The birthday party was a success and the grandson enjoyed it. We had granddaughter over night afterwards so all my routine was out the window. Hence, no time to post yesterday! She gets up before the sun and is always in to something! We had such nice weather yesterday tho that we grilled out and had ribs. Always lots of cleaning after these things, but worth it. Lots of leaves on the ground now and perfect conditions yesterday for raking up and jumping in a huge pile of crunchy leaves! It was such a lovely, sunny October day.
Star, did you have a good visit with your grandson? I feel for you being tired and having to get up and go. I've been having a hard time sleeping lately so I can relate. Last night was the first time in forever that I actually had a good night's sleep.
Lav, I hope you got your humidity levels up. Sinus headaches, (well any headaches) are awful! Thanks for the recipe link. I didn't have time yesterday, but I'm going to look at it today.
Papmom, how did the play date go? Also, how did the kennel thing work out for you before your demo? I hope all went well. I'm glad LM is feeling so frisky!
Tree and Fly, greetings and thinking of you.
We have to turn the clocks back next week because of the encroaching darkness. We will have an extra hour of light in the morning for a while, but OUCH! It will be so dark so early!
Have a happy AF week everyone!