Happy Friday everyone

Sunny & cool, perfect weather!
Papmom, a new job would be awesome. I hope it all works out for you

That rain was amazing, glad I wasn't driving in it too!
Star, enjoy the apartment time while you can

I totally get the no worries, less cleaning, no yard work thing. I really have been thinking Granny Condo for a while now. We shall see!
No matter what the future brings I am determined to maintain my sanity!
Understanding & breaking out of the co-dependent type behavior was a big thing for me. Unfortunately, I learned that behavior from my Mom who did (and made us do) anything to 'maintain the peace' at home. My Dad was a raging nut case. I (unknowingly) allowed YB to cross my weakened personal barriers, hence my desire to numb my hurt with tons of wine.
I understand now that YB's chronic unhappiness is HIS CHOICE & not a result of anything I do or have done. Same goes for me

OK, lecture of the day (LOD) over :H :H
Have a great AF Friday everyone!