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    Morning folks. Time to get Saturday rolling but I did not pull an all-nighter. I save that for dire emergencies only. So here’s lots of tea and coffee folks.

    Are you still awake Mick – or tucked up in bed already? I worry a bit about the hours you keep – doesn’t seem like a lot of sleep to me even if you might be able to nap later. You need to look after your health. OK lecture over but just take it easy aye?

    I went out for dinner last night and it was quite pleasant. Small group and work related. My partner came and he was lovely – he was in a great mood! No AL participated in although I suspect the chief guest was wanting a glass of wine.

    The big homework assignment has been extended even more. So I look forward to that today. Not.

    Glad that the counselling helped Bear. Just chill this weekend as planned. Yeah, a few wee treats, like Pauly says, are always fun. And MAC products tick that box!

    Did Lav get swallowed-up in Ikea? I won’t make any flat-pack jokes.

    Well done Des on staying away from the ‘hospitality lounge’. What a silly term! Don’t even think of it as ‘evil’ because the danger might offer an attraction. But you know yourself. If you get that manic urge then do what you can to walk away. Whatever.
    I am attending a social event next week that is called a Sherry Reception. I am curious to see what other drinks are on offer. Will be AF I am sure but I just wish that for once there was something other than sweet sickly juice or plain tap water. Funny how at these so-called posh events they go all-out on the wine and boutique beers but hardly ever offer a variety of AF drinks (and heavens-forbid something ‘naughty’ like Diet Coke – I sometimes want some caffeine to get me through these events!). Soda drinks and Diet Coke have become the new banned substances at middle-class events.

    Sorry for the Prattle but its Sat morning. Hi there everyone else I haven't mentioned – SL, PPQP, Sam, SF. Who else?

    You all have a lovely weekend and make sure you get enough zzzzzzzz!!!!


    morning TT - up early today for a Saturday,I was in bed with cat by 11 reading(lovely) and then OH cam back about 1.30am from gig and fell asleep downstairs.Came into bed at 7 and woke me up snoring,so I'm up,early but had plenty of sleep.

    Glad you had a nice Friday evening TT, what homework is this? I'll have some of my own soon as I'm starting a housing qualification through work.

    Hey Pauly,how are you doing,better I hope,you've had a lot on your plate for sure,I guess it's working out how you can challenge the thinking that put drinking on the table,how else you can look after yourself.Take care - the longtimers will have more advice I'm sure,as you know I have been in and out,but I'm determined to stay in this time.Drinking hasn't helped me deal with anything,in fact has made it harder to deal with issues/bad events.

    Today is looking at second hand cars,and hoping it works out,I've driven older cars for years and it's been fine I've just been unlucky with this one. I just can't afford a new car at the moment,I'd rather get a new bathroom - once the credit card is cleared in a year I can,we'll see.

    Hope everyone has a good Saturday,other than that I'm off to the gym for a run/walk session,then off to see a friend for her afternoon tea/body shop party.Then home to cook myself fish stew and to declutter the house,potter about.I'm getting a bit cabin fever,too much sitting so will be nice to do a bit of activity.Garden clearing next weekend.Key for me is baby steps - one room/one drawer.
    I need to rope OH more into this,as it's our home,and so we have more of a shared plan.

    Anyway happy Saturday everyone
    one day at a time



      hiya everyone..tis I back again!!back in the land of the living ..went to bed last night about 8.30 and slept like a log do logs sleep?woke up about 5 this morning fine n dandy..beat the rain into the garden ..its now pouring what have we got for the weekend.

      hiya tt ..hows upside down land today then?all good? thanks for asking bout me ...yep I do tend to go without a lot of kip ..and then suddenly all at once it will just banjo me!got to agree with you re the thing I do hate is paying a fortune for carbonated water and some sugar laden syrup!!and yet there doesnt seem to be too many alternatives.....ok so here we go..lets start a make your own drinks section..can be as mad daft or random as you to everyone..including lurkers!!if it takes off then we can start a separate fred for it!!any drink ,any content ..but no booze!!
      ok heres my starter then...

      Bovril base..
      bovril cube, make up drink with boiling water...then add whatever you want to enhance it..remember with dried herbs let it stand to infuse then stir it up!you can virtually add anything to change the taste!additives I have used before:
      sage and thyme
      chopped garlic
      curry powder
      horseradish sauce
      black pepper
      tomato puree (stir well)
      tomato juice
      lea and perrins sauce
      chicken seasoning
      southern fried seasoning
      cayenne pepper
      paprika ..smoked and unsmoked

      and loads go on ..put your drink ideas up!!

      hiya ppqp...hows you today then?all good?bbt you go.. yep was tiring yesterday..had 2 energy drinks..just pure sugar really ,but it kept me going!!so hows your weekend so far?any plans?

      hiya Lav...well is it peace ville today?how are you doing ?bbt you go (big brew time)any plans for the weekend?except guarding the property against visiting family? hows the garden doing?I ve just pulled a load of baby beet to cook up..its ok .but the kitchen looks like a slaughterhouse when Im done!!

      hiya Pauly...cmon ..pick yourself up..ok so the wheel fell off and you had a drink..get up and carry day it will hit home but until that time keep trying.:l

      hiya bear ...n howz you today then? sorry about the car..did it fail on much?you still in hibernation mode?

      hiya Sam hows you doing today?weekend I guess youre just doin the veying shrooming or owt? know ..we could start our own language with this lot!!

      Hiya SL......... my utmost respect to you :goodjob:how easy would it have been to "go with the flow"and say oh well cest la vie...or in that case ..cest la have just emphasised that it is your vocation and not a job..yes youve climbed the ladder big time since doing the wards in Nottingham..and are now in the realms of "not on the shop floor "but in the paper world of economics efficiency and finance,but you still havent lost the reason why you joined all those years ago.well done..any plans for the weekend?

      hiya det are you doing?still stayin out of the sin bin? good man!

      right peeps... for the offski..take it eazee ...have a good one.

      Judi was bored with driving her BMW. It laced individuality and besides that, every other girl in the office had one. She fancied something a bit more individual, perhaps an MG convertible. That week she visited her local car dealer and spied a beautiful Jaguar XK140 convertible. It was wonderfully restored and she fell in love with its gorgeous red paint work. An empty check stub later and off she was tearing down the leafy country lanes enjoying her beautiful new car. Her long blonde hair was flowing in the wind, music blaring from the radio, what could possibly go wrong?

      At that thought there was a splutter from the engine and the car slowly coasted to a stop. She got out and lifted the bonnet and concluded after a few minutes that she didn't have a bloody clue what was wrong. Luckily she had her mobile phone with her and a quick phone call to the AutoClub and a short wait saw a bright shiny yellow van pull up behind her.

      "That's a lovely car," said the mechanic. "What seems to be the matter?

      Judi replied, "Well, it just conked out I'm afraid."

      "Let me have look." He set to work and ten minutes later the engine was purring like a cat again.

      "Thank goodness," she said. "What was the matter?"

      "Simple really, just crap in the carburetor," he replied.

      Looking shocked she asked, "Oh. How many times a week do I have to do that?"

      A man met a beautiful lady and he decided he wanted to marry her right away. She said, "But we don't know anything about each other." He said, "That's all right, we'll learn about each other as we go along." So she consented, and they were married, and went on a honeymoon to a very nice resort. So one morning they were lying by the pool, when he got up off of his towel, climbed up to the 10 Meter board and did a two and a half tuck gainer, this was followed by a three rotations in jackknife position, where he straightened out and cut the water like a knife. After a few more demonstrations, he came back and lay down on the towel. She said, "That was incredible!" He said, "I used to be an Olympic diving champion. You see, I told you we'd learn more about ourselves as we went along." So she got up, jumped in the pool, and started doing laps. After about thirty laps she climbed back out and lay down on her towel hardly out of breath. He said, "That was incredible! Were you an Olympic endurance swimmer?" "No." she said, "I was a hooker in Venice and I worked both sides of the canal."

      One fall day Dave was out raking leaves when he noticed a hearse slowly drive by. Following the first hearse was a second hearse, which was followed by a man walking solemnly along, followed by a dog, and then about 200 men walking in single file. Intrigued, Dave went up to the man following the second hearse and asked him who was in the first hearse. "My wife," the man replied. "I'm sorry," said Dave. "What happened to her?" "My dog bit her and she died." Dave then asked who was in the second hearse. The man replied, "My mother-in-law. My dog bit her and she died as well." "Can I borrow your dog?" "Get in line." replied the man.

      Doctor! I have a serious problem, I can never remember what i just said.
      When did you first notice this problem? What problem?

      There were three little boys visiting their grandparents.

      The oldest came out and asked his grandpa, "Can you make a sound like a frog, Grandpappy? Grandpa (being in a kind of ill mood) responds, "No, I don't really want to make the sound of a frog now."

      So, the second little boy comes out and asks his grandfather, "Will you please make a sound like a frog?" Grandpa again says, "No, not now. I don't really want to do that. I'm in a grumpy mood. Maybe later."

      Then the third little boy comes out and says, "Grandpa, oh please... Please, please will you make a sound like a frog?"

      "Why do all of you boys want me to make a sound like a frog?" Grandpa asked.

      The little boy replied with a hopeful face, "Well, Mom said that when you croak we get to go to Disney World!"

      A man is driving down the freeway when he sees a sign that says; "Get gas and free sex here". So obviously the guy was interested, so he stopped, filled up went inside to pay. "Pick a number from 1 - 10 to get free sex." said the cashier. "Uh, okay, 3!" the man replied. "Nope! Sorry play again". So the guy drove around for weeks always getting gas at the same place, because he wanted his free sex. One day he was really ticked: "This has got to be rigged! I have never gotten the number to have free sex!" He screamed. "Oh no! It's not rigged, just ask your wife, she won 3 times last week alone!"

      Amy, a city girl, marries a farmer.

      One morning, before he goes out to the fields, the farmer says to her, "The artificial insemination man is coming to impregnate one of our cows today. I drove a big nail into the two-by-four over the cow's stall. You show him where it is."

      The farmer leaves, and a while later, the artificial insemination man arrives. Amy takes him down the rows of cows until she sees the nail.

      She says, "This is the one, right here."

      The man says, "How do you know?"

      Amy says, "By the nail over its stall."

      The man says, "What's the nail for?"

      Amy says, "I guess it's to hang your pants on."

      Herman the hypochondriac began sobbing before a doctor. "I'm sure I've got a liver disease, and I'm gonna die from it." "Ridiculous," said the doctor. "you'd never know if you had the disease or not. With that ailment there's no discomfort of any kind." "Right," said Herman, "those are my exact symptoms."

      A girl runs home to her mother crying, "I can't marry Joe! He's an atheist! He doesn't believe in God or Jesus or anything! "Don't worry, Honey," said her mom. "But Mom, he doesn't even believe in Hell! "Don't worry, Honey," repeated her mom, "you marry him...and we'll convince him!"

      These two guys are car pooling home from work one day. Traffic is barely crawling along and they are both a bit bored. So the driver is looking around and suddenly he points at two dogs having sex on someone's front lawn.

      "Look", he shouts "What are the those dogs doing? are they fighting?" The passenger, being a man of the world, replies "They are having sex. Don't tell me that you have never had sex doggie style before?"

      The driver, a bit embarrassed, admits that he has never had sex doggie style. So the passenger says, "You have to try it. Its pretty cool. Here's what you do. Tonight when you get home, fix your wife a margarita and then suggest that you want to try this new sexual position."

      The driver thinks a bit and then decides he will give it a try. The next morning, the two commuters are back in the car and the passenger asks, "Well, how did it go?" To which the driver replies, "It was great. But it took me 6 Margaritas just to get her on the front lawn."

      A Sunday school teacher asked her first graders.

      "Where is God?"

      The room was filled with children that raised their hands to respond.

      "Okay, Mary, Where is God?"

      "He is everywhere,"

      "Very good that?s right."

      But still there were two children that didn?t put their hands down, so the teacher continued.

      "Okay, Michael, Where is God?"

      "God is inside me."

      "Very good that?s right."

      Now there was one boy sitting in the back of the class waiving his hand. He was the last child with his hand up, so the teacher called on him.

      "Okay, Danny, Where is God?"

      "He?s in our bathroom."

      Well the teacher just had to ask, "How do you know he?s in the bathroom?"

      The answer came, "Every morning my father knocks on the bathroom door and says, ?My God are you still in there?? "
      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12



        Hi Mick - love hot bovril not had it for years- yumm!
        Yeah - lots and it's a very old car - needed new catalytic converter,demister not working,and a lot of welding - also 2 annoying leaks - not a fail but a pain!
        one day at a time



          Good morning Abbers!

          Happy Saturday to all! Thanks for the startup TT

          bear, good luck with the car issue! Glad you are feeling well rested today!

          Mick, tftc (thanks for the coffee) :H
          No plans for anything this weekend, thank goodness. Way too hot & humid to do anything outside today. Heavy thunder storms are promised for this evening & a better day tomorrow - we shall see. Nothing happening in the garden right now - waiting for some newly planted beet seeds to make an appearance

          Pauly, I am sorry you are feeling so overwhelmed at the moment.
          I'm pretty sure that feeling of helplessness is what did me in many years ago
          It's just impossible to spread yourself so thin trying to manage everything & everyone in your life.
          I wish I had accepted the knowledge & fact back then that I can't control anything or anyone but myself! I knew all that but didn't/couldn't accept it at the time. Some of us just have to learn things the hard way, huh??
          You can start fresh today, focus on yourself, first & foremost!
          Put all other worries away for a while & focus on sorting yourself out now. You know that drinking will never fix life's problems, only make them worse. Work on your gratitude list, take steps to add to your list

          Hello to everyone! Let's all have a terrific AF Saturday!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:



            MAE ALL....

            TT...thanks for kick us off. Isn't it nice when OH behaves. :H

            Bear...sounding good and good luck with the car hunting.

            Mick...think I'll stick with the coffee for now. Weekend going good so far. Great visit with my Dad and it's bright and sunny out today. Bit of grocery shopping done and now I'm in relaxing mode.

            Lav...didn't get the snow from the other night but the forecast is for flurries Monday into Tuesday. Don't think it'll amount to much but it's waaayyy to early.

            Pauly...hope you're checking in and doing ok. We're thinking of you.

            Not sure what the rest of the day will bring, we shall see. Hope everyone has a Super AF Saturday.....PPQP



              Hi all - case finished well and a life is being saved as we speak with a heart being transplanted - Mick, I did think of your friend when it would have been easy to give up. Lav, thanks for sharing about your BiL and his son - that is not an easy decision my any means, but i live in the believe and hope that it helps:l
              Pauly - so sorry you keep struggling - I hope that one day it clicks for you, it is truly worth it.
              Mick - I like bovril or other "cube" drinks, but have not doctored them up in this form - will have to give it a go!
              PPQ - I cannot believe threats of snow - we continue to be a dry, barren mess!
              Got up and did first running training session - 9 weeks fo training, then hopefully a 5K beginning of Nov.
              Then took girls to the barn and did my usual Saturday 5 miles - so 7.4 miles so far today! Off to a Greek festival now - Ooompa!
              Have a good one everybody:l
              “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"

