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    MAE everyone.
    Rabbits, rabbits rabbits - 1 August!

    Friday afternoon already and a balmy day too. Warm and windy ? and it's the middle of winter. Just popping in to start the thread as by the time Mick gets out of bed (and Bear too) ? I should be at dinner. Having dins with an old friend tonight ? should be fun- we are trying out a new restaurant. She has been aware of me giving up booze for ages and has been very supportive ? she also knows my past ? so not much to hide there. :l

    Patrice ? you must be getting through Friday ? hope the weekend goes well. You might like the idea that a Muslim group here has for its Islam awareness ? a women?s only chocolate evening!

    What do others have planned this weekend? Mick ? are you off on your jaunt-a-roo on Sunday? Keep in touch with us SL on your holiday ? and if you get the sneaky feelings ? sneak them into ice-cream or chocolate ? or something sinful that does not involve AL. :l

    Are you home for the weekend Det?

    Are you enjoying the new teeth Sam?

    Hope you have recovered Lav from chasing the little boys around! You too PPQP (not chasing little boys):H (or old ones:H) but just chasing around!

    Pauly and Bear ? now ladies ? you both take it very easy this weekend. Don?t over-organise yourself Bear. Pauly ? you are still early in the post-binge stage ? so when you get fed-up, just get on-line and post away. Have you got over all of the withdrawals?

    Now its SF who is MIA. Last we heard I think she said she was blue ? so I hope all is well for you SF if you are peeking in.

    OK ? back to work for me now. Have a great AF Friday folks.


    Hi TT - not really here :H
    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"



      Hi all
      Hope you are all having a great MAE...
      TT - wow, the Muslim chocolate group!! Sounds great. Here, I think the form of Islam that is practiced is a milder version if the Saudi one, the women do wear headscarves but they are very colourful and dont cover the face.
      I've noticed I've saved a lot of money since I quit booze 65 days ago. A bottle of wine here costs the same as it does to fill up my car with petrol ( it's a small car!).... Well actually I haven't saved any money.. That money must have gone somewhere? Just not on booze!
      Take care all



        white rabbits!...mornin all and hows things today then as the week draws to a close and the weekend staarts to show its face thanks for the start up tt.
        not doing too much today aching a bit after being out all day yesterday..but its a good ache if that makes sense!!

        ok on with the show...bring on the brews!!

        hiya tt did the meal go?did you enjoy it ? yes Im out again this weekend..roughly the same area too.

        hiya SL ..not really here!! you enjoy your holiday when are you back?just read your post oops youre not away yet!thatll be interesting meeting up with your friend and not drinking...I bet she is interested in the who whats and whys of it all..and I also bet that when you are talking to her about feel inside chuffed with your wee self!

        hey Patrice how are you? all good?just worked out how much money I have not spent on booze since I is around the ?5000 five thousand pound mark!!

        hiya are you feeling today?hopefully better laaaarge coffee..did you end up looking after grand son?if you want you can borrow my whistle..was issued it when I started in the pest control business :H

        hiya ppqp ...nope never got wet..not unless you consider sweat dripping off my head as wet!!hows the other boss doing?..does this boss want a brew?

        hiya is you today?all good..can beat your about 8am yesterday morning,was driving up the road..saw a couple slurping down a 2 litre bottle of white cider..sad

        hiya bear...whoaaah slow down!!looking at your list

        so in no particular order,1 OH,2cat3,home,4friends,5parents alive and healthy,6 job where I'm learning and supported to learn,7making progress with weight loss and eating better, 8 new hair colour,9spa membership which is a bargain, 10holidays to look forward to this year and 11seeing old friends in few weekends time,12roller derby and friends from that and13 being physically able to skate and exercise(team mates are injured)14,money to buy healthy food and to treat myself.

        ....all good..but where is not drinking on that list..that should have been key 1

        no drinking will change help with your attitude in 1236711,
        it will also help physically and financially with 7910121314

        so there you go..get it up there!

        ok heres one for you and Pauly....only if you both want to tho...why not support each other in particular..that way then you get the support in general from here and individually from each other..make a pact to each other ..aint gonna drink with out contacting the other one ..and getting a reply back first ..that way for want a drink or in a situ that drink is flying about..txt/pm pauly and dont think of taking a drink till she replies and the other way round..both go on drink tracker on here ..that way you can show off to us all how well you are doing...just an idea.

        hiya Det..hows you doing mate?well done for not joining in the bar brawl!!hey none of us are pros here..each and every one of us has lived in shitsville for a while just decided to move outta that neighbourhood!well done on day19 :goodjob:

        righty ho folks off we go ..have a great weekend

        The photographer for a national magazine was assigned to get photos of a huge forest fire. Smoke at the scene was too thick to get any good shots, so he frantically called his home office to hire a plane. ?It will be waiting for you at the airport!? he was assured by his editor.

        As soon as he got to the small, rural airport, sure enough, a plane was warming up near the runway. He jumped in with his equipment and yelled, ?Let?s go! Let?s go!? The pilot swung the plane into the wind and soon they were in the air.

        ?Fly over the north side of the fire,? said the photographer, ?and make three or four low level passes.?

        ?Why?? asked the pilot.

        ?Because I?m going to take pictures! I?m a photographer, and photographers take pictures!?

        After a long pause the pilot said, ?You mean you?re not the instructor??

        After years of scrimping and saving, I told my wife the good news: ?Honey, we?ve finally saved enough money to buy what we started saving for in 1979.?

        ?You mean a brand-new Cadillac?? she asked eagerly.

        ?No,? I said sadly, ?a 1979 Cadillac.?

        The doctor took his patient into the room and said, ?I have some good news and some bad news.?

        The patient said, ?Give me the good news.?

        ?They?re going to name a disease after you.?

        The local bar was so sure that its bartender was the strongest man around that they offered a standing $1,000 bet. The bartender would squeeze a lemon until all the juice ran into a glass and then hand the lemon to a patron. Anyone who could squeeze one more drop of juice out would win the money. Many people had tried over time (weightlifters, longshoremen, etc.), but nobody could do it.

        One day this scrawny little man came in, wearing thick glasses and a polyester suit, and said in a tiny, squeaky voice, ?I?d like to try the bet.? After the laughter had died down, the bartender said okay, grabbed a lemon, and squeezed away. Then he handed the wrinkled remains of the rind to the little man.

        But the crowd?s laughter turned to total silence as the man clenched his fist around the lemon and six drops fell into the glass.

        As the crowd cheered, the bartender paid the $1,000, and asked the little man, ?What do you do for a living? Are you a lumberjack, a weightlifter, or what??

        The man replied, ?I work for the IRS.?

        A boss was determined not to hire an Irishman, so he decided to set a test for Murphy, hoping he wouldn?t be able to answer the questions, and he?d be able to refuse him the job without getting into an argument. The first question was, ?Without using numbers, represent the number 9.?
        So Murphy say?s, ?Dat?s easy? and proceeds to draw three trees.
        The boss says, ?What the hell?s that??

        Murphy says, ?Tree ?n tree ?n tree makes nine.? ?Fair enough,? says the boss. ?Second question, same rules, but represent 99.?

        Murphy stares into space for a while, then makes a smudge on each tree. ?Der ya go sir,? he says.
        The boss scratches his head and says, ?How on earth do you get that to represent 99??
        Murphy says, ?Each trees dirty now! So it?s dirty tree, ?n dirty tree, ?n dirty tree, dat?s 99?
        The boss is getting worried he?s? going to have to hire Murphy, so he says ?All right, question three. Same rules again, but represent the Number 100.?
        Murphy stares into space again, then he shouts, ?Got it!? He makes a little mark at the base of each tree, and says, ?There ya go sir, 100.? The boss looks at Murphy?s attempt and thinks, ?Ha! Got him this time.? ?Go on Murphy, you must be mad if you think that represents a hundred!?

        Murphy leans forward and points to the marks at the tree bases, and says, ?A little dog comes along and poos by each tree, so now you?ve got dirty tree an? a turd, dirty tree an? a turd, dirty tree an? a turd, which makes one hundred. When do I start me job??

        There was this little guy sitting in a bar, drinking, minding his own business when all of a sudden this great big dude comes in and ?WHACK!!? he knocks him off the bar stool and says,

        ?That was a karate chop from Korea.?

        The little guy thinks ?GEEZ? but he gets back up on the stool and starts drinking again when all of a sudden ?WHACK? the big dude knocks him down AGAIN and says,

        ?That was a judo chop from Japan.?

        So the little guy has had enough of this so he leaves and is gone for an hour or so and when comes back ?WHACK!!!? He knocks the big dude off his stool and out cold!!!

        The little guy looks at the bartender and says,

        ?When he comes to, tell him that was a crowbar from Sears.?

        The cyclist, passing a pedestrian crossing, runs into a man, and they both fall down. ?Geez, are you lucky.? The cyclist says.

        ?What do you mean by lucky?? The pedestrian angrily asks. ?I got hurt really bad.?

        ?Ah, you?re lucky because I recently lost my license. I usually drive a bus.?
        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


          AF FRIDAY 1 AUGUST

          bollo**s - lost my post!

          Mick you're right - without af being there rest is not enjoyable/gonna be ruined - didn't put it as I'm on day 6.You're right in other post where you said its not about numbers - just about daily commitment to being AF. I need to stop focusing so much on days and time as I use that to beat myself up 'only day 6 again' - so yes no booze is number one - and I'm doing that and running and roller derby with hangover - it either doesn't happen or it is totally ruined.

          TT - haha no over organising here - spa day today and a run - thats it.Tomorrow OH band playing at festival,were going just for day,we're not staying and leaving early evening - and its a mellow family friendly one - not a drug booze infested one. Thats going to be there to a small extent as that's life - BUT i'm taking af beer and diet 7up and focused on feeling good for rollerderby next morning.
          A friend is driving so we're sharing af beers and I'm more excited about roast pork roll v crackling,may cry if that stall isn't there again!Sunday = roller derby training, then buying fruit and veg for week and something to make salad for lunches in the week to save dosh.I will clean kitchen and bathroom - that's it. Quite low key for me.

          Lav - I am lucky to have you all here and sharing your advice - and I know it's all meant for my best interests, I really appreciate the honesty.

          Pauly - hope you're starting to feel better now and keeping on keeping on too.

          Sam I''m using your quote at the end of every post now - simple and effective. Have a great day everyone. I don't drink.
          one day at a time


            AF FRIDAY 1 AUGUST

            Patrice and scottish lass - hey there.
            I've spent all my booze dosh on hair dye at hairdressers,posh shampoo and conditioner to keep it in good nick and facial and massage. Much better value!
            one day at a time


              AF FRIDAY 1 AUGUST

              I spent a lot of the money I saved from drinking on clothes. Had to as I lost weight.
              Some people have their fat and skinny clothes - I like to think of some of my clothes as pre quit and post-quit. When I was at my worst (weight, puffiness and tummy sticking out) I wore a lot of loose tops and trousers. It's great to now be able to wear dresses and skirts and more fitting tops (still a tummy there but not at all like when I was drinking).
              Is that too much information?
              And we all know how much better our skin and hair is once we eliminate the toxins.
              What vain creatures we are!!!


                AF FRIDAY 1 AUGUST

                Good morning Abbers,

                Happy Friday, happy August 1
                Thanks for the start up TT. Hope you had a nice dinner with your friend.

                Hi there 'not really here' SL :H

                Patrice, I use my extra cash to spoil my grandkids. Money well spent I think but I could use some new clothes!!!

                Mick, I hope your aches are under control.
                I'm still dealing with a mysteriously swollen & sore left foot. I'm assuming it's arthritic, who knows? It's not easy getting older especially when there's so much still to do!!!

                bear, glad you are doing well & hope you have a good weekend.

                I'm heading out to see what I can manage to do at Curves (without hurting myself), have some paperwork & billing to do for my biz & will be watching my grandsons for a few hours again this afternoon. Busy, busy!

                Have a great AF Friday everyone. Hello to PQ, Sam, SF, pauly, Det & everyone!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  AF FRIDAY 1 AUGUST

                  Morning all!
                  We've had company for the last few days and so my morning ritual of checking in got a little disrupted. Interesting guy, has been sober for 25+ years, does AA. Quite the character too. Anyway, managed to get loader off tractor, clean bill of health on teeth and looks like sweet corn soon! This weekend I was hoping to take cattle to the market but looks like a washout. Maybe Monday to a different one. Got new calves popping out.

                  TT, I'm right there in the same boat, had to by some clothes due to weight loss from no booze. So glad too, I was beginning to look like a pinata person.

                  Bear, great attitude adjustment! Keep things simple, stress can be the big trigger!

                  Mick, had to copy the Irish joke and send to an Irish friend! Thanks for the daily dose of smiles!

                  Waves to all. Have a wonderful weekend
                  Liberated 5/11/2013


                    AF FRIDAY 1 AUGUST

                    Bear - you are sounding good - stay strong, it is worth the fight! I like your alternate money spending plan - that will keep it fun!
                    I don't seem to have any extra money (blame it all on the teenagers!)- and not lost weight, but do need new clothes all the same - hate shopping!! Maybe you could pick me something up when you go Lav!
                    Today's list is pretty long - getting house sorted to be left in 106 degree weather, and then that packing thing! Back next Sunday night Mick - making it as long as possible, back on call Monday at 7am.
                    Enjoy the calfies Sam - joy of new life is a pretty special thing..
                    Feeling happy here today, and ready to face my challenge:l
                    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                      AF FRIDAY 1 AUGUST

                      Mae everybody,sheesh i wanted to sleep in as its my day off,body didn't want to cooperate! bear,you do sound good,sounds like everyone has plans this weekend,that's good,i'm sure mine wull be drama filled,daughter came back from WA her boyfriend broke up with her,poor thing,when i went downstairs to get my coffee i seen her sleeping on the couch with a huge bottle of beer next to her,not good but i'll be here for her,have a good Thursday peeps
                      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                        AF FRIDAY 1 AUGUST

                        You stay strong Pauly. Your poor daughter but as you know it may be for the best. You are the mother here and so being sober will help a lot - even if she is drowning her sorrows. Remember although she is you wee girl - you have to also look after yourself and only last weekend you were in a bad space - so take care and don't overwork!!!!!!
                        Try to convince her that helping you around the house will make her feel better:H

                        SL - I love shopping for clothes when I am away from my home town. Actually the shopping is pretty good here but shopping is an 'away' treat I enjoy and something I prefer to do alone. I often don't buy - its the looking and trying on things and juts getting ideas,

                        Had a fab dinner last night - not the food (although yummy dessert) but the company. Really nice to just have a good chin-wag.

                        Sounds like your house guest was interesting Sam! Did he try to convince you to attend AA?

                        Lovely day here folks - Saturday morning and sunshine everywhere. Bad weather on the horizon but I will make the most of this respite.


                          AF FRIDAY 1 AUGUST

                          guest never mentioned going once, we didn't really speak much about booze, only that I had quit and he was pretty neutral about any of it.
                          Liberated 5/11/2013


                            AF FRIDAY 1 AUGUST

                            MAE ALL....

                            Finally got on so just want to check in. Sounds like everyone's doing ok today. Will try and post properly tomorrow.....PPQP

