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There's a part of me that is shouting from the rear

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    There's a part of me that is shouting from the rear

    Its been a weird week. The sheer joy and exhilration at finishing several graphic contracts, a clear vision and strength was sneekily replaced with a subtle feeling of depression (and I don't usually suffer from depression except for sudden dramatic swings).

    My younger half sister spoke to me on Skype to tell me that our maternal mother's cancer has spread into her spine and most vital organs. Most of the talk was about her wishing to be cremated Hindu style, which is what I helped arrange for her last husband (not my Dad... who was 3 husbands beforehand) when he died of cancer in Mombasa, Kenya. Anyway it all gets quite confusing... so I will try and keep it simple!!!

    Anyway... I can't just jump on an aircraft and fly back to the UK again. I spent quite a few bucks flying back when she was last in ICU and helped as much as I could with medical bills in Kenya previous to flying her to the UK and before that I flew to the UK to be with Dad when his wife had 2 aneurisms (spelling!!!). I also helped my older sister in a business that went belly down because she does not have the motivation or business sence to make a promising venture work! Anyway it all adds up to several flights, savings spent ...and quite frankly there comes a time when you have to look after yourself and can't just keep spending what you no longer have.

    Before all of the above happening, when my maturnal mother's husband was dying of cancer I maxed my credit cards because they had not taken out medical insurance (and believe me you do not want to be in East Africa without medical insurance and then get ill...its a death wish).

    Anyway I digress. There I am on Skype having a conversation with my younger half sister about Hindu cremations and I simply said I remember orgainising my maturnal mother's husband funeral and that it should'nt be that difficult. The next thing the shit hits the fan and she gets mad at me for not understanding how difficult these things are in London and that its not the same as organising the same in down town Kenya. I suddenly became the target for a whole load of abuse, like I was the bad guy. If I was an insensitive, uncaring soul I would accept it but I am a caring person who would give my last shilling to someone in need.

    I am only telling you a quarter of the story. There has been a lot of nastiness and hatred acts from my maternal mother and if my Dad knew the half of it he would be furious... only because he loves me and says I only see the good side of people and get 'used' so easily.

    My reaction to this (and I'm not just talking about this last week, is to retreat....retreat....retreat. I used to laugh, was a natural a extrovert, full of life, daring...) now when out with friends they say I'm so quiet and withdrawn and they are right. I might do a lot of journalism but I can no longer communicate. I would just love to go climb Mount Kenya or Kilimanjaro, scream with joy from the iced summits full of exhileration and renewed energy as I used to do so often, but I can't do that because during my last climbed I injured my left knee badly and can't walk properly on flat ground. I'm waiting for my medical insurance to arrange a trip to South Africa for key hole surgery ( a simple op but I can't damage my knee with more climbing before the op).

    I am sure I sound like the ultimate shit. I am not dying of cancer like my maturnal mother, and this thought goes through my mind every minute of each day. But I am aware of the fact that I ave a right to look after myself right now AND NOT FEEL GUILTY ABOUT IT. There has been a lot of grief in my family.. be it Dad's side who brought me up with love, or the other side that I gave a lot more to than anyone else only to get some nasty kicks in the teeth (believe me I could make you all shudder if I talked about it).

    There is a lot going on in my life at the moment emotionally. I lost my wonderful step mum who brought me up many years ago but her love and dedication made me what I am. Otherwise I have a remarkably selfish family except for my father, who is still fit (thank God) but is 75ish and I have to regain my 'nitch' before he dies because after he goes I dread to think what things will be like. The true selfishness and money grabbing habits will really shine.

    I have often been told by friends here on MWO to talk about what is bothering me when I have written in a drunk, distressed way...yet I've always been unable to talk freely ~ its too complicated. Here in Tanzania (and Kenya, my homeland) everything is about survival and I am the only remaining member of the family to remain here, which I am very proud of..and subsequently I have more balls than most... but tonight I've decided to 'spill the beans' here and talk, even though it will sound very confusing to a lot of you. There's a part of me that is shouting from the rear saying, ' come on shout out loud and get it all off your chest and then fight for yourself again.' I'm just not sure that if I do that once again it'll work out because the circle seems to go round and bring me right back to square one! Believe me there is no self pity here...I'm just full of questions....questions...questions. Is it wrong to just walk away? All of you can only lend a kind ear, I must answer the questions for myself. What I really need is for my step mum to reappear for half an hour and guide me towards sorting my thoughts out. I know that is not possible.... but I wish.
    A BushBaby with Attitude

    There's a part of me that is shouting from the rear


    There is so much in your post - and it is close to 2 AM where I am. I promise you I will read and digest it all tomorrow and have a better response. I would say sweet dreams to you, but it is probably morning in Kenya now. I think you know that even though I haven't been here too long, I am glad to hear from you. This whole family business sounds difficult.

    I promise I will check back with you tomorrow when my eyes might even be open!!

    Take care,
    Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


      There's a part of me that is shouting from the rear

      Elizabeth, so much is going on in your life right now. Can you possible section it out like a pie. That has helped me so much in the past. The whole pie is so overwhelming, but if I take it section by section it is manageable.

      There seems to be a lot of excitement and drama with your family relationships and it would be best if you possibly could to do what needs to be done in an understated way.

      I suggest this because when my mother died my siblings were all about drama - as if their pain was worse than mine. They behaved badly and I still have those memories today of them. They continue to behave badly and I don't. So who has the class act?
      Enlightened by MWO


        There's a part of me that is shouting from the rear

        Dear Elizabeth,

        I can't say I can relate to your situation as not having your experiences I can't be so presumptious. The only thing I can say is that yes, it is OK to focus on your own needs and health and life and NOT FEEL GUILTY! I had a 16 year marriage where guilt was the major player in my life because I had a husband who was so good at manipulating situations. Some people just seem to be born with an inate ability to do that - I'm not one of them. I would suggest that the only thing you can do is make decisions based on your own feelings - you know yourself - you're obviously a caring, thoughtful person, and whilst it's nice that that whole world think well of us, the only person we really need to answer to is us. If we are comfortable with who we are, how we lead our lives, we have to justify ourselves to no-one. You need to make a decision based on knowing in the future that you will be able to look back with no regret and a sense of peace about how you handled yourself and the situation. If you can do that, then it doesn't matter what others think.

        I hope you can get the necessary keyhole surgery soon in order to get back up the mountains - having hiked in teh Alps last weekend I understand the feeling!

        Warmest wishes and :l
        :rays: Arial

        Last first day - 15th April 2012
        Days 1-7 DONE
        Days 8-14 DONE
        Days 15-21 DONE
        30 days DONE
        60 days
        100 days


          There's a part of me that is shouting from the rear

          Elizabeth I come from a very large family, so I can understand you. I do like the saying,
          " you can choose your friends but not your family". You appear to me to be a kind caring
          person, but sometimes you have to stop thinking of others and take care of yourself.
          I do'nt think you said anything wrong to your sister, she chose to interpret in her own
          way. MY sister is very similar, she can twist words to suit her situation. do'nt know much
          about Hindu funerals, but I do know that it wo'nt be a big problem in London.
          Hope you get your surgery soon, and can continue your hikes.
          Best wishes Paula.


            There's a part of me that is shouting from the rear

            Hi Elisabeth- It is ok to take care of yourself. I think as a group we feel more guilt than most and more responsibility than most. You have so much going on in your life and
            so much going on with your extended family. It sounds complicated and confusing and tiring. I think skendall had a good idea with sectioning the pieces out and focusing on one
            bit at a time.
            I think you have an extrordinary life and you seem to be able to appreciate so much of it- esp the beauty of where you live. Take care of yourself first. It really is ok not to be


              There's a part of me that is shouting from the rear

              Thanks ~ its actually very comforting just talking this out

              Thanks for being there guys. I've basically taken a step back this weekend and distanced myself from the whole lot. Finished a rather tedious graphic job and socialised with good friends at a B.B.Q yesterday night. Stayed very much in control and by 1:30 in the morning called it a night with only 3 drinks under my belt.

              Incrediably my maturnal mother messaged me on my mobile asking me to talk to her. Actually messaged back answers to her questions as felt more in control than talking. She wanted to know what Arusha, my town here in Tanzania was like and whether it was feesable for her to journey out for a few weeks. She's an incrediable person. Dozed up with morphine but has been taking short trips to Portugal and France between hospital ops; pretty much living life til she drops. It must be pretty lonely with her husband having passed away nearly a decade ago, my half sister (her youngest daughter) a non starter when it comes to travel and her body of friends far away on the Kenya coast. Its terribly sad. Anyway I digress.

              Her thoughts of coming here bring up lots of major problems. Medically its a big NO NO her coming here. When any of us here are ill or need surgery we fly to South Africa or the U.K insured to the hilt (no free med for us lot!). My maturnal mother has no insurance and in her late stage of cancer it would be madness. Having maxed out my credit cards (and lost them) when her husband had cancer with no medical insurance I cannot nor will go through that madness again!

              My friends who are very protective when it comes to me after what my maturnal mother has done in the past out of sheer spite (and I believe jealousy) are also quite concerned for me and I do actually understand and appreciate that. They think I'm mad even thinking about my maturnal mother's final days.

              Death is a very final thing though and anyone who knows how incrediable my maturnal mother was before bitterness poisoned her; could not help feel compassion at this scarey time for her. I have inherited her 'balls' and passion for life, she gave me life and well....until we meet again beyond this world it is important she parts well.

              Ok.... I could go on for hours. Friends nagging me to hurry up for our Sunday B.B.Q to finish off all the grub left over from last night!

              Appreciate your care and words. It is actually very comforting just talking this out.
              A BushBaby with Attitude


                There's a part of me that is shouting from the rear

                Elizabeth- you sound stronger already. Taking a step back for a moment can be very helpful. I wish you well.



                  There's a part of me that is shouting from the rear

                  Hi Elizabeth,

                  I have been to Tanzania, actually to Arusha, 2 years ago, only for a holiday but I can picture it clearly and I know what you mean about survival!

                  It's a fabulous place but not for someone seriously ill.

                  It must be difficult for you trying to handle everything, but you're right to let it out to us, we're all here for each other.



                    There's a part of me that is shouting from the rear

                    Hi Elizabeth,
                    I am glad you felt comfortable enough to tell your story. It was good therapy for you to vent, and this is a safe place to unload.
                    You are in my prayers.


                      There's a part of me that is shouting from the rear

                      Elizabeth just wanted you to know I read your post and I hear you. No especially great advice, I think in your heart you know what to do, it is just difficult and I'm sorry for you for that. Holding you in my heart.

                      AF 21, March 2010

                      "First say to yourself what 
you would be; and then do 
what you have to do."


                        There's a part of me that is shouting from the rear

                        Elizabeth, my heart goes out to you. It sounds like you have already given and given again so many times. I have been looking for a story in a book, a true story, about a woman who felt her grandmothers presence when she needed her. But I can not find it. Your step mum lives in your heart. Is it possible she can speak to you if you can quiet your mind?


                          There's a part of me that is shouting from the rear

                          You have alot on your plate,tray table.I think it would be hard for your mother to go to Africa when she is so ill, very stressful for you in so many ways. Does she want to die in Africa? it sounds as if the cancer is pretty advanced.I said this before there is only one path the one you chose. SKendall I can relate to the death drama amongst family members. Oh life... oh death. Thinking of you Elizabeth. Rudemama

