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    MAE everyone ?night here but thought I would try to do a quick post. Seems to be a bit of holiday talk going on ? or coming down from holidays as in Det?s case. Now you stay on track Det! No evil AL voices.
    Mick ? you planning a trip away already ? as if I would do such a thing!:H
    I am sure SL that you will enjoy your holiday. Although you are doing this sober ? the girls are older which should be a plus. Just don?t expect too much from the break and don?t over-organise and plan like I do. Listen to what the girls want to do ? even if its boring and seems like a waste of time to you. Chill out baby!

    Where?s Bear? Didn't see you post yesterday ? hope all is OK. Pauly ? you have gone quiet again which is never a good sign.

    Patrice ? vamping or vaping ? perhaps both? I would imagine that its hard to quit smoking in Malaysia ? would be more common there than it is in NZ these days?

    Hope that Lav and Sam ? that you are surviving the wild weather.

    PPQP ? keep your cool with the weather (and the infuriating MWO website).

    OK folks ? I have cooked tea (that's what we call dinner over here), have some work to do and then plan to have a watch of one of my Scandinavean crime stories. I am watching The Bridge series 2 and really enjoying it.
    You all have a great sober Tuesday ? be happy and healthy as well.


    morning all ..and how are we ?all ok I hope..well off to prison this morning..sounds good eh?its not as bad as it sounds!...a friend of mine is the Imam in my old nick,and he has just been promoted to head honcho and moving there is a big celebration..and Im the surprise guest..jeez they must be short!!!!:H so its back to the old suit and tie jobbie..feels strange that does..anyway moving on

    hiya tt hows you?all well? thats grand not got any immmeeediate plans for a jolly, never know!!right into these scandinavian crimeys arent you..did you ever watch Vandervalk? the Dutch series..totally nowt to do with Scandinavia ..but hey!!

    hiya SL..chill your beans ..youll be fine..yes by definition you are the adult..but get the teenies involved too..make it a joint responsibility..until such times as you have to take charge...youll be fine :l

    hiya ok?dont overdo it...trying to stop everything at once?dont forget your body has got to adjust to all this..and it isnt just a quick fix! holidays at Chrimbo? reckon Ill be away around then too..short haul job.

    hiya Lav big brew any better today ?shop kids garden?

    hiya ppqp...hows you then ?big brew n off to work..sorry you couldnt get on here yesterday..time sure soon passes doesnt it? 2 years aint fishing we go..thats a dead cert!!lateral thinking on Lincoln will def give you the light bulb moment..

    Hiya didnt realise that you used so much honey!you will need to get them bees on overtime!!!

    hiya Det..sorry bout the post..hey get shot of them voices afore they start!!...whats the ultimate objective? yep youre right nother holiday..not a bottle n a crappy head!!have you got the facilityto get on here when you are driving ..not literally..but via phone etc?

    folks time to go and make meself look beeeyoutiful for my captive audience :H:H take it easy n have a great day and all those in the background too

    WH Smith - they charge a penny for a bag because they are trying to be 'environmentally friendly' - then they give you a whole trees worth of receipts and special offer vouchers.

    Tempted to poke holes in my dad's condoms so someone else can do the washing up.

    Me and my friends have been playing the 'Parliamentary Drinking Game' recently.
    Basically, you watch Question Time and down a drink every time an MP tells the truth.

    I'm 5 years sober and bored out my f.cking mind.

    I see that the University of London is offering a degree course devoted to Lady Gaga.

    The course comprises students taking their parents' tuition money, and flushing it directly down the toilet.

    I was nervous starting my new job as a street cleaner yesterday.

    Luckily I picked things up straight away.

    How come, when a couple get divorced, the bloke has to pay his ex-wife a share of his future earnings but the woman doesn't have to do the bloke's future housework?

    I absolutely love helium filled balloons.

    I can't speak highly enough about them.

    17 days until I stop using aerosol deodorants.

    Roll on
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12



      Hi all,
      Thanks for the stop smoking tips. Lav, I have joined quintet . Mick, I hear you on seeing how it goes , my main priority is staying away from the booze.. Yes TT, you can smoke anywhere here and a pack is $ 4. My motivation is my son and my health!
      Hope you are all having a great MAE.. Raining here, yay taken all the humidity out of the air


        TUESDAY AF 29 JULY

        morning all!!!
        it is down right fall like this am. Cool temps. Going to the dentist this lovely morning, it is my favorite thing to do!
        not much else going on. Friends from the north have popped in. Not sure how long they are staying, one of them has been retired and the other just retired. They are on their way to Texas.

        have a good one everyone, off to do the drill.
        Liberated 5/11/2013


          TUESDAY AF 29 JULY

          Good morning friends

          Enjoying the cool air here as well this morning Sam - nice change, for sure
          Have fun with your dental visit & friends visit!

          Patrice, glad you checked out QuitNet! It's a tool, a lot like this forum & it has helped me stay focused on my quit, I don't spend a whole lot of time on that site but I do check in daily Good luck with your quit!

          Mick, going back to the scene of the crime, huh? :H
          Hope you have an enjoyable day!

          TT, sounds like you have all your ducks in a row - good for you

          Greetings to SL, Det, PQ & everyone! Pauly, hope you check in soon & same to you SF.
          I have a full day of work ahead so I should get going & get started, Have a great AF Tuesday everyone!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            TUESDAY AF 29 JULY

            Quick flyby here - Sam, sending you my teeth to take to the dentist if you enjoy it that much :H - can send my kids to you too - then it is dentist/orthodontist and now oral surgeon - spending way too much time there, so if it makes you happy, I can oblige :H:H
            Have a good one everybody..
            “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


              TUESDAY AF 29 JULY

              MAE ALL....

              Scorcher out there today (34/93) good thing I could hide out indoors all day.
              Confused with the two threads but after reading the other I understand.

              TT...thanks for the kickoff. Every time you guys mention "tea" I remember visiting my sister who was living in London England. It's funny, we always wanted to live in England and the English want to live in Canada. I think our police force is 90% British.

     did the surprise guest appearance go? Bet he was chuffed. Now if I can just figure out what you mean by "lateral thinking" no, no don't tell me, I'll get it. Heard on the radio that Calgary only had 2 days of 30 degree weather all of last year!

              Pat...good luck with QuitNet, keep us posted. You guys keep talking about it and it's got me thinking, but not too hard. Have to be committed if I'm going to give up the smokes.

     teeth are in the post right behind SL's. Thinking your back must be healing as we haven't heard about it lately. Enjoy your visiting.

              Lav...hope you had a good day. Don't you just love starting new projects.

              SL...just so you know, my teeth get fixed first. Your's are going to take longer. Hope your day was good.

              Pauly...pick yourself up and dust yourself off...we're family, you can't rid of us that easy.

              Bear...that goes for you too. Just don't quit quitting.

              Off to fix my own "tea". Have a peaceful evening everyone.....PPQP


                TUESDAY AF 29 JULY

                Just checking back in & saw the posts from bear & pauly. Sorry I didn't see them sooner.

                I really hope the both of you will find a way to get back on your plans & make them work for you!
                We miss so much when we are operating in a cloudy haze - it's just not good. You can't keep drinking if you really want things to change in your lives. Commit to an AF day tomorrow then please check in with us, please :l
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  TUESDAY AF 29 JULY

                  a sleepy ahoy ABeroooos,

                  two threads today from our overachiever TTops, cool! it's like a support group in stereo

                  just back from almost 8 hours of 'bonding' time with 8 other of my coworkers on one of my bosses 3 boats and it was a total booze cruise. thankfully there was one other abstainer and one who had amazing 1 drink the entire time, so I did have a couple folks to commune with.

                  Pauly, first off a big xxxooo to you for having the humility to come and post that you're in a bad way. that is huge and very difficult I know. this is a facility that cannot refuse you even if you are dead broke.
                  they can do a 3-day detox to safely get you well again.

                  Westcare Nevada Inc - Community Triage in Las Vegas, Nevada - Substance Abuse Treatment Centers

                  front desk (702) 383-4044
                  hotline (702) 383-4044

                  Bear, counselling is a great idea and I'm looking forward to that myself.

                  well, super tired and gotta be up early so I'm down for the count.

                  I'll post this on the other daily thread too.

                  be well loves
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)

