Good morning friends,
Lav, so glad you received your diagnosis, so you can have peace and know that it will heal with time. What a relief. I liked you comment about next year chasing my grandson was fun to think about. They change so much that first year. You will make it to 2000 days, your plan to be AF included so much about how to think, what to think, attitude, choice, and practice that it is ingrained in your brain. Not that you don't have to be on guard, treasure your new life. We all have to be aware of where we are at each day. Having been through huge challenge, we know that to be well takes daily work.
Dill, I am so pleased to be closer to my daughter. I have to admit though that I am having a hard time sleeping, missing my old house a bit, and working on adjusting to my new life. Because it is a new life. Just think, I know no one here. No one. It is really weird. I have to figure out how to make a friend or two in the next couple of months. Right now alot of time is being spent just getting to work, figuring out how to do my job, fitting in with the culture there and acclimating to my new home environment. So much to get used to. I hope if it is going to be cold this winter the snow is not too bad. I have moved farther south to a place with less yearly snow. I checked.

Pap, sorry about your job. I know how it is learning something new and needing time to get it. At my new job I will need time to figure it all out. I am going to pm you about something relating to computers and hope you can give me advice. So sorry about your doggies having health issues. I had a cat in the past with IBS who sh## on a bed in our house. Gross, but she was really sick. Something funny to tell you pet related. My kitty has had a hard time adjusting to her new life, so I have been spoiling her with a few new toys, limited treats, etc. Well, the new toy I purchased last night was a hit. She dragged it in my room and was playing with it, making noises. I got up, took it out to another room, and she dragged it back into the bedroom. Very cute. Hope your animals heal quickly.
Cyn, so glad to have you back. Hope you are able to carve out some time for yourself. It is sometimes hard when you have alot to do. I have to figure this out with my new schedule. Grief is a weird thing, it just hits, like a wave. I am glad you are honoring your feelings of sadness, it is the only way to get through. I miss my mom so much and it will be ten years soon. How wonderful to have had a mother who left you so much to continue on in your life.
Hey all, have a good Saturday.