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Nippy November

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    Good morning friends,

    Yep, it's a nippy 28 degrees! How did that happen??
    The sun is shining so I won't complain

    Star, sorry you were sick. I hope you regain your full energy today!
    The older we get the harder it is to bounce back after those insults. I ran across an interesting blog that you may like:
    Clean Eating Recipes from Clean Cuisine are a perfect way to enjoy fresh, clean recipes that are full of whole foods and nutrients.

    I'm always on the lookout for new ideas

    Greetings to Dill, Cyn, Papmom, Fly, etc
    I hope everyone has an awesome AF Saturday!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Hello AF crew,

      What a nice Saturday this has been. Lots of sunshine and a good long walk with Mr. D and a friend. Then we had a smorgasboard of culinary delights that we picked up at the bulk food store. YUM!

      Star, so sorry you were ill. I hope you have fully recovered. I wonder if you picked up a virus when you were at your conference? Yes, I am enjoying my retirement this year.

      Cyntree, is your girl dog improving? I sure hope so. Enjoy your time with Mr. Tree and SD.

      Lav, yet another interesting link!!

      Looks like it's going to be too cloudy to see the moon tonight but did any of you get to see it last night? It was beautiful! Have a peaceful AF night.

      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


        Good morning...

        Lav, I have been reading that link you sent and it is wonderful. I know alot of that stuff but it is amazing to me how right they are. For instance, the week of Halloween, I ate a bunch of sugar, candy, etc., and my eczema came back with a vengeance. Then, at the conference, we stopped for fast food twice, and I think that is what made me sick on Thursday. I cannot eat junk food and processed food anymore. I feel better with veggies, fruits, and clean eggs and fowl/fish. I have been making my own salad dressing. When I do I feel better, it is unbelievable. I love that site, lots of interesting links on there.

        Dill, nice to hear you had a lovely Saturday. I did too, just by myself. Never made it to the library, and won't today either. Maybe after work this week.

        Cyn, I wouldn't leave my sick doggy either, I totally understand. Very sweet of you.

        Pap, hope you are having a great weekend. The only problem is they are too short.

        Have a great Sunday.


          Good morning friends,

          Chilly but clear this morning! I know the frigid air will be here later in the week so I want to be outside as much as possible until then. I have to figure out what to do to protect my new raised garden beds over the winter. I grew some awesome veggies in them this summer

          Dill & Star, glad you liked the Clean Cuisine blog!
          It is nice to see everything you need in one convenient place, LOL
          Food allergies/intolerances are on the rise across the country - it's not just us suffering. I really need chemical free food - end of story!!!! We went to pick up the first week of our winter CSA yesterday from my favorite Amish farmer. The 5+ pound cabbage with beautiful large leaves will be turned into Polish style stuffed cabbage (Galumpki) today - yay!!!!
          I make them in a healthier fashion (less fat & less salt) these days but still so good

          Greetings Cyn & Papmom, hope you are well!

          Have a great AF Sunday everyone.
          I'm happy dancing as today marks 2000 smoke free days for me - yay!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Good morning MWO and Abbers!!
            Sorry for the MIA but time gets away from me these days.
            Lav-glad the root canal went as well as one of those can. I’ve never had one but I also haven’t been to the dentist in 4 years so no telling what they will find. I don’t feel like anything is super wrong at the moment.
            I saved your meatloaf recipe-anything low sodium I’m on like a dog on a bone!! LM isn’t the only one around here that should get home cooked meals LOL!! I will use turkey tho.
            Dill-I LOVED your description and pics of your GD playing in the dirt with the dog. Precious! I would love to have a day to just sew or crochet. I would also like to try making my own bread. I have all the ingredients, just haven’t done it.
            Do you have a fairly easy crochet pattern for a head covering/scarf that works up fast? I hope to hit Ravelry soon.
            Tree-I’m so sorry girl dog is going through such a bad time. I feel for you and totally get it. I hope this is just a temporary setback and that your research will aid in slowing the progression of the cancer and that the infection clears quickly.
            Star-glad you had a great time at the conference and that you found some yoga classes you like. Nice! So sorry you got sick tho-hope you are feeling better and your sleep cycle is back on track.
            RE: butternut squash-the markets do carry already peeled and cut squash. That’s my kind of prep LOL!!
            Its been a roller coaster at work. My boss is at her wits end and now the 2 offenders have formally filed a joint grievance against her. It has no merit but its just one more thing to worry about. The good news is HR is totally supporting her but she is soooo tired. I am too. I thought I was going to change my life for the better when I had the Heart attack but I just sink deeper into unhappiness and discontent and can’t seem to get out.
            There is a job opening for my same position at the school across the street from me. Timing couldn’t be better or worse. I’m still waiting to hear that the UMass job is open but that won’t be until May/June. This new position includes major supervisory duties but also some yucky responsibilities (class scheduling, room assignments = boring!). I like the supervisor-she ‘s a petite dynamo and as far as I know is confident and lacking ego. The commute would be optimal but then if the Umass job opens 6 months later, what do I do? Argghhhh!!
            LM is doing well, all the dogs are. I’m entered into a trial on the 23rd in NH. Sent my wall hanging off to my agility friend who lost her dog this summer and who also just got dx’d with breast cancer (sniff). She’s in good spirits tho. Surgery most likely the week of the 16th. They found it early.
            Agility trial this morning to cheer on a friend, dinner with family, work tomorrow and a day off for Veteren’s day on Tuesday. Should have asked for tomorrow off!

            Have a great day everyone!
            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

            KO the Beast!!


              Good morning all...

              Lav, pigs in a blanket? Is that a another name for that recipe? I am half Eastern European and love the food from that part of the world. It is fun to cook. We made a new recipe with cod and an avocado/cilantro side. It was sooo good. I made crock pot soup for the week, wich is good because by Thursday the weather is supposed to drop by 30 degrees. Brrrrrrr.

              Pap, life just brings us one thing after another, right? I hope you find a job where you feel comfortable, respected and useful. It has to feel good to be in good shape. That is one thing the heart attack gave you, or you gave yourself. I also think this time of year is tough, with cold weather, darkness and holiday duties weighing on us. Wishing you a good week.

              Work this week and focusing on eating healthy to feel better and lose a few pounds, to again feel more comfortable. Have a good Monday.


                Congrats Lav on your 2000 days! That is wonderful! I'm sure you feel so much healthier today because of all your lifestyle changes. What a a gift we give ourselves. Oh, and I love stuffed cabbage!

                Star, What Eastern European country? Are you half Romanian? I'm part Irish, English and a little from France.

                Pmom, I say the timing is awkward but you should try for the job. There are no guarantees you'll get it, but it's always good to generate opportunities. Also, if you do happen to get the offer, you should seriously consider it. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, as they say. There's no guarantee you'll get the other job, is there? I suppose if you are absolutely certain it's your, that's another matter. But if it isn't absolutely yours I think it's best to explore all options. I don't have a pattern for a head scarf but there are tons of free patterns on the internet. If I come across a good one, I'll give you the link.

                Speaking of links, have any of you heard of the poppy installation at the Tower of London commemorating the British soldiers who died in WWI? It's breath-taking:

                Greetings Cyn, I hope all is well in your corner of the world.
                Last edited by dill; November 10, 2014, 07:41 AM.

                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                  Morning all - wow Star and Dill, you are up early! Last night was the first night of no getting up and dealing with gastric-distressed dog, hallelujah. But my body is so used to waking up at 4 AM, it did it anyway - oh well, I'm sure eventually the household will get back to normal. Girl dog is getting stronger - even played with a toy briefly yesterday. She misses HB so much when he's gone - it was great that he was here. Star, glad to hear that you are feeling better.

                  Made a few business decisions over the weekend to help myself focus on my own goals and give my to my business plan instead of other people's goals. Not a great financial decision, but I think I have to do it for my spirit...stay tuned.


                  Thanks for the food link, I'll check it out. In doing all the research for a canine-anti-cancer diet, I'm remembering more and more that it really is what we put inside ourselves that is crucial, and managing stress. Total cause and effect!

                  Have a nutritious, happy, AF day all. And remember to breathe...


                    Hello friends,

                    What a rough 24 hours.

                    Sadly, last night my BIL decided to take his own life, in his garage. We are (were) neighbors.
                    He had lived with profound depression since his 18 year old son died in an AL related accident back in 2003. And yes, the choice he made to end his suffering was fueled by a day of hard drinking with a 'friend'.
                    He leaves a wife, a daughter & two very young grandchildren. This is the choice he made for himself. The rest of us are left to cope. Yet another example of how AL kills & kills again :sad:
                    It was very sad to watch YB have to go deal with the police & medic units & deal with the county coroner. That was his younger brother after all.

                    Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night! Be kind to yourselves & loved ones!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      OH Lav, I'm so sorry to hear this news. How profoundly sad for all of you left behind. Please give YB a hug from me and take one for yourself. He's lucky he has you by his side right now. Words are not good enough right now. Wish I could be there to give you a real hug. :heartbeat:
                      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                      KO the Beast!!


                        Lav, I am so sorry to hear that your BIL is gone and in such a sad way. Take care of yourself and YB, it will be a difficult few weeks to months. I know that alot of suicides are completed when people have been drinking. We know why. Nevertheless, everyone else is left to pick up the pieces, and it is so hard. Yesterday I meant to include congrats onstaying NF for 2000 days, you are a warrior.

                        Dill, I checked out that website and it was beautiful. Wish I had the money and time to go to England. Thanks for sharing that link. Speaking of links, I am on my second Julia Child book and decided to go to you tube and explore. I was able to watch a few of her earlier cooking shows and it was really cool. You asked about ethnicity: Slovak. Grew up around Polish, Hungarian, Slovak, people and their awesome cooking. It's funny,my daughter made some cabbage and kielbasa soup and I reminded her of her heritage. Are you of any Eastern European descent?

                        Cyn, soooo glad to hear your doggie is better. I totally understand about making financial decisions that put self care at the forefront. Quality of life is so important to me right now. Money is too of course, but without self care that extra money will go to doctors and medicines. So, what is the point?

                        It is supposed to get old here later today, then highs in the 30s and lows in the 20s and maybe even teens. Yuck,and no garage too. Oh, well, soups and stews will be on the menu. Have a great day.


                          Hello Papmom, have a good day.


                            Oh Lav, what a heartbreak. I know that you knew about his depression, but this is just terrible. I'm sure it's taking a huge toll on YB, and he doesn't have the resilience that you have so carefully built into your own life over these last few years. Bless you for all of your hard work on yourself - you may have to be a rock for those around you for awhile; as you always are for your entire family. I'm sorry for you to have to carry this burden.

                            Sending you tons of energy and love and light - :hug::hug::heartbeat:


                              Lav,:hug::hug:, I'll be keeping you and YB in my thoughts and prayers. You all must be in shock.

                              Cyn, Pap, Star, af greetings to you all. I'm sorry this is short but I ended up with granddaughter again today and have been really busy. I am thinking of you all though, even if I haven't had time to post! I'll try t do better tomorrow.

                              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                                Greetings friends,

                                Thanks to all of you for your love & words of support.
                                This certainly is a difficult situation but I am fine, just dealing with a huge tension headache.
                                I'm finding out that I am not the only one feeling deep anger towards my BIL. 'Selfish' is one word I keep hearing over & over. Yeah, this was the ultimate act of selfishness. There is no point in staying angry with him, I realize that & I hope everyone can let go of the anger as soon as possible.

                                My daughter & granddaughter spent the afternoon here & provided lots of distraction
                                Life is short, we should enjoy every second we have together.

                                Wishing everyone a good night!
                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

