ?50 labour.
    ?2000 Polish translator.

    Luis Su?rez has left Liverpool to join Borussia Munchonyourcentreback

    According to the new study in New Scientist magazine, women talk almost three times as much as men.

    This is because the first two times we're not listening.

    I started watching this documentary about Infinity but it went on forever.

    Wonga have been fined for sending letters from fake law firms.

    Which is a pity. Because I got 3 Wonga loans by providing work references from the same ones.


    There's only one shopping day left before Christmas ...

    It'll be on 24th December

    My neighbour complained to me about my dog crapping on his lawn.

    "It wasn't my dog." I protested.

    "It wasn't?" he said.

    "No," I said. "it was me."

    How many psychiatrists does it take to screw in a light bulb?
    One, but it takes five sessions.


    Alabama: At Least We're Not Mississippi/>
    Alaska: 11,623 Eskimos Can't be Wrong!

    Arizona: But It's a Dry Heat

    Arkansas: Litterasy Ain't Everthing

    California: As Seen on TV

    Colorado: If You Don't Ski, Don't Bother

    Connecticut: Like Massachusetts, Only Dirtier and With Less Character

    Delaware: We Really Do Like the Chemicals in Our Water

    Florida: Ask Us About Our Grandkids

    Georgia: Without Atlanta We're Alabama

    Hawaii: Haka Tiki Mou Sha'ami Leeki Toru
    (Death to Mainland Scum, But Leave Your Money)

    Idaho: More Than Just Potatoes... OK, Maybe Not, But The Potatoes Are Real Good

    Illinois: Please Don't Pronounce the "S"

    Indiana: 2 Billion Years Tidal Wave Free

    Iowa: We Do Amazing Things With Corn

    Kansas: First Of The Rectangle States

    Kentucky: 5 Million People; Seven Last Names

    Louisiana: We're Not All Drunk Cajuns

    Maine: We're Really Cold, But We Have Cheap Lobster

    Maryland: A Thinking Man's Delaware

    Massachusetts: Our Taxes Are Lower Than Sweden's

    Michigan: First Line of Defense From the Canadians

    Minnesota: 10,000 Lakes and 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Mosquitoes

    Mississippi: Come Feel Better About Your Own State

    Missouri: Your Federal Flood Relief Tax Dollars at Work

    Montana: Land of the Big Sky, the Unabomber, Right-Wing Crazies and Very Little Else

    Nebraska: Ask About Our State Motto Contest

    Nevada: Whores and Poker!

    New Hampshire: Go Away and Leave Us Alone

    New Jersey: You Want a F**kin' Motto? I Got Yer F**kin' Motto Right Here!

    New Mexico: Lizards Make Excellent Pets

    New York: You Have the Right to Remain Silent, You Have the Right to an Attorney...

    North Carolina: Tobacco is a Vegetable

    North Dakota: We Really are One of the 50 States!

    Ohio: We Wish We Were In Michigan

    Oklahoma: Like the Play, Only No Singing

    Oregon: Spotted Owl -- It's What's For Dinner

    Pennsylvania: Cook With Coal

    Rhode Island: We're Not Really An Island

    South Carolina: We Have Never Actually Surrendered to the North

    South Dakota: Closer Than North Dakota

    Tennessee: The Educashun State

    Texas: A Whole 'Nother Country!

    Utah: Our Jesus Is Better Than Your Jesus

    Vermont: Yep

    Virginia: Who Says Government Stiffs and Slackjaw Yokels Don't Mix?

    Washington: Help! We're Overrun By Nerds and Slackers!

    Washington, D.C.: Wanna Be Mayor?

    West Virginia: One Big Happy Family -- Really!

    Wisconsin: Come Cut Our Cheese

    Wyoming: Wynot?

    Three couples want to join a church, but the pastor has a rule that all new members must go three weeks without having sex.
    Three weeks go by and the first couple comes back. The pastor says, "So how did it go?"
    "It was pretty hard, but we made it," says the first couple.
    "Well, welcome to our church," says the pastor.
    The second couple comes back and the pastor asks them the same question. Their reply is the same as the first couple's.
    The third couple comes back and the pastor asks them the same question, and they reply, "Well, we were doing pretty well until last night when she bent over to pick up that can of pork and beans and I just put it to her."
    "Well, I'm sorry, but you're not welcome to our church," says the pastor.
    "That's okay," says the third couple, "We're moving. We're not welcome at the grocery store either."

    A guy admired the hair of three girls. He walked by one and asked, ?How'd you get such lovely blonde hair?
    Taking her hand and gently running it through her hair, the girl answered, ?It's natural.?
    The guy walked by the second girl and asked, ?How'd you get such pretty brown hair??
    Fluffing her hair, the second girl said, ?It's natural.?
    Finally the guy approached the third girl and asked, ?How'd you get such cool green hair??
    Taking her hand and rubbing it up past her nose, then skimming it through the hair, she said, ?It's natural.?
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


    Morning all!!!
    nice warm day and no rain in sight. Market in DC today so gotta get rocking here soon.

    Mick, that's the first I've ever seen that video, made in 2012, close to when they first started up. I'm very happy for them, they are really making a go of it. Yep, land transaction is done! Kinda bitter sweet, my sister and I bought out the other 2 siblings in the home tract and I ended up with some mountain land. Even though we're all in our 50's and 60's feels a little odd that they're not a part, yet we're all scattered all over the states anyway. Another chapter of moving on.

    hellos to you Lav, TT, Pauly, PQ, SF, SL, Det, Patrice, and whatever happened to YahYah?
    Liberated 5/11/2013



      Good morning Abbers,

      Had the rain & thunder storms last night so hoping for some nicer air today
      Yesterday's heat & humidity was pretty disgusting, yuck. The garden seems to love it though!

      Mick, the state slogans are pretty accurate :H
      We've got a lot of diversity going on here, that's for sure!
      Keep the coffee coming please - the last three days with the kids pretty much wiped me out!
      I miss having a teenage son believe it or not! He was handy to have around to do the jobs I didn't want to do - like climbing a ladder to fix a roof problem. My son used to do jobs like that for a sandwich or a little cash :H:H
      Good luck with the kitchen design folks Mick!!

      Sam, families do move on & change. My brothers never gave a thought about 'family'. I still feel sad that I hadn't seen my oldest brother in 8 years when he passed away last summer
      I wanted to go visit him a few times but his wife said he didn't want to see anyone. Not so sure about that either. Glad you got things sorted out yesterday.
      Good luck with the mushroom biz today

      Greetings Patrice & TT! Hope you are both feeling better today.
      Hellos to Pauly, SL, PQ, Det & everyone!
      I see YahYah on Facebook everyday - I'll have to give her a nudge to stop in here & say hello.

      Have a great AF Thursday everyone. I'll be dragging my large dog to the vet at 4pm for her thyroid check - lucky me!!!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        THURSDAY 26TH

        Mae everybody,yes where is YAH?does anybody know?supposed to get to 110 next week hubs is all whining about it,why complain?he works inside anyways,now i feel bad for all the construction guys and landscapers who have to work all day in the heat,that would be something to bitch about,youngest daughter boarded the plane at 12:45 yesterday had a layover in SanFran,didn't land in Seattle until 7:30 p.m,that makes for a long ass day! she says her bf's mom is already driving her nuts,she's a very nice lady,but is kind of racist and snobby sometimes,but heck at least she's paying for the trip,well off to get ready,i swear this week is going by at a snail's pace,hope we all have a good Thursday
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          THURSDAY 26TH

          X-post Lav,hi
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            THURSDAY 26TH

            Morning everyone ? its Friday already but I will leave it to Mick to start the Friday thread. I have plenty of coffee for you Lav ? although not sure what time of the day it is where you are.
            Have to be honest ? I did not have a great sleep (do we ever? I think that goes for many people) as I have too many work things to sort out ? requiring concentration, reading, decisions, organisation and creativity! Have I left any skills out (home repair might be one of them :Hbut I will leave that to Mick. Well good luck with the kitchen Mick ? that was last year for me.
            We finally have the curtains up in our living room too. Very expensive. The problem I have is that when I decide on a colour scheme or style etc ? by the time the tradespeople come (or in the case of the curtains ? by the time the fabric was re-manufactured and sent from the UK) - I have got over it ? and changed my mind!). I was going through a bold colour phase last year ? and now I just want neutrals. Oh well I have to live with what we have and be thankful that I can spend $$ on such fripperies. Actually its hardly something I feel thankful for!:H

            Yes, Sam and Lav ? families do get scattered and we can loose touch. I used to be the lynch-pin in my inner family circle but I have backed off in recent years ? as its too exhausting. It also tended to go in one direction only ? involving a lot of travel on my part ? and putting my own family through hassles. I do find sometimes that its easier to keep up with the younger generations of my siblings ? partly because of social media but also because there is less baggage (that was an unintentional pun!:H)

            Oh well that's my wee update ? would be good to have Yah pop in!

            Hi there to SL, SF, PPQP, Pauly, Det ? and all others in the sober struggle ? although at times I think this thread is less about that than life! As its should be I guess.


              THURSDAY 26TH

              What color are the drapes TT?i go through phases too,last year i bought chocolate brown couches,the year before it was white leather with red accents pillows,but i knew with Louie getting bigger white was not going to work,but now i'vr discovered choco brown doesn't work with a toddler either haha,it's fun to change our styles i think,my bedroom will always have pinks,and mauves though,it soothes me,i like this thread cuz it is just about life,i like the steppers cuz we b.s about junk,and the upteenth quit thread where i can sort out the whole drinking b.s by voicing my thoughts on the matter,Mick,geraniums are a pain in the arse to grow! they're at a standstill and it's bugging me
              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                THURSDAY 26TH

                MAE ALL....

                Popping on to stay accountable. Been a busy couple of days with the end of school. Lots of grade 6 graduation lunches. The only graduation I ever had was when I finished grade 12. Geesh!

                Long day yesterday ending with a Garden meeting that went till 9pm. I'm usually in bed by then. Things should settle down now with the summer programming as most of the kids will be on field trips all day.

                Will try and catch up with the posts but at a glance it looks like all is doing well. Have a peaceful evening all......PPQP


                  THURSDAY 26TH

                  happy thursday ABerooos!!

                  so much for relaxation....every time an agent shows the house we have to vacate. got booted out 3 times today. getting to know the local cafe (not bar) pretty well at least and i can operate my laptop there.

                  Sam, thanks for the nice shroom info PM. when I get settled in (somewhere) I'll look into growing some real food of my own.

                  hope everyone enjoys their large dogs and small children.

                  since I'm actually home this week (wow!) and eating clean, I've been sleeping quite well in spite of the craziness. I hope the good sleep rubs off on those in need.

                  hugs and fresh kale to you all.... be well
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    THURSDAY 26TH

                    Hi all - another silly long day, so doing a PPQ accountability check in, and accountable I am!
                    I rarely drink af beer, but I also drank it when I was drinking al - I find it a refreshing drink when it is hot and I have been busy - I like Clausthalers....
                    TT - I think sometimes that we talk about life as we are past the daily struggles (most of teh time) and now we are living - I think it would be hard to talk about drinking all teh tiem here - it does get mentioned as reminders or the reason we are all here, but I like this thread as it is a group who are living af.
                    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                      THURSDAY 26TH

                      SL and others,
                      I really like this thread for the reason you said above ( not sure how to quote) it is a support thread for remaining af but also doesn't exclusively revolve around talking about it.
                      Thanks all

