ok lets see what we are up to...
tea and coffee on the go....
hiya tt..hows you today?had a good one?did the sleep fairy land your way?did you manage any kip?yes like you ..I get disappointed on here when people leave,fail and things like that..I remember someone telling me that would happen..the bottom line is tho..I came here to get clean and stay clean...they all think Im a much nicer???person than before and to me thats what counts first..now,I also like to help others as I was helped...if they choose to ignore ,go their own way do their own thing thats fine by me ....crack on with it..and underneath I guess we all feel much of a muchness.
hiya Lav...hows you?now then ...why would you sow your finger up? :smug:bbt ..here you go..just sorting out my planting for next year now...definitely tomatoes "Rio Grande"they were gorgeous..anyone ever grown black or other types of toms?
any pelans for today?
hiya Sam....hows you ..hows the hoop bending going?wodd it not be easier to make them out of pvc water pipe with a horizontal retaining bar to retain the bend?thats if you are starting from scratch...
hiya SL.....take it easy......yep there is a lot to take in,and a lot to think about...but just slow down a wee bit...def not trying to tell you how to run you life ...but those wee wheels in your brain are strarting to speed up..and pretty soon theres a chance youll be at f.ckit .com and the door will start to creep open for the booze monster to creep in...you have done really well..we all think that here ...and Im sure your daughters have noticed the change..we all know of people who let the brain go into spin cycle with everything thats going on..and then its goodnight vienna...dont be one of them...see the nurse and midwives over here went on strike yesterday...first time ever...by the way congrats to your daughter on getting those rosettes..
hiya Det...how are you doing my friend?all good?hows Mrs Det today?glad she is on the mend...at least she has got someone to rely on....not a gibbering wreck talking garbo!!

hiya ppqp..long weekend?happy Canada day yesterday...its back to reality now...but tis a short week!!
right folk for the ofski now..take it easy and have a good one...
The South African justice system really is something else.
I wouldn't be surprised if Reeva Steenkamp's parents end up having to pay for a new bathroom door.
I saw a man drop a £20 note on the floor so I did what every good citizen would do.
And checked that it was real before putting it in my pocket.
How do you confuse a Jamaican butcher?
Go in his shop and ask for a large joint.
Monday morning - NHS stage four hour strike.
Monday afternoon - Tories congratulate themselves on reducing A and E waiting times.
A dad sees his son swatting a honeybee. He says, "For that, no honey for a month. The next day, he sees his son killing a butterfly. He says, "For that no butter for a month." The next day, he sees his wife kill a cockroach. The son says, "Dad you want to tell her or should I?"
What's the difference between a woman's argument and a knife?
The knife has a point.
A woman is preparing a French dinner for her parents and sends her husband out to buy some fresh snails. The husband buys the snails then pops into the pub for a quick drink. One thing leads to another and he stays for a few rounds, so many in fact, that by the time he leaves it's nine in the evening. Realizing he's extremely late the husband runs home, pours the snails over the path leading to his house, then he rings the bell. His furious wife opens the door. 'Where the hell have you been?' she screams. The husband waves back to the snails, 'Come on, lads!' he shouts 'We're nearly there!
An old woman walked into an antique store and looked at a diamond necklace in a glass cabinet. Suddenly, she let out a fart. She coughed, trying to disguise it, because a shop assistant was walking by. She then called the assistant over and asked how much the necklace was.
The assistant replied, "If you just farted looking at it you'll sh.t yourself when I tell you the price!"
Four Husbands are at the lobby waiting for the nurse to tell them about the babies their wives gave birth to. The nurse walks up to the first man and says: Congratulations your wife gave birth to twins! The man says: That's odd, because I work at a restaurant called 2 cities. The nurse walks up to the second man and says: Congratulations your wife gave birth to triplets! The man says: Thats weird because I work at a factory called 3 continents. The nurse walks up to the third guy and says: Congratulations your wife gave birth to Quadruplets! The man says: Thats very odd, because I work at the four seasons hotel! The fourth man starts crying. One of the men says: What's wrong? The fourth man responds: I work at 7up..
You might be a redneck if your mobile home has more miles than your car.