hiya Lav...how are you today?was playing in the garden yesterday..where are you up to with yours?did you get the weeds shifted?where the mice had tunnelled up the side of my grass...Ive filled it (the tunnel) with wire wool..apparently they cant chew through that..we will find out..all the next meals we have will be with veggies from our garden.
brew time ...and you ma'am?
hiya ppqp ...hows you this fine day?did you get any work done yesterday?even though its raining the temps are still high....at 1 am in my car this morning the temp read 16!!now theres a word thats taken over hasnt it?selfie!! reading your post ..the phrase "its a small world"always reminds me of the ride in disney world Florida...anyone else been on it?here you go ..brew for you too.
hiya tt.........Firstly ..dont apologise.....thats what we are here for!!to talk things thru....even if you dont get an answer ..its better to talk!!sometimes we just need a kick up the bum to get us going ..other times its takes a different trigger..and thats the key..keep trying to find that trigger..I suffer with downers too..Julie knows exactly how and when it happens,but when it does..really it is down to us as individuals to get out of it..theres a lotta truth in the saying "laugh and the world laughs with you..cry and youre on your own!so here you go for starters....:H..and yes time does sort it..but why waste that extra time being miserable ..when a little push will speed it up !so heres your little push!
hiya Sam ..best of luck with the bees..will the copperhead cure my mice problem?..glad market was good for you.
hiya SL...hows you today?reading your post..

but then..
I will not drink. It was relatively easy,
ok here you go..I think you have done exceptionally well..I also think that you think that you have done well..but are worried because you have done so well and are looking for what ifs.....there arent any ..you make your own rules as you move on.Yes sometimes the pull is strong ..but dont forget ..you are trying to undo "a few" (see how politically correct that was!!) years of over indulgence.excessive use/ abuse of al...so in the grand scheme 5 months isnt a lot.
As for the holiday ..whats the worry?break it down ..look at the issues and think of alternatives..you dont have to go over the mountain ..go round it!!happy to help you with that one..not on a public forum if you want...most of all believe in yourself..I went to that party last night..there were a few of us there all ex forces. all Scottish all served together all drank (heavily )in an accepted culture..not once last night did I think ..wish I had a scotch or a beer..in fact one of them actually said..I didnt realise you could have so much of a laugh without booze!!....nuff said ...you know where I am
Pauly ...where are you hidin too?Det hope weekend has been good for you...right folks ...off we go ..have a good one.
What gets bigger every time I see my wife?
My wife.
diet tip for today.........use superglue as lip gloss
My English teacher told me that it's impossible to take two completely different words out of context and use them to create a coherent sentence.
Wheel sea.
Why did my wife cross the road?
To get back to the first shoe shop we went in three f.cking hours ago.
I love my wife, she always gives me 100% sound advice.
99% sound, 1% advice.
What's the difference between Brazil and Oscar Pistorious?
Oscar Pistorious has a better defence and more shots on target.
I enjoyed my 1st time ever bobbing up and down in the sea today.
Its been my dream ever since I was a little buoy. (for those over the pod ..we pronounce it boy ..not booey

Anyone saying "Love is more important than money" have clearly never tried paying off a loanshark with a hug.
What's the difference between a vicious rottweiler and Piers Morgan?
A couple of millimeters, hopefully.
What's the best thing to do when you keep getting the message 'Webpage not available'
Probably get a life.
My dad was a complete git when I was a kid.
I remember him saying, "Dave, you're not leaving this table until you've eaten everything on your plate!"
I still don't know how I managed to swallow that knife & fork.
tried to put some pics up ..but tinypic download isnt working at the mo so will try later