mornin are you today then?ow yours was a pretty short post yesterday ..same pain in the ass probs with site or just busy?you off to your ads today?have a good one..brew time!!
hiya did you get on at curves yesterday?get the gran kids over today to pamper you for a change..yeh right!!ok well heres a brew instead...hows the foot doing today?any better aches n pains are going ..just in time for more tomorrow...early out.
hiya Sam...hows you ?tractor fixed ..guess it wasnt as bad as you thought! guest gone back to reality!new calvies...on the back of yer leggies!!:H market this weekend?
hiya tt ..hows you doing ..your weekend is half in already..too quick for us you lot in upside down land!! so what are you up to today then?
Hiya are things with your gang today? hows your daughter coping? more to the point how are you coping..was reading one of your posts on another thread...
hiya bear ..n how are you today?go on .tell us what you aint gonna do today..hope you enjoy the gig tonight..have you put any of the things we talked about in place?
hiya Patrice ..hows you today then?
hey det where are you ..on the road or back home again?
....and finally SL...enjoy your deserve it have a great time..remmeber its a holiday..not a challenge

apologies to anyoneI have missed oot
I was sticking my hand up in the air with one finger raised,when the cab pulled over.
I said,"Do you accept oyster mate?"
"Since when do cabs accept oyster you idiot," he asked with a raised voice.
"Exactly," I replied,"So off so the bus behind you can pull in."
"I just found a new study about talking. It was really interesting, it showed which gender talks the most and was all about which group uses the most words, who is better at talking and why there is a stereotype that women talk more than men. It was really intriguing and I spent all afternoon reading this article. Apparently, it turns out that men and women talk the same amount."
I said to my wife.
My wife drove us into town today, she parked up in a sidestreet. I said, "I'll get a taxi from here."
"Where to?" She replied.
"To the f.cking kerb."
I was running down a street and saw a bloke, I shouted "Run quick, some lions have escaped from the zoo."
He said "which way are they heading?"
I replied "Well, put it this way I'm not chasing them."
I was giving the wife a head massage earlier when she suggested I get a little more intimate.
So I used a shorter stick.
I phoned my girlfriend, and said, "I was thinking dinner in my place tonight, think you can make it?"
She said, "I'll be there at seven, babe."
I replied, "Make it five, the dinner won't prepare itself."
I experienced an embarrassing incident at a family barbecue last week. I was sat in the garden enjoying the sunshine with my parents when 2 pigeons landed nearby. All of a sudden one of them jumped on top of the other and they started having sex on the picnic table.
Even the pigeons didn't seem to know which way to look.
I've been reading in the papers that The WHO are really concerned about the Ebola virus in Africa.
I'm sure that's very admirable, but surely it would be better to consult a bunch of doctors rather than Roger Daltrey and chums.
My wife says I'm stupid because I keep saying expressions incorrectly.
I'm not bothered. It's like water off a duck's arse.
I've found that there's a correlation between how hot and sexy a woman is, and how small and cute her car is ...
Which reminds me, the MOT's due on the wife's Transit. you go for your mate
"Do you have caller ID on your phone?" I asked Paddy.
"I don't need it" he replied. "If I call someone, then I already know that it's me who's calling them".