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sat 11th

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    sat 11th

    mornin all ..and how are we today?fine frosty morning over here..sun is shining, so all is what are we all up to today then?we are off to Manchester later,big chinese meal then on to watch a comedy show....and then up at 4am...couldnt imagine doing that after being on the razzle any more..tho tbh I have done in the past..makes you wonder ,how many times have we driven the morning after ignorant of the fact we were still over!
    tea and cawffee on the go yersel.

    hiya ppqp...hows you ?long weekend???this boss thingy has gone to your head!!!you should be there ...finger on the pulse poised for action in the event of any untoward circumstances..sounds good ..means nowt!!here have a brew instead and have a grand loooooonnnnnngggg weekend!

    hi det...never really felt like dog crap..but take your word for it matey!!so after a shedful of garlic n vits how do you feel today?hopefully better

    hiya Lav...hows you today?and hows the lumberjack doing?did you get the garlic in ..or were you too busy directing wood chopping ops:friendly_wink:bbt then?any plans for the weekend embroidery,gardening enforced kid watching?whatever you do have a good one.

    hiya sl...hows you?all grand..that is apart from eejits..yeehah home from home eejits bampots divvies, bamsticks tubes,heedcases..there you go ..just upped your jockanese insults for you!!glad things are on the move for your daughter tho it may be slow.still nae bevvy thoughts?

    hiya Sam...hows you then ?all good..hope the shindig goes well..yep tiles off the wall..sold it well!no moaning fact I got a "good idea..times moving on"there is obviously a catch somewhere..gonna get stung for something!!!

    hiya are you today?2 years plus now..what are you up to this weekend?

    hiya dtd..hows the Cape today then?anything planned for the weekend?as long asits a good one thats all that matters....

    right is that it? got ebberybuddy ?big shout to those not here....c yawl.

    I came home from work early to find my wife without any clothes on.

    "What are you doing?" I asked.

    "Erm... I thought we could have a bit of fun," she replied. "Let's play naked hide and seek."

    "You're on!" I said, stripping as I ran upstairs. "I'll hide first!"

    I went into our bedroom and opened the wardrobe door. My mate Dave was sat there in the nude.

    "I'm really sorry, mate," he said.

    "Don't worry," I giggled. "I'll hide under the bed!"

    I'm facing the sack at work, because according to them, I'm "The worst accountant the company's ever had." And I "Haven't got a fecking clue about numbers."

    Yeah, whatever. It's nothing I haven't heard befive.

    The British man who was jailed for homesexual acts in Morocco describes prison as horrendous.

    "Guards wearing white socks with black trousers, non organic produce in the canteen, last seasons prison wear and the absence of mens skin care products at the prison shop. It was a never ending nightmare."

    I was just changing a lightbulb and thought.....
    "This jokes going to be crap!"

    A girl brought me back to her place.

    After a few glasses of wine, she asked, "You want to go to bed?"

    "Yeah, sounds great," I replied, walking up the stairs. "See you in the morning."

    Irony: having a coke machine reject your dollar bill for it being rolled up to many times.

    Two blondes suddenly got into bird hunting and were eager to try it out for themselves. They had read that a birddog is a great and useful accessory in bird hunting, so they decided to go to the pet shop and buy one. They asked for a well-trained birddog, and got one. The two blondes immediately went to the woods to try it out. The dog didn't work. No matter how hard they tried, it just didn't follow their commands. They became really frustrated and one of the blondes said to her companion, “Okay, we'll give him one more try. We'll throw him in the air one more time and if he doesn't fly, we're taking him back to the store!”

    Q: Why did God create man before woman?

    A: He needed a rough draft before he made a final copy.

    Lem: "I got fired from my job as a bank guard."
    Clem: "That's awful. What happened?"
    Lem: "Well, a thief came in, and I drew my gun. I told him that if he took one more step, I'd let him have it."
    Clem: "What did the thief do then?"
    Lem: "He took one more step, so I let him have it. I didn't want that stupid gun anyway."


    The bumper sticker on your car reads: "What Would Dawson Do?"
    In the middle of an exam, you tell the professor you want to use a lifeline.
    You need to be tranquilized when the cable goes out.
    In the late evening, you look forward to sitting back and catching the latest informercial.
    If you're a witness to an argument, you instinctually shout, "Jer-ry! Jer-ry! Jer-ry!"
    You try to impress the opposite sex by saying, "Hey, I get 120 channels!"
    Your entire CD collection consists of "Greatest Hits" albums by the decade.
    You have a gold-plated "clicker."
    Your intellectual discussions all stem from The Discovery Channel.
    After 15 minutes of work, you need a two-minute break.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Morning all
    quick check in here, off to market (not to buy a fat pig) in the rain. Should prove to be a pain in the ass to be sure. Not looking forward to it. Mick, thanks for the brew, glad you met no harm in the tile decision! Hope everyone has a great Saturday.
    Liberated 5/11/2013


      Good morning Abbers,

      Sitting here with coffee & my laptop & haven't done a damn thing yet today - who cares anyway?
      It's dark, chilly & damp out just like Sam said, yuck.

      Hi there Mick!
      I haven't planted the garlic yet - think I'm going to hold on to it until the end of the month. My Amish farmer friend gave me some good pointers
      No plans for the weekend yet, we shall see what develops.
      Hope your weekend is fabulous!

      Stay dry out there Sam. I hear it's not even going to hit 60 today. Sounds like fall to me!
      Hope you have a decent market day

      Greetings to everyone else. TT, hope you are having a good post anniversary day
      Hope you feel better very soon Det!

      Time to go refill my coffee cup!
      Have a great AF Saturday everyone.

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        MAE ALL...

        Mick...sounds like a lovely day out. Enjoy. Thanks for the brew and kicking us off. Lav says stay dry out there.

        Lav...sounds like you're having a lovely morning and you're right....who cares.

        Lazing this morning too. Off to see my Dad later and then pick up Turkey Dinner supplies.

        Have a Super AF Saturday all and all to come....:smug:PPQP
        Last edited by porqoui; October 14, 2014, 06:20 AM.


          Hi folks - just letting you know its Sunday here and I have posted the new thread! But you relax and enjoy your saturday!


            Holy Moly - signed in to look for the thread and found it was already tomorrow, still have so much to do so will stick in the here and now for the present.
            Well, managed my run training - the distances are being increased and I am managing - I am doing so much better than when I started, I am pretty surprised!
            Took girls riding and went on my walk - so an almost two mile run and a seven mile walk today - am pooped! Have not been sleeping well for a couple weeks,and I hope I will have worn myself out.
            Girls have a riding show tomorrow, so running around like a chicken with my head cut off (sorry Lav) trying to get the chores done. The rule is usually horses one day a week, and they don't have lessons on show weeks, but for two weeks in October I mucked up and they ride on Saturdays and show on Sundays - I will never catch up! Relax and enjoy - funny TT! no hope of that!!
            Have meeting with the educational person on Monday to get the results of girl #1's testing - dreading it. She does say the new medication is a world of difference, so here's hoping. Girl #2 is finishing first quarter with one A+ and all the rest A's - chalk and cheese for sure!
            Hot and dry here still - would like some of the cool and a lot of the rain if you would be so kind - 82 today and that is a break for us! Back to 90"s tomorrow - forecast does say 75 on Wed.....we will seelease:
            OK - washer is making that funny tune that says work to do - hate that noise! Better go unload and nag :cuss:
            “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


              late night greetings ABeroooos!

              didn't feel well this morning but managed to pry my ass out early and go do a fun shoot with the guys which was nice.
              feeling better tonight happy to say. it helps that it's 90 days AF today. there's hope for me by jove!

              SL, good to hear the positive news on your girls

              be well peeps

              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)

