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Sweet September

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    Sweet September

    Good morning...

    I just realized I forgot to post yesterday...nothing new going on, just same ole, same ole. That's a good thing for me, I need the peace.

    Lav, regarding the upgrade. Good. It needs to be done. There has to be a way RJ can make money on this site. She deserves to. And we need this site to be easy access and working. I don't know if she has my correct information, and it looks like we will have to make up a new password AFTER the upgrade. Is that what you read into it? Glad you had fun with your work friends, it is always so nice to reconnect. Health insurance is confusing and pay pay pay and that is even before you receive services. I know, we had to change again with new jobs.

    Dill, what a lovely day to look forrward to. I have a FB but don't really post. I like the anonymity of this site and don't want to go further. I agree that I spend enough time on the computer in the morning before work and then at work all day. Enough.

    Flyaway, we remember the same people with fondness, they were good posters. I like to come on this site every morning, it is part of my routine. I get good ideas, share, get and give support. It is great. Really happy you have decided to continue on with us. Hope this next week does not mess up the pattern.

    Cyn, so sorry you have to mess with insurance. I know from the past you said you had some ongoing health issues that have to be addressed, so health insurance, testing is a necessary thing. What are you cooking this weekend? We are going to have one more week of warm weather, so I want to make something that will not heat up the entire house. Or apartment.

    Today will be running errands, laundry, cleaning, and trying to fit in some fun things too. I have to plan. It is good to wake up feeling heallthy and good. I am grateful.
    Formerly known as redhibiscus


      Sweet September

      Good morning friends,

      Woke up at 7 with a headache, really??
      YB has been walking around here with the man flu for the past week, ugh.
      I'll not going to let it spoil my weekend. Looking forward to having EB, he's always a lot of fun

      Star, it's a good sign that we can actually survive a day or two without posting on MWO. I think we've grown up, finally :H
      The site may not be down the entire week so we should be OK. btw - those of us who post on FB do so to connect in different ways. We never discuss MWO or the topic of AL. It's purely fun, social stuff & in my case a fair amount of discussion regarding healthy eating

      Wishing everyone a great AF Saturday. Sunny & 82 degrees here today - yay!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Sweet September

        My head is pounding something fierce, so this will be short. I saw Rusty over in the General Discussion area! Yea! Have a wonderful day friends!


          Sweet September

          Oh, Fly, I'm sorry about your headache! I hope that by now you are feeling much, much better! That's great you saw Rusty. Did you post with her? I miss her here and wish she would come back, but it seems she has flown the coop forever! I am glad she is able to fly tho.

          Lav, thanks for the link to the RJ post. Now I'm up to date. I am curious to see how the week will go. I know we will survive it, but I will miss you all! Thanks for the AF Saturday wishes. I have had a great one so far! We did another festival and once again the weather was perfect. Today's festival was old Timer's Day. It's a get together of folks who love old tractors and farm equipment. There are demonstrations and crafts, food (of course) and flea market. It was great fun.

          Star, I have had days like that where I have been so busy or distracted that I have forgotten to post. It is probably, as Lav suggested, a good sign. We have been there for each other through the hard times and for that I will be forever grateful.

          Cyn, it's a shame you have to put off health issues because of the cost. I have had to do that too since I've been retired. When I was working I had what is now referred to under Obamacare as a "cadillac plan'. Meaning, I had good insurance. But once I was shifted to the retirement plan I had a rude awakening. In my opinion health insurance, mine at least, is a cruel joke. I pay high premiums but I also have a high deductible, so on top of the high premiums I pay lots of out-of-pocket expenses. I never reach my deductible. If I didn't have insurance and I could just pay the out of pocket, I'd actually be better off. Ideally I would like to pay for everyday services out of pocket and own a catastrophic plan for hospitalization. I don't think that option exists anymore. And of course, not having insurance is no longer a free choice in our country. I resent that very much. Sorry for the rant. I promise I won't go there again, but I just had to say it!

          Pap, greetings to you!

          I'll try to post again tomorrow if we are still able. If not, I'll be thinking of you all!

          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


            Sweet September

            Good morning all! What a horrible night of sleep last night. I just couldn't fall asleep and when I finally took a sleeping pill 3 hours after going to bed, I woke up just a couple hours later. So now it's just a bit after 6am, but I've been up for a few hours. Don't know what is going on, but clearly my body didn't want to sleep! It's still dark out and it sure gets dark earlier already. I'm hoping for a repeat weather-wise from yesterday. Ahh, love the 50-75 degree temps. I do believe my head is feeling pretty good today. Yippee! I think the injections might be kicking in already. I'll take it! I forced myself to do some exercising yesterday, then I went out to dinner last night with hubby and had a real nice time. I want to do some more exercising today. It truly does make me feel healthier, not just in my body but in my mind too.

            Dill, Old Timer's Day sounds fun! We have a "farm fair" around these parts which kind of sounds like the same thing. On a different note, health care is just a huge debacle and the stories I hear make me so sad. I hate the thought of one person or company's desire to make money being the driving factor in determining the level of coverage a human being receives. Insurance companies infuriate me, pharmaceutical companies charging U.S. residents outrageous fees infuriates me, and people losing everything and having to declare bankruptcy when hit by a major illness infuriates me. The whole system feels broken to me! Profit should not come before a human life. Obviously I'm talking about U.S. health care here. Okay, I've got to stop ranting. :H

            Lav, ahhh Man Flu. I hope you have the defibrillator ready just in case. Man Flu can be the most deadly of illnesses from my personal experience! :H I hope you managed to keep up with the Energizer Bunny today. Is Will there too or just EB? Hubby and I have federal Blue Cross ourselves and will be able to keep it until we go on Medicare as well. I agree with you about unions too.

            Cyn, I hope everything turns out well with your mammogram. I too have to drive forever to get anywhere. I miss living in a real town!

            Star I think you just need to make sure that your email address for this site is correct. I believe what I heard is that RJ will email us when the site is ready and that then we'll have to make up a new password to sign in. I hope we don't lose people over this upgrade. I've been to Nursie's back up site and I've read some posts there saying, why don't we just stay here? I have no intention of staying there. I personally feel very grateful to RJ and all that she has done. I don't want to lose the history from this site, and this site still draws new people in just by the Google searches they do. The camaraderie and friendships we've made in our personal check-in groups is great, but MWO is so much more than that to me. Anyway...enough for now!

            It's finally starting to lighten up outside! I hope you all have a productive day and manage to have some fun while you're at it too. :h


              Sweet September

              Good morning...

              Flyaway, I agree with you. I will definitely come back to this site. I have never had a problem, everyone is pretty nice, if they are not, I just ignore them. No big deal. I appreciate all this site has done to help so many. It will be weird to not be able to post. Great to hear you are feeling better.

              Dill, health insurance scares the heck out of me. Sometimes, we may be better off not getting all those tests, unless of course we are sick. I just hate having to go to the doctor, have not found a good one for ten years. The costs are outrageous. Historically I think only the rich were able to get treatment, and that's how it is now. To be required to buy health insurance when you can't afford it is ridiculous.

              Lav, hope you are able to get out and enjoy the weekend with EB. Lots of people are getting the flu, colds, etc.

              I had a good day yesterday, got lots accomplished, inside and shopping. Had to be done. So, today, only a few things to do. Have a great one. See you later in the week.
              Formerly known as redhibiscus


                Sweet September

                Good morning friends,

                Day 2 here of the EB visit & we are all still alive :H
                We actually have a kindergarten homework assignment to work on some time today. Haven't done anything like that in decades!!!

                Fly, sorry you are having sleep difficulties too. I do as much tossing as I do sleeping. Mine is all related to never ending hot flashes. And they are getting worse now that I am weaning off HRT. No rest for the weary I suppose. I hope you get lots of headache relief today
                I feel very fortunate for the continued insurance coverage but honestly, it's something that was earned the hard way
                With all of this fabulous insurance you would think some one could figure out why I am still dealing with hot flashes 20 years later :H

                Star, hope you get out & enjoy some nice weather today. Same with you Dill
                Greetings to the ever busy Papmom & Cyn!

                Have a great AF Sunday everyone & I'll see you when the site is back up & running again. I have not signed up on the temporary site, don't feel any need to do that

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Sweet September

                  Good morning,

                  Fly and Lav, I am usually a pretty good sleeper, but the last 3 nights have been really different. I am feeling tense and sleeping very lightly. I wonder if it's the change in seasons? I don't know but I hope it passes. Mr. Dill had the same experience last night. Can't blame it on the full moon because that's not for another week or so.

                  Is it just me or does that smiley look more 'irritated' than 'confused'? It's labelled "confused", but i don't think is conveys that. Anyway, I used it to convey both!

                  Star, I feel the same way about this site. I clicked on the link to Nursie's site but when it came up with a registration page I thought twice about it. I can hang in there for a week. But I really do understand the need for some people to keep a touch stone and so I guess Nursie has come up with an alternative. I hope they come back when MWO returns. They likely will, don't you think?

                  It's cloudy here today but it's kind of a welcome change. Church this morning was interesting because once again I had that experience when praying after communion, of suddenly being so filled with gratitude that it brought tears to my eyes. And the homily (sermon) was spot on as it focused on "doing" what needs to be done and what is right, and not just making empty promises to do it. In my mind I likened it to our struggle here. We can promise to go AF or we can just take action and do it!

                  Have a peaceful AF Sunday.

                  Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                  If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                    Sweet September

                    Happy Sunday, all! I too have had the crazy sleeplessness, for no apparent reason, for the last couple of nights. Oh well!

                    Sorry, didn't mean to start a big debate about healthcare - as a self-employed person all my life, I've just gotten used to the fact that things are more expensive for me and that life's not fair (like having to pay all 15% of Social Security and 100% of health costs.) After seeing what my Mom went through the last 10 days of her life, i'm just grateful that we have insurance available. I'll figure it out eventually - once I get up the courage to call a human being!

                    Well, the troops have left. I spent yesterday cooking, but it was OK -SD and Mr Tree were so grateful, and it made it a nice family time. Treated them to Swedish pancakes this morning, and sent them on their way. Now it's back to work and solitude - but I think first I'll find a nice little hike to do - it's so beautiful out. And then I really need to mow, and sand and prime the inside of the garage (raw plaster-board there) before it gets cold again, and and and...

                    But first a nice little hike.

                    Take care all - happy Sunday -
                    to the light


                      Sweet September

                      dill;n2516194 wrote:

                      Is it just me or does that smiley look more 'irritated' than 'confused'? It's labelled "confused", but i don't think is conveys that. Anyway, I used it to convey both!
                      Alright, I had to investigate. :H When I first saw it I thought it looked like it was rolling its eyes. Then I increased my font size to enormous so that I could get a good look at it. Close up, it looks like it's scowling or irritated. Angry eyebrows. I'm not crazy about these smilies.


                        Sweet September

                        As far as the other site goes, I don't feel a need to post there and I don't feel a personal need to check in every day. But there are a few posters on this board that I've been interacting with who are really struggling right now and I'd hate to just leave them. So I did sign up at Nursie's site and will post there in the interim. Dill, I had hoped that everyone would come back, but I read on this board a few mentions of just posting at Nursie's permanently.


                          Sweet September

                          Yeah, I'm not signing up on the temporary site either. Don't feel the need to do that & I have some other objections that I don't need to mention
                          I am solid in my quits & my posting is really more social than anything else at this point. I will be anxious to reconnect & see what's new with my friends here when the new site is ready

                          Glad to hear that I am not the only sleep deprived soul here - what's up with that anyway? Change of season is my best guess
                          Dill, I am full of gratitude that we all took the leap & landed safely on our own two feet. I, for one was so tired of disappointing myself with empty promises. This life is much better!

                          Cyn, when you finish all your chores please come help me with a few things :H
                          The list never ends, right? We need to remember to put ourselves first because we know what happens when we don't! Hope you enjoyed your hike!

                          Fly, I hope you are able to help the others you mention. I've made some good friends thru personal communications here & if I've helped them too that's even better.

                          I have to be up & out early to drive my grandson to school.
                          Wishing everyone a good night & a good week too. See you when MWO is up & running again.

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Sweet September

                            Good morning...

                            All the big hoopla, goodbye for a week, and here we are, able to read and post. What is going on?

                            Lav, would love to know your objections to Nursie's site. I signed up and will post if I feel like it. But, I do not feel angry with this site. I just did not realize that it is so hard to get good programming to make it work right. I appreciate all RJ does and has done. If she she did not research all of this, where would we all be? Anyway, I just wanted to be able to connect if something does happen to this site. I am not comfortable with facebook right now.

                            Dill, how lovely to have what I would term a spiritual experience after communion. Connecting with God and focusing on all that is good, wonderful. Sorry you can't sleep. Me, the opposite. I can't get enough sleep. Fallng asleep by 9:30, but getting up around 5 or 5:30. This new job has regular hours and still adjusting to the early rising. I love it though. My husband and I had a light dinner last night, took an hour long walk, and it was beautiful out. We live in a really nice area, with lots of pretty neighborhoods. Just all the houses are too big for our needs. We meet with a realtor on Thursday to start getting serious and defiding on where we want to live.

                            Cyn, wow are you busy. Sounds like a lovely family oriented weekend. Wonderful.

                            Flyaway, so kind of you to help and keep that connection with others. You never know what a difference you can make by just being there.

                            OK, maybe I'll see you tomorrow, maybe not.
                            Formerly known as redhibiscus

