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    Hi there everyone. Friday afternoon here and working at home ? daughter has finished exams ?phew! I went out last night to a social event and it was fun. Am finding it so much easier to do things like that now after being sober for so long. No need to rush home to the ?real booze? like in the past and no feeling awkward cos I am not drinking AL. Only complaint ? wish there had been more vegetarian food!

    More visits today from tradesmen ? no Mick, house stuff here not finished ? it takes forever it seems, what with quotes, insurance approvals and then organising the real work. And this is not major or an emergency. Imagine how protracted it can be when a major disaster strikes.

    How?s the mood Pauly? Don?t get glum or bleh to the extent that you say sod it all. :bang You don?t want that and as you say, this too shall pass.

    How?s things SL? I saw the mention about teenage daughter woes but I couldn?t work out what this was all about?

    And while we are checking life?s surprises and trials ? how?s the foot Madam Lav?

    No snakes here Sam :nanner:but I am very pleased to see some of my favourite birds back in the garden. Love watching them when I am sitting at my desk! Great distraction!

    Don?t zoom around too much Bear. All the best for your forthcoming biopsy. Make sure you have something to look forward to afterwards.

    Looks like PPQP stole Bear?s skates. Is today a morgue-like day or a million miles to the hour at work?

    Good to see you Det. Mint is also nice in soda water ? but only if its fresh. Otherwise it can look like slime ? yuk.

    Any blood results Mick? Hope that's not causing any consternation.

    Still cold here but the daylight is getting longer. Definitely springtime!!
    OK thats my news - oops another small accident today - opened the bathroom door and my daughter slammed the door so hard that a large mirror broke. Please tell me I am not superstitious!


    Hey TT - hopefully tomorrow is Friday??? I am fine with you being ahead of me, but will prefer not to repeat Thursday when I wake in the am:H:H
    Thanks for the pm - don't think it is major teen trouble, and hopefully it is fixable at the present...
    Well done for enjoying your event....and I am glad to hear that you are finding things easier, that is so good to hear.
    See you on the morrow....
    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"



      should be AF FRiday 29 August!!!

      Sorry folks - these time zones confuse me too. I thought I had checked the days/dates really carefully. Easy to do - ay, Bear and Mick!!:H:H



        haha,yep TT - bank holiday Monday and I lost the plot.

        Friiiiiiday!!Hallelujah,work feels like a much happier place at the moment,mad busy but the atmosphere has changed a little.

        Today - friends over for dinner,making beef stew and mash and green beans,hope weather stays wintery!tomorrow is bathroom/bedroom quote and then Brighton to see friends,staying over,taking af beer and diet lemonade - my regular stock!

        Mick - I am the only person on here who is excited by the Christmas countdown I think!I love this time of year as to me September is the new year,goes back to new school year I think. Biopsy is to eliminate womb cancer,unlikely,prob just hormonal,I'm stocked up on codeine and layering with ibuprofen inbetween. On plus side it will be nice to have a few days off.

        Sam - what is veying?

        Det - you sound great.

        Hey PPQ,Pauly,Lav - have a great day
        one day at a time



          mae all...and how are we today then on the thingyth of doofrey...glad to see that not knowing where you are or what day it is works just as well down under!!!so the weekend is here I promised :H...usual form for me ..out early doors on Sunday...different part of the world this week to Leicester..ok on with the weekend show.....

          tea yand coffee provided on admission...

          Yoo hoo Pauly :wavin: and how are you today then?feeling any better not as bleh? feeling kerap is just one of the stages you go through "hey you stick with it kid,"he says in his best american gangsta voice :H

          hiya tt ..tis I ...Sir spamalot!!how are you doing today then?quick is (says the kettle calling the pot black!!so the work isnt finished yet in your house?it hasnt really started proper in our house far..radiator out ,cupboard out,pipes reshrouded,electrical double socket in ..ceiling and wall patch boarded prior to plastering,electrical wiring chased into wall and plastered..just little bitty jobs that have to be done before the main work.

          hiya Sam..hows you today?all set for the offski?have a great trip my friend...dont forget the piccies!!

          hiya ppqp....hows you today then ?zooming about one minute then quiet the next..good idea sit on the sidelines and watch the players?any plans for the weekend?hows the gardens coming along meant to ask before....right here you go ..a brew before your mad dash to work!

          hiya bear......specifically for one else look :coolsanta: glad work is more always was on poets day!!!enjoy yourself in Brighton..only ever been there once and yep you guessed it drunk!!

          hiya det are you today?all good I hope..2 pretty good workouts this week ...dont forget to take some kit with you on your travels..especially some extra will power

          hiya are you today then?all good did you get much done at all yesterday?got a funny feeling that you are kinda like me a bit and get bored after sitting down doing nowt for about 10 here you go ..a big brew for you.

          hiya SL......hows you today then?tears subsided ? not yours Im sure it will be all good in the end..Amy came down from Sheffield last night..she used to be really big into horse riding but it all went on hold when she was studying...went last night to Croft End riding stables where she used to go and really enjoyed it.She has just finished nights..she was saying theres a male midwife on their ward ...gets better...apparently he used to be a farmer!oh well..have you any plans for the weekend ...apart from a possible rain dance???

          just checked ..havent missed anyone orf today so have a great weekend everyone...

          A recent science journal has reported that women have two, not just one 'time of the month' when they become over sensitive, moody and emotionally unstable.

          Morning and night.

          'Joan Rivers rushed to hospital as she stops breathing during surgery'
          Where was she having this surgery if she then had to be rushed to hospital?

          The NHS have rejected a drug to treat diarrhea as they believe it is weak and ineffective.
          There's said to be no solid evidence to suggest it works.

          I've been the proud head of the Ladder Appreciation Society for years, but I've finally had enough.

          I'm stepping down.

          If there is such thing as ghosts they have to be the spirits of fckin idiots. Think about it, they can be invisible and they can go through walls yet they chose to spend eternity in the attic or the basement or somewhere else thats really crap.

          What's the definition of a squirrel?

          A rat with good PR.

          Why do people say "Excuse me, can I sneak by?" You've already failed.

          Patient: Oh, doctor, I have terrible troubles. I do hope that you can help me.

          Psychiatrist: Now calm down. Just lie down on the couch and tell me all about your troubles.

          Patient: Well, doctor, I have a duplex penthouse apartment in New York and a summer house on the beach at the Hampton. I drive a Rolls-Royce, and my wife drives a Jaguar. My two boys go to the best private school in the city. We belong to three very swanky clubs, and every year I manage to spend a month in Europe.

          Psychiatrist: These things are very wonderful, but let?s get down to your basic problem.

          Patient: I was just getting to it, doctor. You see, I only make $100 a week!

          At baseball game...

          Ritchie: Can I give money to that man who's crying?

          Father: That's very kind of you, son. What's he crying about?

          Ritchie: "Hot dogs! Peanuts! Popcorn!"

          The man walked over to the perfume counter and told the clerk he'd like a bottle of Chanel #5 for his wife's birthday.

          "A little surprise, eh?" smiled the clerk.

          "You bet," answered the customer. "She's expecting a cruise."

          A customer called the airline's reservation office to pay for his ticket with a credit card. The reservation specialist asked him, "Would you please spell the name as it appears on the card, sir?"

          The customer carefully replied, "V-I-S-A."

          Getting a haircut

          Women's version:

          Woman 1: Oh! You got a haircut! That's so cute!

          Woman 2: Do you think so? I wasn't sure when she gave me the mirror. I mean, you don't think it's too fluffy looking?

          Woman 1: Oh God no! No, it's perfect. I'd love to get my hair cut like that, but I think my face is too wide. I'm pretty much stuck with this stuff I think.

          Woman 2: Are you serious? I think your face is adorable. And you could easily get one of those layer cuts - that would look so cute I think. I was actually going to do that except that I was afraid it would accent my long neck.

          Woman 1: Oh - that's funny! I would love to have your neck! Anything to take attention away from this two-by-four I have for a shoulder line.

          Woman 2: Are you kidding? I know girls that would love to have your shoulders. Everything drapes so well on you. I mean, look at my arms - see how short they are? If I had your shoulders I could get clothes to fit me so much easier.

          Men's version:

          Man 1: Haircut?

          Man 2: Yeah.

          A father and his small son were out walking one after-noon when the youngster asked how the electricity went through the wires stretched between the telephone poles.

          "Don't know," said the father. "Never knew much about electricity." A few blocks farther on the boy asked what caused lightning and thunder.

          "To tell the truth," said the father, "I never exactly understood that myself."

          The boy continued to ask questions throughout the walk, none of which the father could explain. Finally, as they were nearing home, the boy asked,

          "Dad, I hope you don't mind my asking so many questions..."

          "Of course not", replied the father. "How else are you going to learn?"
          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


            THURSDAY 29 AF AUGUST

            Good morning Abbers & Happy FRIDAY to all

            TT, thanks for the start up. It's hard enough trying to figure out the date & day where I am let alone where you are :H
            I find it difficult to eat out myself these days. Why does everyone add butter & cheese to everything???

            Greetings SL & bear!
            Hope everything is OK in your worlds

            Thanks for the coffee Mick, much appreciated!
            Not a whole on my plan book for today - depends on the weather. It's been hot & humid here & I find myself feeling a bit irritable dragging this stupid boot around, yuck. I swear my lower leg feels 10 degrees hotter than the other one when I take the boot off. My foot feels a lot better & is not nearly as swollen as it was so that's good!
            The weather is keeping me from making outdoor BBQ plans for the holiday weekend. I'm going to take the wait & see approach

            Greetings Pauly, PQ, SL, Det, Sam & everyone!
            Have a great AF Day one & all.

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              THURSDAY 29 AF AUGUST

              Wow this thread is a multi day-er!
              Morning everyone. A quick check in to see how everyone is doing.

              TT, my wife is the snake charmer, she's had the close encounters, then I get to be the snake harmer.

              Bear, 'veying is short for surveying, in my case, land surveying.

              Mick, ready to rock, haven't quite gotten to the roll yet, that will come once we hit the road.

              Lav, just sing "these boots are made for walking"!

              Have a good weekend everyone. Have a safe sober one!
              Liberated 5/11/2013


                THURSDAY 29 AF AUGUST

                Mae everybody,they add butter and cheese cuz they rock Lave,throw in a little bacon and it's even better haha,no i know i've got to clean up my eating too,it's hard though,ya know i hear alot of people craving sugar early in their quits i still don't,well maybe cuz my soda but not cookies or ice cream,mostly crave salty foods,it's weird,my hum-drum's were gone yesterday,i think i was just sad school was back in,summer's gone,just making the transition i guess,hubs went to the doc,and they said his prostate is enlarged,gave him some meds to shrink it for now,and he has to go back for more tests,but i'm sure he's fine,i've already started my crimbo shoppingi like a gigantic present opening session,even if it's only small things,and this year Louie will understand what's going on more so it'll be even funner,well hope everybody has a fun POETS(see i'm learning haha)luv ya peeps
                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                  THURSDAY 29 AF AUGUST

                  Hi all - glad to be here on this Friday. got lots done already, trying to squeeze in errands in hope of some down time this weekend!
                  On call on Monday for my week, and training someone to help with the work load - just now I am on call 40% of the item (which means all day/night/holidays etc) - so that means extra work as I need to explain everything - but in long run to not work every other weekend will be lovely.
                  Oh Sam - got to call egg lady, she gave me a number to call and order her eggs as last weeks she has sold out every time! Thanks for the reminder :H Have a good (snake-less) trip!
                  Coming up to the beginning of Sept which a year ago is when things really began to stick for me - I stopped and started so many times from 2010 on, but from Sept 1st last year I have only had a drink on 24 days, and none of them to excess, so I feel a little like an anniversary - my anniversary of really starting to win! I am also feeling good just now, so really enjoying that feeling - long may it last!
                  Mick - say Hi to my brother when you are in Leicester. Yes, male midwifes are a sign of the times - but if he was a farmer he has all the needed skills!!
                  See you all later - have a really great one
                  “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                    THURSDAY 29 AF AUGUST

                    MAE ALL....

                    Yay...the weekend is here and it's a long one at that. Am not going to step one foot in the community centre.

                    Sorry, I'm just beat so am going to relax. Will have lots of time to post later.

                    Have a peaceful evening all.....PPQP


                      THURSDAY 29 AF AUGUST

                      ahoy ABerooooos!

                      just wanted to let Lav know the reason there's butter and cheese all over everything is because I put it there! LOL guilty as charged.

                      managed to pop out to the shooting range today and had a super good time with an AF buddy.

                      with Dx gone at burning man I've been keeping myself super busy with exercise and social things, yet remembering to relax, meditate and do the many 'self care' oriented things that keep me sane-ish.
                      even went to see 'guardians of the galaxy' which was really funny and highly recommended.

                      have a fun AF Sat and be well everyone
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)

