got a spark coming tonight ..price up for a wall fitted external extractor fan and other bits n not allowed to touch gas or leccy ,but she lets me play about with water??oh well.
right on we go then....tea n coffee available for all our clients :congratulatory:
evening again tt/pengy hows you tonight then??stroppy ...whats that all about ...nay lass not for one minute do I think you could be madam stroppy!!errm ok then mebbe!

hiya Lav ..hows you today then?bbt ....kid watching today ..or just the dogs?
hiya Pauly ,,how are you this fine day?hows Louie doing?you get yourself to the docs and find out whats up mate..
SL...hows you today then ?feeling any better..if you need a good cry have one..2 way win that is ...a means of releasing pressure and frustration..but will also help the drought problem in Californeeiay hang in there .....and as for unloading the problems on here ...errrmmm thats part of why we are such a tight knit wee group..its not only about al directly ..but the ancillary issues that contribute to it ..yes there is light at the end of the tunnel...its not some bugger with a torch bringing more probs!!!as for the school helping you ...take it you didnt seriously expect them to help you ..its you and the kids n the tutor...but hey YOU CAN DO have already done wonders...
hiya ppqp...hows you this fine day...what you dont want the finance hat too?one person show then!!so you have got a biggy audit coming up?bet your"book keepers bum is nipping!!"so the garden is starting to get put to bed for the winter...oh well..mebbe thats what we should do ...hibernate for the winter!!well heres your pre winter brew...
hiya Sam....had trubbel seeing that pic ..but it certainly looks good..jealous mate ..wish I had the ground to put one of them up ..Id never be in the house!!
hiya Sunflower...glad to hear that you are feeling a lot better...dont know much about meds ...dont take I aint got a clue what amoryn far as sugar and carbs go ..hmm at the mo Im going through a bit of an iffy time at the mo...not been exercising really,injuries and just pigging out on sweets /ice cream a lot on at the mo....but will get back into it properly by the end of this month....
right folky wokies..time to have a good day..and take it easy.....madsmile day when youre feeling down ...just grin ..not girn !!!
A policeman pulled me over and said,
"Do you know why I pulled you over?"
I said, "Because you wanted to see how tall I am?"
"Step out of the car, sir." he ordered.
I said, "See, I told you.
Is it just me, or is Kim Jong Un just a top hat and a monocle away from being a Batman villain?
My girlfriend said that since we have started dating she has gained 6 pounds.
Which is strange because I have lost fecking hundreds.
Usually, throwing money at a problem will solve it.
However, if your problem is a fire, it'll probably make it worse.
I've noticed there are some guys who don't like it if you strike up a conversation whilst standing next to them at the urinals.
Apparently I should be having a pee as well.
I was walking down the street when I spotted a sign in the back of a car that read "Child on board".
Imagine my surprise when I looked through the window and saw a 4 year old nailed to a piece of 8 x 4 foot piece of plywood
A lorry load of flour has been shed on the M4 near Swindon.
Police have called in Paul Hollywood and Mary Berry to see what they make of it.
"You went to lunch 3 hours ago!" said my boss. "Where the hell have you been?"
"Sorry," I replied, "I got stuck behind a lady trying to choose a sandwich."
I said to my wife, "I know you're worried about losing your looks, so try this beauty treatment." Handing her a carrier.
She opened it and said, "There's nothing in it."
I said, "I know, just pop the bag over your head."
According to the questionnaire I took on Facebook, I don't have a psychopathic personality.
Cheeky gits. I'll kill them all.
A friend gave some advice a few months back, "Look mate, I'm telling you - wireless is the future. Make anything wireless that wasn't before and you'll be minted!"
I should never have listened - my Wireless Puppet Emporium went bust in only days.