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October Optimism

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    Good morning friends!

    Glad to see we are all finally back in one form or another

    Cyn & Star - I have absolutely no idea how/why your names were changed ~ confusing?
    I just responded to the email that was sent to me which took me right to the page where you can change your password. Look back through your email you used when you first signed up at MWO - there should be an email there for you with instructions.

    OK, for now I can deal with Sasha & Snoopy
    Happy to see you both & hope we all can get some comforting downtime this weekend.

    For now I am off to Curves then back for some work. YB is taking the day off today so I will point out some jobs for him in the yard before the rain gets here, haha!!
    Wishing everyone a great AF Friday!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Hi All, I had to laugh out loud at the new names!
      "Gratitude is the law of increase, and complaint is the law of decrease"

      Always choose love.


        Hi All,

        Hi Sash and Snoop, Boy, that is weird about the name changes! It's going to take some getting used to! LOL! Have you tried emailing RJ and letting her know. Maybe she can help you get your old names back.

        Have fun, Fly!

        Papmom, I'm glad you had such an awesome time!

        Lav, I guess you and I are lucky to have managed to keep our names and avatars!

        Hi Blown!

        I've got my granddaughter here for the night so I'm busy, busy, busy! I'll see you guys tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be able to get back into the groove of posting. That 2 weeks off threw me!

        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


          Good morning all...

          I am just going to be SnoopyC, I cannot deal with more change and the main thing is that I am on this site, can post and enjoy all your company, support and back atcha. Went to a little event with some ladies at my new job. Most had a glass of wine, some did not, just not a big deal, really. I had my own little mocktail, and did what I wanted with no explanation. It was a nice evening, but boy was I tired. It is such a blessing to wake up feeling 100%, focused on my Saturday, and AF. I had just read some other threads and this is part of my gratitude for today. So important to be grateful, aware and purposeful. Relapse happens when gap (grateful, aware, purposeful) doesn't. I am on my own for part of today, then driving to babysit and I am so excited as it has been a few weeks since I have seen my grandson. I bought a few cute little outfits, and other miscellaneous baby stuff. I am obsessed and probably boring. I am a grandmother!!!

          Pap, you sound good, having fun with doggies, other parts of your life are good, not perfect. So lucky to have family close to love and support you. Your enthusiasm for LIFE is fun to hear.

          Lav, same old same old, but 5 and a half years in, you know how lucky you are. Weatherwise, even with the dampness, I love fall weather.

          Dill, I am back with a new name, hope you get back in the groove of posting. I am not reading anything significant or particularly good, are you? I have barely had time to read. My life is so much busier now, it is a new life. Weird if you think about it. Have fun with your granddaughter.

          Sasha, (Cyn) I kind of like your new name too, hope you do. Take care and I noticed sitting at a computer for hours now,that I hurt my knee (crazy, how could that happen) and have been having upperback and neck pain. Modern life. I am doing some stretching and yoga moves to work the kinks out. Ouch.

          I sound good but I have been eating crap, and the inflammation is increasing, so back to eating veggie soups and salad, the only way I feel better. How about you all. What foods help you to feel healthy and young? Not booze, that is for sure. Have a great Saturday.


            Good Saturday morning friends,

            Rain & clouds here today, not even going to hit 60 degrees. Sounds like fall to me!!!

            Snoop - since you asked, I've been having fun lately with millet & quinoa recipes.
            I think I posted this before but the millet cakes are sooo good. I make a big batch & reheat them thru the week for lunches.
            Learn to use this extraordinary grain in great-tasting millet recipes.

            I cut back a bit on the parm cheese in the recipe so they don't bother me but they are healthy & a good protein & iron source.
            The damp weather always brings extra aches & pains for me too. I just try to power my way thru with a couple of Motrin & staying in motion as much as possible.
            Enjoy the grandbaby, they truly are gifts from God

            Speaking of grandkids I haven't seen any of mine since last Sunday. They are all doing well though so I am grateful. It's awesome when a 3 1/2 year old sends you a 'selfie' at 8:30 pm just as she's going to bed, LOL

            Greetings Dill! Hope you had fun with your overnight guest!
            Hello to Sasha cyn, Papmom & everyone. Let's all have a wonderful AF Saturday!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Greetings Friends, I'm here! I'm going to do what I can to get back into my posting routine. Yesterday I missed due to having my little "early riser" here. And the day just got busier and busier from there! I was happy to drop her back off at home and enjoy the peace and quiet. I have actually had her with me 24/7 for an entire week as my son had some health issues and was in hospial for a few days. We had both the grandchildren with us. It was hectic but it had its good moments too. Grandson went home a day ahead of her because due to his age he doesn't take the energy to care for that she takes. But by yesterday my son said he was ready to have her back. He looked better and she really wanted to be home with him.

              SnoopStar, no I am not reading anything that I would recommend of late either. However, I am reading the Gilgemesh which is an ancient classic epic. It was written 3000 years BC on clay tablets in a language called cuniform. It's about a king named Gilgemesh. I became so fascinated at the thought of something being written so long ago that I wanted to read it. I am not recommending, at least not the version I'm reading because it as it isn't really easy reading. Lots of footnotes and explanations. But I find it interesting. Thanks for talking about GAP. I had not heard of that before and I appreciate the reminder to be grateful, aware and purposeful. You can't underestimate the importance!

              To be honest I must confess that I relapsed this weekend due to the pressure of 24/7 childcare. I caved last night and am terribly regretful today. What a complete waste. I fell for the old "just one or two" to relax/reward....UGH! It never works that way! Never. Back on plan. Must mind the GAP!

              Lav, thanks for th link. I'm going to look into it later today. I like quinoa but I don't think I've ever tried millet. I've only ever fed it to the birds!

              Geetings SashaCyn, Fly and Papmom.
              Last edited by dill; October 12, 2014, 06:43 AM.

              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                Good morning friends,

                We've got a chilly but sunny fall morning here - not bad!

                Dill great to see you. Sorry about all the pressures in your life right now. It is hard to be on duty 24/7 for everyone & everything. I know that you know drinking doesn't help anything. The only thing that helps me thru those tough moments is closing myself in a quiet space & tuning in to a recorded meditation. Instead of fighting & battling my troubles with AL I remove myself from them - let them go.
                I hope your son is OK & continues to improve!
                I never ever thought I would enjoy eating birdseed until I tried it - LOL!

                I am expecting my DIL & grandsons for dinner today so I guess I should get to the supermarket. I will not try feeding them birdseed - LOL!
                Hello to Starsnoop, Sasha, Papmom, Fly & everyone!
                Have you all noticed the count on the attempted spam attacks? >700 already - MWO is doing a great job keeping the buggers out, yay!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Good morning,

                  Busy weekend, no computer access yesterday morning so no post. I love the way everyone is calling me what they want. Snoopstar, etc. Haha. I am so tired this morning, of course I could have slept in, but it is Monday. I think my husband and I had a virus this week. I felt sick at work earlier in the week, headache, achy, tired, nauseated. Then yesterday he felt really sick, with the same symptoms, only more so. Today he feels better, thank goodness. We have not had significant time off since last year and I think it is starting to take a toll. On the other hand, we all get sick sometimes. Some coffee this morning and GAF. Hey, I made that up while posting, but it does seem what I need to do.

                  Dill, thank you so much for sharing your experience, it just reinforces what we know. Sounds like babysitting long term is too much for you. Hopefully as grandkids get a little older, they will be easier to mind. I know watching my little grandson, although fun, was exhausting, and I think that is why I am so tired. It wasn't even that long too. It is just that you have to be on, all the time. Do you think you will have a hard time not drinking at all? Everyone is different, so just wondered. This week I am focusing on eating less and healthier. I really have been eating too much and it is not a good thing. Hope you feel better and have a great week. The book you are reading sounds fascinating. I recently read a book like that with a lot of footnotes, historical, and it was a nice change. It was about Carolyn Norton, an English woman in the 1800s whose husband took her kids, she had no rights, she spent her life working to get laws changed. I wouldn't read a book like that every day, but it was interesting.

                  Lav, it was warm yesterday and again today, with storms predicted. good day to work. Hope you had fun with your family. I explored the millet site you shared and it looks interesting. Thanks.

                  Hello to all, have a good Monday.


                    Good Monday morning friends!

                    Cloudy & cool, seasonal I suppose

                    My younger grandson is on some mission to drive everyone completely insane. I don't know what this phase is but I sure hope it's over soon. He's loud, obnoxious & completely anti-social. Hi mother described him as a raving lunatic yesterday. She should know since she is a child therapist now, LOL. I am grateful that EB is in school full time now, he's doing fine.

                    Snoopstar, I hope you feel better soon. These change of season viruses are sneaky. Lots of vitamins & adequate fluid intake is my self-defense!
                    I am trying to move away from all those heavy winter comfort foods & substitute some lighter things. Got to keep trying anyway

                    Dill, hope you are OK! I've been thinking about you.

                    Greetings to Papmom, Fly & anyone checking in. Off to Curves to get this week started on the right foot!
                    Have a great AF day everyone!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Greetingss Friends!

                      Lav, I wonder what is up with your Grandson? I hope this is just a phase and it passes quickly! How old is he? I looked at the millet website and decided to buy some and give it a try next time I go grocery shopping.

                      Snoopstar, I am not sure I understood your question: "will you have a hard time not drinking at all?" Did you mean after a relapse? The answer is yes, but I will get back on track. I simply will have to do it. It will be hard at first, but I can do it!

                      Had a very nice day. We got lots done. Took our boat out of the water for the season, bought some yarn for a new project, got a really short haircut, bought some Halloween decorations and put them out, and various other things. Keeping busy is the key right now!

                      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                        Good morning...

                        Lav, is your grandson around 2 or 3? Little boys at that age can be wild things. Just little bundles of energy. I say that like it is no big deal, but it takes lots of patience, guidance, and attention. I am feeling better, just really tired. I could sleep alot more, but have to work, so that will be good. I agree that eating lightly is a good idea and I have been doing just that. Maybe having chili, which can be a heavy dish, but meatless and a small bowl. I really craved chocolate last night but had nothing. It was hard but I am happy this morning.

                        Dill, alcohol can still have this strange power that we think it could make us feel better, the reality being it makes us feel lousy. I appreciate your sharing your experience. Sounds like you had a nice day. Nice to be settled. We are struggling with wanting to buy a house, not knowing where exactly, signed a lease for a year, and disagreeing on what to do. I want to wait, another move is too much for me. Fall decorations sound nice.

                        Have a great day.


                          Good Morning Friends,

                          S-Star, I meant to comment on you saying watching your grandson was fun but exhausting. It is so true! We just don't have the energy at our age to be on all the time, as you say. At least I don't have the energy. I guess I should speak for myself because I know Lav has much more than I!! For me, having the children 24/7 is too much. But sometimes you have to step up, ready or not! And what you said about al is spot on. It used to make me feel much better to have a glass or two at the end of a long day. It took the edge off, relaxed me. But not anymore. When the "off switch" gets broken, like mine has, there is no such thing as drinking just one or two. It just muddles my mind, and depresses me. What's worse is the depression extends beyond the actual event. The day after my relapse I was really down. It wasn't until the next day, yesterday, that I started to feel myself again. Alcohol is no longer my friend, that's for sure!!! As they say, with friends like that, who needs enemies?!

                          Lav, I am getting better. Thanks for thinking of me! I swear I could feel it all the way here in Ohio!

                          Hello Papmom, Cyn and Fly.

                          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                            Good morning friends!

                            I think I have CWUS ~ Can't Wake Up Syndrome, LOL
                            A couple days with no sun is the likely cause!!!! Hoping to see some sun later today.

                            Dill & Star, great to see both of you!
                            Maintaining a decent energy level at this point in our lives take some major work!!!!
                            Good food, vitamin supplements & exercise surely help but for me keeping my head out of depression-ville is just as important. Nothing drags me down quicker than a persistent low mood. That's why I keep myself on the OTC I've talked about called Amoryn. I really must have chronically low serotonin levels & need the assistance
                            My grandson just turned 3 1/2 & he has become really hard to be around. I hope the 'phase' ends soon, seriously soon!

                            OK, work awaits! Hello to to Cyn, Papmom & Fly!
                            Wishing everyone a great AF Tuesday - we can do this

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Evening everyone! I'm having a hard time with the new names so I'll just use the old ones if that is ok? I really thought we had new members LOL!!

                              Dill-I'm so sorry to hear about your relapse. I sincerely wish for you the ability to not fight the cravings anymore. To just be able to banish the beast with a flick of your hand when he rears his ugly head and tries to entice you with promises (lies) of relaxation, numbness and a disappearance of all problems. Please reach out to us first if you ever feel that way again BEFORE you take action. I check my email regularly throughout the day (as well as FB) so if you want to communicate that way, emergency or not, just PM me and I'll give you the info. This goes for everyone!! On the upside it sounds like you had a wonderful weekend. What new crochet project will you be starting?

                              Star-glad you are feeling better. I am living in fear of getting my first cold since my HA almost a year ago. Everyone around me seems to be sick!! I'm so happy to hear that the new job is going so well and that there is an element of socialization as well. There is a new study out that says those who have good friends at work are happier all around. I do hope you and your hubby can agree to wait a while before looking for a new home. You need some serious rest girl!!

                              Lav-oh boy, you are all in for a ride with the grandson, aren't you? May it be shortlived so his life isn't (just kidding but not about his new attitude!!). Haven't looked at your millet info yet-can't get past the birdfood thing LOL!! I wish I had a YB to give house/yard assignments to!!

                              Cyn-how are you feeling? You mentioned an odd pain in your skull. Hope it has receded. What else is going on with you?

                              Fly-hope you are having a great vacation!!

                              So today was back to work after almost 2 weeks off. Luckily I had lots to do and my boss was in meetings all day. Unfortunately I have to tell her tomorrow about a major mistake I made back last spring and just found out about. This isn't going to be pretty but the good news is no student has been adversely affected as far as I can tell.
                              I had a great last weekend off (I'm working the next 2 weekends). On Friday my sister and I wogged 3.98 miles around her neighborhood. Farthest I've gone so far. Then we had lunch and then I went "shopping" in her closet. She's doing a major overhaul of her closet and was brutal in what she decided she didn't want anymore. I made out like a bandit-complete wardrobe for the fall/winter. All size 10s and one or two 8s that I'll need to lose another 5 lbs to wear. I can't remember the last time I wore a size 10. Its been decades I think!
                              On Saturday I took Mickey to a toy dog fun match where a number of my pap friends were participating. It was in an unheated barn and was COLD!! I didn't dress right for this and almost got frostbite on my tootsies due to no socks. But it was fun seeing all the puppies acting like veteran's in the ring (well, not really LOL!) and a good friend judged (she's not a certified judge but should be-she did a great job!). Afterwards we had a yummy potluck and the sun came out. Then I decided to make a trip out to a shopping center about 45 minutes away where there is a Petsmart and a Wegmans. Mickey had a good time in Petsmart but didn't earn any goodies. He was comfy in the car while I did some food shopping at the Wegmans then on the way home we stopped at a local park in the town I grew up in. We just hung out watching the colors and ducks and Mick sniffed around the shore of the pond. I didn't have the right shoes on to take him for a loop around but I think he was happy just the same.
                              On Sunday I went with some papfriends to a HUGE art fair in RI. It was really fun. I didn't buy much except for lunch and a $3 butterfly rhinestone necklace. Then dinner at my sister's, yummy as always.
                              Yesterday I did more food shopping, cooking for LM (he's doing so great right now!) and reorganized my closet in order to fit everything from my sister in. You should see the huge bag that will be going to Savers. I had to be brutal about the culling. Some old friends went into the trash.:crybaby: (yay! our smilies are back!!). It was a long day but at the same time came to an end way too soon.

                              So now we are all caught up and I better get to sleep!!
                              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                              KO the Beast!!


                                Good morning friends, happy Hump day too

                                I'm on kid watch this moring but only for two hours or so. The watchee is busy watching Thomas videos on an iPad so it's not bad, yay!

                                Papmom, you had lots of neat adventures on your vacation ��
                                You should think about picking up some of that self-defense product all the teachers use called 'Airborne'. It has lots of vitamin C!! And be sure you get a flu shot this year, no kidding. I never bothered with them until I turned 50.
                                Enjoy that new wardrobe! I sure wish I had someone's closet to raid, LOL
                                Please don't sweat the work stuff, no one died, right?

                                Greetings to Dill, Star, Cyn, Fly & anyone stopping by today.
                                Wishing everyone a fantastic AF day.

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

