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    Mae all and how are we today now that the weeeeeeeeeeeeekend is almost here..if you say it like that then it lasts longer and doesnt go so quick duh!!well kitcken mannie was here yesterday..ok from what I can gather will be made of reclaimed top cupboards ..I hate them..its like walking down a corridor..belfast sink and victorian surfaces will be inset tiles which I can do..then all sorts of fancy wee bits n this time my head was numb so let Julie do the yakking..shes got a diploma in that..all I heard was ker..ching !!because it is all hand made ..takes 14 weeks from acceptance to completion..Ive got my mate coming round on Monday to take the little kitchen radiator out..Ive also emptied all the top cupboards out etc to see how things will the way Julie is at work ....hey no sense in hanging around!!
    anyways this time next week will be on the big silver bird to Menorca...Binibeca....should be able to keep in touch..ok thats enuff about moi..apart from caught the rabbits trying to dig out know the concrete panel bases that you stand wooden fencing on?well they had dug down and under that..they didnt have the sense to dig up ..if they they would have been in next doors garden..honestly its worse than stopping prisoners ever was!!

    t n cawfee on the go.....

    hiya Pauly..hows you? hey give us some of that you for rain!!hows young un doing?has she settled and sleeping ok or not? sleepless in seattle get it ahh forget it :H

    hiya ppqp ..yikes you been busy you get to go to these graduation dinners or just the organising of them?reckon you are right ..all doing well ..hope you are too take it easy and have a brew!

    hiya tt hows you this fine? day? all ok ..certainly an array of skills there ..mostly involving mental capability..errm think Ill stick to fizzical!!or house is all neutral colours nowadays..done all the mad wallpapers and borders an colours..I think what it is .as you get older you want to spend time on things that you want to do ..not that you have to..obviously seem people like painting and Id rather walk around with a stone in my shoe ..defo doesnt float my boat!!

    hiya Det how are you doing ?apart from having an elastic cord tied to your backside!!cafe house cafe house!!least it aint a boozer!!best of lck with the selling mate.

    hiya Lav ..well how did the vets scenario end up ? all ok?grand...brew time ready for another?so whats on the cards today then?get the sannies ready ..on my over to fix the roof !!

    hiya Sam hows you today?ok whats going on on this fine day ?on the mountain?..yep it is sad about families and my brother stay in touch tho wouldn't say we are close close..the main reason is I promised my ma when she died that we would stay in touch..its me that goes to see him ,phones him etc ..but hey a promise is a promise.....any plans for the weekend out fiddling anywhere?(That doesnt sound too good does it?)have a good one

    hiya SL hows you today then?ok still being mummy angel with daughters? yes you are right about this thread ..kinda like a day in the life..personally think Id get bored talking about drink all the time..the reason we are here is ..we dont use it so why dwell on it..your off to Sonata this weekend for the lavender festival arent you?have a great time.

    right folks..exit stage left ..have a great day one and all.

    Luis Suarez is said to be worth over ?100m.

    Well that's the estimate from the tooth fairy.

    Judaism, Christianity and Islam are all equally valid, but one thing breaks the tie in favour of Christianity:

    Grilled cheese with bacon.

    I was in court for murdering a vampire recently.

    I asked for several other counts to be taken into consideration.

    President Obama says his daughters need minimum wage jobs to "learn what it means to work."

    May I suggest the same for members of Congress?

    The bloke in the shop told me: "This is the new Google Smartwatch. It allows users to send texts and emails, surf the web, schedule appointments or play games or music, It will also act as a fitness tracker. I said "That's brilliant! But how do you tell what time it is?" He replied, "Oh, that's what your phone is for..."

    I tried to propose to my girlfriend from thailand today but it went wrong. As soon as i got down on one knee she started undoing her skirt

    think about it ......

    Anyone know if taping the skirting boards before painting the walls is a good idea?

    Masking for a friend.

    I was at my local car dealership and the salesman said if I could leave a decent sized deposit I could drive away in the car I wanted.

    "OK, you're on" I said, "Where's your toilet then?"

    Bbc news: recomend sugar limit for women is to be cut to 25 grams.
    Men's limit to be cut to 35 grams.
    The wife has now booked in for a sex change


    My wife said she is leaving me , as she is fed up with my obsession with motorbikes
    A bit of a triumph, if i am being honest

    News: Pope excommunicates Mafia.

    Good luck when starting the Popemobile.

    I recently built a device that runs off of air pressure using pneumatic physics and a springboard system which allows the user to fire faeces in an indoor environment

    When I tried to demonstrate it,the shit hit the fan

    Breaking news "thief steals combine harvester, is bailed"
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


    Hi all
    Menorca Mick, how nice!! I just love Spain!!
    Here it's hazy and hot and humid, yuk
    But it's Friday, I've now got 6 weeks off
    And I'm so so glad I started this AF journey 30 days ago and not now.. Which was my original plan.. Wait till the just means I feel a lot stronger going into my first sober holiday.
    Have a great MAE



      Good morning Abbers,

      Mick - your kitchen remodel sounds like a giant pain on the ass, been there & done it in several houses :H:H Wishing you a lot of luck & very little pain
      Wish I was going to Spain but that's not likely to happen!!
      Lots of dog & cat excitement at the vet yesterday afternoon but they checked out just fine. Yeah, that was a $400 trip just for yearly checkups & immunizations. My big dog is down another 5 pounds which is great. She was 118 pounds when we first got her 10 years ago & is down to 90 pounds now. Unfortunately the arthritis will stay with her forever.

      Patrice, Congrats on your 30 AF days - :yay:
      Sober vacations are the best, they truly are!

      Det, having to vacate every time the realtor shows your house is a giant pain, I remember. Just be grateful you don't have to wake a napping child - that was awful. I hope you get some bites real soon

      PQ, you busy lady!! Hope you get to relax this weekend & get some real 'me' time!

      Greetings SL, TT, Sam, Pauly - where's SF been?
      Have a great AF Friday everyone!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        FRIDAY 27TH JUNE

        morning all!!
        ok market yesterday, not bad not great. Going to be a hot, humid, Virginia summer day. Hope we get a shot of rain in the mix.

        Mick, sounds like you're doing the do in your kitchen. Just so you know, I sometimes read your jokes to the wife. She got a good chuckle from the grill cheese and bacon. Hope to get some fiddling in this weekend. Trying to line up seeing friends hadn't seen in awhile, probably end up playing guitar as they are all fiddlers.

        Patrice, glad you're doing well. Enjoy that sober holiday!! It is a lot easier to waking up without a hangover. Be thinking of you.

        Well off to the woods today, it's a place that looks ripe with ticks and chiggers. YumYum!

        hello to everybody. Catch you later
        Liberated 5/11/2013


          FRIDAY 27TH JUNE

          Mae everybody,Mick sounds like the kitchen is gonna be nice,but while they're working on it will be a pain! have fun in Spain,i'm gonna google some pics of the area just to get an idea what it looks like,congrats on 30 days Patrice!!! you are gonna enjoy your vacation 1,000 times more,hi Sam,i read some of the jokes to hubs also,it's always nice to laugh together,not much planned around here today,Brady wants a new game for his x-box,so he's gonna be my slave today and do my housework,those games are so pricey! hope we all have a nice Friday
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            FRIDAY 27TH JUNE

            MAE ALL...

            Mick...14 weeks! Gee, you'd think you were trying to get a berm moved. :H I'm on the organizing end of the graduation lunches but I haven't eaten so much food in my life. A week to go before holi's we'll be anxious for the pics on your return.

            Patrice...:whee:CONGRATS ON 30 DAYS:whee: Enjoy your 6 weeks off you deserve it.

            Lav...glad the vet trip went ok except for the bill. Yup got the weekend off and the house to myself. YAY! It's really starting to feel like summer with all the schools closed down.

   watch out for those ticks and chiggers! So, if they're all fiddlers why would you play the guitar?

            Pauly...I'll be googling right along with you. :H Have you checked out your local library? Over here we can check out xbox games. Worth a try.

            Absolutely dead at the office today, no boss and nothing planned for the evening so decided to give myself permission to leave early. Was going to stop for gas but every gas station I drove past was packed! Since I'm not going anywhere it can wait till tomorrow. Hope everyone has a Fabulous AF Friday......PPQP


              FRIDAY 27TH JUNE

              evening all
              Patrice, did not realize you had 30 days going on 31! That is great!!
              Lav, dang these pets are expensive... you want a horse?
              Pauly, got to confess the x-box stuff is a language I don't understand. Good luck with that.
              PQ, nice to have rhythm guitar for fiddlers, I'm the only one out of the bunch that plays guitar so....
              Have fun in Spain, Mick. When do you take off?

              Early market tomorrow so I'll wish everyone a good night and a good Saturday
              Liberated 5/11/2013


                FRIDAY 27TH JUNE

                So very many congrats Patrice - now you have started, do not bother even thinking of stopping - you go!!!!
                So apart from a days work managed to get Dot #1 to counselor, then Dot#2 to orthodontist, back to take Dot #1 to med check at Drs - and needed gas for car, and supper....
                Home to pay bills and sort out laundry, water plants etc - realised I forgot to do groceries!!!
                Tomorrow is girls to ranch, I usually try to get a walk in - may need to run back and do groceries, or I will just leave for the heat of the afternoon Then Sunday to Sonoma for stress relief in lavendar fields - I will surely need it by then:H
                Mick - please don't tell me you emptied the kitchen cupboards when Julie was out??? Hope you didn't do any purging whilst emptying! Spain for your 2yr anni and BD??? Sounds loverly!
                PPQ - house to yourself eh?? Sounds like bliss - I really enjoy me time! I used to use it as an excuse to drink, and wasted all the lovely peace and quiet - now you can do some slef care and spoiling!
                OK - off to scrummage and see what I can make work for supper as I forgot to buy it!!
                See you all later....
                “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                  FRIDAY 27TH JUNE

                  hope I can post this - comments are interesting...
                  "are you a heavy drinker"
                  Sacramento, Stockton and Modesto CA News and Weather - KCRA Channel 3
                  “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                    FRIDAY 27TH JUNE

                    SL - your article proves to me that virtually any amount of alcohol is too much. It's just too much work doing the math I hope you enjoy your lavender day - I love my lavender in my garden

                    Sam, I can't believe how expensive the vet fees are anymore - these were routine visits. I just took my other dog in for her check up in the end of May No way I could afford a horse!!!
                    I still say I am fully capable of listening to their heart & lungs. All I need to do is figure out how to get ahold of their immunizations - I'd stick them :H Thank goodness I don't have to take the chickens in :H
                    Enjoy your fiddling/strumming.

                    PQ, be a lady of leisure this weekend. Do you know how??? Not sure I do!

                    Pauly, I'm pretty sure I'm glad I don't have an X box around here
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

