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Absolutely AF August

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    Absolutely AF August

    X-post Star! I like Sweet September.

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


      Absolutely AF August

      Good morning friends!

      If the weather report is accurate I think maybe Sweaty September may be an appropriate choice :H
      Why does it always get hotter after the kids return to school?

      Star, I hope the rain holds off for your walkabout - have fun!
      I am looking forward to the change of season, love Fall

      Dill, I love the local apple festivals around here too. This weekend is also the start of apple picking at the nearby orchard. Hope you find something fun to do!

      Greetings Papmom & Cyn!

      I'll see what develops today - who knows? I am sure it's not going to involve a whole lot of walking
      Have a great AF Saturday everyone!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Absolutely AF August

        Hello all -

        Wishing you a quick good morning and happy holiday wishes. Have to get a few things finished up here before SD arrives. Will check back in later - Lav, stay off that foot! Hope that the heat gets better. Dill, have fun with the fireworks, Star, glad your son will see where you are now. Pap - hope doggies are better.

        More later -
        to the light


          Absolutely AF August

          Good morning ladies,

          Woke up early this morning with a backache, I think related to all the walking I did yesterday. My son and I had a great time, explored the city, and walked for over an hour. Later, after he left, I went to the store and had alot of stuff to get that was heavy, lugging it up a flight of stairs. I live on the upper floor now, which is great, but I think I over did it. Oh, well, I will do some stretching and if necessary take ibuprophen.

          Lav, hope your foot is getting better daily. It is pretty muggy here too, but cloudy, so bearable to be outside. The big rains have not yet appeared. I love this time of year, prefall. It is so great outside, still green and leafy, but you can see the changes beginning to happen.

          Dill, I have a cookout to go to today at my daughter's, so will bring a big veggie tray and a fruit tray. I will make fruit dip consisting of marshmellow fluff and cream cheese. I hope I got that right,but it sounds good to me already.

          Cyn, you are having a guest too, so will be busy and having fun. Great. Hope you are feeling more centered. I'll be fall where you are at is just spectacular.

          Pap, I am sure you are busy as always, hope you are having a little time to rest and take it easy.

          Have a great Sunday.
          Formerly known as redhibiscus


            Absolutely AF August

            Good morning friends on this final day of August 2014

            Cloudy, warm & very humid - severe storms supposedly on the way. That's OK because yesterday turned out quite nice & even had my daughter & her crew over. We cooked out & even had a bonfire last evening
            I made Italian style potato & green bean salad with veggies right out of the garden - yum

            Star, my foot really is feeling a lot better, thanks. I put the boot aside yesterday because I can now easily get my foot into my sneakers which are well constructed & supportive. Not exactly fashionable but a heck of a lot better than that boot :H
            Sorry about your back pain - I feel your pain. I've noticed lately what we wear on our feet & the way we carry ourselves really affects our backs! Hope you feel better soon!

            Hi Cyn, hope your weekend is going well!
            The storms that are predicted here today will probably head up your way tomorrow.

            Hi Dill & Papmom! Hope you are both enjoying the weekend!

            OK, I'll be laying low today & looking for indoor projects. No point in risking the frizzy hair this type of weather always produces
            Have a great AF Sunday everyone!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Absolutely AF August

              Happy Sunday all!

              Storms headed this way, Lav, so I got out and did my buxh-whacking early today. I have to remember to stop before I am too tired...put in 3 hours of pulling and whacking invasives, and I think that was a little too much! Just stretched and put a heating pad on my back for awhile, now making a second pot of tea and will try to get some inside work done. At least I'm not looking out at as wild-and-wooly-avergrown areas as before. And I see how to get at the young garlic-mustard sprouts...maybe that will save time and sanity next spring.

              Star - you will be in good shape in no time with taking groceries up to your apartment. I remember living in a place where there were stairs. My legs were so strong in no time! Be carefyul of your shoulders - you'll probably be making more short trips to the grocery store so the bags won't be as heavy.

              SD and her Dad went on an expedition to see the place he'll be renting for 10 weeks while working in the city. We'll see each other about 1x a week during that time. I think it means that I'm going to have an extra-productive fall. I have lots to work on for business and home, so that will be good. Thank goodness for the company of dogs!

              Of to get groceries for the healthy-eating SD. I'm having to come up with lots of new ways to do tons of vegies, without sauces. Ideas, anyone?

              Hope all have a peaceful remainder of a Sunday...AF of course!
              to the light

