Star, thank you for the book mention. I will look for it at the library. It sounds like the kind of book that might be just the ticket for me right now. Thanks also for sending positive energy my son's way. He is doing well and Mr. D and I feel he gets better every time we see him. The changes are so gradual, but they are still unfolding after all this time. :l:hCongrats on the grandson!:h:l What a blessing to you and your family! I'm so happy for you and your family!
The times of clear sailing seem few and far between for me at the moment, but life goes on and we do have to make the best of our circumstances both for ourselves and our loved ones. I know that at my age I am a role model to my adult children, still. They still watch and learn. I know this because it was true for me with my parents as they grew older. I never stopped learning from them and thankfully they taught me well how to navigate troubled waters.
Papmom thank you for the pics! I could almost feel the breeze just looking at them. I'm doing fine, thanks. I admit that I have been kind of down and feeling adrift these past few days, but I think I am getting my sea legs back. I'm feeling brighter today.
Cyn, I guess Lav is right about pinching back the flower heads but I honestly have never done that with my dill. I just love the delicate flowers. I imagine you'll have a longer-lived and fuller plant if you follow Lav's advice, but later in the summer, let them flower and go to seed. I let mine go to seed and had a whole bed of dill that came up the next year from volunteers. That's the year I took that avatar photo. The dill was taller than me!
Lav, wow on the 41 years! You must've been very yound when you got married. I don't think I would like a cat in the house, but I could adjust to it if need be. Maybe even come to like it, who knows! We keep all our animals outside because that is the way Mr. D was raised and I have gotten used to it now. If I lived alone tho, I would have a dog indoors to keep me company, I have no doubt about that.
Let's all have a great AF July!