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Nippy November

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    Good morning friends & happy Friday too.
    Chilly but sunny here

    Wishing you a wonderful day & the best of luck for your interview:applouse:

    Star, I have to say that the internet & the ability to connect with people by email & social media has been a huge blessing for me. I really would feel a lot more isolated without the ability to reach out that way. Friends & family that are spread across this large country feel a bit closer

    Cyn, I hope you are feel 100% better now. No fun being sick!

    Dill, you are a brave one facing wind chills to get your walk done, good for you!

    My daughter tells me they put an offer in for the old house so we'll see what happens

    Wishing everyone a great AF day. I'm heading back to Curves - 3 days in a row, LOL

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Happy Birthday, dear Papmom! I sure hope you had a wonderful day and that your interview went well, too. For you:

      Cyn, I'm not really so amazing getting out for a walk in the blustery weather. Truth be told I was dragged kicking and screaming by Mr. Dill! LOL! But in the end, I was most grateful to him. Speaking of gratitude, I have been grateful to be able to enjoy so many recent beautiful sunset displays with clear eyes and mind, and so many sunrise displays unhung over! Hallelujah! The cold air has been so crisp and the light silhouetting the trees and and playing off the snow on the ground has been a gift.

      Hello Lav, hope your day went well. Fingers crossed for your daughter! I know it's pins and needles waiting for that response!

      Star, Very interesting about Bronson Alcott. I did not know that. I of course read Little Women when I was a girl and absolutely loved that book. I am going to start a book written by J.K. Rowling (Harry Potter series as I'm sure you know). It is her first foray into adult fiction and it is a detective novel called, The Cuckoo's Calling.

      Have a great AF weekend everyone.
      Last edited by dill; November 21, 2014, 05:55 PM.

      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


        Yikes! Birthday and interview are on Monday!! So sorry I confused everyone! But love the early B-day wishes. Now I get more!!
        Another freaking cold day here! I want to be in FLA right now!!

        Today was OK. Had a nice lunch out with boss and direct report. Just glad this week is over. Looking forward to the demo tomorrow and lunch with my friend and the agility trial on Sunday. THEN the interview LOL!!

        Cyn-happy to hear you are feeling a bit better. Hope the dogs are keeping you warm! I don't envy you the helping girl dog up the stairs in the dark and cold. You are a great furmom!!

        I dragged myself to the gym out of necessity tonite. Kind of splurged at lunch! Did one set of my weight training and 2.26 miles on the treadmill. Just walked tho-it's been tearing up my knee lately. Hate the treadmill now-can't wait until spring when I can get outside again!!

        OK, I've got an early day tomorrow. Over an hour drive and I have to be there by 8:45. Yuck. On Sunday it's the same drive time but have to be there at 7:30. Why do i do this to myself!!
        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

        KO the Beast!!


          thanks for the birthday song Dill! Very cute!!
          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

          KO the Beast!!


            Good morning friends,

            21 degrees but sunny here
            Doing my very best to ignore it & do what I have to do, LOL

            Papmom, I hope your weekend goes well & I hope your Monday birthday is a good one, Ha Ha!
            I wish I could make friends with my treadmill. It's a good one but I have never found a way to deal with the ankle pain & mind numbing boredom it causes me! What is wrong with me anyway???

            Greetings Dill, Star & Cyn - hope everyone is OK!

            Nothing special on my day plan, will take whatever comes!
            Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Saturday!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Hello all -

              Dill, you are so right about the light -- I have been noticing amazing passing moments of light and colors, sky, clouds, light reflected. I agree, we are blessed with seeing it all clearly. Glad you have woods that you can walk in. My osteopath says that it is that kind of walking that our bodies are meant to do - even slight variations in incline and dips keeps the body in better balance, with a 'fluid' pelvis (whatever that is!). Apparently in Bali, they make the sidewalks with steps up and down to preserve that same affect! I'm hoping that I can get out and do some winter hiking, especially before too much snow comes - no ticks to worry about!

              Lav - thanks for your wishes, I am getting back slowly. Hope all goes well with your daughter.Wow - Curves 3 days in a row - how are is the craft show going?

              Star - everything will work out. It's hard when life is set up one way, and then it changes. You're rolling with it! Have fun with the rec center, and don't worry about another move until you have to...

              Pap - good luck and have fun this weekend. Sorry, I think I was the one that jumped the gun on your Bday! But you can carry those good wishes with you on Monday.

              Well, off to get ready for SD and dog and HB to arrive. That is always interesting - going from 'just us' dogs and 1 human to a houseful of hi-energy...I'm not going to knock myself out for them this weekend, they'll just have to deal!

              Happy Saturday, all -


                Hey Cyn, I hope they wait on you for a change! Enjoy your houseful
                Glad you are healing - don't overdo now!

                My daughter texted me this afternoon & apparently the seller(s) have accepted their offer. I hope & pray that this is the right house for them - I still worry about stuff like that (just a little)
                They probably won't be making settlement until the end of January so there's some breathing time & the holidays first LOL.
                This house is only about 1 block away from the rental they have been in for the past two years.

                I hope everyone has a nice night!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Good morning...

                  Didn't check in yesterday cause I just relaxed yesterday morning. I missed yoga and finally started to take care of business around noon. It felt good, I accomplished what I needed too. Slept really well and woke up early this morning. Whew hew, feels so good to be able to relax. Simple meal tonight, chili.

                  Lav, exciting for your daughter and sil to buy their first house. In their same neighborhood which is good...they know they like it. We are looking at a house today, not sure of the area. We'll see. I too love social media, it makes it so much easier to connect more often. Looking forward to a short week, and I am not in charge of Thanksgiving for the first time in many years. I am so OK with that...just helping cook, but no shopping, this change I am liking!!!!

                  Dill, finished my second book on Louisa May Alcott and her mother. So interesting. Still think her father was a lazy irresponsible jerk, to put it mildly. Trancendentalists remind me of the hippies in a way. Head in the clouds and let everyone else do the work. Emerson was not like Alcott though, so I am generalizing. Anyway, let me know how you like Rowlings new book. I too forced myself to walk a ways this week outside when in it was cold out. It felt good, I was bundled up, there is a raw beauty in the harsh cold winter weather. Are you cooking for Thanksgiving?

                  Pap, will continue to send you positive thoughts re: job interview and birthday. I think you like to be busy, need the money, and like your part-time job alot as you are kind of your own boss and get to interact with people. The trick is to find balance, and that is hard working two jobs. I have never liked the treadmill either.

                  Cyn, glad to hear you are getting better, hope your weekend is going well. The colors have been spectacular, I have noticed the sunrises lately. Each season has its beauty, and I do like the change of seasons.

                  Off to drink more coffee. Have a great day.


                    Lav, that's very exciting news about your daughter! I know you worry, as a mother, but you might as well not. You have no control over the situation and it will be such an adventure for them. What will be, will be, eh?

                    Cyn, interesting about the 'fluid pelvis' and the sidewalks in Bali. I had read something years ago about walking on natural ground being the best too, but for the life of me I can't remember now the why of it. I think I shall google that subject today if I get time.

                    Star, I will let you know about the book. So far I can say this much. Her descriptive writing is good, just as it is in the Potter books. I am waiting to see how the plot develops. I didn't know Alcott was a Transcendentalist. I supppose his character was what it was tho and he fashioned Transcendetalism to suit his poor ways. Yes, I am cookin for Thanksgiving. I envy you! If I lived near my daughter I'd probably get to play a lesser role, but I live near a son who has no wife, so.....

                    Papmom, I'll have to find another birthday song for you for tomorrow! LOL! Good luck on the interview tomorrow.

                    We're in for some rain later and high winds. I really hate strong winds! Supposed to get up to 35MPH!

                    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                      Good morning friends!

                      Better rain than snow Dill, right?
                      We always seem to have a lot of wind around here which explains the frequent power outages. The electric company has been working in the area continuously since last winter trimming trees & installing new utility poles. Hoping for a better winter - electric-wise
                      The reason I am concerned about my daughter & SIL buying this house is from experience. I know how much time, effort & money it takes to fix these places. They are just recovering from a huge financial setback when they had to close their business several years ago. They did own a house before they opened their business but used it as collateral for their business loan. That was a very hard lesson for them but they got through.

                      Thanksgiving may not happen here after all but I'm OK with that. I knew my daughter planned to go to her in-laws this year. My DIL asked if they could come here, I said yes & made plans. Now she says they just want to stay home - wtf? I swear she has major mood swings every holiday season, the pattern is clear. I'm just going to let it go. I'll be happy not working my butt off in the kitchen all day!!!!

                      Greetings to Star, Papmom & Cyn! I hope everyone has a nice AF Sunday!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Good morning...

                        Wow, Lav, wtf is right, but your attitude to let it be is the only way to be if you want relationship. Are you and YB invited over? Or is it just solo this year. My husband and I have had Thanksgiving alone before, and had lots of food, relaxed, watched football, and it was OK. It really was. Plus, tons of left overs. I will have none this year, but the next weekend my daughter is doing turkey all over again as more family is coming and want turkey. I am helping with that too so I will have my fill of turkey. We thought of having a different theme for Christmas, like Italian food or something, for a change and for fun. We'll see. But AF will make it calm, fun, and memorable. They always have wine and beer but nobody has more than one glass, maybe two. So, listen to this mocktail I may make. Cut up a little apple, one slice lemon, crush it up, add to a martini shaker with ice and apple cider. Shake. I saw it on TV and thought it looked really good and festive. Just an idea.

                        Dill, I never minded cooking on Thanksgiving, I love dressing and all the sides too. I always bought pies, loved all the leftovers. This year is different for me, as everything is different for me. Yesterday we looked at a house, (not the right one) and then went to an art museum. It was so great, I loved it and we only explored part of one floor. So, hopefully this winter we will go back. Also finally made it to the rec centre and walked over thirty minutes. So, finally making positive changes. I was just thinking how different this fall is for you, and more positive. Started reading a book about Jane Adams. Really good.

                        Hello to Cyn and Pap. Short week for us who work outside and inside the home.


                          Good morning friends,

                          Rain overnight & now soaring temps - it's 63 degrees right now! Crazy!!!
                          Everyone will probably end up getting sick this week.

                          Star, we received no invitation from son & DIL. I don't know what is going on there, I'm just minding my own business. I did receive a text message last evening asking if I can watch the boys after school & this evening. Good thing I have no life, LOL
                          Take your time looking for your new house. Lots of people wait until after the holidays to put their houses on the market anyway.

                          I need to get myself to Curves & also breakdown the craft show table. I did pick up a few nice little gifts for the girls.

                          Hello to Dill & Cyn!
                          HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAPMOM & good luck with your interview today as well

                          Have a great AF Monday everyone!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Its finally here!! I panicked a little when I couldn't get my internet to work last nite and couldn't download the parking pass or job description. Fixed it this morning and all is well. If it were nice out I would walk but it's a monsoon out there so I will drive the eighth of a mile and park outside the building LOL!!
                            I had a very nice weekend but ate way too much! My demo on Saturday was great-not too slow and lunch with my bud was awesome. We both had the autumn salad which was superb. Plum spiced chicken, dried cranberries, pecans, blue cheese (would have preferred feta), pumpkin seeds and the most amazing pumpkin crouton!! The apple cider vinaigrette was very nice-creamy- but I opted for ranch per usual. We stay 2 hours and got totally caught up. Then I stopped at a few plazas to look for a suit. Struck out big time but managed to put something together from the clothes my sis gave me. It will be fine.

                            Yesterday was a super fun day at the agility trial. got to see my friend newly diagnosed with breast cancer-I didn't think she would be there. The club that put on the trial got together and made a very moving tribute to her-great big pink cardboard that everyone signed and a pic of one of her dogs doing the most amazing move on a jump anyone has ever seen-I remember that pic when she posted it last year and it is hilarious. They also found 3 wonderful pics of 2 of her dogs (not the one that passed in August) on FB and had them framed. It was so touching and she handled it with such grace and humor. Plus she brought her new puppy who is even cuter in person if that is possible! I hope she went home with Levon-he was being passed around so much it would have been easy to sneak off with him LOL!! I had 2 other friends there so it was a great gab fest and something I have been missing for a long time! DD and I went 2 for 4 in Qs but there were so many little victories throughout the day it was a total success. I think I need to do a trial a month if I can afford it!! Got home around 6 and pretty much went to bed (got up at 4:30!!). Tried to sleep but couldn't so had a very light dinner to offset the cake and snacks I indulged in all day, took care of the pups and settled in for a night of TV watching (internet was acting up so shut the computer down). Now it MONDAY!!!

                            Star-I'm kind of glad that house wasn't for you! Get through the holidays OK? good for you for finding the art museum and getting to the rec center. Both will give you lots of pleasure during this dark winter.

                            Dill-I hope you have a great thanksgiving with all the little ones. It will be such a thankful day won't it? Keep going for those walks!

                            Cyn-no need to do anything special for your family. I agree-they can wait on you for a change!! Stay dry and warm today!!

                            Lav-what is going on with your DIL??? Hope she changes her mood/mind this week and you can YB can spend time with them but if not, enjoy a quiet day of doing whatever you want to!! Is Longwood gardens open on Thanksgiving? probably not but you never know!

                            Have a great day everyone and I'll check in tonite and let you know how the interview went!!
                            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                            KO the Beast!!


                              X=post Pap - Happy Birthday!!! Sending you good vibes for the interview ---

                              Wow Lav, I ditto Star re: Thxgiving plans. Hmmm, maybe you'll be able to change your mind suddenly about taking care of the kids someday?! It will be just 3 of us here this year - snowstorm predicted for Wed, so we'll see when DIL can make it from her town. I also agree - it's OK not to slave all day for a meal that lasts 30 minutes!

                              Star - good for you! Walks, and and art museums, wow. So glad you've gotten some good rest. Some change is good I think to shake things up. Since I am still not able to eat a lot at one time, and am cooking all the time for the dogs and for me, I gave SD and HB fair warning that their food this weekend would be their responsibility. Sat night was takeout (or course), and Sunday breakfast/brunch didn't happen, since I wouldn't/didn't make Swedish pancakes (their favorite). I never know what SD wants to or can eat nowadays, and am tired of trying to second-guess, and HB is picky anyway, so this might be the wave of the future! I'm a caretaker, but sometimes enough is enough.

                              Dill - I forgot to mention awhile back that I was so very touched at your taking your son out on Veteran's Day to honor him. What an incredibly thoughtful gift. I think honoring the people in our lives doesn't happen enough - I'm going to try to fold that into the Gratitude work. Thanks for the example!

                              60, blowing like crazy and raining this morning. Supposed to clear up


                                Hello All, just a quick check in for me. The grandkids spent the night last night and have been here all day so I haven't had a moment to myself until now!

                                Star, I am thoroughly enjoying listening to the Rowling book, The Cuckoo's Calling. It's worth a read if you are interested in a detective novel. Your mocktail sounds quite nice and refreshing, I must say!

                                Cyn, I hear you on letting go of the total caretaker role. I have been letting go some along those lines myself. I hope you get your energy levels back soon. Sounds like that bug really took a lot out of you!

                                Papmom, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! How did your interview go?

                                Lav, sounds to me like you are being pragmatic re: your DIL. No sense getting worked up.

                                Gotta go help Mr. D get some firewood. Have a peaceful AF evening.

                                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

