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Absolutely AF August

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    Absolutely AF August

    Hi Cyn!
    The foot doc says it could easily turn into a full fracture so that's why he prescribed that horrendous boot
    I still think it's healing just fine though because the swelling is quite minimal now & the pain easily controlled on just two does of Motrin/day. Enjoy your trip to the big city

    Dill, vodka before breakfast? Your poor friend!
    I hope she cognizant enough to be safe, not drive under the influence & all that.
    Sounds like she needs a serious detox. Does she have any family you can talk to or is she on her own?
    Glad you grandson had a good start in his new school
    Spending time with the younger ones is nice too.

    Peace to one & all!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Absolutely AF August

      Dill-I'm so sorry about your friend. If that isn't rock bottom, I'm not sure what is! I hope you can get in touch with her soon.

      Star-Have you ever tried I'm going to my first meetup on the 8th. It's a crafty one that includes some type of reading or audio listening, held in a local bookshop (no need to buy anything and no booze!!). There are all sorts of meetups-walking, books, cooking, outdoors, etc. You can browse the website without signing up and signing up is free. Some meetups charge a nominal fee like $5 per year to cover costs (refreshments or whatever). I'll let you know how I like it. If you've ever wanted to try some type of craft, there are usually beginning classes no matter where you live, either at the shop that caters to that craft or adult ed. Anyway, just a few ideas.

      Lav-Glad your foot is feeling better-must be the boot!! Swissy owes you big time!! I sure hope the hotflashes can be diminished significantly soon. I can't even imagine what you are going through. So sorry.

      Cyn-tell us the story , please!!! Hope your trip into the city was uneventful and that you can finally get some rest!!

      The heat and humidity have returned and I am NOT a happy papmom! AC is on but only one of the 3. It seems to keep the back part of the house cool enough. one more day then return to more manageable temps.

      Sunday was a very nice day at my nephew's b-day party out in w. mass.
      Work has been tres boring and it's driving me insane. I've been advised by a friend to ask my boss if my position is safe once the grant ends in October. She says better to be prepared. I don't feel comfortable doing this. She says it shows my interest in the job. Why pretend? I'm not scared of going on unemployment. I would pursue other things. What do you all think? My gut tells me my job is safe otherwise they would've said something by now. My contract says they have to give me a month's notice so I guess it could still happen.

      I haven't worked out since Sat. DD is feeling better but I came home last nite to LM covered in poo. Guess he had to go and was in the crate. He got a nice shower from the hose and the e-collar is now off. I think the pred cream is helping-he doesn't seem to be rubbing his chin on anything at all and is certainly much happier without it and not being in the crate.
      I just can't get up at 5 to workout. Of course, I don't go to bed until 12 so no wonder!!

      Thursday nite will be an exciting nite. My dad, sis, BIL and I are going to Tanglewood to see a live taping of Wait Wait Don't Tell Me!. It's one of my fav NPR shows. We'll have dinner some where first. Its going to be a great nite-cool weather too, AND we're in the Shed, not on the Lawn!! Whoo hoo!!

      Friday I have my physical. Really curious to get the blood work results sometime next week. Then it's Labor Day Weekend and I get 3 days off!!

      Time to feed the boyz and get to bed.
      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

      KO the Beast!!


        Absolutely AF August

        Good morning...

        Had to try several times to get on the site again. Wonder what is going on? Anyway, on now and able to read all your terrific posts.

        Lav, again, glad your foot is healing, the boot looks uncomfortable, but necessary? Hope you had a good day.

        Cyn, have fun in the city. It is nice to have some stability, but it is not for everyone. We all have our own paths to follow and times in our lives where things change. I agree family is so important and to have those connections.

        Dill, how wonderful taht your grandson started school, his dad was there for him and you took care of granddaughter. Your poor friend, she is so sick. The shame she must feel, anxiety, confusion, no wonder she is isolating. Hope you can reach out if that is what you think you should do. Sometimes people don't want help.

        Pap, I am excited to have three days off too. Glad your dogs are healing. I have had others suggest meetup and may consider it in the future. I want to go to my library again (have been there once) and see what they have to offer, too. Really focused on my job right now, but need to get some exercise in there. Before work is too early for me too. I may try to walk for 15 minutes at lunch if it is not too hot and then after work, too. Hope your job gets better, or other positions open there, even in another department. It is hard to deal with negative game playing people. What a waste of time.

        Really hot here, so hot. Staying in the AC as much as I can. Have a happy hump day.
        Formerly known as redhibiscus


          Absolutely AF August

          Good morning friends & Happy Hump day!

          The heat & humidity is here as well - yuck.
          Can you guess how hot & heavy that boot is & how many times/day I take it off? :H
          Trying to remain grateful & positive but it's turning into a real challenge!

          Papmom, these dogs can be as challenging as kids sometimes
          Hope you crew gets better very soon.
          A month doesn't seem like adequate notice if your employer decides to end your job. I think I'd be out looking for a new job - but that's the way I am. I don't like being under appreciated

          Star, I've steered clear of local book club invitations because they all seem to be excuses to sit & drink wine, unfortunately. My DIL has gotten wrapped up in one lately. I hope you can find a better group, maybe a service oriented group.

          Greetings to Dill & Cyn.
          Have a great AF day everyone!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Absolutely AF August

            Lav-I agree. I've been looking all along but not much out there that I care to do. I am looking outside of higher ed, like American Heart Association, Fitbit, etc. Stuff that I have great interest in. The northeast is not a hot spot, that's for sure!! She was totally a bitch today for no reason and I almost walked out.
            I'm so sorry you are so uncomfortable with the heat and the boot. I'm sending our cold front right down to you.

            Star-when it's right, you get involved with something. Your job and the exercise have got to be the priority now. May I ask if you and your husband have been in contact? He's in a totally different city/state, right? Sorry if I'm being too nosy. You don't have to answer.

            Dill-how did the first day of school go for your grandson?

            Hi Cyn!!
            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

            KO the Beast!!


              Absolutely AF August

              Good morning...

              Lav, it seems a little cooler this morning, I was able to open a window for a time to get some fresh air in here. I bet that boot is a uncomfortable, especially in this heat. What's on the agenda for today? Me, just work. I am liking my job more and more, very grateful.

              Pap, sorry you had a bad day at work, that is horrible. Why are some people unpleasant for no particular reason? Because they are miserable. Do you have your own office where you can shut the door and shut her out? Keep on looking for another job, you just never know what will become available. I never thought I would find something that is different and yet a good fit. My husband and I are together since we sold the house and moved. It is so much better for me now. Still weird to leave the house, but as with anything and time, I am getting used to it. We had a problem with something in the apartment and their repair people fixed it! It was so great, I did not have to mess with it. That part I do not miss. Hope today is better for you. I am going to try to walk at lunch if it is still comfortable outside at noon.

              Hello to Cyn and Dill, have a great Thursday. The week is going by quickly.
              Formerly known as redhibiscus


                Absolutely AF August

                Good morning...

                Lav, it seems a little cooler this morning, I was able to open a window for a time to get some fresh air in here. I bet that boot is a uncomfortable, especially in this heat. What's on the agenda for today? Me, just work. I am liking my job more and more, very grateful.

                Pap, sorry you had a bad day at work, that is horrible. Why are some people unpleasant for no particular reason? Because they are miserable. Do you have your own office where you can shut the door and shut her out? Keep on looking for another job, you just never know what will become available. I never thought I would find something that is different and yet a good fit. My husband and I are together since we sold the house and moved. It is so much better for me now. Still weird to leave the house, but as with anything and time, I am getting used to it. We had a problem with something in the apartment and their repair people fixed it! It was so great, I did not have to mess with it. That part I do not miss. Hope today is better for you. I am going to try to walk at lunch if it is still comfortable outside at noon.

                Hello to Cyn and Dill, have a great Thursday. The week is going by quickly.
                Formerly known as redhibiscus


                  Absolutely AF August

                  Good morning friends,

                  Sunny & warm again today but the humidity is not supposed to be as bad as the last few days. That would be nice
                  No big plans for me, I'm kind of just putzing around this week - just me & my boot :H
                  Son & grandsons came over at dinnertime yesterday & brought their own dinner, that was nice.
                  My grandson seems to be adjusting nicely to full day Kindergarten!

                  Papmom, when I left my nursing job I just kept telling myself 'there is life after ___ Hospital'. I will find my place, just keep looking!
                  I swear, working your heart & soul out, day after day for years & years & always being underappreciated contributed to my fall from grace
                  Keep your eyes & ears & mind open - something better for you is out there

                  Star, I think we will be stuck in this weather pattern for at least another week - not thrilled.
                  Glad you are catching a break in the weather!

                  Greetings Dill & Cyn!

                  Have a great day everyone. I think I will stop into Curves today just to let them know I am still alive :H
                  Have a great day everyone!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Absolutely AF August

                    Sorry I've been MIA but between real world activites keeping me busy and connectivity problems here I've had a hard time getting on to post.

                    First thing this morning was a doc visit. She went over my bloodwork with me and gave me a good check up. Everything was good and I told her how grateful I am for my good health. My doc is just 41 years old and I noted that she was wearing a wig. I asked her about her health and if she was OK. She told me that in January during her annual mammogram there was a lump. It was malignant but small and had not gotten into her lymph nodes. She had lumpectomy and chemo and is counting her blessings that it was found on her annual exam. She has 4 young children! I love this doctor. I will keep her in my prayers, that's for sure!

                    I have spoken to my friend but not about her behavior of the other morning. It actually was hard to get her on the phone. She had it turned off I think but she told me it shut off by accident. She is so depressed and so emotionally fragile that I didn't think I should tackle it with her on the phone. I don't know really what to do. She knows her problem but she isn't ready to take action and we all know that no one can make her. So, my other friend that was with us that morning (who is definitely a non-drinker) and I have simply decided to make an extra effort to "be there" for her. We're going to keep more of an active contact with her so she doesn't continue to go deeper into isolation. Any other suggestions? On a side note, I was so impressed by my non-drinker friend! She did not judge or give any indication of disgust. She was so non-judgmental! She is just genuinely concerned for our friend, as was I. We 3 are getting together again next week for a morning walk.

                    Papmom, my grandson did indeed have a good first day at school and came home in a pretty good mood! Second day went well, too. I hope the trend continues! Thank you for asking. He has been thru so much these last few years I just want him to have some smooth sailing for awhile. I'd like the same for you, too!

                    Lav, you are so right about book clubs seeming to be an excuse to drink wine!:H I think it would be safe tho to join a book club group thru the public library. I don't think you can have alcohol in the library!

                    Star, I am so pleased to hear that you like your new job so well! I hope Mr. Star likes his as well. I was also a bit envious when you talked about having a problem recently and the property managers dealt with it. You are making apartment life sound really, really good. I am pretty sure I couldn't talk Mr. Dill into it yet tho. He loves, loves, loves being outdoors and having a big garden, etc..

                    Cyn, are you back from the city yet?

                    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                      Absolutely AF August

                      Hey kids -

                      Evening hello! Hope everyone is doing OK on this fast-moving week. Holy Cow, I can't believe that it will be Friday in the morning. Star - congrats on liking your job - how wonderful that you put yourself out there and have found something different but good. Wonderful. RE: wx, just remember that next winter when we are shoveling, you may be looking at pansies in pots outside your door! It was hot and humid in the city yesterday, pretty unpleasant, but it's August! Today was more breezy and cool in CT, so we are being grateful. Pap - so sorry for the doggy issues, and work hassles. Crossing fingers for a different position to pop up. Sounds like you are on the right track - something you are passionate about. Dill, so sorry to hear about your friend. Likely she is isolating in shame -- I hope she'll let you help her. Wow - your grandson's first day of school, what a milestone, and how terrific of your son to think ahead about how to handle it. What a difference from a year ago - all due to you, I think!

                      I'm feeling a little 'lost' right now, trying to get life and work priorities straight and remember how to work on things when there is no do-or-die deadline in place. I'll get there; I sidestepped a depression-laden afternoon by making a gratitude list and thinking of my Mom, who never allowed things to get her down for long. Such joy in life; what a wonderful thing to give to everyone around her.

                      Wishing all a peaceful evening --
                      to the light


                        Absolutely AF August

                        x-post Dill! Sounds like you are handling the situation with your friend exactly right. Maybe she'll reach out at some point.

                        Lav - forgot to say how sorry I am about the boot and the heat. I know how uncomfortable it is - my HB was in one (non weight bearing) for 6 weeks in the intense heat of late summer desert. He was not a happy camper. Good luck!!!
                        to the light


                          Absolutely AF August

                          Good morning...

                          Friday already, yay!!! Lav, glad you are taking it easy, healing and loving your family when they come to spend time with you. Lovely. It was hot yesterday, I had to go outside at lunch and it was really hot and humid, whew. Rain for this weekend predicted. I hope we get a little cool off.

                          Dill, so nice to hear your grandson is having a good start to his school year. He does deserve wonderful things, especially with all he has been through. Your friend who is struggling has some really great support. It is just so serious drinking in the morning to feel normal or not sick. A detox might be needed but that will be up to her. I think it can get really bad and all of a sudden it is out of control. Hope things improve for her.

                          Cyn, it IS hard to go from being super busy to just normal busy or even not busy. I have had so many changes recently that I have done what you described: purposeful gratitude and taking stock. It helped. Is your husband away on business or are you on your own? I am happy to be back living with my husband full time. Plans for the three day weekend till Monday when I am on my own. It will be OK to have a day to myself. Hope you get some me time too.

                          OK, off to my busy day. Have a good one.
                          Formerly known as redhibiscus


                            Absolutely AF August

                            Good morning friends & Happy Friday!

                            Nice & cool out this morning but that's all to change later. Oh well!

                            Dill, great that your grandson is doing well starting the school year
                            I hope your friend is OK & knows when to reach out for some help. I think I would worry when she doesn't answer her phone. Is it possible to get her to agree to check in with you on a daily basis? If she fell or something & was home alone

                            Star, I hope your weather cools off this weekend & then moves here!
                            I imagine you will get some grandma time in this weekend

                            Cyn, sometimes it's confusing knowing which hat to put on when you wake up in the morning! At least that's the way I feel :H
                            Busy, not busy, way too busy, exhausted....who knows? I hope things settle down for you very soon.

                            Papmom, I hope the doggies are doing better & not driving you nuts or costing you a fortune. I am so annoyed with my vet practice I'm not answering their calls or responding to their emails. They can be ridiculous & way too aggressive sometimes.

                            I haven't exactly made any plans for the long weekend. We usually end up doing stuff last minute anyway.
                            Wishing everyone a great AF Friday!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Absolutely AF August

                              Good morning to all...

                              Lav, I did get some grandma time already, and it was wonderful. My son is visiting for a day or so, so more family time. I am taking him to the city today and walking around. It is supposed to rain but they are idiots sometimes. Let's hope this is one of those weekends. I have noticed that Labor Day weekend and Memorial Day weekend tend to have rain. Not the entire time, but at least a day or two. We have a cookout on Sunday, so that should be fun if weather is cooperating. How are you feeling about fall, cooler weather, apples, crisp air, gorgeous colors? Can you tell how I feel about it? Summer is my favorite, but I love fall too.

                              Dill, hey, I was thinking of names for September. Sweet September, Sassy September, Savvy September, any more ideas?

                              Cyn and Pap, hope things are going well. Have great Saturday.
                              Formerly known as redhibiscus


                                Absolutely AF August

                                Greetings friends,

                                Lav, I don't have any plans for this weekend either altho there are a couple of festivals happening locally that we might go to. One is a music festival and the other is just a Labor Day celebration in our town. Good fireworks at that one.

                                Cyn, Papmom and Star, enjoy the 3 day weekend and the time off. You all deserve a break! .:h

                                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

