Well Mick the theatre we went to was not a normal one as such – it was in a warehouse by the sea – you know the kind where you pay to freeze to death. But it was a play by Pinter (the Catetaker) – so the atmosphere was appropriate. For those who don’t know Pinter was a British playright known as part of the post-war Realist group – wrote a lot about real people, down and outs and social issues. This play was set in the 1950s/1960s. To continue with my British nostalgia theme yesterday I went into a UK Import store (full of crappy processed food) and bough some Jaffa Tarts (for one of my daughter’s friends) and a can of Irn Bru for my partner (just for an experiment!:eek-new

How is the other expat Brit/Scot – on this thread? SL – please be good to yourself:heartbeat: as you go through all this with your daughter. Tutoring every night of the week will be so intense and I know that it will be draining for you (organising meals, transport etc – as well as your own work). I hope your daughter is cooperative – and eventually thankful. My girl is (touch wood) not having major school problems and even then its exhausting – for her and me. When I look back I know my own Mum was hugely supportive to me at high school (meals, hugs, listening to me reading my essays, correcting my English but most of all dealing with my rebellious ways:sad

Same to you SF – you are doing great with your children and I can see that being AF makes it so much easier for you. Its great that you have made these work changes – so hang on in there too!
How are the winterisation plans going Lav? I started summerisation yesterday by buying some new clothes!:sohappy:
Camping trip sounds great Det. What sort of place are you camping in.
Pauly – get rid of the beard! Haha – great to see you here. Not too sure what you have been up to but am sure I will catch up.
Hey there fellow morning person! Yep its great PPQP to wake up and want to jump out of bed and do things. I have been waking up a wee bit later lately though – cos my energy levels faded too early in the day. Today sunny here and birds chirping away. What are you up to over the weekend?
Hi there also Sam – guess you will be winterising the place too.
Big hello to all others – Pie, Dream and those who pop in from time to time. I better get moving while the intent is there! You have a great Sunday.