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Taking a break... Length, the longer the better

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    Taking a break... Length, the longer the better

    Last night of drinking I consumed an entire bottle of 14.5% wine and 35% shot. Very drunk by legal standards, appalled at myself for lack of control and surprised my body, all of 130 lbs, didn't revolt. Felt like shit the next morning, so how many more mornings do I desire to feel like shit? Fri, 5 Sep 14, last binge. Celebrating the third night AF tonight but 4th, 5th and definitely 6th day withdrawals will kick in like a freight train. Short term goal, 14 days AF. Make that, then let's see if I'm ready to stop feeling like shit when morning comes.:new:
    Constant relapsing is soul destroying.
    I cherish my soul, it is the most important thing to me in the world. I cherish my soul even on th bad days. This is why I do not drink.

    Taking a break... Length, the longer the better

    Welcome to MWO roadside! The first few days are tough, but it does get better! Read and post, read and post....there's ton's of support here to help you get through those 14 days and far beyond!

    Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
    Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
    Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


      Taking a break... Length, the longer the better

      Welcome Roadsise....good work getting through those first few days......
      Now to keep that momentum going.
      Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


        Taking a break... Length, the longer the better

        Starting Over

        Didn't make it the 14 days; 4th night, on way home, made it past the store which I went out of the way to drive by, only to sneak back out of the house 2 hours later to fulfill my immediate desire. Maybe 14 dYs is too long upfront.
        Constant relapsing is soul destroying.
        I cherish my soul, it is the most important thing to me in the world. I cherish my soul even on th bad days. This is why I do not drink.


          Taking a break... Length, the longer the better

          Roadside;1705830 wrote: Didn't make it the 14 days; 4th night, on way home, made it past the store which I went out of the way to drive by, only to sneak back out of the house 2 hours later to fulfill my immediate desire. Maybe 14 dYs is too long upfront.
          Hey Roadside,

          Well done on your 3 days, almost 4 days booze free. If 14 days is too overwhelming, try 7.

          You can do it. Do 7 days booze free and you'll have survived every day the week can throw at you. Then rinse and repeat. I know it's not that easy, but if you've done 4 days, you can get to 7.

          Go for it friend. Keep us posted ok?

          Best wishes, G.

          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


            Taking a break... Length, the longer the better

            Hi Roadside, one day at a time is all we can do. Everyday i say i will not drink and for that day i dont. Its hard as you say, feckin hard but a lot of us on here keep plodding along, we can do no more than take it day by day. Pure grit and determination is what we need and you will get there. This site has saved my life and everyday, twice, if not more, i log on here to read and post. It keeps me accountable. Before you head out to buy that al, come on here first and post and read.

            Best of luck.
            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


              Taking a break... Length, the longer the better

              Constant relapsing is soul destroying.
              I cherish my soul, it is the most important thing to me in the world. I cherish my soul even on th bad days. This is why I do not drink.


                Taking a break... Length, the longer the better

                Daisy45, guitarista, available, abcowboy, you are all kind and encouraging. A shout out to those senior members that check in on everyone. We appreciate you.

                So, tonight is night 1. Again. Immediate plan: make it to Fri, one day, then make it to Wed, because I must be AF the following weekend (reserve drill) trying to pace my withdrawals.
                Constant relapsing is soul destroying.
                I cherish my soul, it is the most important thing to me in the world. I cherish my soul even on th bad days. This is why I do not drink.


                  Taking a break... Length, the longer the better

                  Welcome, Roadside! Have you had a look at the Toolbox? Lots of strategies in there to help you get and stay AF. And reading through will give you something to occupy yourself on night 1.



                    Taking a break... Length, the longer the better

                    Thank you! I read about these hypnosis tapes, now just browsing the site to see where I can find this. Appreciate the read- checking it out now.
                    Constant relapsing is soul destroying.
                    I cherish my soul, it is the most important thing to me in the world. I cherish my soul even on th bad days. This is why I do not drink.


                      Taking a break... Length, the longer the better

                      One! Feel good this morning.
                      Constant relapsing is soul destroying.
                      I cherish my soul, it is the most important thing to me in the world. I cherish my soul even on th bad days. This is why I do not drink.


                        Taking a break... Length, the longer the better

                        Two. Rough last night but I made it.
                        Constant relapsing is soul destroying.
                        I cherish my soul, it is the most important thing to me in the world. I cherish my soul even on th bad days. This is why I do not drink.


                          Taking a break... Length, the longer the better

                          Didn't make it to three. what's the point? Why can I not remember my reasons from day to day? Alcohol is a feckin liar. My brain is lying to me. Both are lying beasts.
                          Constant relapsing is soul destroying.
                          I cherish my soul, it is the most important thing to me in the world. I cherish my soul even on th bad days. This is why I do not drink.


                            Taking a break... Length, the longer the better

                            The point is you want this to happen and al doesnt. That al voice sees your weakness and strikes and it is up to your strength and determination to say no. Sometimes it is easier to give in than to fight al in the early days but RS each and everytime you say no to al the voice gets weaker and loses its strength. The point is life is so much better being sober, if it wasnt, there would not be a site for us alkies. I still have that al voice trying to get me to drink sometimes and its still hard but my choice is to say no or give in. i choose not to let al win and take anymore of my life than it already has. Go to the newbies nest RS and post up a storm when those feelings hit, i was called "lunatic linda" in the early days but i knew i had to stop the madness and only i could do that with the support of mwo. I am glad i am winning but i will never be complacent with al.
                            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                              Taking a break... Length, the longer the better

                              Thank you, available. What does RS mean? Today is day ONE. One day, looking forward to waking up fresh in the morn. Reading a good book: 'the end of my addiction' written by a Olivier Amiesen. Very insightful. He strongly links AL abuse to anxiety disorders.
                              Constant relapsing is soul destroying.
                              I cherish my soul, it is the most important thing to me in the world. I cherish my soul even on th bad days. This is why I do not drink.

