tea n coffee all round.
hiya tt ..glad you are feeling better...yep get into the exercise..that really helps..have a look at molly and satzys thread on this site..as for bad weather..hmm I recall from somewhere .."there is no such thing its how you dress"

hiya Lav..how are you ?whats that all about laffing at oh getting stung!!as for the garden..yes its great..Im on in some cases my 2nd crop of the same ..radish ,lettuce onions..cant grow caulie tho..butterflies!!
brew time..big coffee..
hiya Sam..takin it easy??your list doesnt sound too much like that!!!
Kuya..how are you doing ?long time..no never got e mail..but as I said puters have been playing up..so hows you doing?sent you a pm ..get the goss down on paper lady..pastures new and all that..we want the juicy bits!!great to hear from ya.you stayin? thats a yes then
hiya SL...read your post couple of times...cant really make it out ..thick or what???but hope all is ok with you..as for the toms ..yep picking mine too..serious problem getting them from greenhouse to kitchen without detour down gullet ..irrespective of quantity!!
Pauly ..hows you?out you come ..stop lurking

Det ..been quiet ..you ok?
hiya ppqp..hows you?
right folks gotta go..so you all take care..
Argentina have put in an appeal to FIFA stating that on the grounds the trophy was in Brazil and Argentina was therefore closer to it than Germany then it should rightfully be theirs.
I almost caught someone in bed with my missus last night, but he dived out the window as I burst into the bedroom,so I chased after him.
"He went that way." Said my mate Dave, pointing to next doors' garden.
"Cheers mate." I replied, scaling the fence. "And get some f.cking clothes on, you'll catch your death."
Getting married after a 3 month whirlwind romance isn't really something to sing about.
Luckily for Cheryl Cole she can't, so no harm done.
Two Irishmen were sitting in a pub watching the Tour de France on TV.
Seamus shook his head and asked, "Whoi t'e hell do they do that?"
"Do what?" asked Mick.
"Go on them boikes for moiles and moiles, up and down t'e hills, round t'e bends. Day
after day, week after week. No matter if it's oicy, rainin?, snowin?, hailin? .. .. ..
why would they torture themselves like that?"
"Tis all for the prestige and the money," replied Mick, "You know the winner gets about
a half a million Euros?
"Yeah, I understand that." said Seamus, "But why do all the others do it?"
I'm so pleased they are now allowing female bishops.
We might finally get some decent sandwiches at church fetes.
I see Cheryl Cole has broken a lot of hearts over the weekend."
"By getting married?"
"No, by bringing another single out.
Bluetooth ear pieces, successfully helping people to look schizophrenic since the day of their invention.
I'm opening a new cafe for Ramadan and opening between sunrise and sunset. I'm going to call it 'All you can't eat.'
When The Church of England approved women bishops, they screwed up every chess set in the country.
My boss called me a Cretin this morning.
Nonsense. I've never even been to Crete.