Lav, great advice from the doctor.

Pap, so good to hear from you. Great to hear your job eval went better than expected. I know you have been really struggling at work. Your exercise efforts are going really well, wish mine were. I will have to start a routine once I move. There is a work out place at the apartment complex.
Dill, I have toys for my grandson, and will put them on some lower shelves. Obviously it will be a while till he can actually play with anything, but I am ready. You have really made it nice for your grandkids, so has Lav, and so will I. Interesting about the Bubble Hour's Gift of Desperation. Sometimes I look back on my own life and realize that the really difficult times taught some interesting, much needed lessons. Like now. Haha. Really thought provoking stuff. I know we are here to learn lessons, the reasons for hardships, challenges, etc. That is why going AF is not something to be ashamed of, but something to learn from.
Lots to do again today. Have to show the house to the other realtor and the buyers again, so cleaned like crazy. It never ends, but it IS nice to have a super clean house. I hope I burn some extra calories. I made a big decision yesterday and rid myself of even more of my books, leaving about half the shelves open. I just don't read alot of the stuff anymore, and with kindle, I can get books and not have them take up space, so want to start doing things differently, for the most part. I have no one who will want my books, so out they went. You can tell this is a big deal for me. More to get rid of and more packing. Time to be super organized.
Have a great day!