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June 1-Friday

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    June 1-Friday

    Morning All!

    Had bad storms last night. Another scorcher again today w/more t-storms on the way this afternoon.


    No big plans this weekend. One day at a time.

    Have a great Friday & weekend.
    to new starts & continued success! Attached files [img]/converted_files/9428=1058-attachment.gif[/img]
    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic

    June 1-Friday

    we also had a small outbreak of thunder and lightening in wonderful bonnie scotland it didn,t last very long thank god my son is absolutely terrified we were out having something to eat before going to the cinema and were sitting by the window and he made us change seats and then could not even eat his dinner poor soul but he is fine now until the next time it is quite muggy here so it could be soon hope not anyway enough of me prattling on i will love you and leave you all for now hope you all have a lovely day and weekend

    love always maryt


      June 1-Friday

      Hello All,
      I was working in Edinburgh today. Warm and humid. Just the stuff to work up a good sweat.
      Enjoy your weekend Breez and you too maryt, and all to come.


        June 1-Friday

        Aloha Friday ABers!!

        yowch. I thought I was sore earlier, but after last nights workout I could hardly get out of bed this morning. But tis better to be sore and happy than bored
        we missed out on our lightening storm got stuck in the Sierras on the California side.
        Be well friends,
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          June 1-Friday

          Hello all, just checking in. We had a bad storm last night too. I lost my internet until this morning. Have a good weekend all.
          What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
          ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


            June 1-Friday

            Oh well, very hot and humid today - a few t-storms later today. Just what I love. Rode my bike 10 miles, did some gardening and then I collapsed in a ball of sweat. Oh well, you don't want to hear about that. Wish I was on top of a mountain in 10 below weather with my skis on.

            Hot or cold, it is all good.
            Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


              June 1-Friday

              Why Hello!!!!
              Wot on urf is this then??? Thought I'd stumbled onto the met. site by around the globe brought to you by MWO..
              Weeeeeellllll, just to stick with the current seeming obsession with wot is going on above our has been a funny old day in the land of of the long white melon...we have had VERY mild weather for this time of year, although the mornings have put a nip in my tendrils as I wander around in the pitch black with the hell hound..
              We had a blustery, drizzly, but surprisingly refreshing promenade this morning along Muriwai beach and the dawg had to have a shower on returning, as Muriwai is a black sand beach which sticks to you like velcro, and then releases itself as soon as you return home, covering every surface in a fine silvery powder for the next 14 weeks!!!

              This arvo was a lovely quiet one, as the Bald had a 3 hour snooze, so I got to sit in peace with my oil burner, candles and book which was just delicious...he has got up now though, and the France/All Blacks Rugby game is walloping out from the tv (we had soccer on this morning as well!!!!!)....the best bit is the Haka that the blokes bellow out at the start of each bundle of loosely contained mayhem...after that, I tend to switch off......

              Have a great weekend all...however cold/hot/stormy/etc it is...
              Kissy kissy....


                June 1-Friday

                not really sure on what to say..woke up this morning wt a hangover..again..stumbbled onto this website after my gf broke up wt me over my drinking..u think after i lost a wife over drinking i wld have stopped..just ordered the starter pak and made an appt wt my dr to check out topamax..anywho..hopefully i can beat this thing this wishes to all..


                  June 1-Friday

                  Hi Wow nut & :welcome: ,

                  You will find lots of support here, and sounds like you have made some positive steps already.

                  Just to let you know there are loads of diffenerent forums here, just go to the top of the page and click on "My way out Forums" which is above the date. There's lots to choose from including a forum for those of us Starting Out and General Discussion. If you can, click on to the Starting Out Forum and click on New Thread, that way as many people possible will see your post.

                  Don't worry if you don't get too many replies at first, there are people on here at all times of the day from all around the world so sit back and support will come through.

                  Good luck,

                  Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


                    June 1-Friday

                    Hello WoW nut,
                    I'm glad you came.
                    Good luck to you.


                      June 1-Friday

                      Welcome Wow-Wow,
                      Get RJ's book if you can.
                      It'll help you get a good start.
                      Glad you are with us Wow.
                      Morning all you others.
                      Breezie, thanks for the butterflies, it made me smile!

