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Monday June three oh

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    Monday June three oh

    mae all ..and how are we all today then? full of the joys of the new working week?yep me too!!waiting for the guy to come and take the radiator out and blank the pipework off under the outside is absolutely brillo suns cracking the flags out there..foots not as sore ..had strict instructions from madam to take it easy ..states I aint carrying you around Menorca...bit selfish I thought really...note the use of the word thought and not said!!:H anyway enough of this tomfoolery and lets get on!!

    tea n coffee on the go

    hiya ppqp ...hows you then ?glad your visit went ok with your dad..heres your coffee to read the post with .

    hia Lav ..hows you then?yep was a real shopping trip..glad I wasnt involved...strange tho..Amy is into all this oldy worldy hows your weekend been?beets have failed for me this year ..second lot are growing, but I think the first lot got spanked by frost early doors..oh well brew time madam you go

    hiya tt ..hows you today then?still into the hard work..dont forget time for yourself

    hiya Sam ..hows the back today then?basketball??? I aint tall enough for that mate!!!hows the bees doing?ready to pay their dues?

    hiya Pauly...hows you doing ? hey theres no reason for her to be intimidated by them just because they have got dosh..personally I would take that as a challenge!!

    hiya SL......WELL DONE YOU :goodjob:round a winery without the taste that's absolutely brill..sorry the day was commercialised but guess thats how they make their dosh!!what did your daughters say about the no wine at the winery?impressed were they ..or is it starting to become the norm now.

    hiya are you doing ?hmm theres a few people Id like to beat to death with more than a ping pong paddle!!!so are you starting out on your own with business?

    right folks got to go the kitchen looks like need to summat before hrh gets in ...she is finishing early!!!

    have a good day everybody.

    Dolly Parton is one of the headline acts at Glastonbury tonight.

    Her show is being described as the biggest pair of tits to appear on the Pyramid Stage since Oasis split up.

    Faulty Swingball
    No strings attached.

    I see the Tories are taking credit for boosting the economy.

    Yeah, Dave.

    That's like al-Qaida taking credit for boosting jobs in airport security.

    My mother is so strict, even before I was born she would tell me to tidy my womb.

    My girlfriend's cooking is horrible, but it improved a little bit when she figured out that the smoke alarm isn't a timer.

    I once met a blind Russian guy named Dmtr.

    That's Dimitri, but without the i's.

    First man: "I'll be at the mixed doubles this afternoon."

    Second man: "Ah! Wimbledon?"

    First man: "No, I'm a chronic alcoholic."

    Passengers at Stansted Airport have spoken of their terror when two Ryanair jets crashed into each other on the runway.

    One said, "It was terrifying. The wing tip of our plane was completely sheared off. We were scared we would go up in a ball of flames."

    It's a good job Ryanair only ever put about a tenner's worth of fuel in their planes, or else this could have been a disaster.

    The briefest of handshakes between David Cameron and Alex Salmond in Stirling yesterday.

    "Get the out of my country" ... they both said.

    According to the national sperm bank
    Statistics show
    The country is running low on w.nkers

    They obviously havn't been to number 10 Downing street recently then

    Accidentally parked in one those Supermarket spaces reserved for disabled people.

    The carrot and potato areas were fine but the cabbage section was a write off.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Monday June three oh

    Good morning all!!
    hope everyone had an enjoyable weekend. Ended up building some more frames for the hive yesterday. Today I hope to get in there. Went and played some toones with some folks hadn't seen in awhile.

    Mick, hope the foot is behaving itself... along with the rest of you!

    off to mines. Have a good un everybody!!
    Liberated 5/11/2013


      Monday June three oh

      Good Monday morning Abbers,

      Not a drop of sunshine around these parts yet, oh well.
      It happens that I was married 41 years ago today on a very bright, sunny & hot last day of June. It's always been a non-event in our house, oh well :H

      Mick, glad to hear your foot is improving. Take care of it because you really will need it for your vacation
      Hope your kitchen job goes well today!

      Sam, sounds like you had a fun yet productive weekend.
      Hot & humid here as I'm sure it is where you are

      I definitely want to replant beets - not sure if they will hold up during the hottest part of the summer. Maybe I should wait a while & make them more of a Fall crop, hmm.

      Greetings to everyone else, hope you all have a great AF day!!!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Monday June three oh

        Mae everybody,have mondayitis i don't know why i get that way,maybe cuz the weekend is so mellow and low-key now i have to rush back into reality,i don't know,jeez Lav 41 years is a loooog time,now that's 3 anni's in June,you,me and Sam,my car took a dump on Saturday which is weird cuz i drove it to and from work no problem,then hubs was gonna run to the store in the evening he started it and it made crazy sounds,so now we gotta shell out 250 bux for a fuel pump,it never ends,i hope today runs smoothly for us all,have a good one peeps
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Monday June three oh

          Checking in early as may not have another chance!
          Love beets too - need to plant a veggie garden - but just now Dot#1's tomatoes have grown into trees!
          Happy Anni Lav - hope the new arrangement is still working out?
          Mick - the three of us sat in the tasting room with our AF pinot noir in lovely glasses and felt really great - youngest said this tastes really good - is that what wine tastes like - and oldest answered - no, this is better as it has the taste with none of the alcohol! They thought AF drinking was fun and wnat uis to get a couple bottles for holidays - the winery didn't have any to sell It was a lovely day and I need to find a way to do this as Napa is really beautiful - we did get some funny looks, and the girls thought that was hilarious! They played spying the drunk driver on way home - good lesson as to what over indulging looks like!
          Hot today - 106! Glad you are getting some summer in good old UK.
          There was a bee guy at the festival yesterday but he was in the full sun for his talk and it was too much to listen to in that heat - I wished I could have listened to him...I told girls we would get a hive for the garden, but they didn't seem too keen on actually keeping bees in the back:H
          “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


            Monday June three oh

            MAE - its Tuesday morning here (July now!) Lovely sunrise on the horizon.
            Mick - sounds like you are getting excited about the trip.
            Lav - not quite sure what to say about the anniversary but it sure is a long time. Hope yur day is going well.
            Pauly - I think you are not alone in hating Mondays. Although here in NZ many hairdressers are closed on Mondays (just like Europe).
            SL - I have a couple of small bottles of the more expensive AF wine in my cupboard but can't be bothered trying them. Part of me would rather have those calories as ice-cream instead and part of me does not want to taste anything that reminds me of wine. I just want to put those taste buds to rest. We have vineyards in very beautiful places here too but fortunately there are lots of other things nearby.
            OK - must dash and get ready for work

            Have a great AF day!! (or night).


              Monday June three oh

              happy un-hung Monday ABeroooos!

              yep, 1st offer came in on the house but we're sitting tight. no showings yet today so it's almost peaceful for a Monday. gotta run up to Tahoe for work but it's a short pretty drive so all smiles here.

              I love the beauty of wine country and really appreciate it MUCH more AF. when i was doing my tasting thing some years ago it was always about racing to the next tasting room and sitting there like a moron trying to act sophisticated about what I was tasting....when in all honesty after the first tasting I might as well have been sipping nail remover as i wouldn't know the diff. crazy times. now I admire the lovely scenery, and the great restaurants. and yes....the occasional ice cream!

              a woman drowned this past weekend here in town in her own swimming pool. confirmed it was AL related. such a thief.....

              be well peeps
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                Monday June three oh

                Hi Mick...thanks for the kickstart, coffee and jokes. Friday will be here before you know it. Are they going to be able to work on the kitchen while you're gone? Good thing it was just a thought.

                Sam...Been hearing reports that the bee population is way down due to a type of pesticide used on corn crops. Got any corn crops near you? Sounds like you had a good weekend.

                Lav...hope the sun finally came out for you.

                Pauly...thought you said your cat took a dump on Saturday. :H Bummer about the fuel pump. Hope the rest of your day was ok.

                SL...what a good attitude your kids concerning AL. Sounds like you had a good day.

                TT...hope your July 1 day goes good. Why can't Canada Day fall on the first Monday of July. Had to work today but off tomorrow. Just feels weird.

                Det...the drive to Tahoe sounds lovely. It's one place I really want to see and not just driving past on the way to Vegas. Good luck with the house offers and you're right about sitting tight for awhile.

                Temps are rising and the community garden is growing. Now to get the berm moved! Thursday sees the start of the Calgary Stampede...10 days of non-stop drinking and partying. Even if you have to work there's no shortage of AL in the offices. Used to be a lot of fun in my 20's but now I just avoid everything. Have a great AF Monday evening (Tuesday day) all....PPQP


                  Monday June three oh

                  Just popping in as I had a bad morning at work. Really bad. A whole lot of energy and time I put into doing something recently is now being pulled. I can't really say much but I am doubting my ability in various ways - feeling hurt - and wondering WTF. I know I have heaps to be grateful for but my professional abilities mean a lot to me.
                  Have I lost my mojo since I stopped drinking? Talked it over with my partner and he says thats ridiculous - that various set-backs are due to factors and people outside my control. And of course AL would only make it worse.

                  Not tempted to drink but feeling miserable about stuff.


                    Monday June three oh

                    treetops;1677639 wrote: Have I lost my mojo since I stopped drinking? :no:
                    Talked it over with my partner :goodjob:
                    and he says thats ridiculous :yay: - that various set-backs are due to factors and people outside my control.
                    And of course AL would only make it worse. :applaud:

                    Not tempted to drink but feeling miserable about stuff.
                    :l sorry you're feeling miserable but perhaps the "powers that be" need to me more "definitive" in their expectations.


                      Monday June three oh

                      treetops;1677639 wrote:
                      Have I lost my mojo since I stopped drinking? NO!
                      Talked it over with my partner :goodjob:
                      and he says thats ridiculous :yay: - that various set-backs are due to factors and people outside my control. AND HE'S RIGHT
                      And of course AL would only make it worse. :applaud:

                      Not tempted to drink but feeling miserable about stuff.
                      :goodjob: sorry you're feeling miserable but perhaps the "powers that be" need to me more "definitive" in their expectations. :angel:"PPP":angel: on their way...PPQP


                        Monday June three oh

                        TT - we all seem to have these down periods and I know I did not like mine - had the feeling that once I stopped drinking, it would solve all my problems and make everything better. At some level it makes things worth because we actually feel. I am sorry you are down, and I hope you get an upswing really soon....ensure you find some time in your chaotic, busy life to slow down even for a few moments to engage with yourself - yoru posts are a lot about work, partner and daughter - ensure you get some time too:l:l
                        “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"

