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Sunday AF 19 October

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    Sunday AF 19 October

    Morning everyone – tea and coffee courtesy of Pingu! Crepes coming up. Hope you are all enjoying the weekend despite the stress and busy-ness of the week. I think I am starting to get the hang of the new site – even had a bit of a nose around the other threads. Its much easier than the old one and so lovely not have spam. I see that some of the old regulars are also now coming back on the other threads.

    Well Mick the theatre we went to was not a normal one as such – it was in a warehouse by the sea – you know the kind where you pay to freeze to death. But it was a play by Pinter (the Catetaker) – so the atmosphere was appropriate. For those who don’t know Pinter was a British playright known as part of the post-war Realist group – wrote a lot about real people, down and outs and social issues. This play was set in the 1950s/1960s. To continue with my British nostalgia theme yesterday I went into a UK Import store (full of crappy processed food) and bough some Jaffa Tarts (for one of my daughter’s friends) and a can of Irn Bru for my partner (just for an experiment!:eek-new. Then last night watched some youtube clips about ‘Northern Soul’ – a music scene from the 1970s now being revived – and made into a film. Do you know anything about it Mick? Quite cool dancing I think.

    How is the other expat Brit/Scot – on this thread? SL – please be good to yourself:heartbeat: as you go through all this with your daughter. Tutoring every night of the week will be so intense and I know that it will be draining for you (organising meals, transport etc – as well as your own work). I hope your daughter is cooperative – and eventually thankful. My girl is (touch wood) not having major school problems and even then its exhausting – for her and me. When I look back I know my own Mum was hugely supportive to me at high school (meals, hugs, listening to me reading my essays, correcting my English but most of all dealing with my rebellious ways:sad – often when she was very very ill.

    Same to you SF – you are doing great with your children and I can see that being AF makes it so much easier for you. Its great that you have made these work changes – so hang on in there too!

    How are the winterisation plans going Lav? I started summerisation yesterday by buying some new clothes!:sohappy:

    Camping trip sounds great Det. What sort of place are you camping in.

    Pauly – get rid of the beard! Haha – great to see you here. Not too sure what you have been up to but am sure I will catch up.

    Hey there fellow morning person! Yep its great PPQP to wake up and want to jump out of bed and do things. I have been waking up a wee bit later lately though – cos my energy levels faded too early in the day. Today sunny here and birds chirping away. What are you up to over the weekend?

    Hi there also Sam – guess you will be winterising the place too.

    Big hello to all others – Pie, Dream and those who pop in from time to time. I better get moving while the intent is there! You have a great Sunday.

    morn all... how are we at this mad time of the morning?all good....its 3.25 am...must be off my head!!weather doesnt sound too clever out there either..
    hiya you had a "brit" day?I remember having to "do" the caretaker at school...the book that is!!!what did partner think of Scotlands ither national drink?that northern soul is brill....was part of my growing up....Wigan Casino all nighter....keep the faith..even though I lived in jockland,busloads used to come down for it...Im sure there was one in Blackpool too...they re-released all the northern soul music onto it

    hiya pauly ......nice pic on your avatar...whats you up to today.

    hiya Lav...hows you ?too early for a brew?

    ppqp...glad your visit went well..have a great day today

    SL....sent you a pm.....

    hi dtd did the festival(s) go?

    Sam...good market?

    doing this from memory apologies for any miss outs!

    My friend was bleeding, and the first aid book told me to apply pressure.

    So I told him if he didn't stop bleeding right away, he'd die.

    Banned airline items still include forks.

    Which is fair enough - anyone excited enough about airline food to bring their own fork is suspicious in my book.

    Heathrow airport has abandoned its Ebola screening program .
    Its equipment to detect overheated, sweating, hunched up passengers has so far identified everyone arriving on a Ryan Air flight.

    I was watching football in the lounge when I heard my wife say , ' would you like chicken,beef or lamb darling.'
    ' I'll have chicken please, ' I replied.
    ' You're having soup,you fat git ' she said, ' I was talking to the cat. '

    During a funeral.

    The pallbearers accidentally bump into a wall and hear a faint moan. They open the casket and find out that the woman is actually alive. She lives for 10 more years and then dies. There is another funeral for her. At the end of the service, the pallbearers carry out the casket. As they are walking out, the husband cries out, "Watch out for the wall!"

    A kid gets home very distressed.....

    And says "mom everyone at school says that im always distracted"
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


      Caretaker wouldn't be my choice for a School Play - unless they were taking drama as a specialist subject. But then I did Samuel Beckett at school - as well as endless Shakespeare. Actually I liked most of Willie's plays and they were fun to read out! I even acted as Romeo once!


        see the first spam is up!!!chokillian about snide id documents!!!
        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


          My daughter cooked her first pavlova today - served with strawberries and cream - not diet food!


            MAE Abbers! My world is turning at warp speed right now. Just popping in to say hello.



              Good morning Abbers,

              Sunny & chilly here so I've done nothing but sit with my laptop & drain most of a pot of coffee so far
              I hope the caffeine motivates me at some point, ha ha!

              Thanks for the startup TT!
              Sounds like spring is starting off well for you. Enjoy those chirping birdies!

              Mick, hope you day is going well. I don't know what in the world would motivate me to get up at such an ungodly hour.
              Just working around the house & yard today so I'm not in a rush to get started.

              Det, I hope you are camping somewhere warmish. We're getting frost advisories here - brr!

              Greetings to Sam, PQ, SL, SF, Pauly & everyone popping in today!

              Have a wonderful AF day everyone!

              Lav (who is 65 months smoke free today - yay)!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Mae everybody,TT i have been in love with anything Briitsh since i was 10 (except the food)so i can understand your day,i haven't been up to much,Kell's bf got anpther job so i've been watching Louie for fewer days but longer hours,feeling sad cuz youngest is moving to Portland on nov 1(she's the white one in the pic)but i refuse to let myself get too emotional as i did when Michelle left(not in pic)i got so sad over it and she ended up back anyways so it was whining for nothing! i've taken a new approach to things like this,instead of worrying i just try and weigh out how worse it would be if iwere drinking and yes it's worse,so i power through,hope everyone has a nice Sunday
                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                  Oh yeah Lav,the trampoline i bought is just a little one made by little tykes,it has a bar for the kids to hold onto,don't need any broken arms around here! i'm scared of that cuz not only does he use my gut for jumping,he also jumps from couch to couch,i think he's part monkey haha
                  I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                  I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                  Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                    Morning all
                    feeling quite foggy due to lack of sleep. Good market but I pay the piper the next day (today) when I don't come home a take a nap. Instead went to a friends place where some very good music was played by some very talented people. It was great to listen and fumble along! So, looks like it's time to dig sweet potatoes, Jack Frost coming tonight! Lovely fall day and I plan on enjoying it to its fullest!

                    e well friends
                    Liberated 5/11/2013


                      Love pavlova TT - my mum makes great ones!
                      Taught daughter #2 to make chili today - for a chili cook off next weekend.
                      Am hanging in - you summed it up well TT - buying myself a crock pot cook book for winter and we can all scoop supper out when convenient - I have been big on meal times, but it will have to go. Daughter is great about taking this on and seems happier that there maybe success in front of her, so she is more than willing, and maybe even thankful already! Lav - you are right - it will be OK, just have to get there. Mick, got your PM, many thanks - will try and nip in here daily to remind myself and grab some support..
                      No frost advisory's here - more drought doom and gloom - may have a couple days all the way down into 70's next week!!!!
                      “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                        PS - well done on the 65 fag free days Lav, jolly well done!:victorious:
                        “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                          65 MONTHS SL - not 65 days, LOL
                          5 years & 5 months since I fired one up :thumbsup:

                          Crockpot meals are awesome when eating in shifts or on the run. I use mine all year long. I cooked black beans in mine today.

                          I picked a giant basket full of green peppers today & gave the plants to my chickens ~ everyone is happy!
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            I am so sorry Lav! Months was in my mind, but out came days - that keeps happening!!
                            I was just on the internet researching crock-pots - there is a wide range! Anyone have a favorite? - I think it will be the ticket especially in winter - funny I wrote that i would buy a book - think i need the appliance too :congratulatory:- my head keeps overtaking my actions just now - I am 100 paces ahead of my poor old self!
                            “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                              Lav....what supplements do you take? I am curious as to what you recommend. I seem to be having more ups and downs recently. Thanks!

                              I have the book on the way for nutrition/supplements for my son. I think I am going to have the biggest trouble with my husband.....

