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    mae all ...surprise surprise...tis me Sunday jaunt today..was out yesterday for a run...yep different hills this time!quite steep..but manged to do something to my achilles tendon on the way down,so it is really sore..not such a clever idea considering start my holidays on its a take it easy day today.....Amy home her and Julie going out shopping today..tried to get me to tag along ..but hey guess what...ankle just got eeeeven worse!!she is going to a place called bygone times Antiques and Collectables Centre in Preston, Lancashire she is into retro and vintage stuff..and also Audrey Hepburn mad so I guess I know what today is about!!
    right tea and coffee on the go

    hiya tt are you then ?has your hectic day quietened down yet?glad our daughters it a prom? went well

    hiya Lav ..yep doesnt time fly?dont seem that long ago since I made you a brew ..ok heres another one!did you get out into the garden yesterday pottering about?

    hiya ordered good for the 4th so no probs there..hows Louie today then still in your custody :H any plans for today?pleased that it went well for Kell..what she needs to do is turn that shop round so that it runs better than his!!

    hiya are you ?glad you had a good day ...yep couldnt get on here yesterday at all...and this morning again it has really slowed up

    hiya are you today? doing good I hope..still not a drop? monsoon that is not al have a great day.

    hiya SL firstly well done on your walk..maybe I should take a leaf from your book ...walk not run!!today is your day out isnt it ?hope you enjoy it ..was going to sa hope the weather holds ..but I seem to remember a song from my distant past "seems it never rains in Southern California"

    hiya ppqp ..take it you are at your dads?have a great time...

    right peeps bysey bye time to go..have a great day

    My wife wrote an email to me saying she was concerned that we have communication issues. I immediately sent an IM asking her to clarify. She messaged me on Facebook saying not to worry but that sometimes we're not as connected as she'd like. I tweeted her that I love her more than anything. She texted me that she loves me too and was tired after a long day of work.

    So I leaned over and kissed her good night.

    The England players are saying they need to play less football.

    They did. In the world cup.

    I bumped into one of my old school friends the other day.

    She's got poor eyesight as well.

    I was going to apply for the job of setting up our local running track. But there were way to many hurdles.

    A new study reveals that 2 in 1 people suffer from schizophrenia

    My missus says you are what you eat.

    Well that's odd. Because I don't remember seeing her eating a f.cking beached whale.

    At times Facebook is like looking in your fridge, you open it up in hopes to find something that's new and exciting.....yet end up seeing the same stuff over and over again.

    My mum is worried about Tibbles. She has just heard about the new khat ban.

    ITV commentator: 'The Columbian goalkeeper has lost track of his goal'.

    Isn't it the big f.cking white thing, right behind him?

    I want you to know that someone out there cares.
    Not me, but someone does

    How does NASA prioritise the search for new moons and stars?

    They planet
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


    Good Morning Mick....and yes I am surprised. :H Had a great visit with Dad today. Have been dealing with family sh*t (not my own family, everything's fine with me) so as it's 2:00am I'm heading to bed. Just thought I'd see if the thread was started and there you were. Will read your post with my morning coffee whenever that is....PPQP



      Hi Mick - take care with that tendon. Very tired here and work is not letting up. But I will survive. My daughter's thing was sort of like a prom but its not such a big deal at the school she goes to. But its the full works, dress make-up, hair, - her boyfriend even gave her a corsage, Tonight though she is doing homework!
      I'll pop in tomorrow - my eyes are on stalks at the mount!::H



        Good morning Abbers

        Looks like another decent weather day today - yay!
        I will play outside again as much as possible. I harvested a big bunch of beets from my garden yesterday, roasted them with a little olive oil, salt & pepper, yum!!!

        Mick, I don't/won't/can't run anymore :H
        Hope your injury heals quickly. Sounds like your girls are on a real shopping mission - look out :H

        Hey PQ, sorry about the family woes. I have pretty much extracted myself from the extended family BS. I gave & gave to all them & never got a nod in return. They are on their own now & I am as well
        Glad to hear your visit with Dad was a good one!

        TT, those years with the kid's formals went by fast. Enjoy it all while you can!!!
        Don't let work bog you down - come up for air every few hours, OK?

        Wishing everyone a fabulous AF Sunday!!!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          SUNDAY29TH JUNE

          Mornin all!!
          good night sleep but ohohoh my back, Mick, I'm joining you in the walking wounded. Getting better since prying myself out of bed.

          Mick, I'll never forget playing basketball one evening (pick up game) and a teammate was running down the court, let out a little curse, fell to the floor, and hollered who in the hell kicked from behind. His dern achilles tendon had torn and nobody was within 5 miles of him. Since then, I've always had great respect for that vital tendon, do be cautious!

          TT, sounds as if your daughter is really looking forward to the event. She should have a great time!

          PQ, families certainly can be difficult at times, putting mildly, they can actually be a pain in the arse! Some of them can be kind, prefer the latter! Hope you have a good one

          Lav, cleaning the 2nd chicken house today, once my back fully wakes up! Need to take a peak into the bees today, soon it is their tax time... honey tax that is. They are really out there buzzing the myrtle bushes/tress. We have a linden (basswood) tree they really worked too.

          off to my second cup, looks like a great day to enjoy.
          hello to all
          Liberated 5/11/2013


            SUNDAY29TH JUNE

            Mae everybody,Mick i'm with Lav i wont run anymore ither,they say brisk walking is just as good anyways,last time i ran i heard my knee crunching,no bueno,also i'm with you as i hate going shopping with 20 something year old daughters,they like to look at everything,i do a scan,if i see something i get it no searching for me,the guys shop is a very small salon in a time-share resort,don't know how busy she'll be but he is paying her hourly anyways so she won't be up there for nothing at least,she worked at his other salon yesterday and while he was impressed with her,she is intimidated by the wealthy customers,i told her they're just people who shit same as us,i really hope this works out for her though,she deserves a decent job,hope everyone has a good Sunday,thanks for being here
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              SUNDAY29TH JUNE

              Yes Pauly you are right on that one! We all have to use the loo. :H
              Sam - daughter had her formal on Saturday night. It went really well. No dramas. Homework last night finished at 1am but she gets holidays next week.

              I used to run a lot but when my body changed shape with pregnancy I stopped. Try to walk as much as possible. I was one of those people that got a runners high. It used to be like a drug for me (I still drank AL afterwards though)


                SUNDAY29TH JUNE

                Yup Mick - have to walk, no running anymore for me - it hurts!!!
                Went to wine country - lavendar festival was not what I hoped for, very commercial - very expensive and terribly hot! Did not last long...took girls thru wine country to try and make it a day out - remembered a winery that had a cable ride up the hill to see all the valley (from my wine connoisseur days) - so went - had to pay for a tasting to ride the cable car, told myself I could manage just one taste - but I didn't....I really didn't OMG - I am so proud!!!! Saw so many places with so many memories and didn't drink!!!!
                I actually found a lovely subsitute that is starting up - not sold in many places, but for AF wine it was very nice - VIGNETTE wine soda.
                So day out not what I wanted, but I feel so dang great this evening!!
                “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                  SUNDAY29TH JUNE

                  well done SL but are you sure its called vignette? Wouldn't it be voignier?

                  Sometimes those festivals are not the same when you revisit them.

                  I think its imperative not to even try a taste - its just not worth it. Anyway the people selling the wine talk a load of rubbish IMO. I once managed a wine shop and boy, could I spin a tale or two for a sale!


                    SUNDAY29TH JUNE

                    Happy Sunday ABeroooos!

                    oy Mick tendon trouble can take ages to heal, hope it's not too bad.

                    Scottish Lass, so proud of you for resisting the evil AL in such a slippery place!

                    forced myself to relax this weekend (can't be in the house anyway with the agent showing the property). so got in a good hard fencing class on Sat and hiking/shooting today for the first time in months. feeling great! did fall off the paleo bandwagon with a small gelato yesterday but I can deal with that.

                    I'm not a runner either. just found it boring and too bouncy on my joints. I have plenty of other ways to hurt myself though

                    be well everyone
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      SUNDAY29TH JUNE

                      Yep TT - that is not the varietal...they have three types - chardonnay, pinot noir and rose.

                      "VIGNETTE? Wine Country Soda? is the uniquely

                      sophisticated non-alcoholic beverage sweetened

                      only with the juice of California varietal wine grapes"

                      Det - a small gelato is a good reward for what you have faced this weekend - any offers??
                      “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                        SUNDAY29TH JUNE

                        Checking in. I have had a few issues logging in or the site loading. All is good in SF land. Lots of self and yoga. Also, loving and practicing all the new stuff I have learned for working with people with various conditions using theraputic yoga. I am working with a girlfriend who has MS and she is already seeing positive results. I have also started a sleep program with my has done wonders! They go to sleep on time, wake up refreshed and not cranky. They actually do the things I ask them to do....when I ask them. One night I was tired and wanted to skip the nighttime ritual. They both were admanant that they were getting their sleep therapy session!

                        I've been on a couple of interviews. I really need to stop wasting my time with that and focus on building what I want. Companies these days have no common sense. I went to one out of curiosity because they have a rather bad reputation in the market. They bragged that they had employees who had been with the company a whole 6 years.....I had the WTF look on my face. They made the job sound miserable, but they do have a ping pong table All I could imagine was me beating someone to death with a ping pong paddle

                        Glad to see everyone is well and life is rolling along without booze.

