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Absolutely AF August

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    Absolutely AF August

    Good morning friends,

    Lav, so glad you received your diagnosis, so you can have peace and know that it will heal with time. What a relief. I liked you comment about next year chasing my grandson was fun to think about. They change so much that first year. You will make it to 2000 days, your plan to be AF included so much about how to think, what to think, attitude, choice, and practice that it is ingrained in your brain. Not that you don't have to be on guard, treasure your new life. We all have to be aware of where we are at each day. Having been through huge challenge, we know that to be well takes daily work.

    Dill, I am so pleased to be closer to my daughter. I have to admit though that I am having a hard time sleeping, missing my old house a bit, and working on adjusting to my new life. Because it is a new life. Just think, I know no one here. No one. It is really weird. I have to figure out how to make a friend or two in the next couple of months. Right now alot of time is being spent just getting to work, figuring out how to do my job, fitting in with the culture there and acclimating to my new home environment. So much to get used to. I hope if it is going to be cold this winter the snow is not too bad. I have moved farther south to a place with less yearly snow. I checked. I started reading a book by Bill Reilly, "Killing Jesus." He acts like he is a big researcher, but it seems a shallow book. One quote was it just, "made sense," to change the Roman Saturnalia to Christmas. What? Nothing about the politics in Chrisitianity taking over the culture. Have you read it? I hope it gets better.

    Pap, sorry about your job. I know how it is learning something new and needing time to get it. At my new job I will need time to figure it all out. I am going to pm you about something relating to computers and hope you can give me advice. So sorry about your doggies having health issues. I had a cat in the past with IBS who sh## on a bed in our house. Gross, but she was really sick. Something funny to tell you pet related. My kitty has had a hard time adjusting to her new life, so I have been spoiling her with a few new toys, limited treats, etc. Well, the new toy I purchased last night was a hit. She dragged it in my room and was playing with it, making noises. I got up, took it out to another room, and she dragged it back into the bedroom. Very cute. Hope your animals heal quickly.

    Cyn, so glad to have you back. Hope you are able to carve out some time for yourself. It is sometimes hard when you have alot to do. I have to figure this out with my new schedule. Grief is a weird thing, it just hits, like a wave. I am glad you are honoring your feelings of sadness, it is the only way to get through. I miss my mom so much and it will be ten years soon. How wonderful to have had a mother who left you so much to continue on in your life.

    Hey all, have a good Saturday.
    Formerly known as redhibiscus


      Absolutely AF August

      Good morning friends,

      Cloudy, not looking too promising out there, oh well.
      I really feel relieved knowing I don't have to face surgery on my foot. It's not the pain I was worried about but the endless list of possible complications after any procedure that had me concerned
      Now I need to look into buying a pair of steel toed shoes for protection in the future - just kidding :H

      Star, enjoy your Grandma time today!
      I think making new friends at this age is harder, more complicated than it was when we were younger. I know myself than I am pickier & less trusting than I used to be when I was younger. I get along just fine with almost everyone I meet but finding a new, close friend is not so easy.

      Cyn, sometimes it's hard to wind down after you've been uber busy for a period of time. I like to connect with nature, helps me calm down pretty quickly
      Missing our Moms is something we all have in common I think. I keep telling myself that my Mom wouldn't have tolerated me sitting around, being miserable & feeling sorry for myself. Helps pull me out of funky moods! I hope your weekend is relaxing!

      Papmom, sick dogs & vet fees are annoying as hell
      I have decided I can't continue with all the Rx meds/supplements that have been recommended for my big dog - ridiculous! Between the thyroid med, the liver supplement & the Dasuquin chews for her joints I'm spending at least $175-200/month plus additional $$ for follow up blood work, office visits, etc That stops now!!!! Maxie will get the best home care I can provide for an old dog!
      I hope something changes on the job front for you very soon. Sounds like your boss is a control freak & not able to delegate any responsibilities. That will burn her out sooner rather than later.

      Dill, there really was absolutely no choice for me. I had to go on HRT because I had such a sudden & severe drop in hormone level at such a young age. It all seemed to happen practically overnight & I couldn't function. So much for menopause being a gradual, normal change. I have tried to wean off several times over the years but it really messed with my B/P & stuff. I'll spend the winter being sweaty & sleepless if necessary but if my B/P rises drastically I don't know what I'll do. It's amazing how one so closely affects the other. Hope your weather is good for the weekend!

      Wishing everyone a great AF Saturday!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Absolutely AF August

        Lav-you hit the nail on the head about making friends at our stage of life. I made some really good friends over the past 10 years-not ones that I talk to every day or socialize with-they were work friends and now we keep in touch through FB. One of them, who had her first kid 2 years ago ( remember the quilt I made him?) and is expecting another and who out of the blue took me to the local botanical garden a few weeks after my heart attack, called me tonite. I thought something was wrong! Last week when I had that meeting at my old place of work, I saw her for a few seconds. She was kind of standoffish and I was confused but chalked it up to rushing off to another meeting and being 9 months preggo. Well, she called to apologize-had some work things that had upset her right before I saw her. I never expected the phone call and feel that she is a true friend even tho we see talk to each other rarely.
        Anyway, this time around it's been much harder to make friends at work. Not sure what the problem is but its very weird. Just more proof it isn't the right place for me.

        Star-PM me whenever you want. I'll try to be as much help as possible.
        I totally know what it is like to move somewhere, start a new job and know no one. I was much much younger then but I always managed to get close to one or two people and you will too. It will just take time-let nature take it's course.
        I love your story about your kitty!! I miss having cats soooooo much! I'm glad she is getting more acclimated to her new home. Enjoy!!

        Lav-I'm so sorry about Maxi and all the money for her meds. Have you talked to them about the same meds at Walmart or Target? I've gotten many different meds for my kids there and the vets have been very cooperative. The difference in cost is amazing! At any rate good luck with your girl. It's so tough when they get old. :upset:

        Hi Dill and Cyn!!
        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

        KO the Beast!!


          Absolutely AF August

          forgot to tell you all about my great day off!
          I slept until 8:30! That felt good! Had a leisurely breakfast while I decided what type of exercise I wanted to do. It was very cool and partly sunny out so I had to choose outdoors. Because DD isn't feeling well I decided to take Mickey to the local Rail Trail. I was just going to do the 2 mile walk at a brisk pace but ended up jogging most of it. Mickey is soooo easy to run with- his pace matched mine perfectly whereas DD forces me to run too fast.
          After our walk/run, my nephew came over to finish up the front yard landscaping project and I planted my 3 new zebra grass plants and did some cleanup. After that I surprised myself by washing my car and cleaning the inside. Haven't done that since I got in 2012! Well, it's been washed but not cleaned inside. Laundry, dishes, cooked dinner and then...... a room full of shite to clean up. Poor DD. Still not feeling well and now another nite without dinner. He's going to the vet tomorrow-he needs Flagyll for sure. I just hope I can still make my nephew's party in the afternoon. I have to cancel my demo too which sucks because I could use the money, especially the mileage $$. I feel so bad for my crazy dog-he was doing so well on his new diet and then I had to go feed him raw cod. Stupid mom. cross your fingers for us tomorrow.

          Well, that was my fun day! Now I'm paying for my late sleepin. Its past midnite and I'm wide awake!!
          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

          KO the Beast!!


            Absolutely AF August

            Good morning...

            Had a good day, loved babysitting, although the little guy was fussy after his first shots. Had a pleasant evening and loved my Saturday. I went to the pool and met a lady who just moved here, and we made tentative plans to go to an event next Saturday. Not sure about her, she was talking about wine, but the event is in the morning,so should be OK.

            Lav, my menopausal symptoms come and go, and are really annoying. Stress, bad eating, no exercising and then just sometimes for no reason at all. It has been eight years now. Hope you feel better. My mom was like your mom, no time to feel sorry for yourself, pick yourself up and get going. Good attitude to have, but not always easy.

            Pap, I was glad to hear you had a good day off, you needed and deserved it. Hope your doggy's tummy settles down. The friend thing will take time, and I don't know if another close friend will happen for a while. It is different as you get older. However, I will try.

            It is going to be really hot here today, again, so will try to fit in an hour of pool time. It felt really good to swim yesterday. Have a great day.
            Formerly known as redhibiscus


              Absolutely AF August

              Good morning friends,

              Glad to report my stupid foot seems to have turned the corner this weekend - much improvement in the pain & swelling department - yay!!! Really hope I can start walking like a normal person soon. I'm getting tired of the zombie-like gait I've developed :H

              Star, glad you had a good day with the little guy!
              Fussy or not it's always great to spend time with the little ones. I've had several instances with my Curves group where they've mentioned a get - together with wine & cheese & I just tell them 'Thanks but I don't consume either anymore, they don't agree with me' No one has ever questioned that!

              Papmom, my vet's office gave me a large ration of shit years ago when I asked for a script for something I knew I could buy cheaper elsewhere! I'm not dealing with that again. The two most expensive supplements are strictly for dogs, no human equivalent out there. I've had enough of the whole thing. Enjoy your nephew's party! Nice that your young friend is OK

              I had yet another night of tossing & turning due to non-stop hot flashes. Seriously not looking forward to a reduction in hormones after next month. I may spontaneously erupt into fire :H
              This situation is getting old & completely tiresome.

              Greetings Dill & Cyn!

              Have a great AF day everyone!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Absolutely AF August

                Seriously hot and muggy here so I'm hiding out in the AC but feeling kind of restless and unsettled. I think it might be summer time cabin fever!

                Lav, don't stress about the weaning of the HRT. Maybe you will be pleasantly surprised and it will go easier than you think. We can always hope, eh?:l

                Star, funny you mentioned the Killing Jesus book and your reaction to it. I read it last winter and had the exact same reaction. And a friend of mine who read it really felt like it was lacking too. I never read the other O'Reilly books but I did see the movie about Lincoln based on his book. I liked the movie but after reading the Killing Jesus book it made me suspicious of the veracity of the movie.

                Papmom you blew me away when you said you ended up jogging for most of the 2 miles! I am so impressed. You really have "come a long way, baby"!

                Cyn, Have you managed to decompress yet? Sorry you weren't able to get home for the funeral of the family matriarch. And I'm glad my words about my Mom helped soothe your soul. The story that my SIL recalled on my mom's birthday was this: at my Mom's memorial service one of my other SIL's spoke. She talked about the day long ago that she and my brother had to tell my parents that they were pregnant out of wedlock at age 19. They were scared to death because they knew they had let their parents downs and their future plans would be altered. They were so fearful of my parent's reaction. But my SIL said that Mom simply said, "We love babies." The acceptance and love in those words at a moment of such extreme vulnerability meant so much to my SIL. She and my brother married and had two boys. They are married to this day! Well, the SIL that wrote me on Mom's birthday said that recently when her 30 something unwed daughter came to her and broke the news that she was pregnant, my SIL remembered that story and she spoke my mother's words to her daughter (my niece) and silently, to herself, said a prayer of thanks to my Mom for her example that years later her helped her in that moment with her daughter. And this is the niece for whom I am madly crocheting a blanket!:H I know for a fact that my parents were deeply upset by the news and it took them some time to adjust, but that moment of calm acceptance was surely a display of grace to be emulated.

                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                  Absolutely AF August

                  Good morning,

                  Lav, your foot is getting better, yay!!!! It is such a pain to not be able to get around the way you want to. I hate when vets, doctors, etc., are not understanding about cost. What do they think?! As far as hanging out with new people, I do not want to be with drinkers, period. I want to find someone or a few people who are into something interesting: classes, yoga, walking club, ceramics, or something like that. Not alcohol. It just does not interest me and that is the last thing I need. Still adjusting and need more time to get to know my environment and job. But, it is all OK. I was so tired yesterday, slept well last night, will get a good start on the week.

                  Dill, thanks for letting me know your reaction to that book. I don't normally feel that strongly about about a book, but is it fiction, fact or what? He messes with the known information and makes things up. I talked to someone who thought it was a good book, and we agreed to disagree. This person does not normally read info with references so comes from a different place. It is soooo hot here too, that I was exhausted after about an hour at the pool, and still hot. Thank goodness for air conditioning, and I mean it. My goal is to stay cool this week, at work, home, anywhere.

                  Hello to Pap and Cyn. Have a good Monday.
                  Formerly known as redhibiscus


                    Absolutely AF August

                    Good morning friends!

                    Only 59 degrees here at the moment so I'm not complaining

                    Today is the first day of Kindergarten for my grandson EB!
                    I'm almost feeling a little weepy, can't believe so much time has passed. He's a bright & bubbly kid, I'm sure he will do well

                    Hi there Dill! I hope the hot & humid weather you're having goes somewhere else but not here! :H
                    I don't need anything else heating me up! Enjoy the AC & the crocheting

                    Star, I've noticed something about the 50 & 60 year old drinkers around here. They do a lot of talking & damn little drinking! They may have 1/2 glass of wine & then they're done. It seems to be the ritual they enjoy, not the wine. My old work friends have turned into non-drinkers because they all have real medical reasons. One of them had a serious heart attack a few years ago, another has serious autoimmune problems (RA & Hashimoto's thyroiditis). Both are on tons of meds that preclude AL!
                    I am at the stage where I really do not care what anyone else has in their glass!

                    Greetings to Papmom & Cyn! Hope you are both doing well!

                    I will be heading out later to pick up my MRI films (on CD) & stop in the Podiatrist's office to see about that walking boot. I don't really know if I still need it at this point, we'll see.
                    Have a great AF day everyone!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Absolutely AF August

                      Morning all!

                      SD came for the weekend, and has finally made a big commitment towards dealing with her weight and eating healthily, so I decided to cook a ton of stuff for her to take home so that she'll have an easier time eating the right things. She's finally arrived (after vegan, hi-carb no protein, lo-carb some protein, vegies, no vegies, white bread, you name it approaches,) at a little lean protein, lots of vegies and some fruits, limited carbs kind of eating. Works for me! She has Crohn's, so that complicates things, but she's bumped up the exercise in a major way, and I just want to do anything I can to help her.

                      Lav - such great news about your foot, and so happy that it's starting to feel better already, whew. RE: HRT, I've been dealing with it for well over a decade. I did best with a Hormone-Balancing treatiment from my osteopath in the desert, but no one here can replicate that, so I've gone on a regular HRT regiment instead. I toughed it out for 6 months in between, and my quality of life was so diminished that I decided to go back on something, anything. So far this is kind of working...still have symptoms, but they are much diminished. BTW, my gyn - who is super cautious - says that there are a few patients that she has that just stay on it forever, it works for them and she doesn't object. The BP is certainly a concern.

                      Pap - so sorry to hear about your pups and sickness. It really is $$$ and a drag. I'm moving my kids to a less expensive, less invasive vet that also happens to be closer to home. Just gotta do it; I can't shell out $300 for each dog for their yearly checkup, no way. Sounds like your boss is not very good at being a leader - sorry about that. Breathe deep and bless her with patience, maybe that'll sink in! Congrats on all you exercise; you are an example for sure.

                      Star - I think you have the right idea about where to find new friends - classes, book groups, etc. There you'll find like-minded people. Also, if you eventually have any free time, volunteering for a non-profit that's doing a 'walk' or a special event is a good way in to people who are service-minded, but you don't have to make a long commitment. Just some ideas. I think you are doing an incredible job of transitioning! So many changes at once! Take it slow...

                      Dill - sorry about the humidity. We are enjoying a non-summer sort of end of summer, with cool cloudy days. I'm thinking that your heat and humidity must be headed this way, however. Maybe it will ripen the end of the tomatoes for me!

                      I gardened on Saturday morning, and clearly have lost my 'garden' muscles - I was in agony afterwards! With that and driving 4 hours round-trip yesterday to retreive HB from the airport, I need to keep doing some gently movement, so I'd better take a 'screen' break now and stretch.

                      Wishing all a great Monday -
                      PS - remind me to tell you of the huge reception I hosted (by myself), pouring 100 glasses of champagne...
                      to the light


                        Absolutely AF August

                        I put this pic on FB after visiting the foot doc again this afternoon. Thought I'd share here as well. Is that a guilty looking dog or what? :H
                        I'll be styling in this Air boot for the next 4 weeks

                        Cyn, glad your SD is ready to take your loving & wise advice
                        I hope it goes well for her!
                        I read somewhere years ago that there is some extremely small number of women (something like 3%) who will continue to have hot flashes until they die. Why am I so freaking lucky? :H
                        I have to agree that some relief is a whole lot better than no relief. We will see what happens!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Absolutely AF August

                          Good morning...

                          Had a hard time getting on this site, but persevered. Any way, up early today as I have to be at work for a meeting.

                          Lav, I just don't want to hang out with people who think drinking is cool. It is just so adolescent to me, does that make sense? I mean, going out for dinner is fine, if someone has a drink, what do I care, but....if they are talking about alcohol as the focal point of the evening. I am just not interested. Loved the pic of your foot and the dog. You are so funny!

                          Cyn, I will look for a book club, good idea. I went to a yoga studio last night, not sure if I want to join quite yet. I have to think about it. I am taking it slow, want to master my job, but realize I need exercise and meeting up with others. How kind of you to prepare a bunch of food to help out SD. She will feel better pretty quickly, I know I do when I eat that way. I just have a hard time gardening anymore, my hands get swollen and hurt. I don't have to concern myself with that activity for at least a year.

                          Hello Dill and Pap. Have a great Tuesday.
                          Formerly known as redhibiscus


                            Absolutely AF August

                            Good morning Star & everyone,

                            I had a hard time getting online too Star but it seems to be OK now.

                            I totally agree with you about the adolescent thinking where AL is concerned. We're not adolescents we know better
                            I hope you can find a yoga spot you like & get back to doing something nice for yourself soon!

                            I have to tell you that dragging that air boot around is exhausting! Not so sure I'm going to put up with that thing for an entire month - geez! My picture did spark a lot of conversation on FB & that was fun :H

                            Greetings Dill, Papmom & Cyn! Hope you are all well!
                            Not sure what I am doing yet today, we shall see.
                            Have a great AF day one & all.

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Absolutely AF August

                              Good evening all -

                              Lav - 4 weeks! Holy cow - no wonder you were in pain, that must be some stress fracture! Yes, indeed, swissy looks pretty sorry now, though I'm sure she has no clue about what...

                              Star - Book Club, or even just getting familiar with your local library. I am SO lucky to have a wonderful library close, one that has book meetings, and all sorts of other meetings - computer classes, films, etc. You love books so much that it might be a good place to find like-minded people, or to volunteer if they need help getting with a book sale, or in the children's department. I think you are wise to go slowly; if the yoga gives back alot to you, great. But maybe you need to rest?!

                              We spent the afternoon traveling to old friends that live on a lake. It was great to sit by a body of water, see the 2nd generation of kids on their little beach, watch a 7-yr learning to water ski. It made me realize that HB and I have led somewhat of a wandering, disjointed life...we're so lucky that his kid has decided to be close to us; between her presence and our dogs we are forced to have some kind of a 'normal-ish' existence. There's one for the Gratitude book.

                              Hope all are soaking up this end-of-summer golden light. I still feel the little bit of anxiousness regarding 'going back to school' time - Dill, you must definitely feel that way!

                              I'm off to the big city early tomorrow, so will have a late check-in...(wishing everyone happy hump-day early!)
                              to the light


                                Absolutely AF August

                                I had a hard time getting on the site this morning too. We had our granddaughter over night last night so I didn't have any opportunity to post last night! Yesterday was really busy here all day. And we had her up until suppertime. We just got back in from returning her to her dad and brother. It was really nice to have the time with her and it gave my son time to focus on getting his son off to a good start on his first day of school in his new school.

                                Cyn, a day sitting by a lake sounds wonderful! It's nice that you got to enjoy watching the kids play.

                                Lav, love the pic! LOL! I hope you heal quickly.

                                Star, I can totally relate to your desire not to hang out with people who are enthusiastic about drinking.

                                Hey, Papmom!

                                I had a terrible experience yesterday. I've mentioned to you in the past about a gf of mine who is struggling with al. Well, yesterday I went to meet her and another friend for breakfast and a walk. When she arrived she was so drunk and she reeked of vodka! She had to hold on to things to steady herself and she spoke slowly and deliberately trying hard not to slur. OMG. I was so sad for her. She broke down crying and blubbering and she repeated herself. She could barely walk. And today I haven't been able to get a hold of her. Her cell goes straight to voice mail. I think she maybe realized what she had done and she is avoiding me because of embarrassment. She is in such a bad way. I wish I could find a way to help her. So sad.

                                Let's all have and appreciate a peaceful, AF evening.

                                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

