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    MAE everyone and I guess we are all sad and shocked from the news of Robin Williams death. There will be lots of views about his suicide and as with such things, we often take from it what hits us most. For many people on MWO ? its his history of addiction ? as well as his serious depression ? as well as his humor and amazing talent of course. I have read a lot of academic material about suicide and its just not a straight forward issue ? its not inevitable that one condition or set of circumstances leads to another ? and we never really know what is behind a person?s act to do this. You can?t say AL causes such a final act ? there are a whole set of circumstances and then more, with the mix of serious depression.

    OK ? speech over. I have had an eventful series of mishaps ?proving that sobriety does not mean that one is accident free. Partner managed to put his foot in a large bucket of house-paint on Sunday ? all over the carpet and so we have spent several hours dealing with this. I managed to give myself a nasty splatter burn ? very painful but now OK ? just hope the skin does not break.

    So that's my update ? plus work (the people factor) is dealing a pile of issues and problems that are keeping me very busy. Looks like work is a biggie for lots of us here.

    Hope you re-enter your work zone happily SL ? and all others too ? as you say hello to Tuesday. Apologies for not giving everyone a mention but I need to catch up ? but wanted to post his before I begin the night shift:H


    It's so sad,just hearing the news about Robin Williams,so sad that struggles sometimes get the better of people.

    I'm working at home today,been feeling a bit blue and overwhelmed,coming down with a cold,worrying about silly stuff - especially after someone committing suicide.I know it's small stuff, I'm just sweating it - best read my f**k it book.I have my first counselling appointment this Thursday which I need. I'm also coming down with a cold which always affects my mood.

    Well I don't drink so at least there's that,may treat myself to relaxation cd session tonight and a bath,if I feel ok will do run/walk.I'm focusing on eating better this week after not losing last week - I had treats all weekend,rather than a treat!Focused on losing my next 5lbs to reach my first goal.

    Happy Tuesday everyone.
    one day at a time



      It's so sad,just hearing the news about Robin Williams,so sad that struggles sometimes get the better of people.

      I'm working at home today,been feeling a bit blue and overwhelmed,coming down with a cold,worrying about silly stuff - especially after someone committing suicide.I know it's small stuff, I'm just sweating it - best read my f**k it book.I have my first counselling appointment this Thursday which I need. I'm also coming down with a cold which always affects my mood.

      Well I don't drink so at least there's that,may treat myself to relaxation cd session tonight and a bath,if I feel ok will do run/walk.I'm focusing on eating better this week after not losing last week - I had treats all weekend,rather than a treat!Focused on losing my next 5lbs to reach my first goal.

      Happy Tuesday everyone.
      one day at a time



        Change that color from a blue to a pink Bear!!
        Do you remember the Care Bears? My daughter used to watch that over and over again.
        That and Teletubbies.


          TUESDAY AF 12 AUGUST

          I do remember care bears - they came in when I was about 9 so little bit too old,I worked in kids home when teletubbies were big though,combination of cute and scary.

          A shower with some essential oils and I'm all feeling better again,just need to tak one thing at a time.

          Deciding if i even want to be a line manager,I'm good at it but personal stress seems to be high,maybe I'd be better working on projects with no line management responsibility - or maybe I need to push through and it's developing me!Mind you I do have two very tricky cases,so now is probably not the best time to decide that!

          Bottom line - need to give less of a f**k about others opinions.
          Hey ho - back to it - defo running tomorrow - think I was just shattered yesterday,and feeling after effects of smoking a couple of cigs.
          one day at a time


            TUESDAY AF 12 AUGUST

            mae are we today then?sad news about Robin Williams and the taking of his life...and the things that led up to an interesting article ..think it was about an interview where he was talking about how the one drink led him back into full blown mode again..thats definitely one to watch..there have been quite a few people on this site recently who have succumbed to only the one scenario..its well worth remembering that you regained control through hard work and perseverance..

            doing this on my main computer at the mo ..laptop has died a death methinks! tea n coffee on the go

            hiya tt sounds like you aint having a fun time you were well impressed with the carpet episode!!you know where I for the suicide issue..yes you are right..its never just one thing that leads to it ..rather a chain of things which seem only to open negative doors leading into the pit of such circs its kinda hard to get some positive inclusion into the thought process or to break that negative thought train..

            hello pink bear...and how are you?banish the blue!sheer poetry you see that?:H working from home today?good for you what aint you doing on day 17?

            hiya ppqp..hows you today?all good...sssllllllloooow that thought wheel thats whizzing around in your head down!!take a chill ..heres a brew..yep rabbits delivered safely and securely to their new home ,,saw where they were going theyll be fine else believe me they wouldnt have been unloaded out of the car!!!

            hiya Lav...hows you today?how did you get on at the docs yesterday? did you see him ok?after all ..a foot is kinda small!!!:H ok ok Ill get ma coat!!big brew time..Yes some cracking veg growing there well done you

            hiya Pauly hows you today then?all good? as far as the rabbit chewing all the wiring ..heres a suggestion...get a piece of plastic piping ...cut it to as long as you want ..then saw it length ways on one side..then you can put all the wiring inside of it it looks neater than wires all over the show.

            hiya SL...welcome home and well done for not giving into the "old routine"ok ok weve forgotten all about the month that comes after November for the mo!!no dont bury your head...because of the slippin and sliding..challenge it ..not everyone is doing it be one of the ones that dont know you can!!

            hiya No Sugar..and welcome to you...your post is bang on the money...CHOICE....the key support challenge are words that spring to mind ..not lemmings cliff jump and slip!!
            hope to see you a lot more on here :welcome:

            hiya Det and hows you today then? all good back into fencing today?no jokes ..used them before!!!have a good day my friend

            right folks time to go have a great day..and all those missing stay cool and sober

            A man was driving a rig in a long line of tractor-trailers when a police officer pulled him over for speeding. Astounded that he alone was caught, he asked, ?Out of all these trucks that were going just as fast as I was, why did you pull me over??

            ?Have you ever gone fishing?? the officer asked.

            ?Yes,? Walt replied.

            ?Well, have you ever caught all the fish in the pond??

            A couple had been married for 45 years and had raised a brood of 11 children and were blessed with 22 grandchildren.
            When asked the secret for staying together all that time, the wife replies, ?Many years ago we made a promise to each other: the first one to pack up and leave has to take all the kids.?

            What's the difference between roast beef and pea soup?
            Anyone can roast beef.

            A man takes his dog for a walk in the park. While he's there, he runs in to his old friend. The two men stop to talk and the dog just plops right down and starts licking his balls. The friend sees this and says, "Man, I sure wish I could do that."
            The dog owner says, "Go ahead, but pet him a little bit first."

            There are 2 blondes, one on each side of the river. 1 blonde yells at the other blonde "hey how do I get to the other side?" the other blonde yells back "Duh you're already on the other side"

            Not too long ago, a large seminar was held for ministers and reverends in training.

            Among the facilitators were many well-known motivational speakers. One such speaker boldly approached the pulpit and, gathering the entire crowd?s attention, said, ?The best years of my life were spent in the arms of of a woman who wasn?t my wife!?

            The crowd was shocked!

            He followed up by saying, ?That woman was my mother!?

            The crowd burst into laughter and he gave his speech, which was well received.

            About a week later, one of the ministers who had attended the seminar decided to use that joke in his sermon. As he shyly approached the pulpit one sunny Sunday, he tried to rehearse the joke in his head. It was a bit foggy to him.

            Getting to the microphone he said loudly, ?The greatest years of my life were spent in the arms of a woman who was not my wife!?

            His congregation sat shocked, murmuring.

            After standing there for almost 10 seconds trying to recall the second half of the joke, the pastor finally blurted out ?? and I can?t remember who she was!?

            Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.

            Two lawyers arrive at the pub and ordered a couple of drinks. They then take sandwiches from their briefcases and began to eat.

            Seeing this, the angry publican approaches them and says, ?Excuse me, but you cannot eat your own sandwiches in here!?

            The two look at each other, shrug and exchange sandwiches.

            An elderly man in Oklahoma calls his son in New York and says, "I hate to ruin your day son, but I have to tell you that your mother and I are getting a divorce; 45 years of marriage... and that much misery is enough!"

            "Dad, what are you talking about?" the son yells.

            "We can't stand the sight of each other any longer," the old dad explained. "We're sick of each other, and I'm sick of talking about this, so you call your sister in Hong Kong and tell her!".

            Frantic, the son calls his sister, who explodes on the phone. "Like heck they're getting divorced," she shouts, "I'll take care of this." She calls her elderly father immediately, and screams at him, "You are not getting divorced. Don't do a single thing until I get there. I'm calling my brother back, and we'll both be there tomorrow. Until then, don't do a thing, you hear me?" she yelled as she hung up the phone.

            The old man hangs up his phone and turns to his wife. "Okay", he says, "it's all set. They're both coming for Christmas and paying their own air-fare.

            A husband in his back yard is trying to fly a
            kite. He throws the kite up in the air, the
            wind catches it for a few seconds, then it
            comes crashing back down to the earth. He
            tries this a few more times with no success.

            All the while, his wife is watching from the
            kitchen window I muttering to herself how
            men need to be told how to do everything.

            She opens the window and yells to her
            husband, "You need a piece of tail!

            The man turns with a confused look on his
            face and says, "Make up your mind. Last
            night you told me to go fly a kite.

            A trio of old veterans were bragging and joking about the heroic exploits of their ancestors one afternoon down at the VFW hall.

            ?My great grandfather, at age 13,? one declared proudly, ?was a drummer boy at Shiloh.?

            ?Mine,? boasts another, ?went down with Custer at the Battle of Little Big Horn.?

            ?I?m the only soldier in my family,? confessed vet number three, ?but if my great grandfather was living today he?d be the most famous man in the world.?

            ?Really? What?d he do?? his friends wanted to know.

            ?Nothing much. But he would be 165 years old.?
            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


              TUESDAY AF 12 AUGUST

              Good morning Abbers!

              It's Tuesday & raining here, just as promised. At least I won't have to go out & water the veggies today

              Thanks for the start up TT. Sorry about your 'comedy of errors'. Sounds like something we all go through from time to time. The paint spill must have been lovely

              bear, keep your chin up & don't let a mood take over. Everything is going to be OK, just remind yourself frequently & keep the faith

              Mick, the white bunnies are adorable. I would have a hard time resisting them until I remembered my allergies :H
              I did see the foot doc yesterday & he's sending me off for an MRI. He thinks I have something growing in there, oh my. Not getting myself worked up yet, will stay calm.

              Greetings to everyone, I'll stop back in later.
              Have a great AF Tuesday one & all!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                TUESDAY AF 12 AUGUST

                Mae my"ethanol challenged"friens as Robin Williams said in the clipp TT posted,very sad indeed,alot of comedians suffer fron depression,Jim Carey,Sarah Silverman are a couple off the top of my head,weird cuz they seem so carefree and happy and really that's what draws us to them in the first place,but they wrestle with their own demons,perhaps Robin was more depressed cuz he relapsed and maybe he felt this shit will never go away,i'm sure alot of people,myself included have felt like that,on a happier note i hit day 10 woo-hoo,love those double digits,Mick,jokes were funny i like the crafty old couple getting this kids home,the wind was blowing my poor bougie around yesterday so i wrapped it in a bedsheet,i ain't taking no chances of it snapping,how's the foot Lav?Bear,you must be really young,if you don't mind me asking?i hope it's at least some what busy at work today,i need to stash my cash,last month's drinking marathon has gotten me in the hole,stupid-ass! hello to PPQ,SF,Sam,DetSL,all the cool group luv you peeps,off to get ready
                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                  TUESDAY AF 12 AUGUST

                  Hello all
                  A rainy day here and we need it. Just in time! Had a very good market Saturday, very busy.

                  Mick, enjoyed the jokes this morning! So I'm a little slow on the uptake... new rabbits for you?

                  Bear, the best medicine I had for the blues when I was going through a tough time were old cartoons on youtube. Bugs, Foghorn Leghorn, every morning I'd watch and in the evenings the wife and I would watch a couple. Best medicine is laughter! Mick's jokes are part of my morning routine now!

                  TT, you are so right about the final act. Unfortunately, a friend of mine's child just did the same, no drugs or booze involved. She was 13. So many unanswered questions. Wow, foot in paint bucket, that sounds like a serious mess!!

                  Lav, glad you're getting that foot looked at. Hopefully the MIR will shed some light on what the hecks going on. Nice rain today, eh?

                  Pauly, how you be? Double digits is a great place to be. Keep it going!!

                  hello to Det, SL, SF, PQ, NS, and any others I have missed
                  Liberated 5/11/2013


                    TUESDAY AF 12 AUGUST

                    hey Pauly I'm 41 - so not that young!Sam - father ted or the office,peter kay always makes me smile.

                    Finished work for the day and shattered,I'm off to the gym in a mo - some house tidying needed but it can wait.Dinner is leftover meatballs with pasta and tomato sauce from yesterday which is nice and easy.

                    Busy busy time at work,I'm not feeling the love for it at the moment,it's got to be said.Ho hum,it will pass.Happy Tuesday.
                    one day at a time


                      TUESDAY AF 12 AUGUST

                      Hi Guys- its sounds a bit corny but if I am down and can manage to shift my mood - the best help for me is not necessarily humor or jokes but to involve myself with others - especially if I can help them or show some kindness. The problem is that when the depression is bad it is so isolating. If I can reconnect with people and do something active - it slowly helps.


                        TUESDAY AF 12 AUGUST

                        Hey Bear,i'll be 41 next month(although i'm still in denial)haha,jeez Sam 13?poor kid,that's just a baby i think i was still playing paper dolls at that age,TT,i know that isolating depression feeling,doesn't happen often but damn,it's rough,i usually just try and watch movies,but yes Mick's jokes help to always lighten my mood in the morning,i forgot to mention that fishing joke,sounds like every man i know haha,off to figure dinner out
                        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                          TUESDAY AF 12 AUGUST

                          treetops;1692616 wrote: Hi Guys- its sounds a bit corny but if I am down and can manage to shift my mood - the best help for me is not necessarily humor or jokes but to involve myself with others - especially if I can help them or show some kindness. The problem is that when the depression is bad it is so isolating. If I can reconnect with people and do something active - it slowly helps.
                          TT, very good point. It is not all about ME. There is an US out there!
                          Liberated 5/11/2013


                            TUESDAY AF 12 AUGUST

                            MAE ALL...

                            TT...thanks for the kickstart. You got that right...sobriety does not mean accident free but boy is it a lot easier to deal with them when you're sober.

                            Bear...hope you got your pink on by now. My go to for depression is reading. Losing myself in a book means I can't think about my depression. You're right, one thing at a time.

                            Mick...thanks for the brew and I've managed to sssllllooow the thought wheel down. Told the boss we needed to talk as I couldn't quit thinking about the offer. He said yup if it's always on your mind lets talk. He answered the questions I had come up with and now I feel I can just throw out my comments when I'm thinking about something. Glad the bunnies have found a new safe home. Didn't you just get a new laptop? Maybe it was a router?

                   a date for your MRI yet? Hope that helps answer some questions.

                   10 :yay: Hope the bougie survives.

                            Sam...glad you had a good market on Saturday. So do you get to take the day off if it's raining? Sorry to hear about your friends daughter.

                            Well I have good news to share.....the berm is being moved as I type. They started yesterday and should have it all finished tomorrow. Garden meeting tonight so at least I'll have something positive to say.

                            Have a restful AF Tuesday night all.......PPQP


                              TUESDAY AF 12 AUGUST

                              ooooh rooooh ABerooooos!

                              got home early, and it's my day 30 again. sure nice to be feeling well and positive.

                              Pauly, day 10 already! you go girl! should be feeling pretty good by now?

                              TTops, thanks for the kickstart. you might be starting a trend...soon everyone will be painting their carpet!

                              tired but looking forward to sword-play's been too long for sure.

                              for years I've been interested in Robin Williams, not just as a brilliant artist but as another one of us dual-diagnosis folks.

                              stopped in Grass Valley CA today at a coffee roasters and had a great time. smells so good in there! next door was a traditional Cornish pastie maker, so had to get my fun lunch there.

                              well, off to get into a medieval state of mind for tonight (one day I'm going to get a tunic and take some pictures LOL).

                              be well
                              nosce te ipsum
                              (Know Thyself)

