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Tuesday June 5th

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    Tuesday June 5th

    Day 2/30 for me and I have some exciting news for me that will be a big help for me. Mr Scoobs is joining me in going AF

    I've decided that my ultimate goal is complete abstinence now, but am taking it one day at a time, and will re-valuate at the 30 day mark. What I'm saying is that if at 30 days I feel like my life was so much better with alcohol then I'll resume drinking, and if I decide I'm better off without - then I'll commit to abstinence. I'm relieved to have reached this decision!

    Good luck to everyone today. I'll check back here later and read everyone elses updates.

    :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:

    Tuesday June 5th

    Good for you Scoobs!

    My home is AF. Hubby is doing this with me (he doesn't have a problem). It helps because here I see him, who doesn't have a problem, & now doesn't drink just because & everything is fine. There is life without booze. A better life. One will not die if they don't drink.

    Well I'm off to watch TV & then go to bed. It's only Monday night-7:30 p.m. on this side of the planet. See you tomorrow.
    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


      Tuesday June 5th

      That will help so much. My husband is AF with me too....I don't know if I could do it if he were encouraging me to drink or if he was even just drinking. My daughter just got home with some wonderful news and her and her boyfriend are going to drink Dom Perignon tonight to celebrate.....boy I got a twinge of jelousy....oh well, have a great day in Sydney.....Buffy


        Tuesday June 5th

        Morning All,
        That sounds like a good plan Scoobs. My wife drinks (occasionaly) but not at home. We don't have any booze in the house any more, which, oof course helps.
        Take care everyone and have a terrific Tuesday.


          Tuesday June 5th

          Congrads Scooby! looking forward to meeting your hubby.
          posting for the morning since we have to get up at o-dark thirty....arg.
          been a long darn drive from Kingman to El Paso and we got a view over the border into Mexico this evening. I can understand why they are escaping...what a crap hole! I'm sure it's not all like least I hope. we found a nice restaurant near the hotel and the owner came over and said "welcome to hell". wow. what a greeting! kind of an odd experience so far but we are amused.

          Be well AB friends!!!!
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            Tuesday June 5th

            Breeze, Buffy & Popeye, maybe that's a big key for all of u. The relief I felt when he agreed to go AF with me was incredible.

            Determinator, 'Welcome to hell?'... yeah... what a greeting! :H Yes great idea about getting him involved in the site like you and Determinatrix!

            Popeye - No booze in the house sounds like a mighty fine plan to me. Good one!
            :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


              Tuesday June 5th

              Just want to add; that's such a great decision you've arrived at, and with your hubby's support too. In fact, I might have even got the idea from you! Love your signature as well!
              :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                Tuesday June 5th

                I can officially say: Good morning everyone!

                Scoobs: I can say my home has had no booze in it for a long time. My hubby did not drink for a long time to inspire me. I just smuggled booze into my home & drank secretly. Quiting comes from within. It's you that makes the final decision. The meds, supps, support at home and here, and everything else that motivates & helps you are just additions to your journey. You make the final decision as to make it happen.
                Congrats on your decision.

                Deter-welcome to hell....should of answered-"been there done it!" LOL. Enjoy your visit.

                Have an absolutely terrific AF Tuesday!

                Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action.
                Attached files [img]/converted_files/260010=1074-attachment.gif[/img]
                :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                  Tuesday June 5th

                  Great news Scoobs and good luck!

                  Wish I could persuade my OH to try and quit with me too, would be great not having any alcohol around in the house.

                  Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


                    Tuesday June 5th

                    ScoobyDoo, Breez, Buffy, Popeye, De terminator, and Kitty,

                    Just checking in today.

                    It's been an indescribably busy day for me!

                    I need to find time to study and do homework from a summer math class I am taking. It's two and a half times faster than a regular semester!!

                    Yes, keeping the booze out of the house makes it a lot harder to just give in.

                    Sending all good vibes to everyone for an AF day today.

                    :h :h :h :h


                      Tuesday June 5th

                      Way to go Rachele
                      Enough is enough


                        Tuesday June 5th

                        Breeze - lol re hell comment 'been there done that'.

                        Kitty - If your OH still keeps booze, if you're a wine drink, you could ask him to just bring beer into the house, as you adjust to AF. What Breeze says re the decision ultimately being yours, his show of support might be just what you need right now.

                        Quiescent - Good on you for studying... 2.5x normal rate! lol. I think brain exercise is as powerful as physical exercise. Good luck with your assignment!

                        It's day 3/30 for me now and I woke up this morning feeling this major release... as if I've released myself with a key from some kind of mental cage. I got out the Allen Carr book last night and read the last two chapters, to help reinforce what I'm thinking. Somehow I feel so strong now. I am dressed and ready (actually I'm sitting her at my desk in my pyjamas, but I am mentally dressed! :H)

                        :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                          Tuesday June 5th

                          Hey Scoobs....that is good news. Anything that adds support is a good thing. And yea for 3/30



                            Tuesday June 5th

                            I just now got to the thread for the day, I know it it tomorrow, but I couldn't help but post congrats to scoob on the good news. I think you and hubby have made a great decision.

                            Glad you are happy too.
                            What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
                            ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?

