Maybe the fact that my birthday falls almost on the anniversary of my mother?s death contributes to things. I try to see that as a time to remember her warmth and love but its still also a sad time because her death was not in very warm or loving cicumstances.
But I left the pity party soon enough and actually was quite focused and productive with doing some pressing work matters instead.
Sorry you drank again Pauly. At least I guess you are stopping ? (before you start again) so its not binge style. Just keep trying ? and don?t keep putting yourself down. Maybe you shouldn?t try to see it as a fight or a battle ? you know ?either/or. Instead just slip into that AF seat and try to enjoy the ride. But as Lav says - don't keep doing the same things. I would add - don't assume that you will fail. Its like you set yourself up for a fall
PPQP I see that the snow in Calgary has even shocked other Canadians.
Hope the running is going well SL.
Hi there to everyone else - Sam, Mick (thanks for the PM ), Det.
You all have a good Friday ? often a tiring day of the week I know ? since I am bang in the middle of it.