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Sunday 3rd
Sunday 3rd
mae all ,,,,,just a quick jump in as it is kinda early.....3.55 am!!and Im out the door in 20 large brew for me...anyone else at this ungodly hour of the day?off down Lincoln way again so see you all later ....adios :goodjob:af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12Tags: None
Sunday 3rd
Hi everyone
That's a ridiculous hour to leave at Mick so the activities in Lincoln better be worth it. Are you in some kind of military re-enactment? I think not.
Its been a bit of a day here as we had damage to our roof (from gales) and it flooded the bathroom. Its one of those situations where its hard to tell what damage has been done and how to fix it ? so we filed a claim with the insurance and have to wait for the assessor to come early this week. Have managed to find a temporary solution for the roof. This could be expensive depending on what the insurance will cough up.
Glad to see that others are doing well ? Det ? well done on safely making it home.
Hang on in there Pauly ? hope that Louie is OK and that your daughter is not being too horrible. Stay sober my dear!
How did the day out go for you Bear? I disagree with Mick ? I found reading books about AL/addiction etc and watching relevant videos very helpful for me ? but only after I quit. I used to read such things when I was drinking and it only had a temporary affect because I had not decided that ?I do not drink?. One of the dangers with the war tales of alkies is that it can be easy to say to yourself ? well at least I am not that bad. But once I decided to stop AL, the reading helped to reinforce my resolve ? plus I was fascinated about learning more of the research and ways people dealt with their AL issues. But there are some really really bad AL memoirs ? and I am not just talking about the shocking writing style! Too easy to self publish these days.
SL - your daughter is right - you are not allowed to drink on this holiday! She is on your case - wise young woman!Give her a hug from me!
Hi there to everyone else ? !!
Weekend almost over here so you guys keep it going for me.
Sunday 3rd
I haven't checked in because I have been without internet connection.
I need to get more involved here. My blue zone was really about the transition from corporate America. As exciting as it is a bit scary. Kinda like the "devil you don't know". Sometimes I am as excited as all hell, other times I am going "wtf was I thinking". So my emotions have been all over the place.
I am still at corporate America......we kinda have been in a battle " you quit" , "no you fire me". I would quit.....but, it's not in my family's best interest to do that. So I keep playing the fucking game. I do think the end will be at the end of the month.....and I am grateful for that. Just trying to outlive them. The real issue is that I don't believe in their product. It doesn't work and I forgot to drink the kool-aide.
We went on vacation and as soon as we got home we moved into the new condo. Love it. Except we have been "renting" living for so long that we have so much crap to actually go though. The condo looks like a bomb went off.....and it hard to even move around all our crap. I never kept much....hubby is another story. I'm like wtf....I can't even get into the bathroom to pee.
Yoga therapy is going awesome.....and I am off for more training next weekend. But, it's not the money I was making. And I have other things in the pot...just going to take time for them to produce money. I get all worked up....yet, hubby and kids super supportive. They saw even after getting sober what corporate America was doing to me.
And I won't kid anyone......drinking sounded rather nice. Not the actual drink.....the check out part. I haven't done it, but gosh some days I am close. Really fucking close.
My little church group went to shit again....due to refusing to be saved. Somedays I feel like conforming would be a good idea. But I know better. My recovery meditation group moved half way across town and it's not feasible to attend right now. I know so many here just up and did it on their own, but I really need the "real" people support.
I promise to sit down and get caught up with you all. It's not all about me
Det I am sorry that we did not at least hook up for breakfast. Hope you made it to Pancake Factory or the Loveless. I swear every time I go to the Loveless there is a big time star there.
Long story short....went to a concert with the kids tonight that just reminds you life is to be lived....not endured. I feel back in the right frame mind. In my honest to God opinion......if I really believed I had to continue to work in a job I hate.....I might as well be drunk. I so understand why I had to numb out every single night. And I just don't want that for me or my family. Whatever it takes.....I want to show my kids that you can have a job that doesn't suck your soul away.....and we have had some real heart to hearts on that.
Hugs to everyone here. You guys mean so much to me. Thank you so much!
Sunday 3rd
couldn't resist making you smile SF - here in NZ - you wouldn't use the bathroom to pee:H - we are like the British - we call it a toilet or loo!
Lost in translation:H
good to hear from you and also well done on on not checking out through diving back into into the poison
Sunday 3rd
Good morning Abbers,
Dark & damp here today, not nice at all. Guess I'll just stay put with my sore foot up & resting for a change
Mick, whatever it is that you are doing must be worthwhile to keep you getting up & out so early every Sunday morning
SF, glad you were able to check in today. Life is meant to be lived & enjoyed, definitely not endured!
I hope your transition from corporate America into something more soothing to the mind & soul comes soon. Great work remembering that AL has no place in our lives anymore
TT, sorry about the roof damage. I have been there & done that many times. It is nice when the insurance actually comes thru with the $$. And yes we do pee in the bathrooms over here :H
SL, glad you arrived at your destination safely! Loved the pics of your girls 'enjoying' the rain :H
I hope you have a fabulous vacation!
Greetings to everyone checking in today. Have a great AF Sunday everyone!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Sunday 3rd
Morning all!
for a rainy weekend, it sure is sunny out there, so.... need to get off my duff and get crackin. Played some tunes last night, which was great fun, beautiful area over near Monticello on many random back roads. Certainly no direct route!
Mick, that's an early witching hour to be sure. Hope it is worth it!
SF, so glad you've checked in. Internet connections or this site can be quite trying at times to connect. I bet there's a world of people working corporate that would love to quit, problem is how to safely replace that income. Hang in there, something will evolve and resolve.
TT, sorry to hear of your storm damage. Hope it gets fixed soon
Lav, what's happening with that foot?? Hope a little R&R takes care of it. Got into watching some Foghorn cartoons yesterday, thought of Stella! One of my favorite lines is "a four legged chicken" being the dog.
Roger and out, have a lovely Sunday all!
SamLiberated 5/11/2013
Sunday 3rd
hey all quick check in post roller derby practice - 3 hours of endurance and core exercises.Gonna hurt tomorrow!Reminded me how much I love it.
Happy to be unhungover and happy,woke feeling stressed and anxious and overwhelmed about work,skating = much happier and calmer,another reminder of how good exercise is for me physically and mentally.
I can handle it,I need to focus on the now.Lucky to have weekends off work and time to spend with cat and OH and chill after skating.
Happy sunday everyone.Glad SF is day at a time
Sunday 3rd
Woke to no rain, and clear forecast - but it is back again!!! Rain rain go away.....
Sorry about your storm TT, and gave my Dot a hug from you!
Off to get supplies - usually would be my drinks for pre drink drinks - not this time!!
SF - so understand about your work, I love my 'real' work and our mission - I hate the business side of it and we are moving more and more that wayit is becoming a means to an end instead of my passion!
Hi Bear, Sam and Lav and to everyone else who stops by! Having a lovely (thou wet) time with a lot of help from each of you!
Will be checking in by phone so short and sweet!“The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"
Sunday 3rd
Mae everybody,just a quick stop in to say higood to see you SF,glad you're back
I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Sunday 3rd
Happy Sunday ABerooos!
Mick, what in blazes are you up so early for today? I hope you had fun whatever happened.
SF, to live life and not endure it.... I'll second that. I'm in a somewhat similar work situation and it's tricky to be sure. not sure about that particular pancake house but we went to one in Seveirville that was magnificent. they have something called 'royal french toast' that is amazing. I ordered the buckwheat pancakes which is a norty pleasure of mine.
Bear, so glad the exercise is treating you's like a super antidepressant you don't need a doctor for! speaking of which I just pulled out the mountain bikes so I can pump up the tires for a romantic neighborhood cruise with Dx.
we went to see the movie "Lucy" today and it was really fun and thought provoking.
SL, in the past if someone were to check my drink I'd get really indignant and even angry. now...I could give a hoot. Not even a small part of me wants to protect the sick bastard that is AL.
on Monday I experimented by not taking melatonin for sleep and I slept just fine which was a pleasant I haven't taken any since.
Pauly, good to see you sticking tight with us.
well, here's to a glorious unhung Monday tomorrow
be wellnosce te ipsum
(Know Thyself)
Sunday 3rd
Thanks to everyone for the support and kind words. Sometimes corporate seems like the safe bet. It's amazing that there is another world out there. And there isn't anything safe about corporate America.
At least got the kitchen together today and had our first real meal here. So much still to do.
Watching the great grandmother had a ticket for it. Was turned away at the last minute due to overcrowding. She would never had survived....she would have been in the "lower" quarters.
Got that ache in my neck just thinking about having to go in tomorrow.
Det....I have not been to that area.....but, glad you enjoyed the pancakes.
Bear....I've got to get back to regular aerobic exercise....I know it helps to clear my head and raise the endorphins