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friday the 8th august

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    friday the 8th august

    mae all...well here it is ..the weekend has joined how are we all today then?good ?thatll do for me...really blowy over here...been reliably informed by the weather man that we are getting the tailend of a hurricane from somewhere..weekend plans?not a lot really see what happens ..tho will be ourt early again on Sunday..and hopefully as successful!
    tea and coffee on the go at the jump in n grab a cup

    hiya they certainly have reeeely bugged you havent they?take it from our post that the company are starting to let people go?how did your yoga sesh go ?

    hiya you know thats the first post Ive read of yours that doesnt soud like you are zooming about at 100 mph so well done on that :goodjob: what arent you going to do today?what didnt you do yesterday?..lets hear it!

    hiya SL...sounds like you are having a gooood time there..well done to you..not so sure about taking 4 buses..wasnt aware that you could drive them! :H and what the heck is a do-dad?how did the carnival go?

    hiya det ...hows you tday then ..all good?didi you know the word trivia was first used in ancient Rome?information was posted at main places for people to bearing in mind most people walked where better than where roads joined each other...crossroads...tri means 3 via means roads..more useless info!!

    hiya pauly ...good for you...well did you have a laff at work yesterday?hey thats ace with the wabbit...both mine are getting their winter coats now..when that happens they tend to get lethargic....oh and the boogie is growing..just repotted it.

    hiya ppqp ..hows you ..?glad the gardens are doing so well..weeding wednesdays? that where you all sit around smokin joints?:H so whens this berm gonna get moved now then?sounds a bit like work over you go... lets think about this...first we need to think about what weve got to think about..done that?ok now lets have a meeting...tell everyone what we have thought about..what are their thoughts?ok lets think about what they you think in the light of what they thought,we should revise what we originally thought?..what do you think?and so on!! phew brew time you go

    hiya Lav ...whats afoot today then?..same as always 12 inches!!how is it by the way?still painful?take it easy ..get the gang fussing round you for a I write this,I know Im wasting my time..theres as much chance of you sitting doing nowt as me!!big brew time you go.

    hiya did the market go ?all good hopefully....

    hiya tt ok?and Patrice?

    right folks off we go have a great weekend all.

    A naked woman is bouncing on her bed singing. Her husband walks into the bedroom and sees her. He watches her a while then says, ?You look ridiculous! What on earth do you think you?re doing??

    She says, ?I just got my checkup and my doctor says I have the breasts of an eighteen year old.? She starts laughing and jumping again. He says, ?Yeah, right. And what did he say about your 45-year-old ass??

    ?Your name never came up, ? she replied.

    A member of the Senate, known for his hot temper and acid tongue, explodes one day in mid-session and begins to shout,

    ?Half of this Senate is made up of cowards and corrupt politicians!?

    All the other Senators plead to the angry member that he withdraw his statement, or be removed from the remainder of the session. After a long pause, the angry member accepted.

    ?Ok? he said, ?I withdraw what I said. Half of this Senate is NOT made up of cowards and corrupt politicians!?

    An airliner was having engine trouble, and the pilot instructed the cabin crew to have the passengers take their seats and get prepared for an emergency landing.

    A few minutes later, the pilot asked the flight attendants if everyone was buckled in and ready.

    ?All set back here, Captain,? came the reply, ?except one lawyer who is still going around passing out business cards.?

    A couple who?d been married for over 50 years was sitting on the sofa, when the wife said, ?Dear, do you remember how you used to sit close to me??

    He moved over and sat close to her.

    ?Dear,? she continued, ?do you remember how you used to hold me tight??

    He reached over and held her tight.

    ?And,? she went on, ?do you remember how you used to hug me and kiss me and nibble on my ear??

    With that, her husband got up and started to walk out of the room.

    ?Where are you going?? she asked.

    ?Well,? answered the husband, ?I have to get my teeth.?

    In a terrible accident at a railroad crossing, a train smashed into a car and pushed it nearly four hundred yards down the track. Though no one was killed, the driver took the train company to court.

    At the trial, the engineer insisted that he had given the driver ample warning by waving his lantern back and forth for nearly a minute. He even stood and convincingly demonstrated how he?d done it. The court believed his story, and the suit was dismissed.

    ?Congratulations,? the lawyer said to the engineer when it was over. ?You did superbly under cross-examination.?

    ?Thanks,? he said, ?but he sure had me worried.?

    ?How?s that?? the lawyer asked.

    ?I was afraid he was going to ask if the damned lantern was lit!?

    Two drunks are walking along. One drunk says to the other, ?What a beautiful night, look at the moon.?

    The other drunk stops and look at his drunk friend. ?You are wrong, that?s not the moon, that?s the sun.?

    Both started arguing for a while when they come upon another drunk walking, so they stopped him. ?Sir, could you please help settle our argument? Tell us what that thing is up in the sky that?s shining. Is it the moon or the sun??

    The third drunk looked at the sky and then looked at them and said, ?Sorry, I don?t live around here.?

    An old man was walking in the forest when he heard by his feet a very weak voice.

    He bent down to look and saw that the voice came from a little frog: ?I?m a beautiful, erotic and sensual princess, skilled in all the carnal pleasures of love. An evil queen, envious of my charms, turned me into a frog, but if you kiss me I will once again be a fair maiden, and I will provide you with all the joys and delights of my voluptuous temperament and my ardent lust.

    The old man picked up the little frog and put her into his pocket.

    Bewildered, the frog looked out and asked:

    ?What, you?re not going to kiss me??

    ?Nope,? replied the old man. ?At my age it?s more fun to have a talking frog than a sex maniac.?

    A young mother paying a visit to a doctor friend and his wife made no attempt to restrain her five-year-old son, who was ransacking an adjoining room.

    But finally, an extra loud clatter of bottles did prompt her to say, ?I hope, doctor, you don?t mind Johnny being in there.?

    ?No,? said the doctor calmly, ?He?ll be quiet when he gets to the poisons.?

    A newly married sailor was informed by the Navy that he was going to be stationed a long way from home on a remote island in the Pacific for a year. A few weeks after he got there he began to miss his new wife, so he wrote her a letter.

    ?My love,? he wrote ?we are going to be apart for a very long time. Already I?m starting to miss you and there?s really not much to do here in the evenings. Besides that we?re constantly surrounded by young attractive native girls. Do you think if I had a hobby of some kind I would not be tempted? ?

    So his wife sent him back a harmonica saying, ?why don?t you learn to play this??

    Eventually his tour of duty came to an end and he rushed back to his wife. ?Darling? he said, ?I can?t wait to get you into bed so that we make passionate love!?

    She kissed him and said, ?First let?s see you play that harmonica.?

    The Smith family was very proud that their ancestors had come over on the Mayflower, so they hired best-selling author Frank McCourt to look up and write a book about their family history.

    Horror of horrors! They discovered that great uncle Fess had died in the electric chair for committing a murder. They were devastated.

    They didn?t want that in the book, but they didn?t want to leave him out either.

    McCourt said, ?Leave it to me.?

    When the book came out, the section about Uncle Fess read like this:

    ?He was a man who occupied a great seat. He was attached to his position very firmly. His death came as a great shock.?
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    friday the 8th august

    Good morning,I think a bit less zoom is what's needed in my life!
    I slept on sofa and then went to bed and nodded off pretty much straight away. I needed it.
    I'm doing chores tomorrow am before friend arrives,and am running for 30 mins tonight and tomorrow am.

    Tonight out for curry and volunteered to drive to take my choice away in these early days,I'm also out for burger for lunch but having grilled chicken burger with grilled corn rather than beef and cheese with fries. Choosing less lardy curry option too,prawn or chicken dhansak and a chapati, still yum but working on getting a smaller bum!

    Need to catch myself - some younger friends started ww and lost half a stone each week - I was happy with my 2 or 1.5lbs per week. I need to focus on my own game.I have been having a few extra treats but that's sustainable to me - and also it's all in the right direction.It's a life change about eating more fruit and veg for good and less crap.

    Anyway - I don't drink and have a great AF Friday everyone.

    Bye for now
    one day at a time


      friday the 8th august

      Hi all,
      Zooming in and out.. All good
      Have a great MAE and weekend!


        friday the 8th august

        Hi everyone - tired here after lots of work related issues to deal with all day -quite draining energy wise and problems that still need me to work on them over the weekend. That's what I have to do so no moaning - will just get to it to tomorrow. Had a nice break tonight with partner and daughter for an early dinner and movie. Went to a Thai / Vietnamese restaurant and I had a yummy Vietnamese salad. I'll try and respond more to peeps within next few days.
        But how's your foot Lav?
        You all have a splendid Friday


          friday the 8th august

          Morning all!
          wow a very active day already in the abber world. Market was good, long day as always. SL, meant to ask what kinds of mushrooms were being sold at the market you went to? Back to the land of ticks. Think I'll duck tape pants to boots today. Think I got chiggers as well the other day. It is a place that was logged to death about 10 years ago and now is overgrown in bramble and shit pine.

          Mick, great set of humors this am. Like the one of the 3 drunks. Hope your weather is not too bad.

          how's you be Bear, down time is a good thang.

          Patrice, hope you are able to land soon. Have a great weekend!

          TT, listening to NR radio on the way home last night and they had a segment on Laoation food. Suppose to be spicier than Thai. You or Mick ever eat that style or food? Curious.....

          waves to all, off to tick land.
          Liberated 5/11/2013


            friday the 8th august

            Good morning Abbers

            Same foot, same Lav :H
            I am going blackberry picking today even if I have to hop on one foot!

            Greeting Mick, thanks for the coffee.
            Hi there Sam - you need a dip in a DDT bath I think

            Hi TT, Patrice, bear, PQ, Det, SF, pauly & everyone!
            I will do my best to drop in later.

            Have a great AF day!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              friday the 8th august

              Mae everybody,up way too early on my day off,wanted to sleep in but you know how it is,i gotta get a jump on school supplies and clothes for my son,but i think we'll do it next Friday,i've had Louie nearly every afternoon/evening this week as well as tmorrow,so i'm trying to save my energy haha,hello to all and i hope we all have a nice Friday
              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                friday the 8th august

                Quick check in - off to wildlife park today!
                Sam - I counted about 20 different kinds, so no idea - I would have loved to work my way thru!
                Mick - do-dads....thingymebobs, knickknacks....
                Good to see a busy thread again!
                Morning Pat, Pauly, Lav, TT, bear,
                Have a good day al!!
                “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                  friday the 8th august

                  Mae everybody (again),boring day off,i got all my running around done early so now i'm just trying to clean up,i did move my exercise bike up the stairs into my bedroom,hoping if i look at it long enough i'll eventually use it again haha,Det,i sent you a p.m,but i'm not sure uf i did it right,let me know if it went through,well off to do zee dishes(yay)
                  I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                  I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                  Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                    friday the 8th august

                    MAE ALL....

                    Mick...thanks for the kickoff and the brew. wedding season ever going to end!!!
                    So I'm a little overwhelmed at the moment. Other boss has offered me his job of General Manager. He stopped by my desk and casually said come September I'm going to announce to the board that he's giving a 1 year notice. How would I feel about taking the job? Went on to say he's sure I could do it and then listed all the positive things I do. Just think I could fire Atilla Accountant :H Me thinks it's time for a 2 column list, pro & con.

                    Bear...I agree a little less zoom. So give Nurdl back her red convertible eh!

                    Patrice...stick around a little longer next time. Have a good weekend.

                    TT...sounds like it was a nice break. Don't work too hard.

          's it going in tick land? I think the duck tape is an excellent idea.

                    Lav...same foot same lav...:H I like that. Hope the berry picking was a success.

                    Pauly....I am sooooooo glad I don't have to do school supplies anymore. Now just don't go using the bike to hang your clothes on.

                    SL...hope the wildlife park was a success. You're sounding very rested these days.

                    Confession time....I stopped for poutine on the way home. Haven't done that forever.
                    Have a restful AF night all......PPQP


                      friday the 8th august

                      OK PQ - I had to look up that one :H :H

                      Poutine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                      I visited Quebec five years ago but never saw anything like that!
                      Does it have about 4,000 calories? Did you enjoy yourself?

                      I think you should take the General Manager's job!!!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        friday the 8th august

                        My commiserations PPQP. :HI know what poutine is.
                        We all have our dark side after all :H


                          friday the 8th august

                          Lav...I think your calorie calculation is a little on the low end....and yes totally enjoyed it. :H:H My mind is just spinning about the job...

                          TT...yup that's my dark side and I'm sticking with that one...:H


                            friday the 8th august

                            Good for you PPQ! That sounds like much more fun and much more delicious than the alternative!!
                            Got back from a lovely day (safari at wildlife park!) where I had the most enormous ice cream!
                            One more day to go then home on Sunday, rat race on Monday. Having such a good time with my girls, so many very easy opportunities to drink and though I wanted too, fairly easy not to!
                            Will have a lazy day tomorrow, get some more sunshine and ocean therapy! Hoping for a beautiful sunset. Thinking of you all and so glad to have had you with me on this trip.....
                            “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                              friday the 8th august

                              So glad you are enjoying the holiday SL. I still have lots of opportunities to drink and now I just see it as a fact I live with. But I don't drink. I also had lots of opportunities to gorge on poutine when I was in Montreal - and I didn't do that either!:H
                              I don't think this logic applies to ice-cream though:H Good thing its usually tucked away in a freezer!

