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Monday June 4th

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    Monday June 4th

    Good Morning Everyone,
    Monday again and all's well.
    I had a truely amazing week last week and I'm still feeling really buzzed. I don't want this feeling to go away.
    I love this place.
    Hope everyone has a great week!

    Monday June 4th

    Pops, you are my dream boy.
    I am so oo proud of what you have done with your life.
    We need you on MWO subscribers to juice it up a bit.
    How many days for you now?


      Monday June 4th

      Morning Popeye. Although it's still evening here I wish the best for you and all to come. I realized 5 days ago a mouse was building a nest in my car. In the glove compartment and under the back seat. I kept removing it. Then I started studying the components of the nest: red, white and blue wool. The mouse must have found a baseball somewhere. I started having trouble with the cruise control on my car and was worried she may have been eating through wires.

      So this a.m. when I went to take 3 panting dogs for a car ride into town (they harangue me until I do it) I discovered 5 newborn mice. Mice are so destructive I half thought I would let the dogs take care of the situation, and then remembered how Mama mouse had worked so hard for this nest that I kept throwing out. Couldn't find mama mouse but made a new nest for the babies where they are accessible to her and took out dryer lint and some sunflower seeds. As soon as they are dependant will have to put them somewhere else.

      They aren't in the house, but I guess mama likes my car. Will have to have a check up though because the cruise control is acting up.

      Happy Monday to all who arrive this a.m.
      Enlightened by MWO


        Monday June 4th

        Why, thanks Mona,
        65 days and counting.

        Hello SKendall,
        Great story. I like mice.


          Monday June 4th

          Pops, you are just amazing....65 days. You are my hero.

          SKendall, Monakitty can take of your mice in a flash.


            Monday June 4th

            Good morning everyone. I hope you all have a good day today. I'm feeling a bit non-plus this morning, probably my messed up hormones! Anyway, my son is back to school today and I must say how smart he looks in his little uniform! Catch up later. Bella xxxx


              Monday June 4th

              65 days... Wow! You keep moving from strength to strength!

              SKendall, that is the sweetest story about the little mice... but yeah, better get the car checked, for sure!

              This is my first day of the rest of the month being ABS. I can do it - I can do it!!

              :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                Monday June 4th

                Morning to you all, feeling strong today. Last day off and back to work tomorrow, am even sadly looking forward to it! Think looking forward to just getting back into my routine after the disasterous holiday. Hope you all have a good week.

                Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                  Monday June 4th

                  You go Popeye. Woo Hoo 65 days!!!
                  I didn't sleep well last night my back is killing me, but up and at'em I have to work today. I hope all of you have a good day today.
                  What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
                  ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


                    Monday June 4th

                    Morning All!

                    Rainy day here-getting the leftovers of tropical storm Barry.

                    SK-ugh. My hubby was in the process of putting up gutter guards & didn't finish & left the sides open. Wouldn't you know that 2 sets of sparrows (front of house and another on sunroom) decided to make nests inside the gutters and made babies like overnight! It didn't clog the gutters so we'll wait unill they leave to take out the nests & block the ends. Crazy birds.
                    Mona-guess I could of borrowed you for this one too.

                    Be strong my friends.....Happy AF Monday!

                    " People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily."
                    Attached files [img]/converted_files/259577=1072-attachment.gif[/img]
                    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                      Monday June 4th

                      Mornin' everyone, that was a really cute story about the baby mice. I don't know if I would feel comfortable with them running around in my car....could be a bit distracting; even if a bug is in my car I freak out. An owl flew into my sisters car one time and she almost wrecked. Popeye, 65 days is awsome. My 12 yr old son asked me today how many days it had been since I had a glass of wine. It made me feel a bit funny that he was noticing. But I guess kids know more than you give them credit. 17 days today for me. I have been having really detailed dreams at night....maybe my brain is starting to function again..haha


                        Monday June 4th

                        Well done Popeye,proud of you.


                          Monday June 4th

                          Just popping around this morning...
                          Such cute stories about babies...mice and sparrows..
                          Congratulations popeye..I am deeply impressed. My brother is trying to do this for the first time in over 30 yrs of whiskey. (We are Irish). I know its gotta be hard. I wish he would come on here.


                            Monday June 4th

                            Oh my this is scary.

                            I've decided to give up on mods and do 30 days of abstinence and then reevaluate the situation. In August I will have been here one year and I've struggled uphill the whole time.

                            It helps that my husband is doing this with me but it is still scary looking back up that mountain from way down here, but it's the only way I can break this terrible habit.

                            Breez, I love your quote!
                            :h :h :h :h


                              Monday June 4th

                              Good luck you can do it. Wish I had the same support.

