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    MAE everyone ?night here but thought I would try to do a quick post. Seems to be a bit of holiday talk going on ? or coming down from holidays as in Det?s case. Now you stay on track Det! No evil AL voices.
    Mick ? you planning a trip away already ? as if I would do such a thing!:H
    I am sure SL that you will enjoy your holiday. Although you are doing this sober ? the girls are older which should be a plus. Just don?t expect too much from the break and don?t over-organise and plan like I do. Listen to what the girls want to do ? even if its boring and seems like a waste of time to you. Chill out baby!

    Where?s Bear? Didn't see you post yesterday ? hope all is OK. Pauly ? you have gone quiet again which is never a good sign.

    Patrice ? vamping or vaping ? perhaps both? I would imagine that its hard to quit smoking in Malaysia ? would be more common there than it is in NZ these days?

    Hope that Lav and Sam ? that you are surviving the wild weather.

    PPQP ? keep your cool with the weather (and the infuriating MWO website).

    OK folks ? I have cooked tea (that's what we call dinner over here), have some work to do and then plan to have a watch of one of my Scandinavean crime stories. I am watching The Bridge series 2 and really enjoying it.
    You all have a great sober Tuesday ? be happy and healthy as well.


    hey TT - I'm swinging by- feeling like a big fat failure and that I'm stuck and don't now how to get out - drank 4 beers sat - no booze all day then pub in evening and i caved in.
    i even ordered diet coke then changed my mind - poor planning i think,got too hungry.Sure that is why i feel so miserable today - no motivation - moan moan moan.
    I dont want to drink,think I'm trying to stay in today - and maybe get some counselling re not sticking to my goals,in general.I cant stay stuck on the stop fags/booze/diet/ fail/ repeat cycle.
    one day at a time



      .Hey bear,i'm with you,man it's gotten to the point where i can't function without a few,i'm so scared of what i'm becoming yet again! hubs thinks i just want to get drunk,truth is i cwn't drive or work without something in me anymore,just thank goodness you are not in my position,,i'm just tired
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        TUESDAY AF 29 JULY

        OK guys thanks for the honesty as its really hard to do this. I think you have different situations but underlying - its all the same - you both want to quit. Here's my advice and you can tell me to take a (insert appropriate swear words here).

        Bear ? looking back from your posts there is one pattern that is loud and clear. You need to avoid social situations where there is booze. That means pubs for now, gigs, maybe even dinner parties. Forget all the rationalisation, underlying anxieties, the whats, the ifs etc ? you can?t test yourself in these situations. You need a clear break from this kind of social situation. Although you only drink what seems like a small amount of AL I think you have to hit the nail on the head and admit that you are addicted to AL. That means no-go around the situation where there is booze. This will be bloody tough but we have all been there and we have all had to make big life changes. It doesn't have to mean that you will never go to the pub again ? but you have to give yourself a break.

        Pauly ? your situation really worries me. Its absolutely a sign of illness that you need to drink to function. I think you need proper medical help and a rehab support group. ASAP. You know that its only a matter of time before something serious could happen. What if you did something stupid (not just a bad haircut but something dangerous) with a client and it was shown that you had been drinking? You should not be drinking and driving ? even with just a ?top-up? in your system. One of the big mistakes is that drinkers can not always measure how much AL is in in their system when they are drinking around the clock or topping-up. I don?t want to scare you because that can be so counter-productive for you but this has to stop. Your own body will onlytake so much and clearly its seriously affecting your mental state. Please do something ? and in the meantime please get rid of the AL. Are you back on the Newbies Nest.

        Sorry to be blunt here but its all said in support ? and in the meantime ? we are here for you both- lots of love and hugs.


          TUESDAY AF 29 JULY

          For fellow thread goers - sorry I have 2 threads going but that was the websites fault!
          I posted on this one as I wanted to get back to Pauly and Bear


            TUESDAY AF 29 JULY

            Bear and Pauly - so sorry!
            TT has wise words for sure.

            Bear - there is no way I could go to pubs. I avoid drinking situations like crazy, and even other situations with drink. There is still so much temptation and the ability to slip terribly easily. That is why I am worried about going on holiday. And as was put earlier - the more difficult the situation the easier it can be - it seems that the lack of ability to stop and think or prepare is getting to you. I would stay far away:l

            Pauly - I do agree with TT - this sounds very scary - I know you are living tightly, but can you get help? It seems that it is just time before something terribly bad happens. I believe you have to work something out oh so soon...

            what else can we do to help you both?
            “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


              TUESDAY AF 29 JULY

              Absolutely nothing! that is exactly why i didnt reach out! i'm ashamed,broke,embarrased,i won't be coming hackhere again,goodbye
              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                TUESDAY AF 29 JULY

                Hi Pauly and Bear
                Pauly, I'm so sorry you are feeling this bad..there is nothing to be ashamed of .. This is one hard nut to crack. I too have tried and tried and tried. This time I think is easier because I'm trying differently...can you get hold of some L theanine to help with the anxiety? I swear by simple thing at a time...
                Bear, I hope you are in the moment!
                Take care


                  TUESDAY AF 29 JULY

                  Pauly - we don't want you to go away and you are one of us. Sometimes we give out a pile of tough-love - and we get it given to us - happens to all of us.
                  Nothing to be ashamed about here - its about support and change and trying to live AF. You can get back to this because you have done this before. Please stay safe.


                    TUESDAY AF 29 JULY

                    a sleepy ahoy ABeroooos,

                    just back from almost 8 hours of 'bonding' time with 8 other of my coworkers on one of my bosses 3 boats and it was a total booze cruise. thankfully there was one other abstainer and one who had amazing 1 drink the entire time, so I did have a couple folks to commune with.

                    Pauly, first off a big xxxooo to you for having the humility to come and post that you're in a bad way. that is huge and very difficult I know. this is a facility that cannot refuse you even if you are dead broke.
                    they can do a 3-day detox to safely get you well again.

                    Westcare Nevada Inc - Community Triage in Las Vegas, Nevada - Substance Abuse Treatment Centers

                    front desk (702) 383-4044
                    hotline (702) 383-4044

                    Bear, counselling is a great idea and I'm looking forward to that myself.

                    well, super tired and gotta be up early so I'm down for the count.

                    I'll post this on the other daily thread too.

                    be well loves
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)

