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thursday 24th October

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    thursday 24th October

    mae we are ...hows the world today through your eyes?all good ...??whatever it is...there is always some body worse off somewhere!
    talking to the neighbour last night.....he has got the ants issue too.....might just divert them all into his direction..!!got lots of powders and gel down, so we shall see..apparently pretty common this year because of the weather..oh really?wasnt aware that ants loved swimming!!quite interesting really...with all this going on...somewhere along the lines must have amended my coping the past ,my guess would have been...moan drink drunk moan!!with a large slice of woe is me thrown in!!right on with the show....but first thanks for the collection..much appreciated by someone who is retyred..ok ok I thought it was funny!!!..tea and coffee now available..kindly purchased thru your donations.

    hiya the cop thinks yours was the worst violation he has ever seen?at that price def should have been the best!!clearly hasnt been one of Gotham Citys busiest crimefighters!!hows you today then?thats a bit bad that shooting in Ottowa..couple of points struck me...firstly that there werent more injuries...when the law got that "shot fired"in the Parliament just see them all running and firing at the same time...I counted at least 12 individual returns of fire on the news report...and yet there were people running all over the place in front of the shooters etc..and bearing in mind the fact that a soldier had been killed on Monday last and the state of alert had been raised....maybe there should have been some more appropriate contingency plans in place..the chief of police certainly didnt do a great job of explaining it away at the news conference..
    anyways have grand day at work....heres your brew to take with you.

    hiya Lav..hows you today?what have you been up to then?anything spesh?oh meant to tell ou..on top of all the goings on here..nearly lostmy bougainvillea smart alec here ..thought he was doing really well..misting it and repotting it..checked the leaves..some were geting little red /rust spots on had a look on tinternet .....keep leaves better when I had been doing the complete opposite..!!as for the ants..cant get the stuff you use,but using "Nippon"fingers crossed..seems to be a lot less movement now..whats your plans for today?that is apart from sitting having an antfree brew with me?

    hiya tt...hows you this evening ?all doing fine?just looking at that teasmaid pic you put up...remember having one of them in the dim and distant past..and as I was like the relationship I was in at the time...never worked!!so what are you up to at the mo?house abroad?

    Hi are you?the wee wheels must be whizzing round at the mo..and thats without taking your work into consideration..all the budgeting ,working out finances etc,having to cut the cloth to suit etc..and et you some it all up see my girl smile is all worth it!!and thats a fact,so the utmost respect to you.

    hiya pauly...yeh I couldnt believe it either about the tyres!!sounds like you def had your hands full yesterday!!hows things today then?no that isnt a chrimble cactus..its a lipstick vine...but I have got 2 chrimble of them is 3 years old and flowering like mad..the other one is just a baby one that Im growing on..have a you day today!!

    hiya Sam Det DTD,hope all is well with you folks...time to go...big sign off from the funny farm here!!have a great day.

    If I've learned anything from these ghost hunter shows, it's that everyone speaks English after they die.

    Tonight a friend asked if he could crash on my couch.

    I had to explain to him I was married now and that's where I sleep.

    Getting a big number 45 tattoo on my right shoulder. It'll be my guardian angle

    Doctors are to be paid £55 if they diagnose a patient with dementia.

    I was at the surgery this morning and was diagnosed with Dementia.

    I only went to clean the windows!

    Some guy said to me, "You've got your father's nose."

    I said, "I don't really, it's just my thumb between my fingers."

    What can you jump over that's a hundred feet in the air?

    A dead centipede.

    History remembers Emily Davison, who threw herself in front of the King's horse to become a martyr for the suffragette movement.

    It doesn't remember her husband, however, who didn't get his tea that night.

    The boss of Dulux paints has died of hypothermia while trekking across the Antarctic.

    Medics say he needed a second coat.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Morning Mick! Bougainvilleas might not be the best plants for you: they thrive on neglect. The dementia diagnosis payment really is a joke - couldn't believe it when I read about it (in the papers - not here!)

    Have a great day, all!
    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


      Mae everybody,Mick,seems like none of those gadgets ever work anyways,i.e the tea machine,i've bought so much "as seen on t.v"crap and been utterly dissapointed,the only one i have liked is the "Nuwave"but i've had it a few years so it looks old,plus it takes up so much counter space,i've tried throwing it away but hubs loves it for his convienence foods,i had to laugh at that ghost hunters show joke,i hat those shows,boring,no new car for me PPQP,i wish haha,we drive 'em til they drop,there is no inspection here,only smog check,now when i lived in Utah that was a whole nother story,checked tires,wipers,horn,any cracks in the windshield,put it up in the air to check for rust,all b.s,too many good deals on cars we missed out on cuz of that nonsense,oops gotta get Brady to school be back
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        Morning everyone
        bright sunny am here and heading off to the survey world. Just got finished reading about gunman in Canada. Thought that stuff never happened there, thought that was a US thingy, gun play. I really need to quit looking, makes my holy shit levels go up. Actually found a site the yesterday showing good news, wasn't religious either. I was hoping there was such a thing.

        got my leg pieces for greenhouse cut yesterday, bringing the transit home today to lay it out.

        Mick, thought the greenhouse in the background of your picture was yours.

        Morning DTD, hope you're doing well and enjoying your day.

        Be well good friends
        Liberated 5/11/2013


          Hey Pauly, X post, morning to you.
          Liberated 5/11/2013


            So i just walk through the door and he texts me he feels nauseated and wants to come back home! he didn't say anything in the car,these kids i swear,anyways hello to all,let's have a good Thursday
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              Hi Sam,geah i was shocked about the Canada shooting too,but i guess the shooter has had drug offenses in the past,probly high,i hate the news,i'd rather read tabloids haha
              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                Friday has arrived in the Real World !! and I managed to get the post up before heading off to work. Hope Thursday is going well though


                  Ahoy-hoy ABeroooos!

                  so sore today I'm having trouble walking. egad! it's nice to be debilitated from exercise and not da booze.

                  otherwise working like mad and enjoying sweet potatoes and eggs for breakfast.

                  looks like the CA nutjob was on a religious mission. have no idea how that kind of behaviour is supposed to further
                  his cause...?

                  be well everyone
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    Good evening greetings Abbers,

                    I was up & out early today for a doc appointment. Then my daughter & granddaughter came over soon after I got home & didn't sit down until just now Gotta love a busy day!

                    Waving hello & goodnight all at once. See you in the AM

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Quick zoom in - home from work, making girl @1 supper, then out to tutor. Back here for girl # 2 supper, then back out to get #1 - so glad TT nipped in to remind us that Friday was on the way! Just different zooming coming thou!
                      May see you later - may just fall into bed instead!
                      “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                        I am still waiting for the Amoryn to arrive. I had two great days....and then just down today. Wired too....because I never know what my son will come home with...UGGh! Some days its nothing....other days...."oh I forgot to do this 20 page project due tomorrow".

                        Mick....I think any major life changes affect us. I still wake up on the dot at 6am....thinking I have to be realize....nope....most of my stuff is later in the day. I am sure I will get the run of it. After 25 years of structured 8a-5p (plus some)....just doesn't go away.

                        My schedule now is much more flexible.....I schedule clients when it makes sense for them. And it never, ever seems to be 8am (thank mother of God).

                        Days got away from me....I'll try to be a better poster.


                          SF - if its any consolation its quite normal for young teenagers (and older ones too) to remember at the very last minute to do major assignments. Its a global parental plot!
                          My daughter was exactly the same and she doesn't have any major learning disabilities that I know of. I am in the educational area - and as much as we try to get young people to plan ahead - most don't do this so well . They usually get better with experience - and with tears or anger along the way. But IMO - there is too much emphasis on information overload these days - result of the internet - and many students get overwhelmed and panic. Meanwhile - just know that you are not alone - and its not the students' fault, the parents' fault or the teachers' fault. The very best thing is to try to make sure that learning is enjoyable and it does not become a battleground. That doesn't mean extra help isn't needed at time. You take care!

