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Sweet September

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    Sweet September

    Good morning and I am so grateful it is September.

    Had a great Sunday spent with family, and today making choice to eat vegetarian for health. Ate lots of junk yesterday and feel all yucky today so a day of intentional healthy eating will do the trick.

    Say a post on Just Starting Out that someone is updating this site so things should be better soon. Great news.

    I want to have a really productive September too, Cyn. I am making out my master plan today with some time off.

    Hello to Lav, Dill, and Papmom. Happy Labor Day.
    Formerly known as redhibiscus

    Sweet September

    Good morning Star & everyone! Happy Labor day & first of September

    Glad you enjoyed your family day yesterday Star. A few days of clean eating make a huge difference for me as well

    We had several huge Tstorms yesterday, may get more today, oh well.
    I had to make an emergency run to Walmart in the middle of all that because my coffee maker croaked :H No way I am going to be happy without a coffee maker :H

    I've been following RJ's updates on the status of site & made a donation last week.
    I'd really hate to see this site disappear, it has the potential to help so many people. It has been a huge blessing for me

    Greetings to Dill, Cyn & Papmom. Hope we all have a fantastic AF Monday!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Sweet September

      "You can have the life you want or you can drink." ~Narilly

      I saw that in the signature line of one of Narilly's posts and just loved it! So to the point!

      Thanks Star for starting off Sweet September. I just love that title! So, how was the fruit dip? Did it turn out? I'm glad you had a great day with your family. We did too. We also had a grill out and with that I made potato salad and baked beans. I used jalapeno peppers in the beans instead of bell and it was a hit with the men folk. I liked it too. Sorry your back is sore. I know back pain and it can be a bear! I didn't realize you are on a second floor. That is perfect for a built in cardio booster!

      Lav, I used garden veggies for my potato salad and baked beans. I am going to miss the garden but we'll be eating those veggies all thru the winter. Just a couple of days ago I froze 25 quarts of tomatoes in addition to the first round I did 2 weeks ago. Did you freeze yours or can them? I know you had a ton! And didn't you say you were apple picking recently? Mr. D just picked a 5 gallon bucket full and we are going to freeze those too. It's too darn hot out to get into canning!

      Cyn, I recommend that you experiment with grilling and roasting veggies. I have really enjoyed grilled zucchini, eggplant, corn, summer squash, bell pepper, onion, and jalapeno peppers. You have to coat them with some olive oil, but I still think it is a healthy, low calorie way to prepare them. Also, have you ever heard of mashed cauliflower as a substitute for mashed potatoes? I like it alot. Another thing to try is spaghetti squash to substitute for pasta when you make spaghetti. Also, have you ever heard of Green Bean Mousaka? It's another low carb recipe I go to when I'm trying to cut back on calories. So sweet of you to be helping SD with food ideas! Good luck finding more.

      Greetings Papmom, hope you are enjoying your 3 day weekend!

      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


        Sweet September

        Good morning...

        Lav, we are getting a lot of rain too, heard thunder and woke up to lightening last night and even now. Just stayed in yesterday and relaxed, so ready for work today! My coffee maker broke in the past and I too made an emergency run, there was no need to wait.

        Dill, the fruit dip was soooo good. It was a hit. There was so much food, it felt good to eat lighter yesterday. I will do the same today. I am looking up the green bean mousaka recipe, I love mousaka. I made a zucchini mousaka before and it was delicious.

        Have a great day all.
        Formerly known as redhibiscus


          Sweet September

          Good morning friends,

          Overcast, hot & humid already, ho hum.
          Looks like a full week of this weather is in the cards. Not like we get a choice

          Dill, I cooked tomatoes into sauce & froze it all. Yesterday YB cooked a ton into tomato juice & canned it (making a gigantic mess & overheating the kitchen of course :H ) One of the jars, filled with boiling hot juice exploded right in his hand & burned his fingers a bit That's why I don't do too much canning.

          Star, the only time I spent outside yesterday was to take care of my chickens. They are looking overheated as well!!! Lots of frozen treats for them today

          Our potato harvest ended up being around 54 pounds - Wow!!!
          Storing them in feed bags in a cool corner of the basement for now.

          Greetings to Papmom who I know had a wicked weather weekend! Glad you are OK

          Cyn, hope you are working in plenty of rest periods & not overdoing the outside work in this heat & humidity!

          Have a great day everyone!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Sweet September

            Hello all!
            Star, thanks for getting us started - I do hope that it is a sweet September for all. I always think of September with a slightly bittersweet feeling, but this year I will concentrate on only the sweetness of it. I have taken an important step for sweetness - I booked a $$$ flight and car rental, and am going back to the midwest to see my family, my aunt (the last remaining now of that generation), and my parent's graves. (Not to mention the new yellow lab puppy my niece has...) I have regrets that I didn't make this trip last summer for a last visit with the 99 year old matriarch who died while I was away out west. But it is what it is, and the good thing about going now is that I'll have more time with family and a few friends. My HB is even being good about having to take care of the dogs for 5 days...not within his comfort zone. He's also being good about having me take 5 days out of our remaining 'together time' before he goes off to the city to work. That's been a real gift - that I haven't had to think about more dog care while I'm away.

            So all is good here! Dill - thanks for the vegie ideas; I'm doing as much roasting as I can, but these hot days I just can't bring myself to turn the oven on! I admire you guys for all the gardening and fruits and vegies you've produced, that must be a wonderful feeling. I'm just thrilled that my 3 tomato plants are still bearing so that I get a taste of some heritage tomatoes. Vegies next year!

            Hope all have a wonderful, cool, AF day ----
            to the light


              Sweet September


              Star, I meant to put the recipe link in but forgot! I'll get it right this time!

              Green Bean Moussaka Recipe -

              Cyn, I know what you mean about not wanting to heat up the kitchen. That's why I mentioned grilling as well. We grill ours on our gas grill and they are delicious that way! I am so happy for you that you are getting to take this little trip to see family. So good of Mr. Cyn to let you have that worry-free visit. September seems the perfect month to do it, too.

              Lav, Well done on making the sauce. Even that heats up the kitchen!

              I've had my eyes checked today so I've been waiting for the dilation effect to wear off. All went well and I don't even need to up my prescription!

              Enjoy an AF Tuesday everyone.

              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                Sweet September

                Good morning...

                Thanks for the recipe Dill, sounds good, I will have to try it out soon.

                Just work today, nothing new, and that is OK.

                Have a good one.
                Formerly known as redhibiscus


                  Sweet September

                  Good morning all & Happy Hump day

                  Clouds, warm & supposedly less humid today. Yesterday ended up a big wash out with several large thunder storms, ho hum.

                  Going to Curves to deliver eggs & try to get back into part of the program. I've missed it more than I realized. I can work on the upper body machines & skip the rest.

                  Hello & have a good day Stra, Dill, Cyn & Papmom!!!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Sweet September

                    Late check in again for me. I've really been working on that quilt so hard that I get behind on everything else!

                    Greetings Star and Lav!

                    But I did take some time for a boat trip with Mr. D. We bought some sandwiches and brought other fixings from home and had our lunch out on the water. The sun played so beautifully upon the water I felt almost hypnotized by it.

                    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                      Sweet September

                      Hi All and happy September!! I've read back and caught up with everyone. It seems a time of peace for us all!

                      My family and I dodged a tornado Sunday nite! It hit about 8 miles from me. I heard the warning on TV and immediately got the boyz into the basement where we tracked the storm on TV and my phone. Didn't know it was a tornado until the next morning tho.

                      Quiet long weekend. No cookouts. Thursday nite my sis, BIL, dad and I went to a live taping of Wait Wait Don't Tell Me at Tanglewood. We went to dinner first-yummo! The show was just awesome. So hysterically funny-haven't laughed that hard in a long time!! It was a very long day/nite-didn't get home until after 1 am! Had to be up for an 8 am physical-oh that hurt!!

                      Test results came back great as far as I can tell. Asked for H-Pylori but don't see it on the results-I've emailed her to find out why. Also no Vit D or A1c. Cholesterol is great=107!! HDl much higher than in April so that is good and LDL is very low. CHD relative risk is 2.3 so I'm in good shape I think. Will see cardiologist in Oct.
                      Still no movement on the scale tho, either way. Getting discouraged and have noticed a decrease in activity due to heat and less motivation. Gotta get my groove back!
                      Work may be getting better-she's giving me more room to be a manager and it feels good. Hope I will do a good job. Its busy as school started today.
                      Pups are trading some sort of stomach bug. Mickey woke me up 4 times last nite with his vomiting. I've been sleep deprived the past week and it's taking a toll.
                      This weekend is busy but fun-party at my sister's place-last chance to jump in the pool and have a cookout. Then Sunday is my breed club's annual playdate about an hour from here. I couldn't go last year so I'm really looking forward to it. I'll bring Mickey as long as he's feeling better. There will be puppies to love on at any rate so I can't lose.

                      Lav-happy to hear your foot is much better. Nice today but heat returns this weekend. Then hopefully real fall weather will move in.

                      Star-very happy to hear you and your hubby are enjoying the new apartment and that you are settling in. Glad you like your new job-you give me hope!

                      Dill- was that your last time on the boat for the season? My dad's is coming out and going up for sale next week. I'm very sad. I wish I would win the lottery so I could buy him and all of us a big yacht complete with a captain!! Glad your GS is enjoying his new life of school!

                      Cyn-lots of things happening for you! Have a safe trip back west. Very nice that you are able to take this opportunity to go back. I hope your hubby enjoys his "me" time with the dogs!! Looking forward to hearing all about the trip.

                      OK, the ambien should be taking effect soon. Another busy day tomorrow! Will try to make it to water aerobics tomorrow nite as I've done nothing since Friday except a 15 min walk with LM.

                      Nite nite!!
                      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                      KO the Beast!!


                        Sweet September

                        Good morning...

                        It seems a little better weatherwise, but hot again the next few days. I am looking forward to fall weather, stews, soups, and just the change. It has been a quick super fast summer for me with all the changes.

                        Pap,nice weekend, hope your doggies get better. Your upcoming weekend sounds fun. Hope your job continues to get better.

                        Lav, Dill, Cyn, have a great day.
                        Formerly known as redhibiscus


                          Sweet September

                          Good morning friends

                          My daughter & granddaughter decided to come for a visit yesterday & stayed overnight. Thinking about a trip to Ikea today to look for a bookcase for Lily's room

                          Still quite warm around here, humidity barely tolerable. Grateful for my awesome new AC unit installed earlier this year (very quiet & very efficient too).

                          Dill, great to hear you are enjoying some quiet time on the boat, sounds nice!

                          Papmom, you are so busy!!!
                          Congrats on the improved blood work, sounds like all your efforts are truly paying off
                          I hope work continues to improve for you as well. I haven't been able to budge my weight either so I know the frustration. I'd absolutely love to lose 10, would be ecstatic to lose 20 :H

                          Hi Star, I think we are all looking forward to the change of season. Fall has always been my favorite!
                          Hope you have a great day!

                          Hi Cyn!

                          Just waiting for the girls to get up & get this day going.
                          Have a wonderful AF Thursday everyone!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Sweet September

                            Good morning...

                            One more really hot day, then storms tonight and the blessed 70s! I am looking forward to cooler weather. I am driving to visit a friend where I used to live tonight so hope the bad weather holds off. Work is going well, moving along, and I am adjusting to working 5 days. I am grateful to have such a good job.

                            Lav, more fun with your family, I am sure your foot is feeling better. Fall is coming!

                            To all, have a great day.
                            Formerly known as redhibiscus


                              Sweet September

                              Good morning all,
                              Our grand daughter spent the day with us yesterday starting quite early in the day and spent the night as well. Right now she and her Pop Pop are sitting on the front porch glider waking up for the day. She is a joy! Unfortunately she go a hold of some scissors the other day and gave herself a trim! It looks awful! Oh well, she's definitely not the first 3 year old with a bizarre haircut! :H

                              Star have a good trip and have fun visiting with your friend! Will you be staying over night? I'm really glad you like your job so well. That is really something to be grateful for!

                              Lav, It's so nice that your daughter and grand daughter came and spent the night. Did you find a good book case?

                              Papmom, Your cholesterol is 107? I am impressed! Mine is almost never below 200! It was when I was taking zetia, but my insurance won't cover zetia and it is quite expensive. I know what you mean about less exercise due to the heat tho. I'm having the same problem.

                              Have a good AF Friday everyone, and I'll do the same!

                              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

