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Tuesday 19 Aug AF daily

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    Tuesday 19 Aug AF daily

    Morning all - I'm up early ready for another day,feeling really anxious and tearful,think it's just a bit of the legacy.I feel ridiculously under confident and like I don't know anything. I have to keep reminding myself that I was strong and challenged this person's behaviour even when it was really difficult and that I handled it well.

    Managers in my office have been really supportive asking if I was ok, one mentioned that 'people were talking,you know what gossip is like here' she was being supportive,had advised her team to stay out of it and asking if I was ok but the comment has made me worry all over again!I suspected it was happening,but it's another thing to know that it is happening. I just feel that I can't trust my team not to stab me in the back,and that's not a nice feeling.People just talk I guess.

    Oh well I am sober and it's day 24 and I don't drink,my cat is also being very cute.
    one day at a time

    Tuesday 19 Aug AF daily

    Sounds awkward Bear but you have to be strong - maybe try to concentrate your work energy on the things that you do well and make you feel positive. I'm not saying to sweep things under the carpet - cos the difficult human relations side doesn't go away - but remind yourself its not all of what you do.
    Thats the advice I am telling myself as I deal with a tricky situation - easier said han done!
    You also don't drink

    Not sounding so good about the Puskins SL - but you never know - cats are weird creatures and can disappear for weeks - and bounce back. Sounds a bit like some folk on MWO:H but don't anyone here get any ideas!

    Have a great Tuesday everyone. Tonight I made possibly the best cheese souffl? in the history of the human endeavor to perfect souffl?s!


      Tuesday 19 Aug AF daily

      mae all how are you today then?all good ..well as far as non al goes it seems!been in the garden this morning since 6 am...all broad beans and peas are out as well as most of the onions..leaves me quite a bit of planting space..trouble is it is all split up ..also got quite a few plants to move but its a bit early to do that a plasterer coming round today to give me a quote for the job ..things are starting to move on now.Tomorrow out early doors again...yep back down Lincoln way... ok so on we go..tea and coffee on the go.

      hiya Pauly are you today?all good I hope...Well as far as feeding your rabbit goes..I feed mine twice a day....they prefer eating early morning and dusk ..thats when they are at theeir most active ..and yes he/she will eat carrots all day long ..they are like treats to them..its like feeding me ice cream all day ..I aint going to refuse it!!best thing for them is hay,with the occasional treat what mine get ..yeah right!they are spoilt rotten!!lettuce is really bad for them them wind..but the problem is they cannot get rid of wind and it can kill them.

      hiya of luck on your mri scan today..hows all your veggies going?coming to the end of the season for any of yours yet? did you grow onions this year?if so what were they like?everyone over here that I have spoken to hasnt had a lot of luck with theirs..anyway heres your brew to take to the hozzy with you..cheaper than theirs!!

      hiya Sam are you this fine day?all good are rollling pin epsom salts..your lucks in!how are the bees doing?do they adjust seasonally too?

      hiya are you today then having a grand joliday?...yep you are getting this boss thing off to a tee!!next thing ..youll be working from home!!would you like a brew ma'am? grovel grovel!!just in case I end up in Canadia needing a job!!..and yes out again tomorrow..another clue for you ..just sorting my maps out

      hiya Det hows you today then?hey getting quite athletic arent you ..kickboxing and fencing go for it!!!

      your post.....ya, I just can't stand AL or ciggy breath at all anymore, which makes hanging out with my coworkers even more crappy.

      mate remember what you have time the desire takes you to hit the bar when you are on the road

      hiya are you this fine day?8lbs well done you on that..even more of a sylph than you are usually no sign of the cat back yet?they do get the fingers crossed

      hiya bear...hope you are ok today....lets not get the two things mixed up and work issues ..well done on your mantra this morning ..irrespective of the scenario you still came good with I dont far as the work goes..maybe Im the wrong person here ..but my work ethos was always .cant do the job,then help train, coach..still under performing or not hitting the required standard? then performance issue..still not doing it ..then time to part company..end of .appreciate that it is tough at times to do ..but in the cold light of day if you dont address the issue then you arent doing your job..and lets be honest..if you had turned a blind or anything and you had got it in the neck for not doing your job...would that employee have paid for your life and lifestyle?so chin up cheer up .you are doing ok

      hiya tt are you today /this evening?..all good what was the outcome of all your building work? is it all finished now?..mine is just about to start!!oh no!!

      right my jolly bunch of booze busters...have a good one take it easy..

      The bum approached the well-dressed man. ?Say, pal, could you spare ten bucks for a soft drink??
      ?Ten dollars!? the man exclaimed. ?Listen my dear fellow, not even in this city will you find
      a place that charges so much for a soda.?>I know, said the panhandler, ?but it?s my girlfriend?s birthday and I wanted to knock off early.?

      To tag birds migrating, the U.S. Department of the Interior used metal bands that bear the address of the Washington Biological Survey, abbreviated:
      Wash. Biol. Surv.
      Until the agency received the following letter from a camper:
      Dear Sirs,
      While camping last week I shot one of your birds. I think it was a crow. I followed the cooking instructions on the leg tag and I want to tell you it was horrible.

      Q: Why did the turtle cross the street?
      A: To get to the shell station

      In a greasy spoon, a downhearted diner asked the waitress for meatloaf and some kind words. She brought the meatloaf but didn?t say a thing. ?Hey,? he said, ?what about my kind word??
      She replied, ?Don?t eat the meatloaf.?

      Teacher: What?s the outside layer
      of a tree called, Tommy?
      Tommy: Don?t Know.
      Teacher: Bark, Tommy.
      Tommy: Woof, Woof.

      A famous scientist developed a formula to bring statues to life.
      He went to a local park to try it out on a statue of Gen. Ulysses Grant.
      After application, Gen Grant began to move and soon was completely alive.
      The scientist asked, "What's the first thing you'll do, General?"
      The general answered while drawing his pistol "I'm going to kill about a million damn pigeons!"

      General Amalgamated Industries, feeling it was time for a shakeup, hired a new CEO. The new boss was determined to rid the company of all slackers. On a tour of the facilities, the CEO noticed a guy leaning against a wall. The room was full of workers and he wanted to let them know that he meant business. He asked the guy, "How much money do you make a week?" A little surprised, the young man looked at him and said, "I make $400 a week. Why?" The CEO said, "Wait right here."
      He walked back to his office, came back in two minutes, and handed the guy $1,600 in cash and said, "Here's four weeks' pay. Now GET OUT and don't come back." Feeling pretty good about himself the CEO looked around the room and asked, "Does anyone want to tell me what that goof-ball did here?"

      From across the room a voice said, "Pizza delivery guy from Domino's."

      A flying saucer was low on fuel, so it landed by a gas station on a lonely country road.

      On its side were the letters ?UFO.? The gas station attendant was stunned, but his curiosity got the best of him.

      ?Does that stand for Unidentified Flying Object?? he asked.

      ?No,? one of the other-worldly travelers responded, ?It stands for ?Unleaded Fuel Only.?

      A customer at Green?s Gourmet Grocery marveled at the proprietor?s quick wit and intelligence.

      ?Tell me, Green, what makes you so smart??

      ?I wouldn?t share my secret with just anyone,? Green replies, lowering his voice so the other shoppers won?t hear. ?But since you?re a good and faithful customer, I?ll let you in on it. Fish heads. You eat enough of them, you?ll be positively brilliant.?

      ?You sell them here?? the customer asks.

      ?Only $4 apiece,? says Morris.

      The customer buys three. A week later, he?s back in the store complaining that the fish heads were disgusting and he isn?t any smarter.

      ?You didn?t eat enough, ? says Green. The customer goes home with 20 more fish heads. Two weeks later, he?s back and this time he?s really angry.

      ?Hey, Green,? he says, ?You?re selling me fish heads for $4 a piece when I just found out I can buy the whole fish for $2. You?re ripping me off!?

      ?You see?? says Morris. ?You?re smarter already.?

      The Baltimore Police Department, famous for its superior K-9 unit, was somewhat taken aback by a recent incident.

      Returning home from work, a blonde was shocked to find her house ransacked and burglarized. She telephoned the police at once and reported the crime.

      The police dispatcher broadcast the call on the channels, and a K-9 unit patrolling nearby was the first on the scene. As the K-9 officer approached the house with his dog on a leash, the blonde ran out on the porch, clapped a hand to her head and moaned, ?I come home from work to find all my possessions stolen, I call the police for help, and what do they do? They send a BLIND policeman!?

      A lady came to the hospital to visit a friend. She had not been in a hospital for several years and felt very ignorant about all the new technology. A technician followed her onto the elevator, wheeling a large, intimidating looking machine with tubes and wires and dials. ?Boy, would I hate to be hooked up to that thing,? she said.

      ?So would I,? replied the technician. ?It?s a floor-cleaning machine.?

      The car was pulled over by a highway patrolwoman for speeding.

      As the officer was writing the ticket, she noticed several machetes in the car. ?What are those for?? she asked suspiciously.

      ?I?m a juggler,? the man replied. ?I use those in my act.?

      ?Well, show me,? the officer demanded.

      The juggler took out the machetes and started juggling them; first three, then more until he was tossing seven at one time, overhand, underhand, behind the back, putting on a dazzling show in the breakdown lane and amazing the officer.

      Just then, another car passed by. The driver did a double take, and said, ?My God. I?ve got to give up drinking! Look at the test they?re giving now.?

      A man observed a woman in the grocery store with a three year old girl in her basket. As they passed the cookie section, the little girl asked for cookies and her mother told her, ?No.? The little girl immediately began to whine and fuss, and the mother said quietly, ?Now Monica, we just have half of the aisles left to go through ? don?t be upset. It won?t be long now.?

      Soon, they came to the candy aisle and the little girl began to shout for candy. When told she couldn?t have any, she began to cry. The mother said, ?There, there, Monica, don?t cry ? only two more aisles to go and then we?ll be checking out.?

      When they got to the checkout stand, the little girl immediately began to clamor for gum and burst into a terrible tantrum upon discovering there?d be no gum purchased. The mother said serenely, ?Monica, we?ll be through this check out stand in 5 minutes and then you can go home and have a nice nap.?

      The man followed them out to the parking lot and stopped the woman to compliment her. ?I couldn?t help noticing how patient you were with little Monica,? he began. The mother replied, ?I?m Monica ? my little girl?s name is Tammy.?

      A fire started on some grassland near a farm. The county fire department was called to put out the fire. The fire was more than the county fire department could handle. Someone suggested that a nearby volunteer bunch be called. Despite some doubt that the volunteer outfit would be of any assistance, the call was made.

      The volunteers arrived in a dilapidated old fire truck. They rumbled straight towards the fire, drove right into the middle of the flames and stopped! The firemen jumped off the truck and frantically started spraying water in all directions. Soon they had snuffed out the center of the fire, breaking the blaze into two easily controlled parts.

      Watching all this, the farmer was so impressed with the volunteer fire department?s work and was so grateful that his farm had been spared, that right there on the spot he presented the volunteers with a check for $1,000. A local news reporter asked the volunteer fire captain what the department planned to do with the funds. ?That ought to be obvious,? he responded, wiping ashes off his coat. ?The first thing we?re gonna do is get the brakes fixed on our fire truck!?

      Two blondes were recently observed in a parking lot trying to unlock the door of their Mercedes with a coat hanger. Here is their dialogue:

      Blonde One: I can't seem to get this door unlocked!

      Blonde Two: Well, you'd better hurry up and try harder! it's starting to rain, and the top is down!
      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


        Tuesday 19 Aug AF daily

        Good morning Abbers,

        Getting a slow start this morning but I'll get there. Sleep has been crappy the past few weeks for absolutely no reason. Most likely it's due to a lack of real exercise due to this ongoing foot situation. My Curves membership has been on hold for the past month

        bear, I had to learn this the hard way but here it is: What other people think about you is their business, not yours & something you can't control. Focus on being the best you can be & to hell with what others think. Their thoughts are usually reflections of themselves anyway & really have little to do with you I hope your day goes well!!!!

        TT, I would kill for some of your cheese souffl? but then again it would probably kill me :H
        Hope all is going well for you!

        Mick, you sure have a lot going on but it keeps you out of trouble, right?
        I did plant onions in my raised beds this year, just pulled them this past weekend. They look good but are pretty small. The boys pulled the last of the carrots, they were nice. I have lots of room opening up in those beds now but haven't planted anything yet.

        Greetings Sam - getting more heat & humidity this week, aren't we? Hope you are OK!

        SL, so sorry about your cat. Hope she finds her way home soon
        I have a microchip in my younger dog, just in case. The older dog doesn't like to walk too far away from her food bowl so I don't worry about her. YB's cat may escape herself one of these days due to the kids leaving the door open when they go out.

        Greetings Pauly, PQ, Det, SF & everyone!
        Have a great AF Tuesday one & all!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Tuesday 19 Aug AF daily

          Mae everybody,thanks for the heads up on the lettuce Mick,i've been feeding him lots of romaine! poor thing,i didn't know it could hurt their tummy,hmm a farting rabbit would be kind of hilarious though if they could haha,oh shoot Bear,listen to Lav and Mick we can't change what people think,the heck with them! you seem to take alot on and overthink things especially when you've been sober for a bit,i do the same but remember WE DON'T DRINK!!!!! i don't want you to get too emotionally overwhelmed over this situation honey,stay stronghubs thinks his prostate is acting up again,eeks,he never singed up for obamacare(which btw isn't that cheap!)so i told him to get on it and get to the doc now! his dad had prostate cancer and alot of these stupid cancers seem to be genetic,always something,anyways i hope we all have a good Tuesday
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            Tuesday 19 Aug AF daily

            Morning all!
            looks like a rain day, better get the heck out of here before the rolling pin appears! Off to do some deed work.

            Bear, hang in there and keep your mantra in tact! The work environment can be an "As the World Turns" soap. Have to turn the channel to something more positive.

            TT, how's you be? If I recall, you write? If I'm correct, what is it you write?

            Howdy Mick, sounds busy there in your garden. Bees are a seasonal thing. Got to make sure that they all have enough food and join hives together if they are weak with a stronger hive.

            Morning Lav, hope you get some positive answers on your foot.

            Off to the mines. Howdy to PQ,Det, SL (we have a 21 year old cat that goes missing often, then returns), SF, Pauly and others I missed.
            Liberated 5/11/2013


              Tuesday 19 Aug AF daily

              thanks everyone - I need to give less of a f**k what people think of me.
              Mick I'm performance managing one person which is what kicked this load of crap all off in first place,with our capability process I'm looking at a couple of years until they go - unless by some miracle they just do the work!We can't just get rid of people where I am,as it's not private sector.

              Working on less of a f**k in general - which is what my counselling sessions are focused on - I also am meeting mentor Friday too.I have been having thoughts of drinking wine with dinner on friday with parents - but i dont drink anymore and it won't help,in fact it will make it all worse.Not happening.

              Tomorrow am out of the office at another base - nice break.
              one day at a time


                Tuesday 19 Aug AF daily

                Sam - only one of the things I do is write. But I also do a whole lot of other things too in my job - including managing people. Sorry I can't post much about my job publicly. Can be full of surprises as well!
                This morning is filled with meetings - better get my skates on! Its Wed here with a lovely sunrise coming up.
                Any news about the MRI Lav? I made my souffl? with Edam low fat cheese and used half the butter - plus trim milk. It still works. I only had a small portion too:l I think!
                You all have a great Tuesday.


                  Tuesday 19 Aug AF daily

                  hidy ho ABeroooos!

                  Bear, the #1 thing is that you are AF, everything else is a very distant second place.

                  Mick, yep i'm trying to get my buttocks into shape asap. tonight is fencing. this Saturday I'm taking a Muay Thai kickboxing seminar being taught by Kevin Ross. 12 years ago he was a bad alchy that drank around the clock. just last month he became the world champion. what an inspiration!

                  garlicky hugs to TTops, Lav, Pauly, Sam, and any to come...SL?

                  be well
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    Tuesday 19 Aug AF daily

                    MAE ALL....

                    Bear...thanks for kicking us off and sorry to hear you're feeling anxious and teary eyed. :l There's been a lot going on at work for you lately and hearing that "people" are talking can unnerve you. I speak from experience. Try and put it out of your mind, what you think is the only thing that matters. I liked the fact that you ended your post with 2 24 and I don't drink. You're cat is trying to get you out of your head.

                    TT...not a souffl? person myself but obviously some on this thread are. Sorry you're going through a tricky situation as well but isn't it great you can deal with it sober!! Right Bear!!

                    Mick...ooh, ooh another clue, I'm on it. Thanks for the brew needed it this morning after getting an email from "other" boss. He said if he'd known I hadn't finished the casino schedule he wouldn't have approved my holidays. My reaction...WTF...I never knew I was responsible for it. I've got the feeling he thinks I've been here forever and should know everything. It's been bugging me all morning and then I read Bear's post...and realized it's not my problem. I've done what's been asked of me.

                    Lav...been thinking of you this morning. How long will it take to find out the MRI results? You're probably right about the lack of exercise interfering with your sleep.

                    Pauly...yup if it isn't one thing it's another. Men can be so childish when it comes to their health. Ooops did I use my outside voice? Looking for pictures of farting rabbits after I finish this post. :H

                    Sam...was hoping for a rain day but it hasn't materialized yet. Thought you said you were going to do some dead work and you had me wondering. Hope you had a good one.

                    Det...hidy ho and you are absolutely right...AF is the #1 priority. Any word on the house sale yet?

                    Off to do some running around so will check back with everyone later.....PPQP


                      Tuesday 19 Aug AF daily

                      Amazing that a hard core alky can change his life around so good,very inspirational,still tired today again maybe i'm not getting enough excercise?i am doing more than i was but still,PPQ,youre right,you did your job,nuff said,hope Lav's mri gives a clue as to what's going on,where are you Sunflower?check in
                      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                        Tuesday 19 Aug AF daily

                        Yep, MRI done. Hope to hear something tomorrow Hope it's not too bad!!

                        Hi there pauly! Get your husband insured & to the doc before big problems develop. Easier to take care of small problems
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Tuesday 19 Aug AF daily

                          Yo FabAbbers near and not so far,

                          All the best with your scan Lav. Wishing you a speedy return to curves and exercise. Don't know if you have access to a swimming pool in the meantime?

                          Pauly, sounds like hubs needs that checkup asap, especially with a history in the family.

                          Hang in there Bear. Let the gossipers gossip. Great going on 24 days.

                          Big waves to everyone. Take it easy out there.


                          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                            Tuesday 19 Aug AF daily

                            Nice busy thread today - been a busy work day yet again - I don't think I am getting a work from home day this week, that will get me so far behind.
                            Well, you guys are all right - Lovey is back - I found her in the back neighbours yard tonight after 3 days away - no idea how she got there, she really is getting old and less mobile, but managed to pry some fence boards apart and god her back. She is being very "lovey" now, so hopefully that will be the end. I have to admit to quite enjoying two cats instead of three, but my girl was breaking my heart! 21year old Sam - NO!!!!! I don't want three cats when the girls leave home - I do not want to be a little old cat lady:H
                            Back to school tomorrow - yeah!
                            OK - got some more work to get done - meeting prep for tomorrows fun and games...and early to bed as the alarms go off for the first time in a long time.
                            Have a great day all:l
                            “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"

