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October Optimism

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    Hello Friends!

    The birthday party was a success and the grandson enjoyed it. We had granddaughter over night afterwards so all my routine was out the window. Hence, no time to post yesterday! She gets up before the sun and is always in to something! We had such nice weather yesterday tho that we grilled out and had ribs. Always lots of cleaning after these things, but worth it. Lots of leaves on the ground now and perfect conditions yesterday for raking up and jumping in a huge pile of crunchy leaves! It was such a lovely, sunny October day.

    Star, did you have a good visit with your grandson? I feel for you being tired and having to get up and go. I've been having a hard time sleeping lately so I can relate. Last night was the first time in forever that I actually had a good night's sleep.

    Lav, I hope you got your humidity levels up. Sinus headaches, (well any headaches) are awful! Thanks for the recipe link. I didn't have time yesterday, but I'm going to look at it today.

    Papmom, how did the play date go? Also, how did the kennel thing work out for you before your demo? I hope all went well. I'm glad LM is feeling so frisky!

    Tree and Fly, greetings and thinking of you.
    We have to turn the clocks back next week because of the encroaching darkness. We will have an extra hour of light in the morning for a while, but OUCH! It will be so dark so early!
    Have a happy AF week everyone!
    Last edited by dill; October 27, 2014, 05:29 AM.

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


      Good morning friends,

      Remember the humidifier last night so I am headache free this morning, yay! Even the dogs slept better, LOL

      Dill, glad the birthday party was a success. Having a bunch of 9 year old boys around reminds me of Cub scout & Boy scout days - they were an energetic bunch
      The weather was nice yesterday, can't complain about that.

      Star, there has always been something about this time of year that makes me want to sit down & do nothing. I have to wonder if it's allergy related. I'm grateful for my Curves membership, makes me get off my butt & do something good for myself. I don't want to grow any bigger, just stronger!!

      Hi there Papmom, hope your weekend was fun!

      Speaking of Curves, I need to get there now. Greetings to Cyn & Fly!
      Have a wonderful AF Monday everyone!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Evening all!

        Had a very nice day and weekend. The kennel worked out great for the da boyz. They had some play time before the playdate and I got there in time for yummy minestrone soup and catching up. My boyz behaved themselves so well-no table surfing or stealing food! LM had a fun, I could tell even tho he doesn't really play with any of the other dogs. But he was curious and pretty much stayed by my side. The costumes were very cute. Nothing like a 2 lb papillon in a butterfly outfit LOL!! It got very cold tho around 2 so we all packed up by 2:30 and went home. My boyz and I were exhausted!!

        The problem employee called in today as well. Going to be interesting if she shows up tomorrow. She can't have much time left in terms of vacation or sick. If she's smart she'll try to get fired instead of quitting so she gets unemployment but I'm betting she will try to keep her job and bring suit against my boss for a "hostile" work environment. Of course she can't really sue my boss as we are a state entity so she has to sue the school or at the very least bring a grievance and try to get transferred to another department. At any rate, she will most likely get what she wants whatever that is. Power of the union and hers is a very strong one. Its too bad that the problem children always get rewarded. Just like the students-we bend over backwards for the ones that yell the loudest.

        Star-its ODAT with a lifestyle change. It isn't all or nothing. One foot in front of the other. Promise yourself you'll track everything no matter what so at least you learn about any patterns. I do know how you feel tho-I was there as you well know before last Dec 9th. I promise you those first few lbs that go away will be a huge momentum maker for you and you can build on them. Just like going AF in many many ways.

        Dill-you had a busy weekend! I do not envy a houseful of pre pre teens LOL!! Hope you have a quieter week.

        Star-how is your grandson? Is he better?

        Lav-glad to hear you are feeling better too! I haven't had a sinus problems since I went AF. Definitely some allergic reactions to AL going on then. I have steam heat so my house never gets that dry thank goodness.
        I've heard about putting the sub q fluids in the fridge in between sessions but really, I would have to leave it out (well, remember to take it out!) for at least a few hours. I don't know-I am so torn between the cost of wasting half a bag and the possibility of administering cold fluids to LM. He already is hating the needle.

        Crap-just hearing there is a flu shot shortage. I should have taken it when offered 2 weeks ago. Hope CVS or Walmart still have some left. I hope to get it this week.

        OK, got to get some sleep. toodles!
        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

        KO the Beast!!


          Good morning...

          Feel better today, it's not Monday. Had a pretty good day workwise, I am going to a training next week in another state and an over night with colleagues. It will be nice to do something different. Not worried if anyone drinks, I just won't. Will bring my tablet and download a good book.

          Pap, thanks for the support, it will be one day at a time. Small changes that add up to big ones over time. Moving, changing jobs, getting rid of lots of my stuff, acclimating to a new area, I just ate what I wanted and went out to eat, alot. So, now I have to get serious and change my ways. I agree it is a marathon, not a sprint. I love to eat veggies and other good things, just need to get the unhealthy carbs out of my life. Ah, and exercise, need to figure out how and when to fit that into my routine.

          Lav, glad the humidifier makes such a difference for you. Hope I don't need one this year, my old furnace had one attached. We'll see.

          Dill, sleeping well really helps. You have had a lovely fall, busy but enjoying your family. It has been just so beautiful lately, really enjoying the colors, smells, and warmth. Guess it is changing starting today. To be expected, so glad I took some good pics.

          Love being AF and feeling the best can. Have a great day.


            Hi AF Friends,
            Yes, Star the weather goes south today at least for a few days. Ugh! I took a nice walk yesterday in the sunshine and warmth, knowing that all was changing. I hope you have a nice time at your training. There was a time that for me, going away like that for work meant lots of drinking. In fact, I would be sure to have a single room, not share a room with any colleagues as was the usual custom. I would go to the training during the day, have a glass or two with friends at dinner, then retreat to my room to isolate with a bottle. Toward the end of my career I quit going to conferences unless I could drive there and back because the temptation to drink at those things was too much. I think now I would be able to go and forego the drinking, but I'm glad I don't have to chanllenge myself and find out!!!

            Papmom, glad your weekend was so much fun! I love hearing about your adventures, especially the good ones.

            Lav, I took an honest look at myself in the mirror yesterday and made the decision to cut back on the calories and to get moving! Yiikes! If I don't get this under control I'll put on 10 lbs during the holidays! I don't have a Curves near by so I will just have to make sure I take more and longer walks. I can do it! Do you know if L-Theanine helps with sleep? I've been taking Alteril but I don't feel like it is working for me anymore. Any suggestions?

            Tree and Fly, I hope you both are well and enjoying the Fall.

            Sieze the day! Make it and AF one so you'll remember it!

            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


              Good morning friends,

              Well ~ I thought I was feeling better then.....
              I realized the teeth in my right upper mouth were hurting while I was eating yesterday
              They continued to hurt all day, I took Motrin a couple of times. I woke up at 3 am with a swollen face - yikes! So I've been sitting around since them with a compress on my face trying to decide who to call for help. I think I'll call the dentist, this could be an infection under one of my crowns

              Papmom, if you refrigerate the fluid bags you can easily warm them by putting them in a bowl of hot water. I wouldn't microwave them & I definitely wouldn't use them cold.

              Star, I'm going to Google this new heating system of mine to see if I can get better directions on how to operate things. The thermostat is a space age looking thing, confusing as hell. LOL
              Enjoy your work trip, a change is always nice!

              Dill, Curves is fun & I am strengthening my bones, balance & muscles but not losing weight. Cutting back calories is essential for me to lose any weight. I'll lose a few then get complacent - not good. I think we need even more exercise as we age. L-Theanine is supposed to help calm us but not make us sleepy. I still make a quart of decaf green tea every morning & try to consume that thru the day & evening. I take Alteril, along with Benadryl & extra Valerian before bedtime - it's a real handful. I would probably sleep straight thru if it wasn't for the hot flashes waking me every two hours. I'm tired of the whole routine & do not want Rx sleepers. Try the L-Theanine & maybe some 5-HTP before bedtime - see if it helps.

              I'd better go call the dentist & see if I can get in there today.
              Greetings to Cyn & Fly.
              Have a great AF Tuesday everyone!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Hey all -

                Wow, a lot going on for everyone! Lav - good luck with that tooth, or whatever it is, a swollen face cannot be fun to deal with.

                Pap - it sounds like Mercury-retrograde (which ended the 25th) had a whee of a time affecting your life. I hope all the work drama smooths out and doesn't affect you too much.

                Star - I hope you have fun at the conference!

                RE: weight and exercise - I heard the end of an interview with a doc who has done a lot of research about weight - he is tracking a genetic component that controls appetite. His bottom line, even for people who are very heavy, is baby steps, and to target a small weight loss. He said that even people with diabetes and other complications see a big change in their numbers with just some weight loss. As far as eating: most things in moderation; avoid overdoing simple carbs, eat as 'clean' as you can. Sounded pretty good! I worry about my SD, as she is an all-or-nothing kind of gal, and she pushed herself so hard earlier in the fall that when she 'fell off the wagon' she went whole-hog the other way. Between that and tremendous pressure at work, an underlying issue is spiraling out of control. I'm not the one to talk about balance!! But it would be a nice skill to learn. I guess ODAT is really it - maybe baby steps and ODAT when it comes to food and exercise...

                Had SD here over the weekend; tried to do as much putting the yard and garden to bed as I could while the weather was good. HB came home for Sat night, then I got ready for the pet sitter, and we drove back to NY together, and then I trained home yesterday and worked until late after I arrived. This morning I took sweet girl dog to the vet for a surgery - last Thursday they found a tumor in her mouth that I had been suspecting, but couldn't see. So crossing fingers for a safe procedure for her. Glad I have the ability to stay close to her the next few days - Sunday it's another overnight in NYC. (This is getting a little old, and still 5 weeks to go, oh well...)

                I'll try to pop in more regularly. I may have to go to the doc and ask about a possible return of Lyme...can't tell if this malaise, joint pain, vision issues and headaches are change-of-weather/season related, or maybe the old virus kicking up again.

                Dill - keep on with your walking while you can! I need to get out there too. Greetings to Fly and all -


                  Hi Cyn,
                  Hope your doggie is OK
                  You have to wonder how much they understand when they go through these things. Wishing her a speedy recovery.
                  Have you had Lymes come back & attack you? YB had it 13 years & I swear he's been bizarre ever since. Get checked & back on the antibiotics if needed. Take care of yourself, don't worry about everyone else!

                  I got to see the dentist at 10 am & yes indeed I have a problem - a dead root in one tooth. Happened practically overnight - weird. He opened it up, cleaned it out & put on a temporary. Lucky me gets to go back, after one week on an antibiotic 7 have a root canal done

                  My daughter & granddaughter came for a visit which was a good distraction. We went to the Amish market & bought pumpkins - yay!

                  Hope everyone has a good night
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Good morning...

                    I am so tired, fell asleep at eight and slept till 5:30 but still need more. It is definitely the change of weather, dropped about 40 degrees here. Fall is on the way.

                    Dill, I hear you, I need to exercise too and eat less. I found a great new book by Joan Borychenko about eating plant-plus but more about how everyone is different and has different needs and diet to be healthy. So, trying to stay away from bad carbs, period. Halloween celebration at work today with lots of bad food, darn. But, just one meal. It is hard I know. Walking is the best, have fun outside. I never drank at conferences, always looked for a pool and hot tub to relax in. This trip will be so rushed, no time for anything but work. I like being able to leave the office and do different things.

                    Lav, so sorry about the tooth, ouch. You are lucky to have an immediate appointment to get that taken care of.

                    Cyntreegirl, good to hear from you, you are always pretty busy. Take care of yourself and feel better.

                    Have a good hump day ladies!


                      Good morning friends!

                      Feeling much better after a solid night's sleep - yay!
                      I took 800 mg of Motrin before I went to bed - did the trick

                      I am skipping my Curves trip this morning because bouncing around at the moment doesn't seem like a good idea. I'll be on little boy watch from 3-8pm so I'm saving energy!

                      Greetings to Star, Dill, Papmom, Cyn, Fly & everyone. Have a nice AF Hump day everyone!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Morning all -

                        Lav - glad you figured out the tooth thing, but root canal? Ouch! Save your energy for this afternoon, 3 - 8 sounds like a long time to me. Hope the younger guy keeps his pants on!

                        Star - I'll look at the food book you mentioned, sounds interesting. Glad you got some rest; hope you can get more -

                        Greetings Dill and Pap and all else -

                        Brought girl dog home; she has a huge collar on because of one of the surgery sites. Not happy. Pretty tough night, I ended up dragging out my sleeping bag and sleeping next to her to calm her down. Trying to figure out how to minimize the use of steps, and have moved furniture so that she can navigate the house. And the healing time before sutures come out? 14 days! No doggy door use with that collar on, so....guess who'll be staying close to home for a while.

                        Hope all have a Happy Hump Day!


                          Evening all!

                          Lav-so glad you were able to get that tooth taken care of-sounded very painful! I will finally be able to get to the dentist in the new year to see just how bad my teeth have gotten in 4 years. They don't feel bad or look bad except for some brown staining and the herditary yellowing but I'm sure some work will have to be done. By january I'll be off the Brilanta and my flex spending account will be active again. I decided to have the maximum taken out this year to cover dental work and new glasses. It's going to be tough to see the decrease in my paycheck but there is no choice. I do have dental insurance-up to $1000 a year with no deductable I don't think. 2015 will be a year of big changes I think-even more than 2014!!

                          Cyn-oh gosh I hope it isn't Lyme come back to bug you. But if a round of antibiotics will help then maybe its a good thing. Lesser of all evils? How is your pup doing tonite? I feel your pain about the collar-Mickey had to wear one for a month after his eyelid surgery. I had to keep him crated most of the time because he was a master at figuring out how to rub his eye even with the collar on! Hope your girls fares better. did you have a path report done to make sure they got it all and if it was malignant? So very scary!! Will be sending lots of pings your way.

                          Star-have a great time at your conference. It may be all work but hopefully it will be very energizing as well. A change of scenery is always a good thing! Fitting exercise in on a regular basis is very hard. I'm not a morning person so I can't do the 5 am thing. I do my stuff after work. It means more time away from the boyz and housework/other projects suffer but I have to do this for myself so that I can be around when it's finally time to retire. I have no intention of death being my retirement.

                          Dill-I had my DD on L-Theanine for a while to calm him down. Certainly did make him sleepier LOL!! No matter how tired I am at the end of the day, I just can't fall asleep so I rely heavily on Ambien. Nothing else has ever helped, including Alteril, 5HTP, melatonin etc. Its been a lifesaver for me but I yearn for the day when I will have a month of so to myself (no work) and can retrain my body to fall asleep naturally. I'm so close with all the exercise and good eating but just can't quite fall over the edge.

                          So tomorrow is the day problem girl is supposed to return. I never have any betting luck but my money is on not seeing her until at least Monday. She has some vacation time left but not a lot. If she does show up tomorrow, I'm glad my day is chock full of meetings. I also have my annual mammogram at 8 am which means I won't get to work until about 10. Tonite I had planned to run with the ladies but no one showed up. I did 30 minutes of strength training followed by 30 minutes of wogging. Then when I got home I put together a fish "meatloaf" for LM. Will only last 2 days and then more cooking. I'm hoping that on Sunday I'll be able to whip up a ton of meals to last at least a month.
                          I threw out the bag of fluids as it was over 10 days old. I'll get a new one tomorrow nite before water bootcamp. I need to get going on tracking down a source for 500 ml bags as well as some ultra thin walled needles.
                          LM was caught on tape yesterday (literally!) climbing over his baby gate. No jumping, climbing. Today I thought I was being clever and shut the door. I came home to the bottom 1/3 of an over the door shoe caddy in shreds and with blood on it. LM apparently didn't like the closed door either! He stays very close to me these days which is unusual for him. He's always been pretty independent and NEVER had a separation anxiety issue after his first year with me. This is quite new after 11 years. I guess he gets the run of the kitchen/bedroom area now. Makes me sadder than ever that I can't be home with them more.
                          Friday nite I'm going to a professional production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Robe with my sister and a friend. Dinner out beforehand. Big nite out for Papmom!! Think I'll wear a skirt (if my sister is OK with that-it was her skirt!)!!
                          Have a great day tomorrow and remember we change the clocks this weekend!!
                          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                          KO the Beast!!


                            papmom3, thanks for the reminder about the clocks; ugh, days get shorter, and that affects my mood, that's for sure. I don't care if you call it S.A.D. or what; maybe something has to do with the Vitamin D decrease. Fall and winter is supposed to be a time to recharge your body and relax but just too long and too cold. It is a good thing I don't live any further north, hats off to the Canadians and Alaskans; if YOU can make it through the winter without drinking, I sure have ZERO excuse!

                            Papmom3, I think insomnia goes hand in hand with depression and anxiety; I know my aunt used to take Ambien and she said it didn't necessarily help her sleep but it put her in a relaxed state of unawareness. She would do things (sleepwalk, eat in the middle of the night) that she did not remember the next day. I take melatonin, despite the warnings it is not to be used for 'long term', but it knocks me out; doesn't necessarily KEEP me asleep but I get pretty drowsy within 45 minutes.

                            Well, good luck with your stock pile of dinners. Fish meatloaf; that sounds very interesting and healthy! Unfortunately, I live in a part of the country that relies heavily on farmed beef. Fish is expensive and generally processed. However, my neighbor brought me two whole trout back from a fishing trip. They are in my freezer, just waiting to be pulled out, heads / tails cut off, and I guess batter them just like I would chicken strips? He said he fries his but I don't have success frying. I will bake them.
                            Constant relapsing is soul destroying.
                            I cherish my soul, it is the most important thing to me in the world. I cherish my soul even on th bad days. This is why I do not drink.


                              Good morning...

                              It is pretty cold here, in the thirties, brrrrrrr. I miss my old house with a gas fireplace! Had another pretty good day at work yesterday, hope today goes well too. I took tomorrow off for Halloween, so looking forward to a three day weekend. No nice weather for Halloween, but what can you do? Will definitely have to get out my winter work clothes this weekend. My cat is driving me crazy, waking me up for canned food that I started giving her am and pm. Grrrrrr. I am going to have to switch it to only at night. Darn. I want to be good to her as she is the only one, but waking me up at 4:30 a.m. is not acceptable. Pets, sometimes they are like kids.

                              Pap, sorry your baby is missing you and being naughty. I know you love your babies. Dinner and a play/musical sounds fun. Exercising at night is going to be something I have to start soon. We have a workout room close by so I need to start out slow. So boring though.

                              Lav, Curves sounds more fun to me. I just need to rest a bit for now though. Running around every weekend and working all week has tired me out. I am grateful for my new job, love the work and the people. An extra day off will be a treat.

                              Roadside, welcome, post anytime. Hello to Cyntree and Dill.

                              To all, have a great day.


                                Good morning friends & happy Thursday to all

                                I'm feeling a lot more human today & the facial swelling is almost gone. Honestly, I looked a bit like a zombie or something of that nature, LOL.

                                Papmom, We've always had good dental insurance & I go on a regular basis. This death of a root thing happens quickly & with no warning the dentist said & I believe him
                                I hope you can get your insurance squared away & get in for a checkup. Where have you been buying your medical supplies for the dogs? You may be able to get what you need (with a proper Rx) from a home care supplier such as:
                                Trusted Medical Supply Store Carrying Discount Syringes, Bacteriostatic Water, Medical Supplies, Disposable Syringes and Diabetic Supplies - EastCoastMedicalSupply - Home

                                Hello Roadside, nice to see you here

                                Star, you better bundle up! I hear that cold air is due to arrive here on Sunday. Oh well, it had to happen eventually.
                                I hope we can finally get the garlic planted before things freeze up. I'm following the Amish farmer's advice to wait until Halloween - he should know I hope you enjoy your 3 day weekend, sounds nice!

                                Greetings to Dill, Cyn, Fly & anyone stopping by today.
                                I am going to focus on work this morning & a pot of mushroom soup this afternoon - yum.
                                Have a great AF Thursday everyone!

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

