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Sat September 20th

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    Sat September 20th

    Morning all,
    Market this morning and off to play toones at our cabin this afternoon/evening. Got a goodly portion of my fence fixed. I'm pretty dang sore from walking up and down this hillside and sawing up trees that had blown over, dead pine and the like.

    Don't know what is shakin, been feeling a little subdued these days, fall melancholy setting in perhaps.

    Have a great day and enjoy it to its fullest.
    Liberated 5/11/2013

    Sat September 20th

    hey Samstone, hope you have a good day,do you feel blue when the seasons change,less sunlight?I'm trying to focus on what has gone well when I feel that way,and just letting myself feel what I'm feeling. I'm realising how much rollerderby makes me feel better as it's good exercise and also just focusing on learning something,I think it helps me 'be in the moment' and empty my head.
    Hope you feel better.

    I'm off to see bands today,we're staying in a hotel - I'll be the only person not drinking in our small group tomorrow,I'm focusing on how I want to feel tomorrow,that booze won't make it better and just repeating I don't drink,I don't drink.I have been to this event several times before and not drank.I'm looking forward to catching up with friends,staying in a hotel and seeing bands,eating food.
    I can do this.I actually had thoughts of 'I could just have one yesterday' and I argued back at myself and didn't really want one - I wanted to chill after a hard days work ,I'm off for a run this am to reinforce how good I feel sober.

    Have a great day everyone and I'll see you tomorrow on my day 23.
    Happy Saturday everyone.
    one day at a time


      Sat September 20th

      hiya are yizall?I am absolutely shattered..went to bed last night and that bloody rash on my neck started got chance of had virtually gone ..but now its back..trying to work out what it can be...going to try n get some kip after ..will jump in later on...wi some jokes...bear you are dont drink! hiya Sam..hope you are feelin not so bloo!it happens mate..we blame it on al..and then we reach for the al????youll be fine..have good day

      Lav bbt when you arrive on site...big hi to the rest of the gang ..sure I read a post from tt somewhere...big hi from the British Isles
      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


        Sat September 20th

        Thought I would swing by....and there is a whole new look! Guess it is probably old news by now. Hope everyone is well!

        I am knee deep in all things yoga It is amazing when you are doing something you love....

        But, more importantly I am able to be home when the kids get home from school. We get school work squared away and actually eat dinner by 5pm. So many nights they would eat without me because I would never hit the door until 6:30pm. Its a whole new life that I really never believed existed. What I traded for a few more $$, 401k match, paid holidays.....just doesn't measure up to having the freedom to create the life you were actually meant to live.

        I am getting more organized and on a regular hopefully I will stop by more often.

        Sam hope you feel better. I had one of those days on Wednesday and took it easy on myself. We want to always be happy, happy, happy....and that just isn't realistic. Bear have a great time!

        I recently attended a party.....just a few gals....everyone had their drinks and smoking a bit of the funky stuff.....and I enjoyed myself with my tea and food. One of the women had a bit too much and began to act like a teenager. The host called everyone the next day to apologize for the woman's actions....all I could think was..."thank God it wasn't me!"


          Sat September 20th

          Sorry you are in the blues Sam.
          Hey folks I started the original thread 12 hours ago!


            Sat September 20th

            Good morning Abbers, happy Saturday

            Sam, thanks for starting us up although I did see TT's Saturday thread last night - sorry TT
            Hope today's mild weather & sunshine perks you up a bit.

            bear, have a good weekend & remember that you just don't drink, OK?

            SF, nice to see you! I'm so glad you are doing well in your new venture! I hope you stay happy always

            Mick, I saw you up very late on Facebook last night. Sorry the itches have returned. I feel so fortunate that I didn't get any of that this summer. Hope you are getting some rest!

            Greetings TT & everyone!
            I need to get myself in gear, go to the feed store, clean up some dog hair & dust around here 7 pick up something for dinner. Daughter & family coming later this afternoon.
            Have a great AF Saturday everyone!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Sat September 20th

              hiya folks ..tis I back again....had a wee sleep earlier..fortunately Julie went out.."to a baby shower" I hastened not to go...trying to work out what is giving me this..and believe it or not one of the things it could be is soya milk!! we shall see..Im out early doors tomorrow morning,so I will pop in at some stage..hiya Lav how are you?yep was on fb early morning..couldnt sleep, but its amazing how a loss of votes,after a few drinks turns into the conspiracy of vote rigging by any body and everybody to stop the divide of the uk.. did you get everything done today?
              hiya tt ..yep I thought you had started how is your voting going?
              hiya are you?sounds like that you are doing well..yep money isnt always everything..quality time cant be bought!!think Id give the funny fags a miss tho!! :H
     feeling any better yet mate?
              big hello to everyone else to come
              A wife was standing in the kitchen one morning, preparing soft-boiled eggs and toast for breakfast, wearing only the t-shirt she slept in. As her husband walked in, she turned to him and said: "You've got to make love to me right now, here, across the kitchen table."
              His eyes lit up. He could hardly believe his luck, and before she could change her mind, he made love to her on the kitchen table.
              Afterwards, she hurriedly thanked him and returned to the stove, with her T-shirt still around her neck.
              Happy, but puzzled, he asked her: "What was all that about?"
              "Oh," she said. "The egg timer is broken."

              A teacher was giving a lesson about the circulation of blood. He said: "Now boys, as you know, if I stood on my head, the blood would run into it and I would turn red in the face."
              "Yes, sir," they chorused.
              "So why is it," asked the teacher, "that when I am standing upright, the blood doesn't run into my feet and make them turn red, like my head?"
              "A young voice from the back called out: "Because your feet aren't empty!"

              A teacher at an English school stood in front of a map of the world. "Jack," she said, "can you show me where on this map America is?"
              Jack pointed correctly to America.
              "Now, Jenny," continued the teacher, "can you tell me the name of the person who discovered America?"
              Jenny said: "Yes ma'am, Jack did."
              A preacher notorious for his lengthy sermons, watched as a man got up and left halfway through his message. The same man returned just before the finish.
              Afterwards the preacher asked him where he had gone.
              "I went to get a haircut," said the man.
              "Why didn't you go before the service?" asked the preacher.
              "I didn't need one then!"

              A woman met a preacher in the street and asked him: "Does your church welcome all denominations?"
              "Yes," he replied, "but we prefer tens and twenties."

              A man and a little boy entered a barbershop together. After the man received the full treatment - shave, shampoo, manicure, haircut, etc. - he placed the boy in the chair.

              "I'm goin' to buy a green tie to wear for the parade," he said. "I'll be back in a few minutes."

              When the boy's haircut was completed and the man still hadn't returned, the barber said, "Looks like your daddy's forgotten all about you." "That wasn't my daddy," said the boy. "He just walked up, took me by the hand and said, 'Come on, son, we're gonna get a free haircut!'"

              A priest approached a small boy on the street and said: "Could you tell me where the Post Office is, please?"
              The boy gave him directions and the priest said: "Thank you. If you come to my sermon tonight, I will tell you how to get to Heaven."
              "I don't think so," said the boy. "You don't even know how to get to the Post Office!"
              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                Sat September 20th

                MAE ALL....

                Just home from the phase 2 garden build and I'm exhausted. Think I'll copy Mick and have a wee sleep.

       soya milk new to your diet? Hope you sort it out soon and get some relief.

                Sam...has the subdued feeling left yet. I remember you going through that a while back. Maybe keep track of the days it happens and you can figure out a pattern.

                SL...thanks for the pm and if I ever figure out how to reply I will. No worries re AL and all my obligations are completed so time to relax and have some me time.

                :hallo: to all else...will check back later....PPQP


                  Sat September 20th

                  Sam - sorry to hear you are a tad blue, hopefully is is a passing situation.
                  Glad you are getting some relaxing PPQ.

                  Managed to get to training today - and then my usual Saturday walk, 8 miles in all. Got an ap on my phone - It says that's only 555 calories!!! Actually registered for the 5K and being the good Scot I am will have to do it now, not spending money for nought!
                  Doing a whole lot of nagging to get chores done, and I am absolutely pooped!!!
                  ​TT - will off to see your thread now....
                  “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                    Sat September 20th

                    Hi TT - found your thread. Sounds like a fun day for you. Does your daughter do archery or was this a one off kinda thing? My girls gave it a go and enjoyed it, but we could never manage to make their schulde work with ours.
                    We had angus beef and roasted garlic pizza last night - I was not supposed to have, but it smelled oh so good, so I indulged!
                    My girl and I went to the psychiatrists on Tuesday - he was very open and seemed genuinely interested. A lot of talking and stage setting (for a mere $350). He will start testing her this coming Tuesday and hopes to finish after two sessions (at $275 each!!!) I am having some anxiety about this - -not had anxiety before, or never knew I did as i would drink through this sort of situation - but so hoping it will get us to where we need to be. Her sister has 4 A's and 5A+'s, and she had 4 F's, a D and a B (in PE of course) - it is so hard to see her trying to work out what is happening to her...
                    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                      Sat September 20th

                      Hi there SL - I haven't even tried to figure out how to do PM on this new site. The archery has been going on for a year. Started through school (they subsidized the beginners course) and then my daughter has kept to more or less weekly meets. But its very very low key and it doesn't matter if she misses meetings. Also cheap as the club supplies the gear! She does it for pleasure not competition. One of the things she really likes is that the club is all ages - from really young to ancient seniors.
                      Gosh those psych fees are high. Does the school/state offer any subsidies here? How the hell do poor families cope?
                      The National (conservative government) won the elections yesterday - so I am not happy. Neither are a lot of people. Mind you a huge number didn't even bother to vote.
                      I am not starting the thread today - after yesterday can't see the point!

