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tues 14th Oct

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    tues 14th Oct

    mae all...and how are you today?all good hopefully....the sleep fairy landed for me last night..went to bed at 9....slept thru till 6 this morn ...Im out early the next 3 days .....Manchester stuck in all the mad traffic!!,plus the weather has got its nasty head on today!!did some more tile removing in the kitchen yesterday and took the extractor unit out too...things are on the move...
    ok lets see what we are up to...

    tea and coffee on the go....

    hiya tt..hows you today?had a good one?did the sleep fairy land your way?did you manage any kip?yes like you ..I get disappointed on here when people leave,fail and things like that..I remember someone telling me that would happen..the bottom line is tho..I came here to get clean and stay clean...they all think Im a much nicer???person than before and to me thats what counts,I also like to help others as I was helped...if they choose to ignore ,go their own way do their own thing thats fine by me ....crack on with it..and underneath I guess we all feel much of a muchness.

    hiya Lav...hows you?now then ...why would you sow your finger up? :smug:bbt you go..just sorting out my planting for next year now...definitely tomatoes "Rio Grande"they were gorgeous..anyone ever grown black or other types of toms?
    any pelans for today?

    hiya Sam....hows you ..hows the hoop bending going?wodd it not be easier to make them out of pvc water pipe with a horizontal retaining bar to retain the bend?thats if you are starting from scratch...

    hiya SL.....take it easy......yep there is a lot to take in,and a lot to think about...but just slow down a wee bit...def not trying to tell you how to run you life ...but those wee wheels in your brain are strarting to speed up..and pretty soon theres a chance youll be at f.ckit .com and the door will start to creep open for the booze monster to creep have done really well..we all think that here ...and Im sure your daughters have noticed the change..we all know of people who let the brain go into spin cycle with everything thats going on..and then its goodnight vienna...dont be one of them...see the nurse and midwives over here went on strike yesterday...first time the way congrats to your daughter on getting those rosettes..

    hiya are you doing my friend?all good?hows Mrs Det today?glad she is on the least she has got someone to rely on....not a gibbering wreck talking garbo!!good on you .

    hiya ppqp..long weekend?happy Canada day yesterday...its back to reality now...but tis a short week!!

    right folk for the ofski now..take it easy and have a good one...

    The South African justice system really is something else.

    I wouldn't be surprised if Reeva Steenkamp's parents end up having to pay for a new bathroom door.

    I saw a man drop a £20 note on the floor so I did what every good citizen would do.

    And checked that it was real before putting it in my pocket.

    How do you confuse a Jamaican butcher?

    Go in his shop and ask for a large joint.

    Monday morning - NHS stage four hour strike.

    Monday afternoon - Tories congratulate themselves on reducing A and E waiting times.

    A dad sees his son swatting a honeybee. He says, "For that, no honey for a month. The next day, he sees his son killing a butterfly. He says, "For that no butter for a month." The next day, he sees his wife kill a cockroach. The son says, "Dad you want to tell her or should I?"

    What's the difference between a woman's argument and a knife?
    The knife has a point.

    A woman is preparing a French dinner for her parents and sends her husband out to buy some fresh snails. The husband buys the snails then pops into the pub for a quick drink. One thing leads to another and he stays for a few rounds, so many in fact, that by the time he leaves it's nine in the evening. Realizing he's extremely late the husband runs home, pours the snails over the path leading to his house, then he rings the bell. His furious wife opens the door. 'Where the hell have you been?' she screams. The husband waves back to the snails, 'Come on, lads!' he shouts 'We're nearly there!

    An old woman walked into an antique store and looked at a diamond necklace in a glass cabinet. Suddenly, she let out a fart. She coughed, trying to disguise it, because a shop assistant was walking by. She then called the assistant over and asked how much the necklace was.

    The assistant replied, "If you just farted looking at it you'll sh.t yourself when I tell you the price!"

    Four Husbands are at the lobby waiting for the nurse to tell them about the babies their wives gave birth to. The nurse walks up to the first man and says: Congratulations your wife gave birth to twins! The man says: That's odd, because I work at a restaurant called 2 cities. The nurse walks up to the second man and says: Congratulations your wife gave birth to triplets! The man says: Thats weird because I work at a factory called 3 continents. The nurse walks up to the third guy and says: Congratulations your wife gave birth to Quadruplets! The man says: Thats very odd, because I work at the four seasons hotel! The fourth man starts crying. One of the men says: What's wrong? The fourth man responds: I work at 7up..

    You might be a redneck if your mobile home has more miles than your car.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Nice wee thread that we had yesterday on Monday – see we can help each other. And also others (like Pie – where are you Pie?) who want to join the coterie.

    Hell, have I had an exhausting day. Scream! Ugghhh!! Blah blah blah (feel better now!). Again not exhausting in a satisfying way – but that's the way of the job sometimes. I did manage to get away to the hairdressers – at least I have some hair to spend money on. But I was very impatient – didn't feel like sitting there while things were being done. Silly old me.

    Mick – yes, isn’t it great when we have time with the Sleep Fairy. I have been trying to train myself to just wake up a little bit later than I was a few months back. I find if I get that extra half hour or so – I am in a better frame of mind. You take care on your early mornings – guess it will be frosty where you are too.

    SL – I am sure the money will be well spent and you are right to spend this into your daughter. And there is so much to take in – for her and for you. But Who knows what may happen once she gets some help – as she is a very intelligent young woman. That's a blessing. I know a woman with a learning disability who learned ways to work with it and in fact to use her way of seeing the world, to her advantage. She eventually ended up with a PhD and now helps a lot of young women (through a paid career) – in her area of expertise.

    Glad that you are calmer Det – sounds like a Face to Face group would be a good idea for you – especially with winter on its way. Look after your Missus!

    Hope the week is going well for you PPQP and you enjoyed the celebration.

    Lav – did you actually sew through your finger? Or have you? My sister did once and had to be rushed to the ER. (except we called it Casualty here in those days. Mick and SL will recall the days when it was called Casualty – and there was a TV show called this too).

    Hi there also Sam – long nights ahead I guess. I agree that the AA experience must have a lot to do with the nature of the local group or groups. Yes, I was really put off by my encounters with AA – there was also a breach of confidentiality that shocked me in one group. From a well meaning and kind woman but the way she just let this out – I knew that anonymity would not be kept. Another group I tried was really against any medication including anti-depressants. But I think it was the religious flavour that I couldn’t take – despite the arguments that the Higher Power is whatever we make it. And I am uncomfortable with dogmatic and rigid disease models of alcohol addiction. I think there is a learned and progressive process for many (not all) of us.

    Better toddle off – I am going to try to watch a DVD tonight – some old Wallander episodes (this is the Swedish series) that I haven’t seen. My daughter has taken to teasing me about my Scandinavean obsession. Its becoming a family joke (used to be Moose jokes but we are over that).

    You all have a good Tuesday and stay warm – although DTD – if you are reading this – I bet its warm in South Africa. Which part do you live in?


      morning all!
      Well we went from the dreary cool weather to the dreary steam bath, warmed up a bit but the clouds won't go away.
      Guess it is still cleaning up my disaster zone. May get in to work a bit as well, can't anything be done outside that's for sure.

      Mick, thought about pvc pipe but decided to do metal, felt like it was stronger. Didn't take long to bend the pipes. What takes the longest for me to do anything is taking that first step.

      Morning TT, Yes, the confidentiality thing was definitely an issue. I live in a pretty small community, so I rather expected that would be the case. Still all in all I did see people being helped so I placed as one of those things that works for some, not for me. I found when I decided to get myself sober that finding this site was a god-send.

      Off to feed animules!!

      Sam I am
      Liberated 5/11/2013


        Good morning Abbers,

        Happy Tuesday to all! Getting a slow start here, not my fault the sun refuses to shine

        Thanks for the coffee Mick, it's helping!
        I have grown some oddball veggies in my garden - black tomatoes, yellow cherry tomatoes, white eggplant..... They break up the boredom, that's for sure
        Hope you have a good 'destructive kitchen day'.

        Hi there TT!
        I am likely getting some hair cut today as well - always improves my attitude
        I did manage to get a finger in the way of those fast moving needles a few years ago. My machines have a built-in safety feature - they stop when hit something hard like the side of the hoop or the bones of a finger, LOL Retired nurse Lav took care of it without a trip to the ER.

        Greetings to PQ, Det, SL & everyone - hope you all have a fantastic day.
        Time to turn those machines on & get some work done.
        Be well everyone!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Yes...I know I need to be here more often. Woke up feeling quite know that great anxiety feeling. Seems just like when we get my son back on track with school he falls off again. I need to look into getting him a tutor. I barely understand the material, much less be able to help him with it. Hubby tries, but ends up completely frustrated, son gets frustrated.......and then we are all an emotional wreck. I am taking my son back to get tested for ADD. He shows all the signs, but hubby is fighting me on it. I am not a fan of putting him on medication....but, we need to get some solutions or this is going to be a constant struggle. And its not good for me son. I really feel for my son because he will try so hard.....and get back that he did the entire project wrong. When we try to explain what needs to be done.....he tells us we are all wrong. And they cycle just goes over and over again. Too boot I can tell my son leans in my direction of having issues with anxiety. I have started doing yoga with him and he loves it..but it doesn't fix the school situation. Anyways....that is my poor me rant today.


            Oops, TT, your question reminded me that Sam has asked a similar one a couple of days ago, and that I haven't answered. Can't remember all Sam's questions, but yes, Saffa born and bred, lived in Botswana for about 9 years, and returned here about three years ago, to a part of the country that I'd only visited for holidays and work. At times it felt as if I was in a whole new country - new weather patterns, winter rainfall, no thunderstorms... Just speaking my home language (Afrikaans) on a daily basis again, took some getting used to.

            I'm in the Western Cape, TT, about 100 km from Cape Town. Wine country...

            Have a lovely day/night, all of you!
            14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


              All of New Zealand is. wine country! Apart from in the alps although we grow wine in very cold places too.


                MAE ALL...

                Mick...thanks for kicking us off this morning. So that's where the sleep fairy went. Defo wasn't at my house. Been tired all day, but hey ho I'm home now and it'll be an early night for me.

                TT....can sure relate to those days. Hope your evening was peaceful, tomorrows another day.

                Sam...hope the weather improved for you. They're calling for rain tomorrow, of course just as our sod order is delivered.

                Lav...hope you had a productive day.

                SF...boy I'd be anxious too if I had to deal with all that. Hope you can get things sorted. Stick these in your pocket :angel: PPP :angel:

                DTD...hope you had a good day.

                Greetings to all I didn't mention by bane. I'm off to put the chicken noodle soup on and make the grilled cheese sandwiches. Easy light dinner and bed. Have a peaceful evening all....:happy2:PPQP


                  Thanks...PPQ. Came home tonight and "all of a sudden" he got the material. This is ongoing for us.

                  There are just somethings I cannot post openly about here. However, I was able to see a doc today and I really think we are on the right track. It is part of why I have been quiet around here. And as much as I would love to be an open book....I can't right now.


                    Quick check in - trip to psychiatrist tonight and they are increasing her meds as they seem to be working but not enough.
                    Still struggling but hopefully things will come out on the other side.
                    SF - not sure if I can help - this is what I have been going thru with my daughter - she was diagnosed with ADHD 8 years ago, but finding out that she has been on wrong treatment regime (I also tried no meds to begin with, but she needs them for school). My recent posts are about the struggles I have been having for last year and a half now she is in high school and failing - and school does not seem at all concerned!!!
                    It seems we are having similar struggles. How old is your son?
                    Sorry - really is a fly by (again) - just checking in here to stay on straight and narrow......I don't intend to fall off Mick...
                    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"

