right on we go...t n coffee (need to get some more)on the go
hiya tt hows the jollies going..sealions and pengwings?that could be anywhere from the Falkland Islands to Melbourne zoo..not reaaaally a great clue!!no matter where you are enjoy...
woweee pauly.....never seen so much scribe from you..that keyboard mustve been pretty hot!!hows you today then?do you have the kidz at the weekends too?Id go doo lalley if that was me..!!ok ..will put some jokes in for you today....
hiya Lav ..bbt..well did it go to plan yesterday?were you in peace land or was it shattered?kitchen project restarts Monday after this slight interruption!!have a great day.
hiya SL...keep the faith......the motto of Northern Soul back in its day.things certainly seem to be taking a right direction for you n the family...thats pretty good scoring on the maths for your daughter..and the 5k coming up too....never say never..you are proving that one!!so well done..ermm any good at kitchen fitting and plastering?:happy2:
hia ppqp coffee time...actually it did go kinda something like that to start with!!fingers crossed they have now moved location!!kinda wears you down !!any plans for the weekend?guess you are at your dads?have a good one...
hiya SF....how are you today then?ok ?how comes its the maths teachers that are the fount of all the hassle?so the quiz was rubbish..maybe thats down to her to choose the appropriate material!!!sorry just had to do this!!
your post...
I got two emails from the Math teacher. First one stating that the entire class did poorly on a quiz and she was going to review the material and give them a second chance on the quiz. The second saying....after her reviewing the material and giving the kids another quiz.....the entire class did poorly again.then finally the last one stated.......:congratulatory

mornin to the other gangsters that havent made it here today..pie,Sam, Dee Tee Dee et al.
early doors for me in the morn ing..so wont be here for the off ..have a great day...
I saw Guardians of the Galaxy last night.
We were actually watching Captain America, but the wife had her sister over and I asked if I could have a piece of their chocolate.
I see that three 'explosive experts' have been fired by the Army, for smoking weed on duty.
Must have been one of their Bong Disposal Units.
The drink-drive limit in Scotland is to be lowered to 50mg in every 100ml of blood. So if you are drinking and driving, remember to have a glass of blood in between each drink. Safety First!
Although widely believed to thick as pigsh.t, Wayne Rooney actually managed to achieve straight A's at school. Problem was the B's were crooked and the C's were illegible.
The Metropolitan Police have issued cannabis scratch and sniff cards to make it easier for people to report marijuana farms.
So if you're looking for the grass in you're area it's the guy scratching his card and phoning the cops.
Being quite small I often go to the gym to try and build my muscle up, last night the instructor asked me if I would like any enhancements to make me look bigger.
"Yes, I would, " I told him. "
So he got me a box to stand on.
I have a job interview tomorrow, and I have to prove that I can work effectively as a team.
So I'm going with two of my friends.
A dying granny tells her granddaughter, "I want to leave you my farm. That includes the villa, the tractor and other equipment, the farmhouse and £22,398,750.78 in cash."
The granddaughter, about to be rich, says, "Oh my, granny, you are so generous. I didn't even know you had a farm. Where is it?"
With her last breath, her granny whispered, "Facebook....."
I saw a piece of chewing gum in the urinal today.
I thought, "That must have been really painful."