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mon 20th october

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    mon 20th october

    morn all..hows things today then?all good a bit of work to do today...lift floor tiles up in the kitchen..gas man is coming back to fit a new boiler pump..clean car..its like a bin after the weekend!so I will just say hi the noo and jump back in later on once sorted out....oops just had a will be here in about 10 mins..just enough time to put me happy face on !!!!speak to yawl later:thumbsup:
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Evening all - end of my day as Mick starts his - and others about to as well. Just wanted to share my crock pot story - I made something in it once - so my partner claims it gave him food poisoning. So crock pots banned in this house! Its extremely rare for him to complain about food -so this was serious.
    Cool photo Des.
    I am so tired, had a headache today too - and didn't achieve much. Seem to be lacking in energy. Hope this passes. Well it will.
    Hope all are well and have a great Monday.


      Good morning Abbers,

      I'm on kid duty this morning, oh boy!
      I made a deal with him - keep your pants on & pulled up today & I'll bake some cookies for him later, LOL

      Greeting Mick - you busy guy. Hope all goes well for you!

      TT, I've never, ever poisoned anyone with a crockpot meal - I swear!
      More likely he had a viral infection just like my dad did the year he claimed I poisoned at Thanksgiving dinner. Not one other person got sick that day - just him

      SL, like Det said yesterday - I have one large & one small crockpot. I simmered a half pound of black beans in my small crockpot all day yesterday while I was out & about doing other stuff. Just go to Walmart & buy whatever brand they have like Rival. My large crockpot is 20 years old. I bought it to replace the original than was 20+ years old

      SF, I take a huge variety of supplements - multi-vitamin, extra vit D & E, calcium, etc. But I truly believe the Amoryn is the single most important supplement for me. Some of us just need extra help in the mood stabilizing department. It works & there's no side effects.

      Det, that was one awesome picture cowboy

      Greetings to everyone & sending wishes for a fantastic AF Monday!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Mae everybody,Lav sometimes i bake with Louie and let him pretend he's helping like throwing in some of the ingredients,it keeps him calm for 5 minutes haha,Today is Michelle's b-day,we basically did it over the weekend,hot wings and pizzaa on Sat nite,and brownie/ice cream and presents yesterday,it was a fun couple of days,Louie's new addiction is choco ice cream,usually he doen't cade for ice cream much but the choco i couldn't keep him away! i bought 2 bottles of amoryn awhile back,for t me it made my heart race but i used it for a month anyways
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          I dont know what the hell just happened to that post! it just kind of poof,posted before i was done:exclaim:anyways,amoryn did work for mood but i felt speedy,i then tried only taking one but still the same,now i'm taking something called"mood"by swisse vitamins,i only take 1/2 cuz it has tyrosine in it and that can cause jitters,the 5 htp i was taking pooped out on me,but i have read you need to take breaks off it,everyones different,what i wish i could take is sam e,but it makes me feel weird too,alrighty of to face Monday yoo-hoo
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            Thanks Lav. I am waiting on the Amoryn to arrive. Just popped my multi-vitamin and v-d. I definitely want to work to stay off the prescription meds. I just don't want to get onto something that ends up being a real bitch to get off of. I had a hell of a time getting off of Zoloft years back. And I think it did me more harm than good.

            Pauly...thanks for the input on Amoryn. I certainly will watch for how it affects me. I don't want something that will aggravate my tendency towards anxiety, but anything for anxiety I really can only take at nighttime.

            I am thrilled to be out of corporate america....but, after 25 years it feels unsettling at times. It is hard to explain. Any life change even good ones can kind of knock us off.

            The issues with my son haven't helped. It can be downright exhausting. I am looking forward to the book....and I sent my husband an article on how a person with ADD feels. Hopefully that will give him some insight. He gets upset with my son....and then the fighting starts. Which isn't good for anyone. He just kinda thinks yelling it into him will work...and that isn't the case.

            Yesterday just getting 10 vocabulary words down with my son was an all day event.

            Hope everyone has a great day....I am determined to be somewhat productive today.


              Morning all - Monday has come again!

              8 months today....and as of Nov 1st I will have only had a drink on 6 days in a year!! I am amazed! Never thought I would reach this point.

              Thanks for all the input about slow cookers - I will get that sorted out. First tutoring session tonight, and I am anxious - bit ridiculous really. My silly overactive brain again - already heading into the "what if this doesn't work" state - why can't I live for the moment and be more optimistic in my thinking?? And yes SF - I agree, it is exhausting.

              Does anyone know how to work on the tag line (or signature?) - I have looked a few times and not finding where it is kept or editable?
              “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                hiya everybody....finished finally....tiles off wall,tiles up off floor boarding up off floor ,nails out of floorboards...all tidied and away to the tip..see if I can put some pics warnings are heavy duty...hurricane warning ...eeek hurricane gonzales or some mad name!!from Bermuda...floods high winds ,rain....cant wait for it....

                SL...thought tomorrow was 8 moon for you....?21st..hope all is ok with for the signature...go into your says edit signature..then do what you want with it ..Roberts your mothers brother..big hiya to everyone else

                af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                  job done!!....

                  af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                    MAE ALL...

                    We're having a heat's 23C at 5:15pm. Maybe the snow will forget to come.

                    Mick...thanks for kicking us off and I'm glad you had time to get your happy face on. have been on busy little boy. Great pics, thanks for sharing.

                    TT...hope you got some sleep and that the headache has left.

           did the cookies get made or did the pants come off?

                    Pauly...hope you had a good Monday. BTW Choco is my favorite too.

                    Lav...hope you were somewhat productive today.

                    SF....I'm big on Vit D especially where I live. I can always tell when I'm low, I get into blah moods. Totally agree with the life changes, been there, done that. Good idea on sending the article to hubs, knowledge is power.

                    SL....CONGRATS ON 8 MONTHS Hope your tutoring session goes good tonight and that you were just being silly.

                    Off to heat up leftovers...have a peaceful evening all.....:happy2:PPQP


                      Evening girls & guys

                      Happy to report Will kept his pants on & pulled up all day!!!!! LOL
                      We were out & about for a while so I bought him cookies at the store & he was happy with that reward!
                      Bribes, bribes, bribes ...............when you're raising kids (or just babysitting)

                      Pauly, I never had any problem with Amoryn making me feel wired. I think we agreed that you also have similar effects with caffeine, right? I would definitely not take it if it wired me. I am naturally wired!!!
                      I'm having fun finding out what each grandkid views as fun & rewarding - they're all a little different.

                      SF, I take the Amoryn in the morning then another in the late afternoon, before dinner. It does have some vitamins that could potentially keep you up so I don't take it after 5 pm. Compared to Rx Lexapro, Amoryn has been more effective & just keeps me level headed, calm & does not cause horrendous nightmares or cause any problems when you don't take it. I really hope it helps you as well.
                      As far as yelling at ADD kids - doesn't work! I think it just makes them more confused. My son thrived on one on one attention but that's kind of hard to keep up. Given the right tools these kids will excel, they are usually very intelligent

                      Mick - you sure can make a big mess buddy but you also clean up well!!!!!
                      What are you going to do with the floor?

                      PQ, I've been on 5,000 iu of Vitamin D for a few years - my blood level was low & probably contributed to my osteoporosis.
                      My blood level is good now. Cold here too - I actually turned the heat on today for the first time.

                      SL, CONGRATS on 8 months :yay:

                      Time to watch Dancing with the Stars - Pitt Bull is singing tonight, ha ha
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

