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Sweet September

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    Sweet September

    Hi AF friends, I had forgotten the change-over happened today! It's a bit disorienting, but I'll get used to it I'm sure. I finished my baby blanket today and put it in the mail! I already feel kind of lost without it! I'm going to start looking for a new project. Star, Papmom, Lav, please excuse the late and short check in. I'll try to do better tomorrow!

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


      Sweet September

      Well, the new format is interesting. The avatars don't load automatically and I can't figure out how to make the most recent posts show first. It was easy to do on the old site. On the up side, no ads!! Pleasantly surprised.
      Well, I managed to do everything I wanted tonite! 3.25 mile wog, upper body weight lifting AND my knitting meetup! Whoo hoo! I also FINALLY lost 2 more pounds. I didn't think that would ever happen!!
      Need to take care of the pups who were super good during my 13 hour absence.
      Stay safe Lav! Go at your own pace at work Star! Congrats on finishing the baby blanket Dill! On to the next project!!
      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

      KO the Beast!!


        Sweet September

        Hello to my old friends! I have been locked out of this site for months and have been trying relentlessly to get back in, but I guess under the old site no one was getting the emails requesting new passwords. The weird thing is that I didn't forget my password, but I'd get a message telling me that it was wrong. Oh well, I'm back and am so happy to be able to talk with you all again.

        Lav I am intimately familiar with Man-Flu. I think you are the one deserving of sympathy right now!

        I'm sorry to post and run, but it's 11pm and I've got to be up at 5am, so it's nighty-night for this old fly.


          Sweet September

          Hi Fly! Missed you!! Hope all is well and welcome back!!
          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

          KO the Beast!!


            Sweet September

            papmom3;n2510264 wrote: Hi Fly! Missed you!! Hope all is well and welcome back!!
            To hell with going to bed... How are you Pap? How are the doggies? Is the dreaded job treating you okay? I hope your health is well. :l


              Sweet September

              Good morning, this new set up is so exciting. Flyaway, how wonderful you are back, I remember you! Feeling good, busy day ahead, want to explore the sight more, so to all, have a great AF day and thanks RJ for all your hard work.
              Formerly known as redhibiscus


                Sweet September

                Good morning friends

                The new forum seems to be working a bit better this morning but I still haven't been able to get into the Newbies Nest. Hope they are OK!

                Welcome back Fly!
                Hope you have a good day, look forward to catching up with you

                Today is my big anniversary - 2000 days AF :yay:
                All the more reason to stay on my chosen path!!!

                Greetings Star, the busy Papmom & Dill!
                Wishing everyone a great AF Tuesday!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Sweet September

                  :goodjob: CONGRATULATIONS, LAV! :goodjob:

                  :welcome: Welcome Back, Fly!

                  Greetings All,

                  Lav, You have accomplished so much and been such an inspiration to so many! Thank you, and continued good wishes to you.
                  Papmom, well done on getting it all in!
                  Star, I'm still feeling uncomfortable with the new sight. Posting is a little glitchy. I'm sure it will get better and I will adjust, too.

                  Have a great AF Tuesday everyone!

                  Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                  If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                    Sweet September

                    Happy 2000th day Lav!! You are the greatest inspiration on this site and are much loved and admired. I hope your sense of accomplishment stays with you for a very long time.
                    Fly-pups are OK-getting old unfortunately. Dreaded job is still dreaded. I'm working hard on trying to bring into focus what would make me happy. Other than that I'm feeling great! Training for my first 5K, doing strenght training and water aerobics. My whole diet has change too and I've lost 39 pounds. Working hard towards that elusive 40 LOL!! Whole new life!!
                    Work was busy at least today but that is because we have a key member out and we all had to pitch in to get the work done. Quilting went great. I'm almost done with a memory wall hanging for an agility friend who lost her dog a few weeks ago. Its my first attempt at applique. It's not perfect but I think she will like it.
                    well, should get ready for bed. I really need to start gettng more than 4 or 5 hours of sleep per nite.
                    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                    KO the Beast!!


                      Sweet September

                      Good morning...
                      I had some difficulty getting here too, but just kept trying. It will get easier as they manipulate everything and figure it out. I am just grateful the site did not go down.

                      Lav, wow, 2000 days, a new life. What I appreciate most is your willingness to take time on a daily basis to support so many of us. It means so much. I know your life is not perfect,but with sobriety, you manage the difficult parts with grace and dignity. Your relationships with your kids and grandkids is good because you are AF and they have the real wonderful you. Do you ever think of where you would be right now if you had not quit drinking? You are a gift to all of us, thanks for all you do!

                      Pap, 39 pounds, that is just wonderful. Being active agrees with you, if you could only win the lottery and and spend your time doing what you life all the time.

                      Hello to Dill and Cyn. Have a great Wednesday.
                      Formerly known as redhibiscus


                        Sweet September

                        Hello all,
                        Star, how is you work going? Now that you've settled in how are you feeling about your new job? And have you had any luck in your house hunting?

                        Lav, have they caught the home invaders yet? Today is 2001 for you. Remember the movie, 2001 A Space Odyssey? You've been starring in your own movie: 2001 A Sober Odyssey! LOL! I'd put a smiley in here but they don't seem to be working at the moment.

                        Papmom, I can't wait until you can say "40". That seems such a milestone! Is that your goal or will you continue to try to lose more? I bet you look fabulous!

                        Fly and Cyn, greetings to you.

                        I have been cleaning the garage the last couple of days. What a big job! I thought of Cyn as I 'repurposed' old containers. It feels good to be getting this done. I had lots of old materials from my work that I was no longer needing. I salvaged a few and will see if any of my former colleagues would like to use them. If not, I'll pitch them too. I don't plan on using them ever again. It's been over a year now since I retired and it is clear to me now that I will not return to that former life.

                        Is today the day Scotland votes on independence? I'll be watching that one. I wonder how it will affect our UK friends.

                        Have a happy AF Hump Day everyone.

                        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                          Sweet September

                          Good morning friends & Happy Hump day!

                          Had my daughter & granddaughter here overnight, always nice. My daughter is leaving now & I'll take Lily home later
                          Loving this perfect weather - mid 70's during the day, cooler nights!

                          Greetings Star, Dill & Papmom & thanks for the Congrats!
                          Life can not really ever be perfect but we certainly can make it better. The first step is changing our thinking, right?

                          Wishing everyone a productive day at work, cleaning out garages or whatever comes up!!!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Sweet September

                            Papmom, wow, way to go on losing 39 pounds! I need to jump on the exercise bandwagon too.
                            Dill, the site feels awkward to me too. I know I'll get used to it after a while, just weird seeing everything looking different. I think the vote in Scotland is on Friday.
                            Hello to Star and Lav.
                            Home with a headache today. I see my neurologist next week and will hopefully be feeing better within a week or two of my appointment. Until then, just holding on. I hope you all have a great day.


                              Sweet September

                              Back home & sitting down, whew....

                              Fly, the headaches, I remember all that you've gone thru with them. Hope you get relief very soon

                              Papmom, I forgot to say awesome on the 39 lb weigh loss - very nice!!!
                              I think I need to massively increase my exercise (Curves doesn't help with my weight). When my foot finally feels fully healed I vow to do something to spark my metabolism. I can't change much of what I am eating so I'm going to have to go at it from an exercise angle. I wouldn't mind losing 20 myself, would be happy with 15.

                              Dill, sometimes I just feel like a space cadet - not so much an Odyssey :H :H
                              The home invaders are still in hiding as is the shooter of the two troopers. I hope they all get what they truly deserve!

                              Star, I want to hang around here long enough to see all of you celebrate 2000 AF days too

                              Have a great evening everyone!
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Sweet September

                                Hi everyone!

                                Whew! I thought that i'd lost you all forever. i tried logging in last week a couple of times, but no go - maybe that was because of iffy internet. Then when I got home and tried again and couldn't get on, I was REALLY worried. Thank goodness it's working now.

                                Lav - CONGRATS on 2000 days. What an incredible milestone - wonderful! I second whoever said that you are a major force here on the threads, and a beloved presence. What a scary incident with the home invasion. Thank goodness that the trooper warned you, but not good that they haven't found the guys yet. What on earth is happening around us - it would be easy to feel embattled, but I am always trying to having a balanced view. Not easy.

                                Star - you are doing incredibly well with all your changes. Please remember to take it slow and to be kind to yourself. I loved the self-care you described the other day! Woo Hoo!

                                Dill - I hear your concern about others in your writing -- do you subscribe to the Just One Thing mailings? This last one was how to confront sad and uncomfortable issues and not be overwhelmed. I thought it was really useful. Good luck with everything, and I hope that you find a great new 'handwork' project. I loved hearing that you are tacking your garage - you go girl!

                                Pap - hope things perk up at work. Congrats on staying with all of your goals and reaching for the stars - great things will happen for you.

                                Fly - we crossed paths a few times here on the thread - I hope you are well, and look forward to hearing more.

                                Just getting back into a routine here now - HB away in the city for the next 11 weeks, though we will see each other during that time, probably about once a week. I'm actually grateful, as I'll get more done, I just need to set my goals properly. The household security issues are a little unsettling, though - like you Lav, we have a trooper for about every 50 miles, so who knows. I guess I'll start using the security system that we invested in but never use! At least I have a near neighbor.

                                Great to catch up with everyone - wishing you a peaceful, wonderful night --
                                to the light

