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Thursday 30th? Oct

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    Thursday 30th? Oct

    mae all are we this fine day then?all ok..??well had a check this morning ..few ants jotting about ..hopefully they are waifs and strays that have escaped up to press..not much longer...Long talk with the kitchen fitter last night..finalised now starts for a week solid 24th this month..few mods to the original design..complete worktop is made of solid oak....£900 for that on its own ..couldve bought a forest for that!!integrated bin ,fridge etc...all units made of reclaimed pine,with shaker style doors painted and wax finished in delft blue ,belfast sink with antique taps etc etc etc.
    got a spark coming tonight ..price up for a wall fitted external extractor fan and other bits n not allowed to touch gas or leccy ,but she lets me play about with water??oh well.

    right on we go then....tea n coffee available for all our clients :congratulatory:

    evening again tt/pengy hows you tonight then??stroppy ...whats that all about ...nay lass not for one minute do I think you could be madam stroppy!!errm ok then mebbe!have a good to the tea and whipping go this morning??:congratulatory:

    hiya Lav ..hows you today then?bbt ....kid watching today ..or just the dogs?

    hiya Pauly ,,how are you this fine day?hows Louie doing?you get yourself to the docs and find out whats up mate..

    SL...hows you today then ?feeling any better..if you need a good cry have one..2 way win that is ...a means of releasing pressure and frustration..but will also help the drought problem in Californeeiay hang in there .....and as for unloading the problems on here ...errrmmm thats part of why we are such a tight knit wee group..its not only about al directly ..but the ancillary issues that contribute to it ..yes there is light at the end of the tunnel...its not some bugger with a torch bringing more probs!!!as for the school helping you ...take it you didnt seriously expect them to help you ..its you and the kids n the tutor...but hey YOU CAN DO have already done wonders...

    hiya ppqp...hows you this fine day...what you dont want the finance hat too?one person show then!!so you have got a biggy audit coming up?bet your"book keepers bum is nipping!!"so the garden is starting to get put to bed for the winter...oh well..mebbe thats what we should do ...hibernate for the winter!!well heres your pre winter brew...

    hiya Sam....had trubbel seeing that pic ..but it certainly looks good..jealous mate ..wish I had the ground to put one of them up ..Id never be in the house!!

    hiya Sunflower...glad to hear that you are feeling a lot better...dont know much about meds ...dont take I aint got a clue what amoryn far as sugar and carbs go ..hmm at the mo Im going through a bit of an iffy time at the mo...not been exercising really,injuries and just pigging out on sweets /ice cream a lot on at the mo....but will get back into it properly by the end of this month....

    right folky wokies..time to have a good day..and take it easy.....madsmile day when youre feeling down ...just grin ..not girn !!!

    A policeman pulled me over and said,

    "Do you know why I pulled you over?"

    I said, "Because you wanted to see how tall I am?"

    "Step out of the car, sir." he ordered.

    I said, "See, I told you.

    Is it just me, or is Kim Jong Un just a top hat and a monocle away from being a Batman villain?

    My girlfriend said that since we have started dating she has gained 6 pounds.

    Which is strange because I have lost fecking hundreds.

    Usually, throwing money at a problem will solve it.

    However, if your problem is a fire, it'll probably make it worse.

    I've noticed there are some guys who don't like it if you strike up a conversation whilst standing next to them at the urinals.

    Apparently I should be having a pee as well.

    I was walking down the street when I spotted a sign in the back of a car that read "Child on board".

    Imagine my surprise when I looked through the window and saw a 4 year old nailed to a piece of 8 x 4 foot piece of plywood

    A lorry load of flour has been shed on the M4 near Swindon.
    Police have called in Paul Hollywood and Mary Berry to see what they make of it.

    "You went to lunch 3 hours ago!" said my boss. "Where the hell have you been?"

    "Sorry," I replied, "I got stuck behind a lady trying to choose a sandwich."

    I said to my wife, "I know you're worried about losing your looks, so try this beauty treatment." Handing her a carrier.

    She opened it and said, "There's nothing in it."

    I said, "I know, just pop the bag over your head."

    According to the questionnaire I took on Facebook, I don't have a psychopathic personality.

    Cheeky gits. I'll kill them all.

    A friend gave some advice a few months back, "Look mate, I'm telling you - wireless is the future. Make anything wireless that wasn't before and you'll be minted!"

    I should never have listened - my Wireless Puppet Emporium went bust in only days.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Good morning Abbers & happy Thursday to all

    It really is the 30th today Mick
    Glad to hear you are not playing with potentially dangerous substances like gas & electricity!!! That stuff just makes me nervous! Your kitchen plan sounds quite nice!

    SF, glad to hear you are feeling better since starting the Amoryn. It really is a good product & it certainly does the trick for me. SL, think about giving it a try as well. It's safe & will cause no harm & just may help you out too!

    Sam, great picture
    I see those structures going up everywhere around here. The Amish are very fond of them too 'high tunnels'. I can't wait to see what they manage to produce for the CSA that starts Nov 7 - I'm signed up

    Greetings PQ, are you freezing up there yet? The cold air is due to arrive here Sunday!

    Hello to TT, Pauly, Det & everyone stopping by today.
    I'm going to get some work done today then make a big pot of mushroom soup this afternoon - yum. No kid watching today as far as I know.

    Have a great AF Thursday everyone!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Mae everybody,kitchen remodel sounds fancy Mick,i always start a"project"on the house but then never finish itexcept one time in our other house i wanted dark brown walls,like a choco color,i loved it but everyone else said they felt like they were in a cave,i guess that color should've just been used on an accent wall,SF,glad the Amoryn is helping:welldone:i know it has some b-vits also so that's good,SL,you should try it,especially with all that's going on,may take the edge off things,Sam,seems like all the pics here show up small,but looks like progress,i'm so dissapointed that the catholic church across the street didn't have there harvest fest this year:exclaim:we always go,they have food booths,games,craft sale,bake sale and a d.j set up,but not this year which sux cuz i wanted to take Louje,Kell took him and his cousin to a csrnival last week,but he was too short to ride anything,oh well,he'll grow haha,hi Lav,Det and PPQP,and everyone reading,let's have a good Thursday
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        Howdy - here and still kicking - was a bit of a nag this morning and that makes a poor start to the day. Hoping that the light is at the end of the tunnel, and hope it comes close.
        pay day tomorrow so will push the send order on Amazon...
        Just saying hello, not any more to offer today - be good all
        “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


          Hi all, alive and kicking but drowning in work. Friday morning here. Glad your meds have arrived SF and sorry SL about the school. That sucks. Good thing that you have invested money and energy in the private tutoring.Hi there all others - off to work now.


            Yes....I waited forever to try the Amoryn and now I have no idea what took me so long. I was up reading until 1a last night....up at 6a.....and thought what the hell.....and got on the stair master for the hell of it! And then even made the breakfast smoothie for breakfast that I have been meaning to make for about 6 months.....and skipped my regular carb breakfast. Hit up a yoga class, working lunch, met a friend for tea, working all afternoon....and now off to meet a client.

            I just feel good, clear, alert, relaxed.....not saying everyday will be this productive. I think you don't really realize how crappy/stressed you were feeling until you get on the other side of it....and then you realize OMG....I really was feeling like shit!

            Hello to everyone....


              Hey SF - it's really good when you don't feel like shit, LOL!!!!
              You really don't get the full effect of the Amoryn for a few weeks but you're off to a great start. If you are taking two caps/day, be sure you take the second one in the afternoon so it doesn't keep you up at night

              SL, glad you checked in & that you are OK.

              Pauly, sorry you missed the harvest festival - they are a lot of fun.

              Hello to PQ & anyone yet to check in today!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Hi - had to take long way home today because of a wreck, and I noticed every place to buy alcohol. Was not a huge pull, but awareness that I was aware - so on guard.
                Pushed the checkout button on Amazon - want to feel happy and energetic again...SF - you sound great.

                Pauly - I found that if I clicked on the pictures they go large, then click to go back to thread - it is nice to be able to see what people are posting and my eyes can no longer see the little stuff!

                Lav - a CSA nearby, lucky you! The ones I find are closed by the time I find them, there just does not seem to be the customers for them...
                “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                  I like UR saying an UR sense of humor..

                  I support sobriety...anywhere anyway !

                  Life is a Gift!
                  "Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never, never -- in nothing, great or small, large or petty -- never give in, except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to force. Never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy. " by Winston Churchill .


                    In the US ITS Thursday..

                    I support sobriety anywhere, any time, any way it's achieved !

                    Life is a Gift!
                    "Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never, never -- in nothing, great or small, large or petty -- never give in, except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to force. Never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy. " by Winston Churchill .


                      hidy ho ABerooos!

                      Mick, what an undertaking, looking forward to seeing the pictures.

                      Lav, 'shroom soup sounds perfect for this coldish weather

                      my life is upside down and backwards with the home inspections etc...people all through the house which we are not accustomed to.
                      still haven't found a new place and time is ticking.....eeeeeek! at least I'm strong in my AFness and maintaining exercise

                      Sun, sounding good! I like to have my carbs in the evening as i feel better through the day and sleep better.

                      shouts to TTops, PPQ, Pauly, Sam, Shades, Scottish and anyone I'm forgetting

                      be well
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)

